PTF MH01169 Fix for HMC Version 7 Release 3.3.0 Service Pack 3. Description This package includes fixes for HMC Version 7 Release 3.3.0 Service Pack 3. You can reference this package by APAR# MB03007. MH01150 is required for this fix. This PTF replaces MH01161 This package includes the following fixes: * Security Fix * Temporary .zip data files created when the Transmit Service Data function was used were not being properly deleted after the task completed. * Fixed a problem with the "backup critical console data" task that made the backup larger than necessary due to erroneous HMC RPMs being backed up. * Fixed a problem where after a logical partition migration is performed some tasks performed on the HMC which involve communications to the migrated partitions may fail. (e.g. Firmware Update, Inventory Scout). * Fix for a performance issue on 9119-FHA when collecting inventory information. On some configurations, the long execution time would cause a timeout and prevent inventory information from being collected. Package Information (login hmc/abc123, on hmc3 /dev/ECL3) Package Name Size Checksum APAR# PTF# MH01169.iso 101926912 36107 MB03007 MH01169 99579723 32418 Splash Panel information (or lshmc -V output) ==> lshmc -V "version= Version: 7 Release: 3.3.0 Service Pack: 3 HMC Build level 20090507.1 MH01169: Fix for HMC V7R3.3.0 SP3 (05-07-2009) ","base_version=V7R3.3.0 "