Hardware Management Console Readme For use with Version 8 Release 8.4.0 Service Pack 3 Updated: 25 December 2017 (C) Copyright International Business Machines Corp., 2017 All rights reserved. Contents <#ibm-content> The information in this Readme contains the fix list and other package information about the Hardware Management Console. * PTF MH01720 <#MH01720> * Package information <#package> * List of fixes <#fixes> * Installation <#install> PTF MH01720 This package includes fixes for HMC Version 8 Release 8.4.0 Service Pack 3. You can reference this package by APAR MB04104 and PTF MH01720. This image must be installed on top of HMC Version 8 Release 8.4.0 Service Pack 3 (PTF MH01652) with or without additional fixes. /Package information/ Package name Size Checksum (sha1sum) APAR# PTF# MH01720.iso 1360545792 9a4d50109468ba11e10c5ef8367fc2ac3b39471f MB04104 MH01720 Splash Panel information (or lshmc -V output) "version= Version: 8 ?Release: 8.4.0 ?Service Pack: 3 HMC Build level 20171213.1 MH01720: Fix for HMC V8R8.4.0 SP3 (12-13-2017) MH01729: Fix for HMC V8R8.4.0 (11-07-2017) ","base_version=V8R8.4.0 " List of fixes *Security Fixes* * Fixed HTTPD vulnerabilities CVE-2017-9798, CVE-2017-12171, CVE-2017-9788, CVE-2017-7679, CVE-2017-3169 and CVE-2017-3167 * Fixed NSS vulnerabilities CVE-2017-7805 * Fixed Open SSH vulnerabilities CVE-2016-6210, CVE-2016-6515, CVE-2016-10009 and CVE-2016-10011 * Fixed OGNL Expression Injection vulnerability. * Fixed cross frame scripting vulnerability *General fixes* * Allow the HMC local console session to start after the certificate has expired. * Fixed an issue where update customer information for call home results in a scheduled operation producing SRC E3D46FFF due to errors when attempting to fetch call home related CEC credentials. * Prevent the call home of SRC?E212E306. Installation Installation instructions for HMC Version 8 upgrades and corrective service can be found at these locations: Upgrading or restoring HMC Version 8 Installation methods for HMC Version 8 fixes Instructions and images for upgrading via a remote network install can be found here: HMC V8 network installation images and installation instructions