Hardware Management Console Readme

For use with Version 8 Release 8.3.0 Service Pack 2

Date: 17 August 2016 


The information in this Readme contains fix list and other package information about the Hardware Management Console.

PTF MH01647

This package includes a fix for HMC Version 8 Release 8.3.0 Service Pack 2.  You can reference this package by APAR MB04032 and PTF MH01647. This image must be installed on top of HMC Version 8 Release 8.3.0 Service Pack 2 (PTF MH01540) with or without additional fixes.

Note: This PTF supersedes PTF MH01625, MH01631, and MH01638.

Package information
Package name Size Checksum (sha1sum) APAR# PTF#
MH01647.iso 1349410816 17b9df6de293aba72a983c133bdf730b89cb22f0
MB04032 MH01647
Splash Panel information (or lshmc -V output)

"version= Version: 8
 Release: 8.3.0
 Service Pack: 2
HMC Build level 20160807.1
MH01647: Fix for HMC V8R8.3.0 SP2 (08-07-2016)

Known Issues:

1. Special Install Instructions
Installing this PTF using the Enhanced+ interface may hang.  Prior to installing this PTF using the web browser graphical interface perform the following:
  1. Log in again selecting the Log In option of "Classic".
  2. If already logged in to the HMC using Enhanced+ GUI, log off the HMC.
  3. Install using the normal installation instructions.
  Alternatively, install this PTF using CLI.

2. The  Console Window > Open Terminal Window task may fail with "javax.net.ssl.SSLProtocolException: handshake alert: unrecognized_name" in Java console output.   The circumvention is to use ssh vtmenu/mkvterm command.  A fix is planned for a future PTF.

List of fixes

Security Fixes

General Fixes

Previously released fixes also included in this PTF:


  • Added functionality to the chhmc command to allow an admin to set a grub password at bootup.
  • Fixed openSSL vulnerabilities:  CVE-2016-2105, CVE-2016-2106, CVE-2016-2107, CVE-2016-2108, and CVE-2016-2109
  • Fixed security scan vulnerability by enabling TLSv1.2 by default for HMC vterm port (9960) when HMC is in Legacy mode.
  • Fixed Java vulnerability: CVE-2016-3426
  • Fixed Power Hardware Management Console: CVE-2016-0230
  • Fixed an issue where backing up the HMC included PCM data even though the user did not select to include PCM data.
  • Fixed an issue where a newly added usb device did not get an entry in the /etc/fstab table impacting lshw calls.
  • Implemented associations between CEC and Lpars during heartbeat reporting for the Entity ID (e.g., EPS/RCHR00000001) of Lpar and id if CEC have a relationship of "containedIn" in the associations table.
  • Included Entity ID in the email notifications sent to the customer after call home transactions.
  • Fixed an issue where the call home from the Manage Dumps panel was uploading incomplete data.
  • Fixed an issue with chhmc where adding a name server failed silently.



  • Fixed a Repair & Verify issue on systems utilizing the 24 inch frame with a power subsystem where users can experience a failure of concurrent service maintenance activities on power components within the CEC enclosure, the Power Subsystem enclosure, and any installed I/O devices within the frame.     
    Servers impacted include the  POWER 575, 590, 595, 795:  models 9125-F2A,F2B,F2C; 9118-575; 9119-590,595,FHA,FHB; 9406-595.
    Errors include:  
    "An internal error occurred when the management console attempted to validate the service network. Some or all of the required network resources may not be available. Contact your next level of support for problem determination."  
    "Redundancy status could not be determined for the FRU in location:    U5791.001.XXXXXXX-Ex"(example)
    The FRU cannot be exchanged concurrently. The IO Drawer must be powered off and partitions may need to be shut down to continue the repair.

  • Fixed an issue where call home was attempting to establish a connection to the old (pre HMC V8R8.3) callhome servers even when not using legacy callhome. If the legacy callhome addresses were blocked by a firewall, call home may fail.



  • Fixed OpenSSL security vulnerabilities; CVE-2015-3197, CVE-2016-0702, CVE-2016-0705, CVE-2016-0797
  • Fixed Tomcat vulnerabilities:  CVE 2015-5174,CVE-2015-5345,  CVE-2015-5346, CVE-2015-5351, CVE-2016-0706, CVE-2016-0714, CVE-2016-0763
  • Fixed vulnerabilities in bind: CVE-2016-1285 and CVE-2016-1286
  • Fixed security vulnerability with Strongswan: CVE-2015-8023          
  • Fixed the following Httpd security vulnerabilities: CVE-2013-5704 CVE-2015-3183
  • Fixed libssh2 security vulnerability CVE-2016-0787
  • Fixed ntp security vulnerabilities; CVE-2015-5300, CVE-2015-7704, CVE-2015-8138
  • Fixed a security issue with HMC restricted shell.
  • Fixed issue where lshmc -r command returned incorrect results when displaying the altdiskboot setting.
  • Fixed a rare deadlock condition that can cause the HMC to hang within several days of encountering the deadlock.  Symptoms include HMC no longer allowing GUI logins, CLI failing with "command server failed" errors.
  • Fixed a problem where serviceable event E3690102 may be incorrectly reported during the install of a HMC PTF.
  • Fixed a problem where attempting to restore a HMC backup from USB flash will fail with error "The media device is not functioning correctly. Contact your service representative." if the backup is less than 3GB in size. 
  • Fixed a problem where attempting to deploy an AIX image using PowerVC to a HMC that manages multiple servers, some of which support only linux only, may fail due to the Linux only server being selected for deploy.
  • Fixed a rare issue where serviceable event E355092F may be incorrectly reported.
  • Fixed an error obtaining credentials that resulted in call home SRC E3D4310A.

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Special Install Instructions
Installing this PTF using the Enhanced+ interface may hang.  Prior to installing this PTF using the web browser graphical interface perform the following:

  1. Log in again selecting the Log In option of "Classic".
  2. If already logged in to the HMC using Enhanced+ GUI, log off the HMC.
  3. Install using the normal installation instructions.
Alternatively, install this PTF using CLI.

Installation instructions for HMC Version 8 upgrades and corrective service can be found at these locations:

Installation methods for HMC Version 8 fixes

Instructions and images for upgrading via a remote network install can be found here:

HMC V8 network installation images and installation instructions

Additional information


  1. The Install Corrective Service task now allows you to install corrective service updates from the ISO image files of these updates. You can download these ISO image files for the HMC, and then use the ISO image file to install the corrective service update. You no longer need to burn CD-R or DVD-R media to use the ISO image file to install corrective service.
  2. This image requires DVD -R media.
  3. To install updates over the network, select the *.iso file on the "Select Service Package" panel of the Install Corrective Service task. The HMC application extracts the files needed to install the corrective service. If you are using USB flash media, copy the *.iso file to the flash media, and then select the file when prompted.
  4. The updhmc command line command has also been modified to use the *.iso file. To use the command, follow the syntax in this example:
    updhmc -t s -h <myservername> -f </home/updates/corrrective_service.iso> -u <HMC_username> -i

In all cases, the HMC application extracts the files needed to install the corrective service.