© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2007, 2008. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
To install this fixpack:
In the following output, messages ADMU0509I and ADMU0211I are for your information only; they do not indicate a problem. Message ADMU0509I confirms that the WebSphere Application Server is not running, as required for the installation to proceed. Message ADMU0211I points to the file where installation details are logged.
C:\Program Files\IBM Mashup Center>updatemashup MashupCenter1001 Buildfile: updatemashup.xml update: [echo] Root Directory is: C:/Program Files/IBM Mashup Center/mm [echo] Fix number is: MashupCenter1001 [exec] ADMU0116I: Tool information is being logged in file C:\Program Files\IBM Mashup [exec] Center\mm_profile\logs\server1\stopServer.log [exec] ADMU0128I: Starting tool with the mm_profile profile [exec] ADMU3100I: Reading configuration for server: server1 [exec] ADMU0509I: The server "server1" cannot be reached. It appears to be stopped. [exec] ADMU0211I: Error details may be seen in the file: C:\Program Files\IBM Mashup [exec] Center\mm_profile\logs\server1\stopServer.log [exec] Result: -10 [copy] Copying 62 files to C:\Program Files\IBM Mashup Center\fixes\backup\MashupCenter1001\Config [copy] Copying 2636 files to C:\Program Files\IBM Mashup Center\fixes\backup\MashupCenter1001\mm [copy] Copying 4455 files to C:\Program Files\IBM Mashup Center\fixes\backup\MashupCenter1001\Hub [copy] Copied 736 empty directories to 1 empty directory under C:\Program Files\IBM Mashup Center \fixes\backup\MashupCenter1001\Hub [unzip] Expanding: C:\Program Files\IBM Mashup Center\fixes\MashupCenter1001.pak into C:\Program Files\IBM Mashup Center\fixes\MashupCenter1 pre-update: [unzip] Expanding: C:\Program Files\IBM Mashup Center\fixes\MashupCenter1001.pak into C:\Program Files\IBM Mashup Center\fixes\MashupCenter1 [unzip] Expanding: C:\Program Files\IBM Mashup Center\fixes\MashupCenter1001.pak into C:\Program Files\IBM Mashup Center [unzip] Expanding: C:\Program Files\IBM Mashup Center\fixes\MashupCenter1001.pak into C:\Program Files\IBM Mashup Center\fixes\MashupCenter1 [unzip] Expanding: C:\Program Files\IBM Mashup Center\fixes\MashupCenter1001.pak into C:\Program Files\IBM Mashup Center\fixes\MashupCenter1 [delete] Deleting 1 files from C:\Program Files\IBM Mashup Center\mm_profile\configuration\org.eclipse.core.runtime [delete] Deleting 25 files from C:\Program Files\IBM Mashup Center\mm_profile\configuration\org.eclipse.osgi [delete] Deleting 3 files from C:\Program Files\IBM Mashup Center\mm_profile\configuration\org.eclipse.update [unzip] Expanding: C:\Program Files\IBM Mashup Center\fixes\MashupCenter1001\mashuphub-update.zip into C:\Program Files\IBM Mashup Center\HuMashup Hub.ear post-update: [copy] Copying 3 files to C:\Program Files\IBM Mashup Center\fixes\backup\MashupCenter1001\configuration [unjar] Expanding: C:\Program Files\IBM Mashup Center\mm\eclipse\plugins\com.ibm.mm.framework.proxy_1.0.0.jar into C:\Program Files\IBM Mashbackup\MashupCenter1001\proxyconfig [delete] Deleting 1693 files from C:\Program Files\IBM Mashup Center\mm\eclipse\plugins [delete] Deleted 348 directories from C:\Program Files\IBM Mashup Center\mm\eclipse\plugins [unzip] Expanding: C:\Program Files\IBM Mashup Center\fixes\MashupCenter1001\mashupWAS61.zip into C:\Program Files\IBM Mashup Center\mm [move] Moving 1684 files to C:\Program Files\IBM Mashup Center\mm [copy] Copying 3 files to C:\Program Files\IBM Mashup Center\mm\eclipse\configuration [jar] Updating jar: C:\Program Files\IBM Mashup Center\mm\eclipse\plugins\com.ibm.mm.framework.proxy_1.0.0.jar [delete] Deleting 1 files from C:\Program Files\IBM Mashup Center\mm_profile\configuration\org.eclipse.core.runtime [delete] Deleting 6 files from C:\Program Files\IBM Mashup Center\mm_profile\configuration\org.eclipse.osgi [delete] Deleting 3 files from C:\Program Files\IBM Mashup Center\mm_profile\configuration\org.eclipse.update BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 1 minute 58 seconds
The following sections contain information about the known issues, problems that have been resolved, and workarounds that apply to all of Mashup Center.
Status: Known Issue
Status: New capability
IBM Mashup Center now supports a cluster server configuration. For detailed information on setting up a cluster configuation for Mashup Center, see the Cluster server configuration for Mashup Center article on the Mashup Center wiki.
Status: Known Issue
For example, You create a feed mashup with a cache interval of 1 hour. The feed mashup is run at 6:00am. The request to run the feed mashup is processed by node A in the cluster. The data from the feed mashup is cached on node A and the 1 hour cache interval begins. Less than a hour later, at 6:25am, another request to run the feed mashup is processed by node B. The data from the feed mashup is cached on node B and the 1 hour cache interval begins.
Status: Resolved
com.ibm.mashups.cluster=xxwhere xx is the target cluster name.
Status: Known Issue
As additional feeds are created from TDI sources, the TDI server will be started on each node where the request to create the feed originates. However, there is no central mechanism to start or stop all of the TDI servers together. The MashupHub Administrator will need to start or stop the TDI server on each node separately.
Status: Known Issue
In Mashup Center cluster setup there is a known issue on publishing pages to Hub. You can get around this problem by opening Mashup Hub interface using 'Goto Catalog' option from Mashups action menu. Once the Hub interface is opened in another browser tab and when you go back to Mashups interface to publish pages, that should work without any errors.
The following sections contain information about the known issues, problems that have been resolved, and workarounds in InfoSphere MashupHub that are in this fixpack.
Status: Resolved
When data from a private feed is cached, other users can no longer access the data. An error is returned when an attempt to access a private feed is made by other users.
Status: Resolved
If you create a public feed mashup with a source feed that is private, and you are also the creator of the private feed, the data from the private feed should be returned. Instead, the data from the private feed is not returned. This issue has been resolved. The data from the private feed is now returned.
Status: Resolved
InfoSphere MashupHub: v1.0.0.1 10220
IBM Mashup Center=
Status: Resolved
Status: Resolved
Status: Known Issue
If the owner of a feed or feed mashup is editing a feed or feedmashup when the MashupHub database server is restarted, the feed or feed mashup does not appear when you list the contents of the catalog or search the catalog.
Status: Resolved
The default behavior of the feed generator for relational databases is now changed so that the XML element tags are not escaped from a DB2 XML column. If you want the old behavior, use the DB2 XMLSerialize or XMLCast function to cast the column to a String data type.
Status: Resolved
You are no longer able to save a feed mashup that has empty or incomplete parameters.
Status: Resolved
This issue and a workaround were documented in the Version 1.0 Release Notes. This issue has now been resolved.
Status: Resolved
Status: Resolved
The feed mashup should be saved only when you specify that the feed mashup should be saved.
The following sections contain information about the known issues, problems that have been resolved, and workarounds in Lotus Mashups that are in this fixpack.
Status: Resolved
BMWMB0052E: Error happens while invoking serviceManager.getService publishEvent. Error details: statusDiv has no properties
This happens because the DOJO resource is not released promptly when the widget is unloaded from the page. This issue has been resolved.
Status: Resolved
If the second group of users log onto the page by clicking the URL and authenticate with the server, the second group of users will not be able to access to the URL page directly. Instead the users will access to the first page in their navigation.
As a workaround, you can either publish pages as a URL to MashupHub or replace '#' with '?' when you send the URL in an e-mail. For example, the browser location in the e-mail should change from http://your_ip:port/mum/enabler#pid=100 to http://your_ip:port/mum/enabler?pid=100. This allows users who do not log in to access the page after authentication.
Status: Resolved
URL normalization fixes in the proxy recognize semantically identical URLs even though they differ syntactically (normalizing URLs). This fixpack solves this by allowing you to configure the proxy-config.xml file to forward session and LTPA cookies to MashupHub or to a selected URL.
Status: Resolved
The fragment feed now runs an explicit access verification before updating the page content.
Status: Resolved
This limitation occurs because the height of pages in the free-form layout is fixed. This fixpack allows free-form pages to expand vertically so that you can add as many widgets as you want to.
This limitation occurs because the height of pages in the free-form layout is fixed, and the space is limited. This fixpack allows free-form pages to expand vertically when you drag a widget to the page, which enables you to add as many widgets as you want to.
Status: Resolved
When you add custom theme WAR files, each theme might contain skins. When you set a default skin for the layout widget in properties, the skin preview images do not display. This issue has been resolved.