IBM Content Navigator Version 3.0.8 Interim Fix 5 Readme

This Readme document contains information about the installation of this package and about restrictions in support of IBM Content Navigator, Version 3.0.8 Interim Fix 5

Readme file for:

IBM Content Navigator.

Product or component release:


Update name:

Interim Fix 5

IBM Content Navigator build number:


IBM Content Navigator Fix ID:

Publication date:

March 12, 2021

Last modified date:

March 12, 2021

Additional documentation for IBM Content Navigator can be found at :

Included Components

New Features

Known problems, issues, and limitations

Known problems, restrictions, and solutions that affect administration and usage of interim fixes are documented as techdocs in the product support knowledge base. Use the following link to query the product support knowledge base by searching for the product and version number: In addition, the interim fix includes the following known problems:

Additional Known problems and restrictions are contained in the Release Notes at

Prerequisites for Version 3.0.8 Interim Fix 5

The official statements for hardware and software support for IBM Content Navigator are provided as part of the hardware and software requirements for IBM Content Navigator, Version

For complete details about the hardware and software requirements for IBM Content Navigator see Software Product Compatibility Reports.

Installing or Updating IBM Content Navigator Version 3.0.8 Interim Fix 5

The following information and steps apply to IBM Content Navigator. To install the interim fix, perform the steps below using the interim fix executable. When you install an interim fix, you can run the installation wizard or run a silent installation. The interim fix can be installed as an update to IBM Content Navigator Version or later.

The interim fix installation program updates the files in the directory where IBM Content Navigator is installed. After the installation program completes successfully, restart the web application server and redeploy the IBM Content Navigator web application to apply the changes from the interim fix.

For more information about installing IBM Content Navigator Version, see

To install IBM Content Navigator, Version 3.0.8 Interim Fix 5:

  1. Back up your current installation of IBM Content Navigator including the master cryptographic key. For more information about backing up the master key, see
  2. Ensure that the IBM Content Navigator Configuration and Deployment Tool is closed.
  3. Log in to the IBM Content Navigator server with the IBM Content Navigator installer account.
  4. Install the interim fix by running the installation wizard or by running a silent installation:
    Important: Do not enter line breaks in the command that you enter to start the installation program.


    At a command prompt, change to the directory where you downloaded the interim fix and enter one of the following commands:


    At a command prompt, change to the directory where you downloaded the interim fix and enter one of the following commands:

    Linux for System z

    At a command prompt, change to the directory where you downloaded the interim fix and enter one of the following commands:


    At a command prompt, change to the directory where you downloaded the interim fix and enter one of the following commands:

  5. Open the IBM Content Navigator Configuration and Deployment tool, click File > Open Deployment Profile, select the target deployment profile and click Open.

  6. If the External Share feature is needed, then perform the bulleted steps below and then continue to Step 7, else continue to Step 7

  7. Run the "Configuring the IBM Content Navigator web application" task. For more instructions, see the topic, "Configuring the IBM Content Navigator web application" in the information center:

  8. Run the "Build the Web Application" task. For more instructions, see the topic, Rebuilding the IBM Content Navigator web application in the information center:

  9. Run the "Deploy the Web Application" task in the IBM Content Navigator Configuration and Deployment Tool for the profile that you want to redeploy.

  10. Stop the IBM Content Navigator web application server.

  11. Clear the application server cache:

  12. Start the IBM Content Navigator web application server.

  13. Verify that the correct version of the software is deployed to the web application server. For more information, see the topic, "Verifying your deployment" in the information center:

  14. If IBM Content Navigator is configured for a high availability environment, see to ensure the crypto keys are set up properly in all servers.

Removing the interim fix

When you uninstall the interim fix, you also uninstall IBM Content Navigator.

The interim fix for IBM Content Navigator uninstallation program removes the program and all applied fixes. You cannot remove only the interim fix.

Updating the Edit Service client

To update the Edit Service client, uninstall the old version and install the new version on both Windows and Mac OS.

Fixes included in IBM Content Navigator Version 3.0.8 Interim Fix 5

The fixes that were provided in previous IBM Content Navigator Version 3.0.8 Interim Fixes are combined in this fix.

IO28123 Regression caused by this fix in the ICN v3.0.9 interim fix 1 and the v3.0.8 interim fix 4 has been fixed.

(IBM Content Navigator users) This fix caused a regression in the previous interim fix which prevented switching the IBM Daeja ViewONE Virtual viewer from Redaction mode to Annotation mode once a document is redacted to a new version. This regression has now been fixed in this interim fix.

IO28177 From the work item window, the Complete button is translated incorrectly in Hebrew.

(IBM Content Navigator users) From the work item window, the Complete button is translated incorrectly in Hebrew. With this fix, the issue is resolved.

IO28178 User's display name is not shown in the desktop's global banner.

(IBM Content Navigator users) The user's display name is not shown in the desktop's global banner, even when IBM Content Navigator is configured to display it. Instead the user ID is displayed. With this fix, this issue is resolved.

IO28230 Workflow Group properties are always set as required in the IBM Content Navigator Step Processor,

IBM FileNet Content Manager users) Workflow Group properties are always set as required in the IBM Content Navigator Step Processor. With this fix, a new "p8WorkAllowEmptyWorkflowGroups" system setting will be available that, when set to True, will override the default behavior where user-defined Workflow Group properties are required.

IO28234 Viewer window is blank when using custom context root in IBM Datacap plugin to open document.

(IBM Datacap users) When opening a document in a new window, with IBM Datacap plugin, the viewer window is blank if using a custom context root. With this fix, the document displays correctly.

IO28237 Unable to enter Euro and other symbols when editing CM8 extended alphanumeric properties.

(IBM Content Manager users) When editing the value of an extended alphanumeric property, the Euro and other symbols are not accepted. With this fix, the set of symbols that are accepted can be configured using the new cmExtendedAlphanumericSymbols setting under the Additional Settings section in Admin Settings.

IO28238 Dimensions of converted PDF do not match that of source TIFF document.

(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) When using ImagIO engine to download TIFF images as PDFs, the converted PDF has different dimensions than that of the source TIFF document. With this fix, the converted PDF has the same dimensions as that of the source TIFF document.

IO28239 Print menu option is disabled for application/x-filenet-filetype-msg MIME type.

(IBM Content Navigator users) In IBM content navigator, the print menu option is disabled for documents with the mime type application/x-filenet-filetype-msg when the HTML print service is enabled. With this fix, the print menu option is enabled for for documents with the mime type application/x-filenet-filetype-msg when the HTML print service is enabled.

IO28265 Search templates that search in 'This Teamspace' cannot be edited.

(IBM Content Navigator users) Teamspace users are unable to edit search templates that search in "This Teamspace". With this fix, search templates can be edited.

IO28302 Umm al-Qura calendar not accurate in IBM Content Navigator.

(IBM Content Navigator users) Dojo's Umm al-Qura calendar is not accurate in ICN. With this fix, the Umm Al-Qura will display the correct date.

IO28304 Export All action fails for fewer than 200 search results, in Chrome or Firefox.

(IBM FileNet Content Manger users) The Export All action fails for fewer than 200 search results, when using Chrome or Firefox. With this fix, the results are exported successfully.

Security Issue: Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in ContentDialog Title fixed.

Security Issue: Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Teamspace Name fixed.

Fixes included in IBM Content Navigator 3.0.8 IF004

IO25890 Diagrams and tables in Microsoft Word documents are not aligned correctly.

(IBM Content Navigator users) When previewing Microsoft Word documents, diagrams and tables are not aligned correctly. With this fix, diagrams and tables are aligned correctly.

IO26045 Microsoft Excel document is not converted to PDF properly.

(IBM content navigator users) Some Microsoft Excel documents are not converted to PDF properly. After conversion, black blocks are displayed in PDF files. With this fix, the documents are converted correctly.

IO27594 PDF files may render with a pink background in Preview action and in thumbnails.

(IBM Content Navigator users) PDF files may render with a pink background in Preview action and in thumbnails. With this fix, PDF files will display correctly.

IO28094 Clicking on the user icon in the banner, may display LDAP server name, port and fully qualified dn in addition to user name.

(IBM Content Navigator users) Clicking on the user icon in the banner, may display LDAP server name, port and fully qualified dn in addition to the user name. With this fix, only the user name is displayed while the LDAP server name, port and fully DN names are not.

IO28101 Microsoft Office Online access token locks expire during an edit session due to inactivity. Check in does not occur.

(IBM Content Navigator users) When the Microsoft Office Online access token and locks expire in the middle of an edit session of a document due to inactivity, the edited content is only checked in on a new version of the document when the document is edited again. With this fix the check in action will occur normally after the edit is completed.

IO28102 Hang occurs when updating properties of multiple documents added using entry template.

(IBM Content Navigator users) When attempting to update properties on a set of documents added to a class using an entry template, a hang occurs. The attempt to cancel the update also hangs requiring the user to either refresh or restart the browser session to continue working. With this fix, this issue does not occur and the update completes successfully.

IO28103 Error while running the JDBC drivers task in the IBM Content Navigator (ICN) deployment tool.

(IBM Content Navigator users) If the system language is set to German�?then the error 'WASX7209I (JDBC driver configuration failed) while trying to configure/install the DB2 JDBC driver' occurs during the ICN V3.0.8 configuration. With the fix, this error does not occur.

IO28110 Characters U+00E4, U+00D6 in the Document Title are displayed as &AUML and &OUML.

(IBM Content Navigator users) If a Move to New Window action is performed in a viewer window, the characters (umlauts) (U+00E4, U+00D6) do not display correctly. With this fix, moving to a new window will correctly display umlauts.

IO28112 When printing using the HTML print service, cancelling the operation does not cancel the print request on the server.

(IBM Content Navigator users) When printing documents using the HTML print service, canceling the print request by clicking on the cancel button closes the print dialog but does not cancel the server print request. With this fix, clicking on the cancel button in the HTML print service status dialog cancels the print request on the server.

IO28113 Field pattern (regular expression) is not updated along with pattern setting from EDS when using Entry Template layout.

(IBM Content Navigator users) The field pattern is not updated along with pattern setting from EDS when using Entry Template layout. With this fix, this issue is resolved.

IO28114 Search stored in IBM Enterprise Records(IER) repository fails to run with RETRIEVE_PROPERTY_NOT_DEFINED error.

(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) When you run a search that is stored in a repository that has the IBM Enterprise Records (IER) add-on and queries another repository that does not have the IER add-on installed, it fails with the log message 'RETRIEVE_PROPERTY_NOT_DEFINED: The property RecordInformation is not defined'. With this fix, the search can be run successfully.

IO28123 Redaction doesn't work as expected with the initialEditMode parameter set to 'redaction'.

(IBM Content Navigator users) When opening a document using IBM Daeja ViewONE Virtual viewer in permanent redaction mode (the initialEditMode parameter set to 'redact'), the permanent redaction doesn't work as expected. With this fix, the permanent redaction works as expected. Note: Normally, when the initialEditMode parameter is not set or set to 'annotate', a prompt is shown when the default redaction option of the desktop configuration is set to 'Check in as a new version' and the user doesn't have access to check in the document, but, in case the initialEditMode parameter is set to 'redact, the prompt will not be shown and the redaction will be disabled instead.

IO28124 Tooltip text for the Reset link of a worklist remains displayed even if the worklist is refreshsed or a work item is opened.

(IBM Content Navigator users) After opening a worklist that has work items, if the mouse cursor is hovered over the Reset link that is located above the work items and which resets the worklist filter, the Reset link's tooltip text is displayed. If the the mouse cursor is now moved onto the tooltip text and the worklist is refreshed or a work item is opened using the keyboard, then the tooltip text remains displayed even if mouse cursor is thereafter moved away from the tooltip text. With this fix, the tooltip text disappears when the mouse moves away from the Reset link's tooltip text.

IO28125 Total count message is missing in the browser status bar at the bottom if number of returned results is 200.

(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) Total count message is missing in the browser status bar at the bottom if number of returned results is 200. With this fix, user is able to see the total count 200 when the number of result is just 200.

IO28128 An unclear error message may be displayed when an SSO user accesses a saved search.

(IBM Content Navigator users) Unauthorized SSO users may experience a situation in which they get an misleading error message when attempting to access a saved search on a restricted repository. With this fix, the error message will state that the user is not authorized to access the repository.

IO28129 When an External Data Service (EDS) returns an error response, the userMessage is not displayed to the user.

(IBM Content Navigator users) When an External Data Service (EDS) returns an error response that includes a userMessage attribute, the associated message is not displayed to the user. With this fix, the message is displayed to the user. In addition, if the error response includes an errorMessage attribute, it will be logged by the EDS plug-in. For more details, see the sampleEDSService on GitHub.

IO28130 When using AJAX viewer to print documents, the Print and Close buttons are also printed out

(IBM Content Manager users) When using AJAX viewer to print documents, the Print and Close buttons are also printed out. With the fix, only the buttons are not printed and only the document content is printed.

IO28133 The ping page does not show correct startup time.

(IBM Content Navigator users) The ping page displays an invalid value like, '', for the startup time field. With this fix, the ping page displays a correct startup time.

IO28138 When converting large line data document to UTF-8, out of memory error (OOM) can occur and Java core dumps generated.

(IBM Content Manager OnDemand users) Users may get OOM errors and Java core dumps generated when attempting to convert large line data documents to UTF-8. With this fix, performance is improved and this symptom does not occur.

IO28143 Viewer window is very small when external user views documents on a desktop having Classic theme.

(IBM Content Navigator users) When external users attempt to open or view documents shared (using the Share feature) from a desktop having the Classic them, the window that opens is very small and not resizeable. With this fix the documents open up in a normal sized window as expected.

IO28159 Tooltip displayed an extra HTML span tag element when hovering over the Title bar in Content Viewer window.

(IBM Content Navigator users) When the option 'When using the Open and Preview actions, display documents in the current window' is enabled, opening a locked status document in any viewer and hovering over the grey area in the title bar of the content viewer window, the tooltip displays an extra HTML span tag element. With this fix, this symptom does not occur.

IO28170 Checkin and Cancel buttons are disabled after modifying a document in Merge & Split mode.

(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) After opening a document using the step processor, if the document is modified in Merge & Split mode, then the Checkin and Cancel buttons are displayed. With this fix, these buttons are enabled.

IO28171 Attribute value not displayed in viewer properties when using EDS choice list container CHARACTER attribute.

(IBM Content Manager users) Attribute value not displayed in viewer properties when using EDS choice List with CHARACTER attribute. With this fix, users will see the attribute value selected in the combo box.

IO28172 Error occurs when updating properties of an OD document if the folder criteria definitions include language mappings.

(IBM Content Manager OnDemand users) An error occurs when updating the properties of a document if the folder criteria definitions include language mappings. With this fix, the properties are updated successfully.

IO28173 When modifying properties of multiple documents containing read-only properties, hang may occur.

(IBM Content Navigator users) When modifying properties of multiple documents, hang may occur if one or more read-only properties are in the document class.

IO28195 An error 'To open a teamspace, you must be a member of that teamspace' occurs when running a saved search inside a teamspace.

(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) An error 'To open a teamspace, you must be a member of that teamspace' occurs when running a saved search stored inside a teamspace, where the saved search is stored in a repository different than the authenticating repository of the desktop, but executes against the authenticating repository. The search however runs successfully. With this fix, this error does not occur.

IO28198 OnDemand HTML viewer and Line2PDF viewers fail to launch if using reverse proxy that maps requests to localhost.

(IBM Content Manager OnDemand users) OnDemand HTML viewer and Line2PDF viewer fail to launch if using reverse proxy that maps requests to localhost. With this fix, the viewers launch successfully.

IO28203 Changes in document property values are not updated.

(IBM Content Navigator users) When making a change to a document property in Doc Info pane and clicking on 'Next' without saving the changes, a confirmation dialog appears to confirm the changes made. When the changes are confirmed and the dialog is closed, the Doc Info pane shows the updated value for the property, but it is not reflected in the content list of Browse or Search View. With this fix, this issue does not occur and the updated property value displays in the content list.

IO28208 Filtering issues with different themes.

(IBM Content Navigator users) Using the filter function in ICN to filter out the required teamspaces, entry templates, or files for Datacap, using any of the older themes (ex. Azurite), the rules are not being removed when clicking the red icon. With this fix, clicking the red icon will remove the rules.

IO28210 Deploying IBM Case Manager plugins causes all existing plugins' configurations to be removed.

(IBM Content Navigator users) After IBM Case Manager plugins are deployed, all plugins' configurations are set to blank. With the fix, the existing plugins' configurations will be kept.

IO28211 Attempt to add a document to a folder containing a large number of documents hangs.

(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) Attempt to add a document to a folder containing a large number of documents or to display folder properties hangs. With this fix, the Add Document action succeeds and the Properties can be displayed successfully.

IO28223 Cannot open Case Task in unified view with IBM Content Navigator v3.0.8 IF003, using ItemPropertiesDisplayPane.js.

(IBM Content Navigator users) Custom applications using the Itempropertiesdisplaypane.js run into an Uncaught TypeError when setting an item as a workitem. With this fix, this error does not occur.

IO28226 User who has no permissions on Document class will see that class selected by default on attempt to add a document.

(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) A user who has no permissions on Document class will see that class selected by default on an attempt to add a document. If the add action is cancelled and done again, then the first class that the user has access to add a document to, is selected. With this fix, the class on which the user has add access is selected instead of the Document class.

IO28227 Items with NULL value for Document Title break the context menu.

(IBM Content Navigator users) Users may experience a situation in which they are unable to see the context menu when right-clicking on a content item, if the Document Title has a NULL value. With this fix, items with NULL value for Document Title will still show the Context Menu.

Security Issue: Security vulnerability in Apache HTTPClient fixed.

Security Issue: Security vulnerability (man-in-the-middle) in HTML-based email service fixed.

Security Issue: Security vulnerabilty in Common Codecs fixed.

Security Issue: Security vulnerability in GZipFilter that affects .jgz files fixed.

Fixes included in IBM Content Navigator 3.0.8 IF003

IO28011 Contents of a document's version opened from version history, differ from that displayed by previewing the same version.

(IBM Content Manager users) When users open a version of a document from the version history, the content of the document differs from the content displayed in Preview action on the same version. with this fix, this issue is fixed.

IO28031 Highlight annotations migrated from IBM Content Manager repository display with gray color in Daeja ViewONE Virtual viewer.

(IBM Content Manager users) Highlight annotations migrated from an IBM Content Manager repository do not display correctly in IBM Daeja ViewONE Virtual viewer. The color of highlight annotations is gray instead of yellow. With this fix, this issue is resolved and the annotations display correctly.

IO28051 Pick list goes back down to the bottom when scrolling up by clicking on the up arrow.

(IBM Content Navigator users) Users can see the pick list in an entry template go down to the bottom instead of up, when scrolling up by clicking on the up arrow. With this fix, this issue does not occur.

IO28072 Edit service client downloads a zero byte file.

(IBM Content Navigator Container users) Edit Service client downloads a zero byte file on the attempt to open a document using Edit Service. With this fix, the document is opened correctly.

IO28074 Custom permissions categorized as Others in Search Roles are removed when saving a P8 repository configuration.

(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) When saving the repository configuration, any custom permissions categorized as Others in the Search Roles are removed even when they were not updated by the user. With this fix, permissions that were not explicitly removed by the user are preserved.

IO28075 Editing a document creates a new version for CM8 repositories and does not carry on the favorites property.

(IBM Content Manager users) When editing a CM8 document with version policy 'Always Create' the favorites property does not carry over. The behaviour of the favourite is seen to be by version instead of by document. When a document is added to Favourites and then edited from the Favourites view, the same document is added to the Favourites view twice. With this fix the favorite behavior will now be by document and not by version.

IO28077 Arrow and circle annotations migrated from IBM Content Manager are not visible in Daeja ViewONE Virtual viewer.

(IBM Content Manager users) Arrow and circle annotations migrated from IBM Content Manager are not displayed in correct location in Daeja ViewONE Virtual viewer, until an annotation is added using IBM Content Manager Client for Windows.

IO28078 Unable to checkin or add a document using merge and split action in a clustered environment using IBM HTTP Server.

(IBM Content Navigator users) When adding or checking in a document using the Merge and Split action, an error occurs in an environment where IBM HTTP Server is used. With this fix, the document is added and checked in without an error.

IO28084 AFP mimetype documents cannot be opened.

(IBM Content Manager Ondemand users) AFP mimetype documents cannot be opened using AFP2PDF viewer, after applying IBM Content Navigator v3.0.8 IF 002. The following exception is seen in the server logs: CIWEB ERROR: ecm.widget.viewer.IframeDocViewer.SecurityError: Blocked a frame with origin "" from accessing a cross-origin frame. With this fix, users can successfully open AFP type documents using the AFP2PDF viewer.

IO28087 Multiple prompts to save changes issued when modifying properties in the viewer's properties pane.

(IBM Content Navigator users) Users are prompted multiple times to save changes to document properties in the viewer's Edit Properties pane, even after saving changes, or are being asked to save changes twice when making changes and clicking on next. This only happens on documents that were added with an entry template that use the layout editor. With this fix, users will not be prompted to save changes again after saving, or will only prompted once to save changes to the document properties in the viewer's Edit Properties pane.

IO28092 Context menu print action is disabled for macro-enabled Microsoft Word and Excel documents.

Context menu print action is disabled for macro-enabled Microsoft Word and Excel documents. With this fix, the context menu print action is enabled.

Security Issue: Security vulnerability in Apache HttpClient component fixed.

Security Issue: Cross-site (XSS) vulnerability with multi-valued properties in an entry template fixed.

Fixes included in IBM Content Navigator 3.0.8 IF002

IO27960 Unable to do 'Download as PDF' action on an AFP file using the AFP2PDF viewer.

(IBM Content Manager OnDemand Users ) Download as PDF action fails using the AFP2PDF viewer. With this fix, AFP files will be downloaded as PDF correctly.

IO27963 Intermittent error when loading a dependent plugin in the browser.

(IBM Case Manager users) When loading IBM Case Manager, custom plugins that depend on the IBM Case Manager plugin are not loaded intermittently. With this fix, custom plugins that depend on the IBM Case Manager plugin are loaded continuously.

IO27987 Cannot sort results from an all-classes CM8 search that returns more than 200 items.

(IBM Content Manager users) When searching for All classes in CM8, columns cannot be sorted if the search returns more than 200 items and paging is required. With this fix, users can sort a column after they page through to the end of the search results.

IO27991 When using Internet Explorer, shaking occurs when clicking on a folder having a long name.

(IBM Content Navigator users) Using Internet Explorer, in the Browse pane/feature, if a folder having a long name that extends beyond the right boundary of folder tree pane, is clicked, this causes repeated back and forth horizontal scrolling (shaking) to occur. With this fix, this issue does not occur and clicking on the folder will cause scrolling to the right to occur and the full name of the folder is displayed without any shaking.

IO27992 Unable to export more then 1800 search resultsh.

(IBM Content Navigator users) Attempt to export more than 1800 search results fails without an error being displayed. Javascript logging shows an Out Of Memory error. With this fix, users will see the reason why the export request was not fulfilled.

IO27995 OnDemand HTML Viewer launches from only one load balancer URL, when multiple load balancers are used.

(IBM Content Manager OnDemand users) If there are multiple load balancers used, the OnDemand HTML Viewer (for line data documents) can be launched from only one load balancer URL. With this fix, the viewer launches on all load balancer URLs.

IO28007 Read-only users get an error message when viewing a document.

(IBM Content Manager users) Read-only users get an error message when viewing a document with 'When using the Open and Preview actions, display documents in the current window' option. With this fix, the document can open without error.

IO28009 All the columns are jumbled together when exporting an Microsoft Excel file as PDF.

(IBM Content Navigator users) When exporting a Microsoft Excel file (.xls) as PDF, all the columns are jumbled together without any spaces. With this fix the columns will be displayed correctly.

IO28013 Edit service asks for credentials and also crashes when opening a document.

(IBM Content Navigator users) When trying to open a document from desktop, Edit Service client asks for credentials again. Randomly, during opening a document, the plugin also crashes and stops working in the background. With this fix, the problem will no longer happen.

IO28016 Edit service client fails to launch in ie browser after enabling custom URL in administration desktop.

(IBM Content Navigator users) Edit service client fails to launch in ie browser after enabling custom URL in IBM Content Navigator administration desktop. With this fix, this problem will no longer occur.

IO28019 Text annotations migrated from IBM Content Manager (CM8) do not display accurately in Daeja ViewONE Virtual viewer.

(IBM Content Manager users) Text annotations migrated from a IBM Content Manager repository are not displaying accurately in Daeja ViewONE Virtual viewer. Some are not visible, while others are positioned incorrectly. They display correctly when the document is opened in CM Client for Windows application. With this fix, this issue is resolved and the annotations display correctly.

Security Issue: Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in ajaxViewerPrint.jsp fixed.

Fixes included in IBM Content Navigator 3.0.8 IF001

IO27833 Document title field if made required in an entry template, is grayed out when multiple files are selected to be added.

(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) If Document Title is made a required field in an entry template and if multiple files are selected for upload when using it, Document Title is displayed as a required filed but is disabled and the user is unable to complete the add action. The text 'The file name will be used' is displayed in the grayed out field. If a single file is selected for upload, then Document Title is displayed as a required field with the file name as the value, but is enabled for editing. With this fix, this issue does not occur and the user is able to complete the add action even when selecting multiple files.

IO27843 Viewer window position is not consistent when using external monitor.

(IBM Content Navigator users) After the viewer window is closed and re-opened in an external monitor, the position of the new viewer window is changed. With this fix, the issue does not occur.

IO27854 Add document does not work correctly when using file type filters with entry templates.

(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) When trying to add a document with extension which is not allowed, the Add button is disabled. When the file type is changed to an allowed extension, the add button still remains disabled. Closing the Add document page and reopening allows to add the document. With this fix, the problem will no longer happen.

IO27857 Non-English (i.e. extended) characters in Document Title are garbled after saving a document using Microsoft Office Online.

(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) Non-English (i.e. extended) characters in Document Title are garbled after saving a document using Microsoft Office Online. With this fix, this issue does not occur.

IO27866 Plugin request filter may not be invoked if getRequestFilters() method returns null.

(IBM Content Navigator users) Plugin request filter may not be invoked if getRequestFilters() method returns null. With this fix, plugin request filter is executed as expected.

IO27881 Chrome displays visible horizontal scrollbar on the "Add Document" function.

The issue occurs in Google Chrome Broswer when user tries to add document, this issue doesn't occur in IE or Firefox. User navigates to an ICN folder and selects to add document, when the window shows at the bottom of the browser you can see that there is a horizontal scroll that doesn't add much benefit. With this fix the horizontal scroll should no longer be visible in Chrome browser.

IO27923 Download of TIFF files in IBM Content Navigator Container fails with CIWEB1059 error.

(IBM Content Navigator Container users) Download of TIFF files in IBM Content Navigator Container fails with CIWEB1059 error due to a timeout that occurs during conversion. With this fix, the timeout for conversion can be configured so that the download will be successful. The timeout can be set in under /opt/ibm/wlp/usr/servers/defaultServer/configDropins/overrides/

IO27924 When opening multi-part (multipart) documents, a blank page may be displayed.

(IBM Content Navigator users) When opening multi-part (multipart) documents, a blank page may be displayed. With this fix, the multi-part documents display correctly.

IO27931 Creating a link to an external document improperly encodes the URL.

(IBM Content Navigator users) Creating a link to an external document improperly encodes the URL causing the link to fail to be opened. With this fix, creating a link to an external document is properly encoded and the document can be opened successfully.

IO27939 Access to a desktop fails when multiple IBM Content Navigator container pods are used with SAML single sign-on.

(IBM Content Navigator users) When multiple container pods are deployed with SAML SSO, an attempt to access the desktop URL, will redirect to SAML IDP and back to the desktop URL after authentication. Sometimes the redirect back to the desktop URL fails. With the fix, the redirect back to the desktop URL will always work.

IO27940 Roles defined in the Default Instance security at the Class level are not being added to documents.

(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) Roles defined in the Default Instance security at the Class level are not being added to documents created using entry templates. With this fix, these roles are added.

IO27941 Folders are not always sorted when sorting using sortable system properties though documents can always be sorted using them.

(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) Folders are not always sorted when sorting using sortable system properties though documents can always be sorted using them. With this fix, folders will be sorted when using sortable system properties.

IO27942 OnDemand HTML Viewer cannot be used on Oracle WebLogic application server.

(IBM Content Manager OnDemand users) OnDemand HTML Viewer cannot be used on Oracle WebLogic application server. The viewer window does not launch when clicking on a line document. With this fix, the viewer launches successfully.

IO27943 When using Chrome browser, help icon of properties list in an entry template is not displayed in correct position.

(IBM Content Navigator users) When using Chrome browser, the help icon of properties list in an entry template layout is not displayed in correct position. With this fix, the help icon is displayed in the same line as the properties list.

IO27946 Permanent redaction mode is not available when the mime type contains parameters.

(IBM Content Navigator users) When opening a document of a mime type that contains a parameter, i.e., application/pdf;charset=UTF-8, in the IBM Daeja ViewONE Virtual viewer, the permanent redaction mode is not available. With this fix, the permanent redaction mode is available regardless of whether the mime type contains a parameter.

IO27957 Checkin action on a DocSign-signed document fails to be completed.

(IBM Content Navigator users) The checkin action on a DocSign-signed document fails to be completed using DocuSign plugin provided by IBM. With this fix, this issue is resolved and the checkin process completes successfully.

IO27958 Navigating between documents using the left and right arrow keys does not work in filmstrip view.

(IBM Content Navigator users) Trying to navigate from one document to the next with the right or left arrow keys does not work in filmstrip view because the focus is not on the current document icon. After randomly clicking the document icons in the filmstrip with the mouse, the arrows start to work correctly. With this fix, the arrow keys will work as expected.

IO27964 IBM Daeja ViewONE Virtual viewer displays a blank document when the locale is set to Arabic or Hebrew.

(IBM Content Navigator users) IBM Daeja ViewONE Virtual viewer displays a blank document when the locale is set to Arabic or Hebrew. With this fix, the issue is resolved.

IO27969 Work item remains locked after closing step processor.

(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) Work item remains locked (is not unlocked) when closing step processor window in Chrome browser. With this fix, users should see that the work item is unlocked after refreshing the in-basket.

IO27978 Selecting an item type in the class filter drop down of work feature displays document attributes from item type subset.

(IBM Content Manager users) Selecting an item type in the class filter drop down of Work feature displays document attributes from the item type subset view instead of from the item type. With this fix, the attributes from the item type are displayed.

Security Issue: Security vulnerability in login.jsp regarding password field fixed.

Security Issue: Security vulnerability in Apache codec fixed by upgrading Apache Commons codec.

Security Issue: Security vulnerability, Elliptic Curve Key Disclosure, fixed.

Security Issue: Security vulnerability in IBM Daeja ViewONE viewer that allows viewing inaccessible documents fixed.

Security Issue: Security vulnerability in validation of configuration request parameters fixed.

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