PTF MH01133 HMC V7R320 Service Pack 1 security fix HMC V7R3.2.0 Service Pack 1 (MH01084) and MH01101 must be installed before installing this fix. You can also reference this package by APAR MB02482. Fixes This package includes the following fixes: * Fix to correct RMC daemon's crash/hang. * Fix to correct a problem where some managed system platform event logs may fail to be retrieved and analyzed by the HMC. This problem may happen either upon an initial connection from the HMC to the managed system or upon a reconnect after a period of disconnection. This situation can sometimes cause incomplete data to be collected for serviceable events or, in some cases, cause a failure to open serviceable events for problem logs. Package information Package Name Size Checksum APAR# PTF# MH01133.iso 29806592 28607337 36758 56202 MB02482 MH01133 Splash panel information (or lshmc -V output) MH01133: Prevent invalid client packet length from terminating RMC daemon (09-26-2008)