This document contains system requirements information and installation instructions for IBM® Rational® Portfolio Manager, Version Interim Fix 004 for UNIX®. It also contains information about contacting IBM Rational Software Support.
This is the fourth interim fix for Rational Portfolio Manager. This interim fix contains defect fixes to Rational Portfolio Manager, version Interim fixes are cumulative, and contain all fixes delivered in previous interim fixes for the release. When you install interim fix 004, you will also get all the fixes delivered in the previous interim fixes.
To install this interim fix, in addition to the installation instructions contained in this Readme file, you also need to refer to the Rational Portfolio Manager Installation and Upgrade Guide. This guide is available at
You can also find the Rational Portfolio Manager Installation and Upgrade information in the Rational Portfolio Manager Information Center. The Information Center is available at
New Feature | Description |
Investment Map bubble displays the Project Manager name and Project Reference number | The Investment Map now displays the Project Manager name and Project Reference number as part of project information. For more information, click here. |
Edit Note window in the Timesheet view supports 1000 single-byte (English) characters | The Edit Note window in the Timesheet view now supports the entry of summary notes up to 1000 single-byte characters (such as English) or 333 double-byte characters (such as Chinese and Japanese). For more information, click here. |
Additional filters in the Timesheet view to refine task display | To optimize the result set received from the existing six filters, four additional filters are added to the Timesheet view. Apply the new filters along with the existing filters to refine the result set. For more information, click here. |
API loads data in the URL fields in the project description settings | You can use API to load data in the URL fields (URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4 and URL 5) in the project description settings. For more information, click here. |
APAR | Description |
PK58657 | The disabled administrative or personal tasks cannot be removed from the Timesheet view. |
PK68281 | If you do not have project visitor rights, you cannot view task identification data when using API scripts. |
PK69085 | The Timesheet Pivot does not display correct start and finish dates for Week 1 and Week 53. |
PK78997 | The script stops when migrating to Rational Portfolio Manager interim fix 003 on HP-UX platform. |
PK79141 | The Timesheet view and Timesheet Pivot do not display time codes for tasks. |
RATLC00261121 | If you try to access the Scorecard Pivot from the Investment maps, the Scorecard Pivot is not available. |
RATLC00261950 | The Resource Supply and Demand pivot does not display information in the Competency, Skills and Skills Proficiency columns. |
For DB2 database
For Oracle database
gunzip <IFix-package-name>.tar.gz
tar -xvf <IFix-package-name>.tar
db2 force applications all
db2stop force
db2 connect to <database_name> user <instance_owner> using <instance_owner_pwd>
db2 "select procname, implementation from syscat.procedures where procname = 'SP_GET_VERSION'"
The following table shows a sample result of a query, where the returned library file is 'myrpm'.
SP_GET_VERSION | /home/db2inst1/sqllib/function/myrpm!SP_GET_VERSION |
If the above query returns a library file name other than, rename the file found in the directory path in Step 2 to the name returned in the query. For example as per the above sample query, the returned library name is 'myrpm' and you need to rename to
To rename to, use the command mv
chmod 777
./ <database_name> <instance_owner> <instance_owner_pwd>
<<connected_user>> <<connected_user_pwd>>
db2 connect to <database_name> user <instance_owner> using <instance_owner_pwd>
db2 connect to <database_name> user <connected_user> using <connected_user_pwd>
db2 "call sp_get_version()"
db2 "values(get_unique_id())"
chmod 777
chmod 777
Update the middleware component as specified in the Rational Portfolio Manager Installation and Upgrade guide, Chapter 4. Installing IBM Rational Portfolio Manager middleware.
The Rational Portfolio Manager Open Data Access solution replaces and provides several fixes for issues found with the Rational Portfolio Manager Data Warehouse feature introduced in Rational Portfolio Manager release The Rational Portfolio Manager open data access solution facilitates access to data stored in Rational Portfolio Manager databases, through the creation of an external normalized model database that has a publicly documented schema. For more information about the solution and installation instructions, click here.
Restart the Rational Portfolio Manager Web application and the associated alert server.
IBM Rational Software Support provides you with technical assistance.
For contact information and guidelines or reference materials that you need when you require support, read the IBM Software Support Handbook at
For product news, events, and other information, visit the product home page for Rational Portfolio Manager Software at
Before you contact IBM Rational Software Support, gather the background information that you need to describe your problem. When describing a problem to an IBM software support specialist, be as specific as possible and include all relevant background information so that the specialist can help you solve the problem efficiently. To save time, know the answers to these questions:
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