Hardware Management Console Readme

For use with Version 8 Release 8.2.0

Date: 14 November 2014


These special instructions contain the following information specific to HMC V8 R8.2.0 code level.

PTF MH01453 HMC V8 R8.2.0 Recovery Media and Mandatory PTF MH01454

This package represents the Recovery image that can be used to upgrade your HMC from HMC V7 R7.9.0 or higher to HMC V8R8.2.0. This package can also be used to install a clean version of HMC V8R8.2.0. You can also reference this package by APAR MB03835 and MH01453.

Package information
Package name Size Checksum (sha1sum) APAR# PTF#
HMC_Recovery_V8R820_1.iso 3307886592 9262ad42fbdc8c3647e786d4d2ba128682b68894 MB03835
Mandatory PTF
1511927808 fc9500d704c6c1b653509cd52e292bffa8de73b0 MB03836 MH01454
Splash Panel information (or lshmc -V output)
After installing the Recovery package
"version= Version: 8
Release: 8.2.0
Service Pack: 0
HMC Build level 20141006.3
HMC Driver FRZ2_1441A (1007) Rev 1.0
After installing the Mandatory PTF
"version= Version: 8
    Release: 8.2.0
    Service Pack: 0
   HMC Build level 20141104.1
   MH01454: Required fix for HMC V8R8.2.0 (11-05-2014)

Upgrade notes

Enhancements and new function

Technology Preview of new HMC GUI

New function or enhancement:

  • Classic ==> The Classic interface provides access to all traditional functions of the HMC with the addition of a new Performance and Capacity Monitoring (PCM) tool.
  • Enhanced ==> The Enhanced interface provides everything that the Classic interface provides. In addition, the enhanced UI includes redesigned tasks and functions, such as Manage PowerVM, new virtualization tasks and functions such as Templates.
  • Enhanced + Technical Preview ==> In addition to the function of the enhanced UI, this interface adds an early preview of an entirely redesigned HMC management interface. This new interface that allows you to view and manage the resources on your systems more quickly and easily. This is English only version in this release.
  • Last Log In ==> This option opens the UI in the last Log In type. At installation, this option defaults to Classic mode.

General fixes

This package provides the following fixes:

Command line changes

Known issues in HMC

  • Local HMC GUI console will not be available, the admin should ensure remote connectivity is available via 'ssh' and remote browser prior to enabling NIST mode.
  • Firefox ESR version 24 is not supported.
  • Oracle JRE 7 does not have matching NIST cipher so client browser using Oracle JRE 7 will not be able to open virtual terminal applet. As a workaround, upgrade to Oracle JRE 8.
  • RMC code on partition does not support two HMC connections with mixed configuration i.e. one HMC running in NIST mode and other one in non-NIST mode. Both the HMCs must be in the same mode.
  • HMC uses RSA 2048 type keys to communicate with LPARs. When user remove HMC V8 R8.2.0 and connect an older level HMC (i.e HMC V8 R8.1.0 or before), it will drive NIST mode on the LPARs to be disabled. However the LPARs would continue to use RSA 2048 type keys so there would be connection establishment issue. To resolve this problem, the LPAR admin should run '/usr/sbin/rsct/bin/chsecmode -c none -m rsa512' command on all the corresponding LPARs (This command can't be run if LPAR is running any HA software like TSA, PowerHA).
  • Following ciphers are not supported although the available cipher list shows them.
  • HMC uses Secure Socket Layer (SSL) 3.0 for various server ports, as well as communication with managed servers. To mitigate the POODLE (Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption) vulnerability, HMC 8.2 uses OpenSSL that implements the TLS Fallback Signaling Cipher Suite Value.  Please see https://alpacapowered.wordpress.com/2014/10/20/ssl-poodle-attack-what-is-this-scsv-thingy/ for more info. All supported browsers should be updated with this fix as available to mitigate a POODLE attack. An upcoming HMC PTF will replace SSLv3 usage with TLSv1.0 in non-NIST mode as further mitigation.
  • Suspend/Resume or hibernation of a LPAR
Note this function is fully supported for all other Power systems assuming that the appropriate HMC, firmware and PowerVM levels.
  • In non-NIST mode, enable Use SSL 2.0 compatible ClientHello format in Java Advanced Security Settings on the browser machine if you're accessing HMC using the fully qualified hostname.
  • In NIST mode, use the non-qualified hostname or IP address to access the HMC and do not enable Use SSL 2.0 compatible ClientHello format in Java Advanced Security Settings.
Set the locale to French with UTF-8 codeset for use with French keyboard.
chhmc -c locale -s modify -l fr_FR.UTF-8
Set the locale to English with UTF-8 codeset for use with French keyboard.
chhmc -c locale -s modify -l en_US.UTF-8
chcodpool -o setmaster --mc this -p <pool name> -v -f <file>
chcodpool -o setmaster --mc this --id <pool ID> -v -f <file>
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Web browser requirements

Learn about the requirements your web browser must meet to monitor and control the HMC.

HMC web browser support requires HTML 2.0, JavaScript 1.0, Java™ Virtual Machine (JVM), Java Runtime Environment (JRE) Version 7, and cookie support in browsers that will connect to the HMC. Contact your support personnel to assist you in determining if your browser is configured with a Java Virtual Machine. The web browser must use HTTP 1.1. If you are using a proxy server, HTTP 1.1 must be enabled for the proxy connections. Additionally, pop-ups must be enabled for all HMCs addressed in the browser if running with pop-ups disabled. The following browsers have been tested:

Google Chrome

HMC Version 8.2 supports Google Chrome Version 36.

Microsoft Internet Explorer

HMC Version 8.2 supports Internet Explorer 11.0.
  • Browser security setting in internet zone. If you are running security mode in "Local intranet" mode, make sure you do not have any setting to detect intranet network; disable Compatibility view.
  • Browser zoom setting to 100%.

Mozilla Firefox

HMC Version 8.2 supports Mozilla Firefox Version 24 and Mozilla Firefox Version 31 Extended Support Release (ESR). Ensure that the JavaScript options to raise or lower windows and to move or resize existing windows are enabled. To enable these options, click the Content tab in the browser's Options dialog, click Advanced next to the Enable JavaScript option, and then select the Raise or lower windows option and the Move or resize existing windows options. Use these options to easily switch between HMC tasks. For more information about the latest Mozilla Firefox ESR levels, see Security Advisories for Firefox ESR.

If you get certificate error while connecting Firefox to HMC, then change the certificate verification library by toggling the preference  "security.use_mozillapkix_verification"  to false in the about:config of Firefox browser. Refer below recommendation from Firefox forum https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/1012036

Other web browser considerations

Session cookies need to be enabled in order for ASMI to work when connected to HMC remotely. The ASM proxy code saves session information and uses it.

Internet Explorer

  1. Click Tools > Internet Options.
  2. Click the Privacy tab and select Advanced.
  3. Determine whether Always allow session cookies is checked.
  4. If not checked, select Override automatic cookie handling and Always allow session cookies.
  5. For the First-party Cookies and Third-party Cookies, choose block, prompt, or accept. Prompt is preferred, in which case you are prompted every time a site tries to write cookies. Some sites need to be allowed to write cookies.


  1. Click Tools > Options.
  2. Click the Cookies Tab.
  3. Select Allow sites to set cookies.
    If you want to allow only specific sites, select Exceptions, and add the HMC to allow access.


Installation instructions for HMC Version 8 upgrades and corrective service can be found at these locations:

Installation methods for HMC Version 8 fixes

Instructions and images for upgrading via a remote network install can be found here:

National Language Support (Supported languages)






ca_ES, ca_ES@preeuro


de_DE, de_DE@preeuro, de_CH, de_AT, de_AT@preeuro, de_LU, de_LU@preeuro


fr_FR, fr_FR.UTF-8, fr_CH, fr_CA, fr_BE, fr_BE@preeuro, fr_LU, fr_LU@preeuro


it_IT, it_IT@preeuro, it_CH


es_ES, es_ES@preeuro, es_AR, es_BO, es_CL, es_CO, es_CR, es_DO, es_EC,es_SV, es_GT, es_HN, es_MX, es_NI, es_PA, es_PY,es_PE, es_PR, es_US, es_UY,es_VE

Brazilian Portuguese


Portugal Portuguese

pt_PT, pt_PT@preeuro


pl_PL, pl_PL.UTF-8, pl_PL@euro,pl_PL@preeuro



Simplified Chinese

zh_CN, zh_SG

Traditional Chinese

zh_TW, zh_HK




hu_HU, hu_HU.UTF-8,hu_HU@euro,hu_HU@preeuro


nl_NL, nl_NL@preeuro, nl_BE, nl_BE@preeuro




cs_CZ, cs_CZ.UTF-8,cs_CZ@euro,cs_CZ@preeuro


sk_SK, sk_SK.UTF-8,sk_SK@euro,sk_SK@preeuro

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