IBM SDK for Linux, Java Technology Edition, Version 6 ===================================================== This READMEFIRST file applies to Version 6, and to all subsequent releases, modifications, and service refreshes, until otherwise indicated in a new READMEFIRST file. This READMEFIRST file provides release notes that were not incorporated into the User Guides. This file must be read in conjunction with any User Guides. The SDK provided in this release is functionally equivalent to the Sun FCS version of Java 6 Update 10 Build 33 codebase. IBM provides additional content with the SDK. Known problems: --------------- - There is no ECC provider. - In the XL TXE-J XSLT compiler: - A low split limit might cause compilation errors - It is not recommended to call Java extension functions that have side effects. The order of execution is not guaranteed. - Versions of Ant prior to 1.7.0 will not work with the XL TXE-J compiler. Use the XSLT4J interpreter instead: -Djavax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory= org.apache.xalan.processor.TransformerFactoryImpl. IBM Monitoring and Diagnostic Tools for Java - Health Center: ------------------------------------------------------------- You can enable IBM Monitoring and Diagnostic Tools for Java - Health Center by using the -Xhealthcenter flag. This increases the native memory requirements on a per thread basis, and so might cause problems if used on a system working with limited memory constraints such as the available addressable memory.