IBM Power Systems
PCIe3 RAID SAS Adapter Quad-port 6Gb x8 & PCIe3 SAS Tape Adapter Quad-port
6Gb x8 (CCIN 57B4)
PCIe3 12GB Cache RAID SAS Adapter Quad-port 6Gb x8 (CCIN 57CE)
PCIe3 x8 SAS RAID Internal Adapter 6Gb (CCIN 57D7, 57D8, 57DC)
DATE: Dec 08, 2014
Table of Contents
2.0 General Information
2.1 Installation Time
2.2 Machine's Affected
2.3 AIX Requirements
2.4 Linux Requirements
3.0 Determine the Current Microcode Level for AIX
3.1 Determine the Current Microcode Level for Linux
4.0 Downloading and Unpacking the Firmware Update Package from CORE
4.1 Downloading the RPM Format File to the Target Server
4.2 Microcode Update via CD
5.0 Verifying microcode before download and notes
5.1 Microcode Download Procedure-SAS Adapters for AIX
5.2 Microcode Download Procedure-SAS Adapters for Linux
6.0 Microcode Readme Change History
12511400 |
- Fix for Power 8 internal DVD device that may go
unresponsive and/or log error during runtime or following an IPL. - GA Level (CCIN 57DC), Log Tip performance enhancement |
12511200 |
-HIPER: Fix for - SAS I/O adapter firmware enhancement to prevent a possible failure of both adapters in a Multi-initiator and high availability (Dual Controller) configuration which could result in a chance of data loss due to possible data trapped in cache. - Fix for possible failure of a JBOD operation responding to the host which may result in a potential boot failure or host time out |
12511000 |
Multiple Error logging enhancements. Error recovery enhancements for Multi-Initiator HA configurations. Multiple Serviceability enhancements. Correction for possible performance degradation with 4k sector disk drives Possible hard command timeouts may result in SAS_ERR2 recommending microcode download. SAS path error recovery issues may result in adapter unit check. SRC57B48151 SRC57CE8151 SRC57B78151 SRC57B88151 |
1151002a |
SAS PCIe3 I/O adapter processing of heavy workloads has
been enhanced to prevent a possibility of undetected data corruption. |
11510024 |
-Prerequisite for Easy Tier for AIX/Linux |
11510022 |
-GA Level (CCIN 57D7, 57D8) |
10510057 |
-Multiple Error logging enhancements. |
10510052 |
-GA Level (CCIN 57B4, 57CE) |
subject microcode is to be used on the following SAS Adapter/controller types:
CCIN 57B4: PCIe3 RAID SAS Adapter Quad-port 6Gb x8 & PCIe3 SAS Tape Adapter Quad-port 6Gb x8
CCIN 57CE: PCIe3 12GB Cache RAID SAS Adapter Quad-port 6Gb x8
CCIN 57D7, 57D8, 57DC: PCIe3 x8 SAS RAID Internal Adapter 6Gb
2.1 Installation
Approximately 30 minutes
2.2 Machine's
See Universal Sales Manual or other relevant documents for current listings of supported systems for these adapters
2.3 AIX
TL refers to Technology Level
SP refers to Service Pack
57B4 & 57CE
7.1 TL3 SP1
or above
& 57D8
6.1 TL9 SP3
7.1 TL3 SP3
VIOS w/ ifix IV56366
or above
57B4 & 57CE
Novel SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 Service Pack 3 for POWER
or above
57D7 & 57D8
Red Hat
Novel SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 Service Pack 3 for POWER
or above
57B4 & 57CE
i 7.1 IBM i 7.1: RS710-10
OS & Technology Refresh 7 (TR PTF Group SF99707 Level 7). C3298710 The following PTFs are required to
be permanently applied prior to using this feature code with IBM i: MF57865, MF57923, MF58006.
IBM i 6.1 IBM i 6.1 with i 6.1.1 machine code - i 6.1.1:
RS610-10 OS & RS611-M LIC. C3312610 The following PTFs are required to be permanently applied prior to using
this feature code with IBM i: MF57816, MF57930,
57D7 & 57D8
IIBMi V7R1m0 Tech Refresh 8 and V7R2
3.0 Determine the Current Microcode Level for AIX:
Before you install the microcode, it is important to determine the microcode level of the Adapter installed in the target system. Use
the following instructions to read the ROM level stored in the Adapter's VPD.
1) List the SAS RAID Adapters installed in the system by typing:
lsdev -C | grep sissas
Note: All of the SAS RAID initiators addresses that are installed will be displayed. The names will be sissasX, where X is 0, 1, etc.
2) To check the current microcode level for the adapter or controller enter the following command
lscfg -vl sissasX
Where X is the number/s of the previous command. The Command will produce output similar to
Example show for CCIN 57CE
U2C4E.001.DBJ8646-P2-C1-T1 PCIe3 12GB Cache RAID SAS Adapter Quad-port 6Gb x8
PCIe3 12GB Cache RAID SAS Adapter Quad-port 6Gb :
Part Number.................00E8432
FRU Number..................00E8431
Serial Number...............YL3BUE342052
Manufacture ID..............0BUE
EC Level....................B
ROM Level.(alterable).......1051004f
Customer Card ID Number.....57CE
Product Specific.(Z1).......1
Product Specific.(Z2).......2D21
Hardware Location Code......U2C4E.001.DBJ8646-P2-C1-T1
If the ROM Level is less than 12511400 then you should update the microcode.
3.1 Determine the
Current Microcode Level for Linux:
1) Type "iprconfig"
2) Select "Display hardware status"
3) Select SAS adapter by typing a "1" in front of it and pressing
4) The Command will produce output similar to
"Firmware Version . . . . . . . . . . . . : 10510047"
If the Firmware Version is less than 12511400 then you should update the microcode.
4.0 Downloading and Unpacking the Firmware Update Package from CORE
The CORE image will now be the RPM Format File.
1) After downloading the files from CORE on to your personal system find the
following files in the CORE destination directory (c:\ibmdocs\DISKIMG):
A) "pci.1014034a.51-12511400-1.aix6.1.noarch.rpm"
B) "pci.1014034A.51-12511400-1.Linux.noarch.rpm"
2) Log in to the Target Server
3) Create a directory, if not already existent (mkdir
/tmp/microcode; mkdir /tmp/microcode/RPM)
4) Transfer the file to the Target Server "/tmp/microcode/RPM
directory" using ftp or another method. Change to that directory, "cd /tmp/microcode/RPM".
5a) For AIX/Linux: Unpack the RPM file by using the following
command: "rpm -ihv --ignoreos --force
5b) For Linux: Unpack the RPM file by using the following
command: "rpm -ihv --ignoreos --force
6a) For the AIX rpm file: The microcode files
will be added to /usr/lib/microcode/.
6b) For the Linux rpm file: The microcode
files will be added to /lib/firmware/.
4.1 Downloading
the RPM Format File to the Target Server
Use this method to download to an AIX or Linux system:
Note: The instructions that follow are specific AIX/Linux commands. AIX/Linux commands are CASE (lower and upper) SENSITIVE, and must be entered exactly as shown, including filenames.
1) Make a directory on an AIX/Linux system to receive the RPM format file.
Enter: "mkdir /tmp/microcode"
Enter: "mkdir /tmp/microcode/RPM"
2) Transfer the RPM format file to the /tmp/microcode/RPM
directory (using "Save as ..."). Change to that directory,
"cd /tmp/microcode/RPM".
see the filenames for the RPM files.
A) For AIX/Linux: The filename is pci.1014034a.51-12511400-1.aix6.1.noarch.rpm
B) For Linux: The filename is pci.1014034A.51-12511400-1.Linux.noarch.rpm
3) Unpack the file by executing the instructions below:
A) For AIX/Linux: Type "rpm -ihv --ignoreos --force
B) For Linux: Type "rpm -ihv --ignoreos --force
4a) For AIX rpm file: The microcode files will
be added to /usr/lib/microcode/.
4b) For Linux rpm file: The microcode files
will be added to /lib/firmware/.
are references and the general flow on how to update microcode update via CD
1) Boot the system via a Standalone Diagnostic's CD
b) To create a bootable Diagnostic's CD go to the following URL.
Burn cdlatest.iso on to a CD-R (or
CD-RW). Currently, DVD media cannot be utilized.
c) After booting to Standalone Diagnostics, the Diagnostic's CD can be removed.
2) The Diagnostic's CD should be replaced by a CD containing the unpacked
microcode image(s).
The CD containing the microcode images should be prepared prior. This can be
done by taking the rpm file(s) from the microcode download site and unpacking
them on a usable server. The unpacked files can then be burned on to the CD
b) Another method is to use a Microcode Update CD
See the below website for more details
The Microcode Update CD and Discovery Tool can also be ordered through the
following link
5.0 Verifying microcode before download and notes
Microcode download must be performed separately for each Adapter bus under
distinct Logical Partitions (LPAR's).
Please save current and older versions of the microcode update files in case
you need to restore your system.
NOTE: Microcode Download CAN be performed
Installation Time: Approximately 30 min System Time.
verify the file size and checksum of the raw microcode files matches the below.
Filesize: 2954532
Checksum: 55711
For AIX/Linux: "ls -l
/usr/lib/microcode/53495351.12511400" to verify Filesize.
"sum /usr/lib/microcode/53495351.12511400"
to verify Checksum.
For Linux: "ls -l
/lib/firmware/pci.1014034A.51.12511400" to verify Filesize.
"sum /lib/firmware/pci.1014034A.51.12511400" to verify
For systems that have LPAR installed, the microcode file must be placed on all partitions that have a SAS device in order to update the code. Follow this procedure for each partition:
A) Log into the target
B) Type: "cd /usr/lib/microcode"
C) FTP (for AIX) or SFTP (for
Linux) to the partition that has the media bay assigned. (ie. ftp/sftp
D) Type: "cd /usr/lib/microcode"
E) If using FTP then Type: "bin"
F) Type: "get 53495351.12511400"
G) Type: "quit"
A) Log into the target
B) Type: "cd
C) SFTP to the partition that
has the media bay assigned. (ie.
D) Type: "cd
E) Type: "get pci.1014034A.51.12511400"
F) Type: "quit"
5.1 Microcode Download Procedure-SAS Adapters for AIX
1) It is advised, but not necessary to stop all applications.
2) Enter diag
3) Select the "Task Selection" from diagnostics menu.
4) Select "Download Microcode" or "Microcode Tasks ->
Download Microcode" from "Task Selection" menu.
5) Select all of the SAS Adapters/Controllers that need to be updated from the
list of devices by pressing "Enter". The devices will be
displayed as sissas#, where # is the number of the
device. Press "F7".
6) A dialogue box will be displayed on screen. Press "Enter" to
7) Select "/usr/lib/microcode".
8) A dialogue box will may be displayed on screen. It will state that the
current microcode level on the adapter is not in the /usr/lib/microcode
directory. This is acceptable as you will be flashing new microcode onto
the adapter. Also, incorrect code will automatically be rejected.
Press "Enter" to continue.
9) An "M" will be displayed next to the latest level of microcode in
the /usr/lib/microcode directory. Select that
level and press "Enter".
10) The following message will appear on the screen when download is completed:
"Microcode download complete successfully. The current microcode
level for the device sissas# is
..... Please run diagnostics on the adapter to ensure that it is
functioning properly." DO NOT run diagnostics on the device at this
11) Exit diagnostics.
12) Verify the code level is 12511400 by typing "lscfg
-vl sissas#" for each
SAS device updated. <Where # is the number sissas
5.2 Microcode
Download Procedure-SAS Adapters for Linux
1) Stop all applications.
2) Type "iprconfig" and press
3) Select "Download Microcode" and press "Enter".
4) Select all of the SAS Adapters/Controllers that
need to be updated from the list of devices by pressing "1". Then
press "Enter".
5) Select the appropriate microcode image to flash by pressing
"1". (The image will end in 12511400). Press Enter.
Press Enter again to confirm.
6) If multiple devices were selected in step 4, then repeat step 5 until
6.0 Microcode
Readme Change History
2014-12-08 |
-12511400 released |
2014-11-12 |
-12511200 released |
2014-10-21 |
-Linux rpm microcode filename changed to upper case letter |
2014-10-10 |
-12511000 released |
2014-08-04 |
-1151002a released. Added information about 11510022 |
2014-06-02 |
-11510024 released |
2014-04-14 |
-10510057 released |
2014-02-18 |
-GA microcode level 10510052 |