
PTF MH01320

Fix for HMC Version 7 Release 7.3.0 Service Pack 4

This package includes a fix for HMC Version 7 Release 7.3.0 Service Pack 4. You can reference this package by APAR MB03625. This fix must be installed on top of HMC V7 R7.3.0 SP4

Package information
Package nameSizeAPAR#PTF#
MH01320.iso 124862464 MB03625 MH01320
Checksum (sha1sum)46aba8758de8db132384c6897a743180011cb774
Splash panel information (lshmc -V output)
Installed on HMC V7 R7.3.0 SP4
"version= Version: 7
Release: 7.3.0
Service Pack: 4
HMC Build level 20120619.1
MH01320: Fix for HMC V7R7.3.0 SP4 (06-20-2012)

List of fixes for MH01320

This package includes the following fixes:


Fixed several issues that could result in SaveaArea Directory file corruption.

Additional information



Installation instructions for HMC V7 R.7.x updates and fixes can be found here:

Recovery media upgrade and installation instructions for HMC V7 R.7.x can be found here: