Rational Quality Manager and Rational Test Lab Manager 2.0.1 iFix5 - Release Notes

Fixed APARs

The following APARs are fixed in this release, in addition to the APARS that were addressed in 2.0.1 iFix1 , 2.0.1 iFix2 , 2.0.1 iFix3 , and 2.0.1 iFix4.



PM18997 Error performing mass updates on Test Cases
PM19843 36510: Unable to create new keywords after inserting a keyword into the script
PM19884 36519: Show Filters icon is not displayed
PM20860 37433: Req Pro requirements migrated from Test Manager never update "suspect" status when requirements change
PM21035 Upgrade from RQM to 2.0.1 corrupts Process Configuration Source
PM21649 RQM schedule starts before RTC build is finished
PM21652 No build definition after deleting build records
PM22169 Duplicate functionality fails with artifacts that have long names (37450)
PM22170 Timeout for Duplicate job is too short - duplicate fails with no user feedback (38522)
PM22171 Duplicate can fail with special characters in artifact name (38523)
PM22213 RQM requirements which are deleted from ReqPro cause Requirement Import to hang
PM22217 Import wizard not refreshing project list in connection
PM22234 Unable to start server : org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.PackageNotFoundException: Package with uri 'repository' not found.
PM22399 Custom sections of testplans with double-quotes do not display correctly in PDF
PM22434 Execution Schedule does not run
PM22480 Association with a testplan changes testcase queries in unxpected ways
PM22496 Error 500 when generating a parent Testplan detail report
PM22594 Error 500 when generating a Test Plan detail report for a test plan with datapools removed
PM23967 RQM: Printing a Test Case result in normal view results in error
PM24096 TM/RQM migration with CQ

Defect fixes

The 2.0.1 iFix5 release includes fixes for the following set of issues, as well as the fixes that were made available in 2.0.1 iFix1 , 2.0.1 iFix2 , 2.0.1 iFix3 , and 2.0.1 iFix4.

  • [29623] Additional parameters to improve BIRT query performance
  • [32066] Many errors in log from running Insight ETL against RQM 2.0.1 iFix1
  • [32737] Links to Defects associated to test logs are not preserved after TM migration (CQ Connector)
  • [32875] Deleted Artifacts not working correctly with cloning.
  • [33279] Test Schedule gets 'stuck' and provides no way to find out where or why
  • [33769] Lab resource properties editor does not detect and flag duplicate name if the name was hidden
  • [34994] Copying a single item with many subitems can cause the job to timeout
  • [35304] Regression: Ampersand character in Related Sites section contain & instead of & after iFix3
  • [36140] RQM 2.0.1: RATLC01509424 - Error performing mass updates on Test Cases
  • [36519] Show Filters icon is not displayed
  • [36627] Server Doesn't Recognize that Approval Rejection Note Added
  • [36747] RATLC01510194: Unable to create a new keyword using existing keyword and a test script step.
  • [37433] Req Pro requirements migrated from Test Manager never update "suspect" status when requirements change
  • [37504] RATLC01318786 -- Importing reqs from ReqPro to RQM problem
  • [37583] RATLC01319587 Displaying a Test Plan custom grid that contains double quotes is shown as empty in the UI custom section
  • [37792] Default Requirement sync time is too low
  • [37992] RATLC01439891 -- RQM schedule starts before RTC build is finished (APAR 21649)
  • [38206] RATLC01511607: Execution schedules are not executing the correct adapter after it is changed
  • [38365] ReqPro Requirements migrating from TestManager displayed different values with Requirements imports from RQM import wizard
  • [38431] No way to see progress of requirement import
  • [38434] Requirements which are deleted from ReqPro cause Requirement Import to hang
  • [38436] Import wizard not refreshing project list in connection
  • [38438] Deleting Requirement Connection can cause problems if connection is re-created
  • [38442] Need a way to delete improperly imported requirements
  • [38464] ReqPro "Synchronize Now" always shows "In progress Now"
  • [38522] Timeout for Duplicate job is too short - duplicate fails with no user feedback
  • [38523] Duplicate can fail with special characters in artifact name
  • [38527] Serviceability: duplicate functionality
  • [38551] Change the confirmation message for "Synchronize All" requirements option in System Properties
  • [38623] RQM REST API feeds returning incorrect links
  • [38712] Association with a testplan changes testcase queries in unexpected ways
  • [38739] Incorrect XPath of currentexecutionresult in the default RCPR and Insight 1002 XDC
  • [38793] RATLC01438361: Error 500 when generating a Testplan with children detail report
  • [38902] Use RTC iFix 4 as the supplier on the the RQM 2.0.1 iFix Stream - builds and offerings
  • [39065] RATLC01438361: Error 500 when generating a Test Plan detail report for a test plan with datapools removed
  • [39118] Adopt ReqPro API ability to determine Suspect status - for 2.0.1
  • [39415] RQM: During the Creation of a Test Execution Record a Test Plan can not be added
  • [39422] Provide more Info when invoking RequirementPutHandler for TM Migration
  • [39499] ETLs failing when bad data is in a resource
  • [39841] Duplicate functionality fails with artifacts that have long names
  • [39863] RQM - Feed url for remotescript is not working
  • [39984] project element not included in feed.xsd
  • [40021] RATLC01513449 cannot generate PDF for execution result
  • [40155] Unable to create test script: script type unknown
  • [40204] Adding a new section while inside test plan, does not work
  • [40430] BIRT report "Summary - Exec By Test Sch" is reporting incorrect data. Report too long. Browser Hangs.