The following APARs are fixed in this release, in addition to the APARS that were addressed in 2.0.1 iFix1 , 2.0.1 iFix2 , 2.0.1 iFix3 , and 2.0.1 iFix4.
Summary |
PM18997 | Error performing mass updates on Test Cases |
PM19843 | 36510: Unable to create new keywords after inserting a keyword into the script |
PM19884 | 36519: Show Filters icon is not displayed |
PM20860 | 37433: Req Pro requirements migrated from Test Manager never update "suspect" status when requirements change |
PM21035 | Upgrade from RQM to 2.0.1 corrupts Process Configuration Source |
PM21649 | RQM schedule starts before RTC build is finished |
PM21652 | No build definition after deleting build records |
PM22169 | Duplicate functionality fails with artifacts that have long names (37450) |
PM22170 | Timeout for Duplicate job is too short - duplicate fails with no user feedback (38522) |
PM22171 | Duplicate can fail with special characters in artifact name (38523) |
PM22213 | RQM requirements which are deleted from ReqPro cause Requirement Import to hang |
PM22217 | Import wizard not refreshing project list in connection |
PM22234 | Unable to start server : org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.PackageNotFoundException: Package with uri 'repository' not found. |
PM22399 | Custom sections of testplans with double-quotes do not display correctly in PDF |
PM22434 | Execution Schedule does not run |
PM22480 | Association with a testplan changes testcase queries in unxpected ways |
PM22496 | Error 500 when generating a parent Testplan detail report |
PM22594 | Error 500 when generating a Test Plan detail report for a test plan with datapools removed |
PM23967 | RQM: Printing a Test Case result in normal view results in error |
PM24096 | TM/RQM migration with CQ |
The 2.0.1 iFix5 release includes fixes for the following set of issues, as well as the fixes that were made available in 2.0.1 iFix1 , 2.0.1 iFix2 , 2.0.1 iFix3 , and 2.0.1 iFix4.