============================= = Section 1 : Prerequisites = ============================= This iFix will only install on Workplace Collaborative Learning To apply the iFix you need the latest version of the Portal Update Installer. This must be downloaded from: http://www-1.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=688&uid=swg24006942 ================================================== = Section 2 : Pre-Install Notes and Instructions = ================================================== (a) IMPORTANT Stop Servers on all nodes --------------------------------------------- Before beginning please ensure that the Portal Server is stopped. For a network deployment all nodes must be stopped. (b) Passwords ------------- Enter the relevant passwords in the .properties files located in ConfigEngineInstallLocation/properties. (See Section 4) (c) Backup of Content --------------------- If using ${WasUserHome}/installedApps/${CellName}/${learningserver.app.name}.ear/lmmWeb.war/content as a content server location, all content that is deployed here must be backed up and will need to be re-deployed to this location after install. (d) Back up any customisations made since installing 2.7 -------------------------------------------------------- Backup settings.xml and reports.xml from following location:- ${WasUserHome}/installedApps/${CellName}/${learningserver.app.name}.ear/lmmWeb.war/WEB-INF/classes Please note that any customisations made prior to installing this iFix may be overwritten. This includes any updates to settings.xml, reports.xml, JSPs, etc. The updated files should be backed up prior to installing this iFix. Do not restore the backup version of these files, as any changes made during iFix install will be lost. If needed the customizations can be re-applied to the new versions. (e) For Network Deployment Refer to Section 5 --------------------------------------------- ====================================================== = Section 3 : How to Install\Uninstall the Fix Packs = ====================================================== Please follow the instructions in the Portal Update Installer ReadMe to complete the install of the 'Learning Server' and/or 'Learning Portal' iFix. Follow the instructions carefully and remember to also carry out any post install (and uninstall) steps that may be relevant to your system. The Portal Update Installer ReadMe is located under the doc\en\readme directory in the location where you extracted the Portal Update Installer. ====================================================== = Section 4 : Password Considerations = ====================================================== The entry of some Passwords into the wkplc.properties file is required for the iFix install (and uninstall). These passwords may need to be removed after iFix install (or uninstall) has completed. The following passwords are required for install and uninstall. They are located in /properties/wkplc.properties. wmm.DbPassword LTPAPassword LDAPAdminPwd LDAPBindPassword PortalAdminPwd ====================================================== = Section 5 : Network Deployment Considerations = ====================================================== (a) Ensure that the Deployment Manager and all Node Agents are running prior to beginning the install. (b) Stop the Portal Server on all Nodes. (c) Verify that the Nodes being upgraded show a status of Synchronized in the deployment manager administrative console. If the status is not Synchronized, ensure that the node agent is running on the nodes and then perform the following steps: a. Log in to the deployment manager administrative console. b. Select System Administration > Nodes. c. Select the node, and click Synchronize. (d) Important: Disable Automatic Synchronization to all nodes before beginning the fix pack installation, by following these next steps:- a. In the administrative console for the deployment manager, select System Administration > Nodes Agents in the navigation tree. b. Click nodeagent for the required node. c. Click File Synchronization Service on the Configuration tab. d. Uncheck the Automatic Synchronization check box on the File Synchronization Service page to disable the automatic synchronization feature and then click OK. e. Repeat these steps for all remaining nodes. (e) Repeat the install on all other nodes. (f) After the iFix is installed on all nodes, verify that the nodes being upgraded show a status of Synchronized in the deployment manager administrative console. If the status is Not Synchronized, ensure that the node agent is running on the nodes and then perform the following steps: a. Log in to the deployment manager administrative console. b. Select System Administration > Nodes. c. Select the node, and click Synchronize. d. After the synchronization is complete, wait at least 30 minutes and then restart the portal server. Important: After synchronization is complete, the Node Agent runs a background thread to expand all the updated EAR files of the updated applications into their target directory. Attempting to restart the server while this EAR expansion is in process can result in conflicts which will cause an application to be unusable. Although the time to complete EAR expansion is environment-dependent, for a typical environment wait 30 minutes after synchronization has completed before restarting the server to allow sufficient time for EAR expansion to complete. (g) Re-enable Automatic Synchronization to all nodes, as follows:- a. In the administrative console for the deployment manager, select System Administration > Nodes Agents in the navigation tree. b. Click nodeagent for the required node. c. Click File Synchronization Service on the Configuration tab. d. Check the Automatic Synchronization check box on the File Synchronization Service page to enable the automatic synchronization feature and then click OK. e. Repeat these steps for all remaining nodes.