Workplace Collaborative Learning Fix Pack ========================================================== ============================ = Section 1 : Introduction = ============================ This fix pack updates Workplace Collaborative Learning 2.7 or subsequent releases to the latest service release level. ==================================== = Section 2 : Two Fix Packs In One = ==================================== The fix pack actually consists of two fix packs, one fix pack for the backend server (called 'Learning Server') and the other fix pack for the front-end server (called 'Learning Portal'). Each fix pack is a JAR file. For customer convenience the two JARs are included in a single ZIP file. Before attempting to install the fix packs you should first extract the two JAR files. DO NOT UNZIP THESE JAR FILES - THE INSTALLER USES THESE AS IS. Also included in the downloaded zip file are 2 important documents that include the steps to be followed to install (and uninstall) the fix packs. They also include post install (and post uninstall) steps that may need to be followed too. So please extract these two .doc files as well as the .JAR files. ============================= = Section 3 : Prerequisites = ============================= These fix packs will only install on Workplace Collaborative Learning 2.7 or subsequent releases To apply these fix packs, you need the latest version of the Portal Update Installer. This MUST be downloaded from: http://www-1.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=688&uid=swg24006942 ================================================== = Section 4 : Pre-Install Notes and Instructions = ================================================== (a) !!!IMPORTANT!!! Stop Servers on all nodes --------------------------------------------- Before beginning please ensure that the Portal Server is stopped. For a network deployment this means all nodes. (b) Backup of Content --------------------- If using ${WasUserHome}/installedApps/${CellName}/${learningserver.app.name}.ear/lmmWeb.war/content as a content server location, all content that is deployed here must be backed up and re-deployed to this location after install. (c) Back up any customisations made since installing 2.7 -------------------------------------------------------- Backup settings.xml and reports.xml from following location:- ${WasUserHome}/installedApps/${CellName}/${learningserver.app.name}.ear/lmmWeb.war/WEB-INF/classes Please note that any customisations made prior to installing this fix pack may be overwritten. This includes any updates to settings.xml, reports.xml, JSPs, etc. The updated files should be backed up prior to installing this fix pack. ====================================================== = Section 5 : How to Install\Uninstall the Fix Packs = ====================================================== As mentioned in Section 2 above, the downloaded zip file contains two documents describing the install (and uninstall) instructions. One document describes the steps to be followed if you have a standard deployment, while the other contains the steps to be followed if a network deployment (cluster) is the target system. The documents are called 'Install on Standard Deployment.doc' and 'Install on Network Deployment (cluster).doc' Please follow the instructions in the relevant document to complete the install of the 'Learning Server' and 'Learning Portal' fix packs. Follow the instructions carefully and remember to also carry out any post install (and uninstall) steps that may be relevant to your system. ====================================================== = Section 6 : DB Transfer Information = ====================================================== If you have Workplace Collaborative Learning 2.7 installed and intend to upgrade to a fixpack subsequent to please carry out the upgrade before carrying out a database transfer to SQL Server. If you have previously upgraded to the database transfer has already been completed and this task does not need to be done. ====================================================== = Section 7 : Password Considerations = ====================================================== The entry of some passwords into the wkplc.properties and wkplc_comp.properties files is required for the fix pack install (and uninstall). These passwords are removed automatically after fix pack install (or uninstall) has completed. Some of these passwords are also required for other post install tasks, such as Database transfer. They will have to be re-entered if performing these tasks post fix pack install (or uninstall). The following passwords are removed from wkplc.properties files located in ConfigEngineInstallLocation/properties after install/uninstall. WasPassword wmm.DbPassword LTPAPassword LDAPAdminPwd LDAPBindPassword PortalAdminPwd The following passwords are removed from wkplc_comp.properties files located in ConfigEngineInstallLocation/properties after install/uninstall. learningserver.DbSchemaPwd learningserver.DbPassword learningserver.DbDataOwnerPassword learningserver.DbAppUserPassword source.learningserver.DbSchemaPwd source.learningserver.DbPassword source.learningserver.DbDataOwnerPassword learningserver.lmmserver_sslpassword learningserver.RunAsRole.Password