Rational Quality Manager and Rational Test Lab Manager iFix1 - Release Notes

Fixed APARs

The following APARs are fixed in this release, in addition to the APARs that were addressed in 2.0.1 iFix1 , 2.0.1 iFix2 , 2.0.1 iFix3 , 2.0.1 iFix4 , 2.0.1 iFix5 and 



PM11865 Testplan is not referenced in Testsuite PDF
PM17805 Resource links in PDF summary are broken
PM18936 Print summary for test cases does not contain header and link
PM24711 Inconsistent size of input fields in test script editor
PM24822 QTP adapter help failing to install
PM24838 After changing display settings, Execution Console does not show any entries in the page header
PM25499 Importing test data with empty values
RQM ExcelImporter will not connect to project
PM26432 Execution console does not display Suite when one of the scripts within the Suite is being run
PM26932 Can not PDF print TER "Current Artifact Report" where Project Area contains umlaut and space in the name
PM26986 View TER blocking status filter does not work for CQ
PM27439 Lab Resource Descriptions are lost when Machine Type is changed in a Test Environment
PM27471 Deleting a current execution result does not update the TER properly
PM27773 Migration problems from CQTM/RMT into RQM
PM28975 RMT Migration tools fails to migrate a script with a re-used statement


Defect fixes

The iFix1 release includes fixes for the following set of issues, as well as the fixes that were made available in 2.0.1 iFix1 , 2.0.1 iFix2 , 2.0.1 iFix32.0.1 iFix4.   2.0.1 iFix5.  and

[32312] Extremely large test data can not be used in execution
[33343] RMT script file and RMT execution result file can't be distinguished if they have same name
[34094] When TM Project is Migrated from TM to RQM, the Requirements associated to Test Cases under a Test Plan is NOT linked to Test Plan
[34306] Incorrect characters in requirements in testplan section
34352] Lab Resource Catalog editor error reporting doesn't work
[34435] Deleting test script while execution in progress shows error message
[35054] Invalid links in PDF print summaries
[35790] Need a link between an artifact's PDF and the RQM WebUI for that artifact
[35896] Inconsistent size of input fields in test script editor
[37272] Environment details wrong after changing "Set Type" name of "Test Plan Environment Types" in System Properties
[37302] RQM automated test script arguments not compatible with TMtest script options
[40309] Test Data - WebUI displays incorrect after click "Discard Changes" button.
[41000] Could not clean up list of instructions
[41126] Execution of RPT adapter doesn't work when user creates test using Linux file system shared location
[41234] Still go into project list after "Cancel" is clicked when Integrating RTC Build Provider
[41344] RQM: Importing Test data with empty values
[41500] Save and Discard Changes icon are still disabled after modify Execution States of System properties.
[41612] RQM ExcelImporter will not connect to project
[41720] RTM Migration tool version string says RQM 2.0.1 iFix005 Beta
[41741] Script execution can be put into unknown state when the user pauses execution
[41758] Quality Objectives issues found in RQM

[41777] Requirements from Different Project showing up in the Plan Requirements Defect Impact report in RQM.
[41799] Default Script not Set when TER Generated from Test Plan
[41813]  Execution console does not display Suite when one of the scripts within the Suite is being run
[41815] Deleting of DOORS requirements does not work
[41869] Add New Child Plan will duplicate all child plans which have already been added into the child plan list under Child Test Plans section
[41943]  PDF does not save with correct file name in IE7 or IE8
[41992] Modify the request synchronization way in resetSynchronizeTimeStamp method
[42009] TER ID link in "Test cases impact by defects" report does not work correctly
[42010] RQM global search raise error "TypeError: str is undefined"
[42054] Can not PDF print TER "Current Artifact Report" where Project Area contains umlaut and space in the name
[42085] Links between testcases and RFT test scripts are lost after migration from TM
[42155] TestscriptGetHandler returns incorrect links to keyword in case keyword have external id
[42626] TM2RQM Migration Utiltiy Doesn't Handle RFT Scripts Correctly when Generating TERs
[42681] Using "All" for isBlocking query in TER view only returns non-blocked TERs
[42682] Copy Tool can not successfully skip keywords associated with a Test Script
[42686] Insight needs projects feed scoped by the project alias in the URL
[42707] Create Requirement page displays unfriendly GUI
[42765] Change Display Settings action is missing from test case table in test plan
[42804] TM2RQM Migration tool doesn't migrate Requirement owner
[42860] Cannot save all the contents when we create a new machine
[42878] Severity and State not set correctly in Defect List report
[42885] RQM flyover menus harder to use in iFix01
[42901] The "Test cases standalone" table in the Test Cases report needs to group by Test Case ID rather than Test Case Name
[42907] Plan archive parameter incorrectly set on reports
[42932] RQM workaround for the problem with setting tabindex
[42938] IE8: Script error when test script are switched between different types
[42970] RMT Migration tools fails to migrate a script with a re-used statement