IBM Rational Portfolio Manager Interim Fix 005 Readme for UNIX

This document contains system requirements information and installation instructions for IBM® Rational® Portfolio Manager, Version Interim Fix 005 for UNIX®. It also contains information about contacting IBM Rational Software Support.



This is the fifth interim fix for Rational Portfolio Manager. This interim fix contains defect fixes to Rational Portfolio Manager, version Interim fixes are cumulative, and contain all fixes delivered in previous interim fixes for the release. When you install interim fix 005, you will also get all the fixes delivered in the previous interim fixes.

Note: The streaming middleware mechanism is implemented in Rational Portfolio Manager Interim Fix 005. For more information, click here.

To install this interim fix, in addition to the installation instructions contained in this Readme file, you also need to refer to the Rational Portfolio Manager Installation and Upgrade Guide. This guide is available at

You can also find the Rational Portfolio Manager Installation and Upgrade information in the Rational Portfolio Manager Information Center. The Information Center is available at

New Features

The new feature delivered in Rational Portfolio Manager, version interim fix 005 is documented as an individual technote and is available at

Problems Solved

Table 1. Problems addressed in Rational Portfolio Manager interim fix 005
APAR/ Defect Number Description
PK24058 The Employee code and Department code in the Employee information portlet is expanded to support 20 single-byte (English) characters. For more information, click here.
PK44770 Deliverable Elements (f) and Project Deliverable Detail Pivot reports display incorrect aggregate amounts. For more information, click here.
PK65586 The Security settings in a personal calendar does not work to control the editing of calendar exceptions.
PK68886 The Assigned column in the Resources band in the Work Management view does not display the names of the assigned profiles.
PK72581 Unable to change the Percent Duration Complete (%DC) for milestones.
PK75521 The Scorecard map does not indicate the scorecard color in amber when required.
PK75795 Attaching a new document to a task that already has a document attached to it and checking in the changes displays unhandled exception error messages.
PK76016 The Resources band in the Work Management view does not display the names of the task assignees.
PK76380 Attempting to change the start or finish dates for a task assignment displays an error message.
PK78845 The date and time format for scope elements is not consistent in all views.
PK79154 In Rational Portfolio Manager interim fix 002, theSP Call parameters are missing in the SP call log entries.
PK79213 Unable to view the previously published versions of scorecards in Scorecard maps.
PK79253 The performance of My Portal in Rational Portfolio Manager interim fix 002 is relatively slow when compared its performance to Rational Portfolio Manager
PK79859 Significant drop in overall performance after migrating to Rational Portfolio Manager interim fix 003.
PK79914 Expanding a folder in the Document template view results in slow performance.
PK80270 The project health color is not displayed correctly in reports.
PK81938 In the General Health pivot, data is missing in many columns when PIVOT_GH_MM_CALCULATION_FLAG is zero.
PK83114 The Multi Reporting Templates do not display data for Resource Utilization dataset.
RATLC00261397 When a Portfolio folder contains a project or a proposal with only one currency value, the Aggregate Portfolio option displays that multiple currencies are available.
RATLC00261561 When a portfolio folder has a sub-portfolio folder(s), the Aggregate Portfolio option displays incorrect amounts for non-US currency.
RATLC00263642 When exceptions are added to the system calendar in the Application administration area, the CALENDAR_DAY_OF_YEAR rows are not updated in Rational Portfolio Manager.
RATLC01469743 In the Scope management view, when you copy content from a text file and paste it in a rich text format field, you get an Access Violation error message.

Known Problems

The known problems are documented as individual technotes and are available at As problems are discovered and resolved, the knowledge base is updated and maintained with new information. By searching the knowledge base, you can quickly find workarounds or solutions to problems.

Platforms NOT supported in Rational Portfolio Manager, version interim fix 005

Prerequisites for installing Rational Portfolio Manager, version interim fix

  • Application of this interim fix requires an installed Rational Portfolio Manager, version
  • System requirements for Rational Portfolio Manager are applicable for this interim fix and must be met. For information on Rational Portfolio Manager system requirements, refer to the Rational Portfolio Manager Installation and Upgrade guide, Chapter 2. Planning your installation.

Before you begin

  1. Back up your existing database before applying the interim fix, to ensure a full recovery in case of crashes or failures.
  2. Ensure you have a copy of the Rational Portfolio Manager Installation and Upgrade Guide for reference during the installation.
  3. Ensure you have the following database connection information for updating the database component:

    For DB2 database

    • Database name
    • Instance owner
    • Instance owner password
    • Connected user and password, if applicable

    For Oracle database

    • ORACLE_SID or TNS string
    • Rational Portfolio Manager schema owner
    • Rational Portfolio Manager schema owner password
    • Rational Portfolio Manager database SYS user password
    • Connected user and password, if applicable

Installing Rational Portfolio Manager, version interim fix for UNIX

To install the interim fix:
  1. Download the interim fix package.
  2. Update the database component, as applicable:
    • On DB2
    • On Oracle
  3. Update the middleware component.
  4. OPTIONAL - Installation of IBM Rational Portfolio Manager Open Data Access solution.
  5. Restart Rational Portfolio Manager.
Important: Installing the Rational Portfolio Manager Open Data Access solution is optional. You can install the open data access solution only after applying the interim fix.

1. Downloading the interim fix package

  1. Download the interim fix package from here to your server.
  2. Extract the interim fix package using the command:
    gunzip <IFix-package-name>.tar.gz
  3. Untar the interim fix package by using the command:
    tar -xvf <IFix-package-name>.tar
    Note: In this Readme, the path where you extract the package, for example, /home/db2inst1/rpm/ is referred to as ${IFIX_PACKAGE}.
  4. Stop the Rational Portfolio Manager Web application and the associated alert server.

2a. For DB2 users: Updating the database component

Note: Refer to the instructions in this section only if you are using DB2 as your database. If you are using Oracle as your database, refer to section 2b. For Oracle users: Updating the database component.
Note: In this Readme,‘$DB2DIR’ refers to the location where DB2 has been deployed. For example: /home/db2inst1/sqllib
  1. Open a terminal shell.
  2. In the shell, navigate to the code subdirectory ${IFIX_PACKAGE}/Database/DB2
  3. From the shell window, restart DB2 by running the following commands in sequence:
    db2 force applications all
    db2stop force
  4. From the shell window, update the DB2 package:
    1. Connect to the database (substitute the actual values for database name, instance owner, and instance owner password):
      db2 connect to <database_name> user <instance_owner> using <instance_owner_pwd>
    2. Retrieve the Rational Portfolio Manager shared object (SO) library file name stored in DB2, by running the following query:
      db2 "select procname, implementation from syscat.procedures where procname = 'SP_GET_VERSION'"

      The following table shows a sample result of a query, where the returned library file is 'myrpm'.

      SP_GET_VERSION /home/db2inst1/sqllib/function/myrpm!SP_GET_VERSION

      If the above query returns a library file name other than, rename the file found in the directory path in Step 2 to the name returned in the query. For example as per the above sample query, the returned library name is 'myrpm' and you need to rename to

      To rename to, use the command mv

  5. To grant script execution rights, run the following command:
    chmod 777
  6. Run the following command:
    ./ <database_name> <instance_owner> <instance_owner_pwd>
    <<connected_user>> <<connected_user_pwd>>
    Note: Parameters <<connected_user>> and <<connected_user_pwd>> are required only if the Rational Portfolio Manager database was setup using scenario #2 - connected user. For more information on scenario #2, refer to Rational Portfolio Manager Installation and Upgrade guide.
  7. Verify that the script copied the .so file identified in Step 4b into $DB2DIR/function directory. If not, copy the file manually.
  8. To verify if the application of the interim fix was successful, in the shell window, perform the following steps:
    1. If instance owner credentials were provided in step 6, then connect to the database using the following command (supply the actual values for database name, instance owner, and instance owner password):
      db2 connect to <database_name> user <instance_owner> using <instance_owner_pwd>
    2. If connected user credentials were provided in step 6, then connect to the database using the following command (supply the actual values for database name, connected user, and connected user password):
      db2 connect to <database_name> user <connected_user> using <connected_user_pwd> 
    3. Enter the following stored procedure call that should return the value as
      db2 "call sp_get_version()"
      Important: If the stored procedure call does not return the value as, then contact IBM Rational Software Support.
    4. Enter the following command, which should return a 32-digit alphanumeric character string, to indicate successful application of the interim fix:
      db2 "values(get_unique_id())"
      Note: If the command does not return such a value, then contact IBM Rational Software Support.

2b. For Oracle users: Updating the database component

Note: Refer to the instructions in this section only if you are using Oracle as your database. If you are using DB2 as your database, refer to section 2a. For DB2 users: Updating the database component
  1. Open a terminal shell.
  2. In the shell window, change the path to ${IFIX_PACKAGE}/Database/Oracle
  3. Grant script execution rights by running the following commands:
    chmod 777
    chmod 777
  4. Apply the interim fix according to the database scenario applicable.
    1. In an Instance owner scenario, run the script:
      Enter the following information when you are prompted:
      • ORACLE_SID or TNS string
      • Rational Portfolio Manager schema owner
      • Rational Portfolio Manager schema owner password
    2. In a Connected user scenario, run the following scripts:
      Enter the following information when you are prompted:
      • ORACLE_SID or TNS string
      • Rational Portfolio Manager schema owner
      • Rational Portfolio Manager schema owner password
      • Rational Portfolio Manager connected user name
      • Rational Portfolio Manager connected user password
      • Rational Portfolio Manager database SYS user password
  5. Check log files produced in ${IFIX_PACKAGE}/Database/Oracle/logs for errors.
    Note: If the log file lists invalid objects or other errors, then contact IBM Rational Software Support.
  6. Update the Oracle leveling library with the appropriate one from the directory, ${IFIX_PACKAGE}/Database/Oracle/Leveling
    Note: For more information on shared library configuration, refer to Rational Portfolio Manager Installation and Upgrade guide, Chapter 3. Installing IBM Rational Portfolio Manager database.

3. Updating the middleware component

Update the middleware component as specified in the Rational Portfolio Manager Installation and Upgrade guide, Chapter 4. Installing IBM Rational Portfolio Manager middleware.

4. OPTIONAL - Installation of IBM Rational Portfolio Manager Open Data Access solution

The open data access solution facilitates access to data stored in Rational Portfolio Manager databases, through the creation of an external database that has a publicly documented schema. For more information about the feature and installation instructions, click here.

5. Restarting Rational Portfolio Manager

Restart the Rational Portfolio Manager Web application and the associated alert server.

Contacting IBM Rational Software Support

IBM Rational Software Support provides you with technical assistance.

For contact information and guidelines or reference materials that you need when you require support, read the IBM Software Support Handbook at

For product news, events, and other information, visit the product home page for Rational Portfolio Manager Software at

Before you contact IBM Rational Software Support, gather the background information that you need to describe your problem. When describing a problem to an IBM software support specialist, be as specific as possible and include all relevant background information so that the specialist can help you solve the problem efficiently. To save time, know the answers to these questions:

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