IBM Content Navigator Version 3.0.10 Interim Fix 3 Readme

This Readme document contains information about the installation of this package and about restrictions in support of IBM Content Navigator, Version 3.0.10 Interim Fix 3

Readme file for:

IBM Content Navigator.

Product or component release:


Update name:

Interim Fix 3

IBM Content Navigator build number:


IBM Content Navigator Fix ID:

Publication date:

December 17, 2021

Last modified date:

December 17, 2021

Additional documentation for IBM Content Navigator can be found at :

Included Components

New Features

Known problems, issues, and limitations

Known problems, restrictions, and solutions that affect administration and usage of interim fixes are documented as techdocs in the product support knowledge base. Use the following link to query the product support knowledge base by searching for the product and version number: In addition, the interim fix includes the following known problems:

Additional Known problems and restrictions are contained in the Release Notes at

Prerequisites for Version 3.0.10 Interim Fix 3

The official statements for hardware and software support for IBM Content Navigator are provided as part of the hardware and software requirements for IBM Content Navigator, Version

For complete details about the hardware and software requirements for IBM Content Navigator see Software Product Compatibility Reports.

Installing or Updating IBM Content Navigator Version 3.0.10 Interim Fix 3

The following information and steps apply to IBM Content Navigator. To install the interim fix, perform the steps below using the interim fix executable. When you install an interim fix, you can run the installation wizard or run a silent installation. The interim fix can be installed as an update to IBM Content Navigator Version or later.

The interim fix installation program updates the files in the directory where IBM Content Navigator is installed. After the installation program completes successfully, restart the web application server and redeploy the IBM Content Navigator web application to apply the changes from the interim fix.

For more information about installing IBM Content Navigator Version, see

To install IBM Content Navigator, Version 3.0.10 Interim Fix 3:

  1. Back up your current installation of IBM Content Navigator including the master cryptographic key. For more information about backing up the master key, see
  2. Ensure that the IBM Content Navigator Configuration and Deployment Tool is closed.
  3. Log in to the IBM Content Navigator server with the IBM Content Navigator installer account.
  4. Install the interim fix by running the installation wizard or by running a silent installation:
    Important: Do not enter line breaks in the command that you enter to start the installation program.


    At a command prompt, change to the directory where you downloaded the interim fix and enter one of the following commands:


    At a command prompt, change to the directory where you downloaded the interim fix and enter one of the following commands:

    Linux for System z

    At a command prompt, change to the directory where you downloaded the interim fix and enter one of the following commands:


    At a command prompt, change to the directory where you downloaded the interim fix and enter one of the following commands:

  5. Open the IBM Content Navigator Configuration and Deployment tool, click File > Open Deployment Profile, select the target deployment profile and click Open.

  6. If the External Share feature is needed, then perform the bulleted steps below and then continue to Step 7, else continue to Step 7

  7. Run the "Configuring the IBM Content Navigator web application" task. For more instructions, see the topic, "Configuring the IBM Content Navigator web application" in the information center:

  8. Run the "Build the Web Application" task. For more instructions, see the topic, Rebuilding the IBM Content Navigator web application in the information center:

  9. Run the "Deploy the Web Application" task in the IBM Content Navigator Configuration and Deployment Tool for the profile that you want to redeploy.

  10. Stop the IBM Content Navigator web application server.

  11. Clear the application server cache:

  12. Start the IBM Content Navigator web application server.

  13. Verify that the correct version of the software is deployed to the web application server. For more information, see the topic, "Verifying your deployment" in the information center:

  14. If IBM Content Navigator is configured for a high availability environment, see to ensure the crypto keys are set up properly in all servers.

Removing the interim fix

When you uninstall the interim fix, you also uninstall IBM Content Navigator.

The interim fix for IBM Content Navigator uninstallation program removes the program and all applied fixes. You cannot remove only the interim fix.

Updating the Edit Service client

To update the Edit Service client, uninstall the old version and install the new version on both Windows and Mac OS.

Fixes included in IBM Content Navigator Version 3.0.10 Interim Fix 3

The fixes that were provided in previous IBM Content Navigator Version 3.0.10 Interim Fixes are combined in this fix.

IO27188 Word Advance fields are not rendered properly when doing Download as PDF action.

(IBM Content Navigator users) When downloading a Microsoft Word document as PDF, Word Advance fields are not rendered correctly in the PDF file produced. With this fix, Word Advance fields are rendered as expected.

IO28027 Comments in PDF document are not shown correctly in HTML conversion viewer.

(IBM Content Navigator users) Comments in PDF document are not shown correctly in HTML conversion viewer. With this fix, the comments are displayed correctly.

IO28083 Certain PDF images cannot be opened properly using HTML conversion viewer

(IBM FileNet Content Manager Users)* Certain PDF images cannot be opened properly using HTML conversion viewer. With this fix, PDFs will be displayed correctly.

IO28388 Date value in .msg file is displayed in incorrect format in AJAX Viewer on AIX, Linux and zLinux.

(IBM Content Navigator users) Date value in .msg file is displayed in incorrect format in AJAX Viewer on AIX, Linux and zLinux platforms. The format does not match the locale specified. With this fix, the date is displayed in correct format.

IO28479 Download as PDF action can produce PDFs with green background.

(IBM Content Navigator users) The Download as PDF action can produce PDFs with green background. With this fix, the PDFs are generated correctly.

IO28486 PDF attachment in .msg file is not converted correctly.

(IBM Content Navigator users) Some PDF attachments in .msg documents are not converted correctly. With this fix, attachments are converted correctly.

IO28554 'Configure your Database and Data Source' task fails if password contains $ character.

(IBM Content Navigator administrators) In the Configuration and Deployment tool, the task 'Configure your Database and Data Source' fails, if the database user has a password with a $ character in it. With this fix, this task can be run successfully.

IO28568 Date value from Date/Time control cannot be copied using cursor.

(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) The date value in a Date/Time field cannot be copied using the cursor - that is it cannot be selected for cut/paste operation. With this fix, users will be able to select the date value.

IO28571 Part of text are truncated when using PDF conversion viewer to display .msg documents.

(IBM Content Navigator users) Part of text are truncated when using PDF conversion viewer to display .msg documents or when doing the Download as PDF action. With this fix, all text is displayed correctly.

IO28578 Decimal values in child components displayed incorrectly if the value is a whole number.

(IBM Content Manager users) Decimal values inCM8 child components are not displayed correctly if the value is a whole number. With this fix, the decimal attributes are displayed correctly.

IO28581 Opening large worklists is very slow.

IBM Content Navigator users) Opening large worklists is very slow. With this fix, users will see a large worklist opened in a reasonable amount of time.

IO28593 The externalhost and internalhost parameters are case sensitive.

(IBM Content Navigator users) If the internalhost and externalhost parameters are configured with upper case application name (for example, NAVIGATOR), the checkin action in Merge and Split mode may fail. With this fix, the checkin is successful.

IO28597 Download as PDF action on an AFP document generates PDF with different content than when viewing using AFP viewer.

(IBM Content Manager Ondemand users) Download as PDF action on an AFP document generates PDF with different content than when viewing using AFP viewer. With this fix, the PDF generated looks the same as when viewing the document using the AFP Viewer.

IO28598 Edit Service client may fail to start failed if FIPS is disabled.

(IBM Content Navigator users) Edit Service Client may fail to start if FIPS is disabled. With the fix, it will start correctly.

IO28604 Edit and email with external application actions fail in Case feature.

(IBM Content Navigator users) Edit and email with external application fail in Case feature. With the fix, these actions will succeed.

IO28618 Append checkbox is disabled if a single value is present in a multi-valued property.

(IBM Content Navigator users) In some situations, when editing multi-valued (multivalued) properties (attributes), the Append checkbox is disabled if there is a single value present in the property. With this fix, the Append checkbox will be always enabled when there is a a single value present.

IO28619 Daeja viewer displays document slowly if it contains annotations and has many pages.

(IBM Content Manager users) Daeja ViewONE Virtual viewer displays documents slowly, if they contain annotations of type MODCA-p and have many pages. With this fix, the performance improved.

IO28622 Windows Edit Service client and Sync client, installed to default install location do not work.

(IBM Content Navigator users) In some situations, Windows Edit Service client and Sync client that are installed to default install location do not work. With this fix, this issue does not occur.

IO28623 Edit Service client fails when used with CP4BA v21.0.2 and SAML SSO.

(IBM Content Navigator users) Edit Service client fails with 'invalid JSON entity' error when used with CP4BA v21.0.2 and SAML SSO. With this fix, this error does not occur.

IO28629 Entry Templates not listed in Teamspace Templates and Teamspaces.

IBM Content Navigator users) ICN Entry Templates not listed in teamspace templates and teamspaces.

IO28636 Width for integer field containing choice list is not consistent in Properties view.

(BM FileNet Content Manager users) Width for integer field containing choice list is not consistent in properties view. With this fix, users will see the dropdown expanded correctly and showing all of the text.

IO28649 In some scenarios, comments added to documents in the Properties view are not seen until after reopening the view.

(IBM Content Navigator users) In some scenarios, comments added to documents in the Properties view are not seen until after reopening the view. With this fix, this issue is resolved and the comments are visible immediately.

IO28651 Edit Service client or Sync client fails to login on first attempt.

(IBM Content Navigator users) A failure occurs in Edit Service client or Sync client on attempt to login the first time. The login succeeds on the second attempt. With this fix, the login is successful on the first attempt.

IO28657 Auto-run enabled search fails to open in Favorites.

(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) An error occurs when opening an auto-run search from the Favorites tree view. With this fix, the search opens successfully.

IO28658 Edit Service client crashes if closing Microsoft Office application with multiple documents opened in it.

(IBM Content Navigator users) Edit Service client crashes if Microsoft Office application having multiple documents opened in it, is closed. With this fix, this issue does not occur.

IO28661 An error occurs when refreshing a CM8 search.

(IBM Content Manager users) An error occurs when refreshing a search. With this fix, the search is refreshed successfully.

IO28664 Annotations are not deleted after merge and split action.

(IBM Content Manger users) Attempt fail to be deleted if they delete action is attempted on them after switching to merge and split mode and the document is checked in. With this fix, annotations can be deleted successfully.

IO28667 Content Federation Services (CFS) OnDemand viewer fails to open with CORS error.

(IBM Content Manager OnDemand users) When attempting to open IBM Content Manager OnDemand documents federated into FileNet Content Manager from a different origin using a bookmark.jsp linke, the Content Federation Services (CFS) OnDemand Viewer fails with a CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) error. The following error message is seen in the browser's developer tools console: 'SecurityError: Blocked a frame with origin http:// from accessing a cross-origin frame.'. With this fix, this error does not occur and the federated documents open successfully.

Fixes included in IBM Content Navigator 3.0.10 IF002

IO28496 'Failed to load data!' message displayed in External Share user document list.

(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) Content Navigator External Share list may get 'Failed to load data!' error when refreshed. With this fix, users should see the list contents displayed correctly.

IO28518 Text search is available to P8 classes that are not CBR-enabled.

(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) The text search field is available when searching in a repository configured for text search and a content class that is not enabled for content based retrieval (CBR). With this fix, the text search field is not available.

IO28520 Folder action on folder containing a saved search for folders, shows incorrect repository.

IBM FileNet Content Manager users) When executing an adhoc search from a folder that searches objects in a different repository, the content items have the wrong repository set. As the repository is always expected to be the repository where the content item belongs to, this leads to errors. For example, you can not move the object to a different folder as the dialog displays the wrong repository. With this fix, the correct repository is displayed.

IO28537 Annotations move or disappear if image resolution is not 96.

(IBM Content Manager Users) When load a image file which resolution is not 96, annotations either disappeared or distorted if format is Modcap. With this fix, annotations display correctly.

IO28541 Incorrect repository used on entry templates.

(IBM Content Navigator users) When setting an entry template on a folder that creates an object in a different repository, a wrong repositoryId and objectStoreId is sent to multiple services. With this fix, this issue does not occur.

IO28552 'Results Options' dialog in Search shows hidden properties when opening an existing saved search.

(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) The Available properties list displayed when using 'Results Options' on a saved search, shows hidden properties, if it is opened twice in a row. With this fix, users should not see any hidden properties in the Available properties list.

IO28565 Pagination bar is not displayed for a folder bookmark.

(IBM Content Navigator users) Pagination bar is not displayed for a folder bookmark. With this fix, users should see the pagination bar displayed in the content area.

Fixes included in IBM Content Navigator 3.0.10 IF001

IO28414 The multi value properties set by UserColumnSettings plugin may not appear until clicked.

(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) The multi value property values set by UserColumnSettings plugin may not appear until clicked. With the fix, they will appear from the start.

IO28426 On the Object value properties dialog, Open button does not work.

(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) When showing Object value properties in properties dialog, the Open button does not work. With the fix, the Open button will work.

IO28429 Asterisk indicating modification disappears and prompt to save annotation changes is not displayed.

(IBM Content Navigator users) Upon modifying an annotation, an asterisk displayed on a document tab to indicate this, disappears if the user clicks anywhere else in the viewer.

IO28444 A 'EOBJECTMODIFIED' Error occurs when removing a document from a folder.

(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) A 'EOBJECTMODIFIED' error occurs when removing a document from a folder containing an event subscription which acts on the document - changes a property, etc. With this fix, the error should not be displayed and the document's security folder should be updated successfully.

IO28445 IBM Content Navigator (ICN) is not seen in IBM System Dashboard.

(IBM Content Navigator users) IBM Content Navigator performance data are not displayed in IBM System Dashboard. With this fix, IBM Content Navigator performance data is displayed.

IO28447 Button 'Export All' issue when browser language is French.

(IBM Content Navigator users) When browser language is set to French the 'Export All' dialog fails to initialize. With this fix, the 'Export All' dialog should initialize and allow exporting of data.

IO28450 Viewer properties panel does not update after clicking on Next button.

(IBM Content Navigator users) In the IBM Content Navigator viewer, the Properties panel is not updating after clicking on next or 'Save and Get Next' when viewing multiple documents. With this fix, the viewer properties panel is correctly updated after clicking on next or 'Save and Get Next' when viewing multiple documents.

IO28456 Plug-in menu actions, that define a custom Action model class, appear in the wrong order on the context menu.

(IBM Content Navigator users) Plug-in menu actions, that define a custom Action model class, appear in the wrong order on the context menu. With this fix, the plug-in actions appear in the order they are configured on the context menu.

IO28457 OnDemand HTML Viewer for line data does not work in container environment.

(IBM Content Navigator OnDemand users) OnDemand HTML Viewer for line data does not work in container environment. With this fix, the viewer works.

IO28462 Print button is hidden in Merge and Split mode when creating new document.

(IBM Content Navigator Users) Print button is hidden in Merge and Split mode when creating a new document by clicking on New Document tab. With this fix, the print button is displayed.

IO28463 Error occurs when attempting to add a document using the 'New Document with Desktop Apps' button.

(IBM Content Navigator users) An error occurs when attempting to add a document using the 'New Document with Desktop Apps' button. With this fix, this issue is resolved.

IO28471 Hidden Object value property values are displayed.

(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) When an object value property is hidden, its value is still retrieved. After the fix, the value of hidden object value properties will not be retrieved.

IO28478 Add Document action may fail when using EDS validation.

(IBM Content Navigator users) Users of EDS validation may encounter an issue in which their content may not be added after using the Add Document dialog. With this fix, the Add Document dialog will function correctly.

IO28482 Download as UTF-8 action fails on multiple selection of line data documents.

(IBM Container Manager OnDemand users) After selecting multiple line data documents, if Download as UTF-8 is attempted, it fails with 'CIWEB 1016: your request cannot be processed' error. With this fix, the action succeeds and the documents download successfully.

IO28497 Attachment name appears incorrectly when using desktop mail client.

(IBM Content Navigator users) When using the option 'Use the desktop email client' with the Edit Service client for sending emails in ICN 3.0.10 filenames can become garbled in the email client if using for example Hebrew or Greek characters as part of the filename. With this fix, this issue is resolved.

IO28504 Multiple document export does not work the first time.

(IBM Content Navigator users) After downloading a document, if multiple documents are selected and Export action is attempted, no dialog to provide the exported (CSV) file name is displayed. The dialog is displayed if the action is attempted again. With this fix, the export action succeeds the first time and a CSV file is downloaded.

IO28509 EDS/Dropdown plugin activation causes properties to NOT open or quick view to edit properties in Internet Explorer (IE).

(IBM Content Manager users) EDS/Dropdown plugin activation causes properties and quick view to NOT open, preventing edit action on the properties in Internet Explorer (IE). With this fix, users should see the attribute value selected in the combo box of the properties view.

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This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. IBM may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time without notice.

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