Hardware Management Console Readme

For use with Version 9 Release 2 Maintenance 950 (V9 R2 M950)

Date: 26 March 2021
(C) Copyright International Business Machines Corp., 2021 All rights reserved.


These instructions contain the following information specific to the HMC V9 R2 M950 code level for 7042-CR9 **only**

HMC V9 R2 M950 Recovery Media - for 7042 CR9 Hardware only

This package represents the Recovery image that can be used to install HMC V9 R2 M950 on the 7042-CR9 machine type only.

This Recovery image can be used to upgrade to HMC V9 R2 M950 for the 7042-CR9 only from minimum level of HMC V9R1 M942 + prereq ifix MH01857.

You can reference the Recovery image by APAR MB04277 and PTF MH01885.

Package name Size Checksum (sha1sum) APAR# PTF#

HMC_Recovery_ V9R2M950_CR9.iso

5009838080 df645d869c1cd5558f0a149fd96446ef48f6fa9c MB04277 MH01885
Splash Panel information (or lshmc -V output)
After installing the Recovery package
"version= Version: 9
 Release: 2
 Service Pack: 950
HMC Build level 2103042330
The updated version of this readme is available in Fix Central : https://www-945.ibm.com/support/fixcentral/

Upgrade notes

Enhancements and new function

General fixes

Previously released fixes also included in this recovery media image:

  • Fixed an issue that caused "Service Unavailable" while opening the PCM panel from HMC Management--->Console settings-->Change Performance Monitoring Settings.
  • Fixed proxy server errors that prevented  using the GUI requiring a reboot. Call home SRCs of E212E116, E332FFFF, E23D040C and E23D0503 may also be reported. The detailed error message presented during navigation is: 
    Proxy Error
    The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
    The proxy server could not handle the request GET /ui/.
    Reason: Error reading from remote server
  • Fixed an issue that caused call home SRCs E212E136, E212E161, E212E114, and E332FFFF. Symptoms include performance degradation leading to one or more HMC services no longer responding.


  • Fixed an issue which prevented accessing the HMC remotely after  deleting a network bond interface and the default gateway device is set to "any".
  • Fixed Remote Restart operation failures when invoked from the REST API resulting in error message "raise exception.IBMPowerVMRemoteRestartFailed(error)".
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the user from launching the Hardware Virtualized IO tab for partitions on older POWER7 server models that have HEA but do not support SR-IOV.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Cloud Management Console from correctly detecting whether Network Time Protocol (NTP) was enabled or disabled on the HMC.

Security fixes

Command line changes

Performance and Scale

Known issues and Limitations

Best Practices

Web browser requirements

Learn about the requirements your web browser must meet to monitor and control the HMC.

HMC web browser support requires HTML 2.0, JavaScript 1.0, Java™ Virtual Machine (JVM), Java Runtime Environment (JRE) Version 8 U151, and cookie support in browsers that will connect to the HMC. Contact your support personnel to assist you in determining if your browser is configured with a Java Virtual Machine. The web browser must use HTTP 1.1. If you are using a proxy server, HTTP 1.1 must be enabled for the proxy connections. Additionally, pop-ups must be enabled for all HMCs addressed in the browser if running with pop-ups disabled.

The following browsers have been tested:

Google Chrome

HMC V9 R2 M950 supports Google Chrome Version Version 86.0.4240.111 (Official Build) (64-bit).


HMC V9 R2 M950 supports Safari Version 14.0 / Version 13.0.5 (14608.5.12)

Microsoft Internet Explorer

HMC V9 R2 M950 supports Internet Explorer 11.1082.18362.0 / Version 11.57

Mozilla Firefox

HMC V9 R2 M950 supports Mozilla Firefox 82.0.1 (64-bit).


HMC V9 R2 M950 supports Safari Version 14.0 / Version 13.0.5 (14608.5.12)

Clearing the Browser Cache

In Microsoft Internet Explorer
  1. Open the Browser
  2. Select Tools
  3. Select Internet Options
  4. Under Browser History, select Delete
  5. Check "Temporary Internet files and websites files" and "Cookies and website data"
  6. Click on Delete

In Mozilla Firefox

1. In the top-right corner of the browser window click the menubutton
    Choose History, and then Clear Recent History.
    In time range to clear, select "Everything"
    In the Details section, select "Cookies" and "Cache"
    Click on "Clear now"
2. In the top-right corner of the browser window click the menu button
    Choose Options > Advanced > Network >
    In "Offline Web Content and User Data" section click on "Clear Now"

In Google Chrome

1. In the top-right corner of the browser window, click the Chrome menu
    Choose History.
    Click the button Clear browsing data. A dialog will appear.
    From the drop-down menu, select "the beginning of time."
    Check the boxes "Cookies, site, and plug-in data" and "Cache"
    Click the button Clear browsing data.
2. Open the following URL with the Chrome browser: chrome://appcache-internals/
    If there is an entry related to the target hmc, click the corresponding "Remove" link

Other web browser considerations

Session cookies need to be enabled in order for ASMI to work when connected to HMC remotely. The ASM proxy code saves session information and uses it.

Internet Explorer

  1. Click Tools > Internet Options.
  2. Click the Privacy tab and select Advanced.
  3. Determine whether Always allow session cookies is checked.
  4. If not checked, select Override automatic cookie handling and Always allow session cookies.
  5. For the First-party Cookies and Third-party Cookies, choose block, prompt, or accept. Prompt is preferred, in which case you are prompted every time a site tries to write cookies. Some sites need to be allowed to write cookies.

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Click Tools > Options.
  2. Click the Cookies Tab.
  3. Select Allow sites to set cookies.
    If you want to allow only specific sites, select Exceptions, and add the HMC to allow access.

BMC Browser requirements

To access local console in OpenPower environment required the following browser requirements with JRE Plugin Version 8 U144

National Language Support (Supported languages)






ca_ES, ca_ES@preeuro


de_DE, de_DE@preeuro, de_CH, de_AT, de_AT@preeuro, de_LU, de_LU@preeuro


fr_FR, fr_FR.UTF-8, fr_CH, fr_CA, fr_BE, fr_BE@preeuro, fr_LU, fr_LU@preeuro


it_IT, it_IT@preeuro, it_CH


es_ES, es_ES@preeuro, es_AR, es_BO, es_CL, es_CO, es_CR, es_DO, es_EC,es_SV, es_GT, es_HN, es_MX, es_NI, es_PA, es_PY,es_PE, es_PR, es_US, es_UY,es_VE

Brazilian Portuguese


Portugal Portuguese

pt_PT, pt_PT@preeuro


pl_PL, pl_PL.UTF-8, pl_PL@euro,pl_PL@preeuro



Simplified Chinese

zh_CN, zh_SG

Traditional Chinese

zh_TW, zh_HK




hu_HU, hu_HU.UTF-8,hu_HU@euro,hu_HU@preeuro


nl_NL, nl_NL@preeuro, nl_BE, nl_BE@preeuro




cs_CZ, cs_CZ.UTF-8,cs_CZ@euro,cs_CZ@preeuro


sk_SK, sk_SK.UTF-8,sk_SK@euro,sk_SK@preeuro

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