Hardware Management Console Readme

For use with Version 7 Release 7.9.0

Date: 25 April 2014


The information in this Readme contains fix list and other package information about the Hardware Management Console.

PTF MH01405 HMC V7 R7.9.0 Recovery Media and Mandatory PTF

This package represents the Recovery image that can be used to upgrade your HMC from HMC V7R7.6.0 or higher to HMC V7R7.9.0. HMC Version 7 Release 7.9.0 does not support upgrades from HMC levels lower than V7R7.6.0. This package can also be used to install a clean version of HMC V7R7.9.0. You can also reference this package by APAR MB03774 and MB03775.

Package information
Package name Size Checksum (sha1sum) APAR# PTF#
Mandatory PTF
925579264 b22b325e2de2c85c9dd2e2d85e5154a2f88c6eaa MB03775 MH01406
Splash Panel information (or lshmc -V output)
After installing the Recovery package
Version: 7
Release: 7.9.0
Service Pack: 0
HMC Build level 20140314.2
After installing the Mandatory PTF
Version: 7
Release: 7.9.0
Service Pack: 0
HMC Build level 20140409.1
MH01406: Required fix for HMC V7R7.9.0 (04-16-2014)

Upgrade notes

1. Prior to upgrading from V7R7.6.0 or V7R7.7.0, users with many partitions and partition profiles must verify that their current server configuration is compatibile with HMC Version 7 Release 7.8.0 and later. The HMC uses a storage area on each managed server to persist the server configuration. HMC V7R7.8.0 and later increases the usage of this storage area. Servers already containing a large number of profiles may not have sufficient space to allow an upgrade to HMC Version 7 Release 7.8.0 and later.

For further information and detailed instructions on validating existing configurations see:

2. Verify server firmware is compatible with HMC Version 7 Release 7.9.0
Prior to upgrading the HMC, determine if any managed server or flex node is at one of the following server firmware levels:

If any Power Server is at an impacted level then concurrently update the server firmware to the latest available fix before upgrading the HMC. 
For further information on this restriction see IBM Support document at http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=nas8N1020088

3. When two HMCs manage the same server, both HMCs must be at the same version. Once the server is connected to the higher version of the management console, the partition configuration is migrated to the latest version. Lower management consoles will not be able to understand the data properly and may fail. Before upgrading an HMC, you must disconnect the redundant HMC from the managed systems. Once the first upgrade is complete, you can upgrade the disconnected HMC, then reconnect it to the managed systems when the HMCs are at the same level again.

For further information and detailed upgrade instructions see:

4. Once the server is managed by N level of management console version, should you want to go back with N-1 management console version, then you must initialize the server. You can restore a backup taken at the older level or recreate the partitions. If the server is not initialized, partition configuration corruption can occur when you use lower levels of management consoles and Incomplete or Recovery state may be displayed as a result.

Enhancements and new function

New function in HMC Version 7 Release 7.9.0:

General fixes

This package provides the following fixes:


Command line changes

Known issues in HMC

This package has the following known issues (the 2nd issue is modified from the 780 Readme):

Web browser requirements

The following browsers have been tested.

Microsoft Internet Explorer



Installation instructions for HMC Version 7 upgrades, updates and corrective service can be found at these locations:

Instructions and images for upgrading via a remote network install can be found here (for all HMC releases):

National Language Support (Supported languages)
Languages Locales
English en_US, en_US.UTF-8, en_AU, en_AU.UTF-8, en_BE, en_BE.UTF-8, en_BE@preeuro, en_CA, en_CA.UTF-8, en_GB, en_GB.UTF-8, en_GB@euro, en_HK, en_HK.UTF-8, en_IE, en_IE.UTF-8, en_IE@preeuro, en_IN, en_IN.UTF-8, en_NZ, en_NZ.UTF-8, en_PH, en_PH.UTF-8, en_PK, en_SG, en_SG.UTF-8, en_ZA, en_ZA.UTF-8
Catalan ca_ES, ca_ES.UTF-8, ca_ES@preeuro
German de_DE, de_DE.UTF-8, de_DE@preeuro, de_CH, de_CH.UTF-8, de_AT, de_AT.UTF-8, de_AT@preeuro, de_LU, de_LU.UTF-8, de_LU@preeuro
French r_FR.UTF-8,fr_FR, fr_CH,fr_CH.UTF-8, fr_CA,fr_CA.UTF-8, fr_BE, fr_BE.UTF-8,fr_BE@preeuro, fr_LU, fr_LU.UTF-8,fr_LU@preeuro
Italian it_IT, it_IT.UTF-8,it_IT@preeuro, it_CH, it_CH.UTF-8
Spanish es_ES,es_ES.UTF-8, es_ES@preeuro, es_AR,es_AR.UTF-8, es_BO, es_BO.UTF-8,es_CL, es_CL.UTF-8,es_CO, es_CO.UTF-8,es_CR, es_CR.UTF-8,es_DO, es_DO.UTF-8,es_EC,es_EC.UTF-8,es_SV, es_SV.UTF-8,es_GT, es_GT.UTF-8,es_HN, es_HN.UTF-8,es_MX, es_MX.UTF-8,es_NI,es_NI.UTF-8, es_PA, es_PA.UTF-8,es_PY,es_PY.UTF-8,es_PE, es_PE.UTF-8,es_PR, es_PR.UTF-8,es_US, es_US.UTF-8,es_UY,es_UY.UTF-8,es_VE,es_VE.UTF-8
Brazilian Portuguese pt_BR,pt_BR.UTF-8
Portugal Portuguese pt_PT, pt_PT.UTF-8,pt_PT@preeuro
Polish pt_PL.UTF-8,pl_PL, pl_PL@euro,pl_PL@preeuro
Japanese ja_JP.UTF-8
Simplified Chinese zh_CN.UTF-8,zh_CN, zh_SG, zh_SG.UTF-8
Traditional Chinese zh_TW, zh_TW.UTF-8,zh_HK, zh_HK.UTF-8
Korean ko_KR.UTF-8
Hungarian hu_HU.UTF-8,hu_HU, hu_HU@euro,hu_HU@preeuro
Dutch nl_NL, nl_NL.UTF-8,nl_NL@preeuro, nl_BE,nl_BE.UTF-8, nl_BE@preeuro
Russian ru_RU,ru_RU.UTF-8
Czech cs_CZ.UTF-8,cs_CZ, cs_CZ@euro,cs_CZ@preeuro
Slovakian sk_SK.UTF-8,sk_SK, sk_SK@euro,sk_SK@preeuro