Statemate version Release Notes

IBM Corporation
26 Nov, 2014



This file contains last-minute product information and updates to Statemate

It is divided into the following sections:

System requirements

To run Statemate you need:

Operating System

Required Software

Supported Compilers


Solaris 5.10


Sun Studio 12 Update 1
GNAT Ada gcc 2.8.1

sun4u sparc SUNW,A70
Approximately 500Mb free
disk space

Windows XP SP3
Windows 7

MKS XServer 8.6
MKS Platform
Components 9.4

Microsoft Visual C++ 2008, 2010

Intel® Core™2CPU, 2 GHz
Minimum 1 GB, recommended 2 GB RAM
Approximately 600Mb free
disk space


At the time of writing, the third party products tested with <productname> n.n are:


Compatible products

  • Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0 or newer
  • CANoe V3.0
  • ClearCase V3.1.1
  • Continuous 4.5
  • DOORS 9.3, 9.4, 9.5 (Windows Systems)
  • dSPACE (models 1102 & 1103)
  • dSPACE ControlDesk 1.2 P2
  • FlexNet v
  • FrameMaker 7.0
  • PVCS Version Manager v6.7.00 (Build 894)
  • QNX V6.3.2
  • VxWorks: 5.4 (Tornado 2.0)
  • Word 2003
  • GNAT ADA version 2.8.1 (Solaris)


Installing Statemate

Before installing, it is recommended that you check in and unlock all configuration items in all workareas.
For more information, see the Statemate Administrator’s Guide and Statemate Installation Guide.

Obtaining a license for Statemate

Statemate uses Telelogic Lifecycle Solutions licensing. - hidden
For more details about obtaining a license, please see “
TLS_licensing_guide”. - hidden
The file can be found on the distribution CD, under “
license_server_windows_1.3” - hidden
directory for Windows, and under “
license_server_1.3” directory for Solaris. – hidden
For details about obtaining a license, please refer to Statemate customer support.

What's new in version

  • General Enhancements
    • Multi Value Attribute capability.

Statemate was enhanced to support Multi Value Attribute. This capability allows defining attributes in the Attribute Definition File as allowed to have multiple occurrences for a single element, with different values.
The format of attribute record in the Attribute Definition File includes now the multiplicity field:

#attr description:


    #name:<Attribute name>

    #type:<Attribute type>

    #multiplicity: <yes/no>

    #value:<Default value>

    #legal values:<For enumerated type>

    #enforced: <yes/no>


When multiplicity is set to ‘yes’, this attribute may appear multiple times for a single element.

Check-model will not report "Elements with non-unique attribute definitions" for multi-value attributes.

Multi-value attributes will be exported to DOORS as a concatenated string, when values are separated by semi-colons.

The 'Insert' button in the Attributes matrix was enhanced to support a Copy option for multi-value attribute. When the selected row is of a multi-value attribute, pressing 'Insert' will open a sub-menu,
New or Copy, and the new inserted attribute line will accordingly be created as new (empty) or copy of the selected attribute.

    • A new preference was added in the Databank Browser section "Preserve Attributes graphic data in chart-file".
      When it is set to 'Yes', it will works as before (default setting).
      When setting it to 'No', the 'attribute resources' section will not be included in the chart file.


  • Dataport/Dataimport Enhancements
    • New Dataport function was added, to retrieve description of use-case:
      char * stm_r_uc_description(stm_id st_id, int *status);
    • Three new Dataport functions were added, to retrieve occurrence Id's of Activities, Actors and Use-cases by name:
      stm_list stm_r_oac_name_of_oac(char *pattern, int *status);
      stm_list stm_r_oactor_name_of_oactor(char *pattern, int *status);
      stm_list srm_r_ouc_name_of_ouc(char *pattern, int *status);
    • New Dataport function was added, to allow saving a list of elements in the Workarea:
      int stm_list_save(char* list_name, char *desc, stm_list lst, stm_boolean force, int *status);
    • Two new Dataport functions were added, to retrieve note of relation, or relation by it's note:
      stm_list stm_r_note_of_relation(stm_list in_list, int *status);
      stm_list stm_r_relation_of_note(stm_list in_list, int *status);
    • New Dataport function was added, to retrieve Subroutines implemented by Procedural Flowchart:
      stm_list stm_r_sb_imp_procedural_fch_sb(stm_list in_list, int *status);
    • New Dataport function was added, to return Note of a Use-case diagram relation:
      char * stm_r_br_note_body(stm_id br_id, int *status);
    • New Dataimport function was added, to allow modification of Action:
      int stmModifyAction(STMContextHandle *handle, char* chart_name, char* action_name,
                   char* definition DEFAULT_VAL(=NULL),
                   char* short_description DEFAULT_VAL(=NULL),
                   char* long_description DEFAULT_VAL(=NULL),
                   int modify_mask DEFAULT_VAL(=0xFFFF));
    • New Dataimport functions were added, to support definition of enumerated value array indices:
      int stmCreateFieldEx(STMContextHandle *handle, char* chart_name, char* UserType_name,
                   char* field_name, stm_dt_structure_type structure,
                   stm_dt_data_type data_type,
                   char* array_lindex DEFAULT_VAL(=NULL),
                   char* array_rindex DEFAULT_VAL(=NULL),
                   char* array_of_type DEFAULT_VAL(=NULL),
                   char* user_type_name DEFAULT_VAL(=NULL),
                   char* short_description DEFAULT_VAL(=NULL),
                   char* long_description DEFAULT_VAL(=NULL));
      int stmCreateConditionEx(STMContextHandle *handle, char* chart_name,
                   char* condition_name, stm_co_structure_type structure,
                   stm_co_definition_type usage,
                   char* array_lindex DEFAULT_VAL(=NULL),
                   char* array_rindex DEFAULT_VAL(=NULL),
                   char* array_of_type DEFAULT_VAL(=NULL),
                   char* definition DEFAULT_VAL(=NULL),
                   char* short_description DEFAULT_VAL(=NULL),
                   char* long_description DEFAULT_VAL(=NULL));
      int stmCreateDataItemEx(STMContextHandle *handle, char* chart_name,
                   char* data_item_name,
                   stm_di_structure_type structure, stm_di_data_type data_type,
                   stm_di_definition_type usage,
                   char* array_lindex DEFAULT_VAL(=NULL),
                   char* array_rindex DEFAULT_VAL(=NULL),
                   char* array_of_type DEFAULT_VAL(=NULL),
                   char* definition DEFAULT_VAL(=NULL),
                   char* user_type_name DEFAULT_VAL(=NULL),
                   char* short_description DEFAULT_VAL(=NULL),
                   char* long_description DEFAULT_VAL(=NULL));
      int stmCreateUserTypeEx(STMContextHandle *handle, char* chart_name,
                   char* UserType_name,stm_dt_structure_type structure,
                   stm_dt_data_type data_type,
                   char* array_lindex DEFAULT_VAL(=NULL),
                   char* array_rindex DEFAULT_VAL(=NULL),
                   char* array_of_type DEFAULT_VAL(=NULL),
                   char* definition DEFAULT_VAL(=NULL),
                   char* user_type_name DEFAULT_VAL(=NULL),
                   char* short_description DEFAULT_VAL(=NULL),
                   char* long_description DEFAULT_VAL(=NULL));
      int stmCreateEventEx(STMContextHandle *handle, char* chart_name, char* event_name,
                   stm_ev_structure_type structure, stm_ev_definition_type usage,
                   char* array_lindex DEFAULT_VAL(=NULL),
                   char* array_rindex DEFAULT_VAL(=NULL),
                   char* array_of_type DEFAULT_VAL(=NULL),
                   char* definition DEFAULT_VAL(=NULL),
                   char* short_description DEFAULT_VAL(=NULL),
                   char* long_description DEFAULT_VAL(=NULL));
      int stmModifyDataItemUserTypeIndices(STMContextHandle *handle, char* chart_name,
                   char* data_item_name,
                   char* array_lindex DEFAULT_VAL(=NULL),
                   char* array_rindex DEFAULT_VAL(=NULL),
                   char* array_of_type DEFAULT_VAL(=NULL));
      int stmModifyConditionIndices(STMContextHandle *handle, char* chart_name,
                   char* condition_name,
                   char* array_lindex DEFAULT_VAL(=NULL),
                   char* array_rindex DEFAULT_VAL(=NULL),
                   char* array_of_type DEFAULT_VAL(=NULL));
      int stmModifyEventIndices(STMContextHandle *handle, char* chart_name,
                   char* event_name,
                   char* array_lindex DEFAULT_VAL(=NULL),
                   char* array_rindex DEFAULT_VAL(=NULL),
                   char* array_of_type DEFAULT_VAL(=NULL))
    • New Dataimport function was added, to allow setting the structure of local data items and subroutine parameters:
      int stmModifySubroutine(STMContextHandle *handle, char* chart_name,char* sbr_name,
                   stm_sb_definition_type sbr_type,
                   stm_sb_return_type sbr_ret_type,char* ret_usr_type_name,
                   stm_sb_select_implementation sbr_impl_type,
                   int params_num, stm_sb_param *sbr_params,
                   int globals_num, stm_sb_global *sbr_globals,
                   char* short_description DEFAULT_VAL(=NULL),
                   char* long_description DEFAULT_VAL(=NULL),
                   int modify_mask DEFAULT_VAL(=0xFFFF));
    • New Dataimport function was added, to allow changing the scope of Subroutines:
      int stmSubroutineChangeScope(STMContextHandle *handle,char* chart_name, char* subroutine_name,
                   char* new_chart_name);
    • New Dataimport function was added, to allow setting the data type of local data items and subroutine parameters:
      int stmModifySubroutine(STMContextHandle *handle, char* chart_name,char* sbr_name,
                   stm_sb_definition_type sbr_type,
                   stm_sb_return_type sbr_ret_type,char* ret_usr_type_name,
                   stm_sb_select_implementation sbr_impl_type,
                   int params_num, stm_sb_param *sbr_params,
                   int globals_num, stm_sb_global *sbr_globals,
                   char* short_description DEFAULT_VAL(=NULL),
                   char* long_description DEFAULT_VAL(=NULL),
                   int modify_mask DEFAULT_VAL(=0xFFFF));
    • New Dataimport function was added, to allow deletion of Generic chart parameter:
      int stmDeleteParameter(STMContextHandle *handle, char* chart_name,char* parameter_name);
    • Two new Dataimport functions were added, to create Truth-tables for Activities and Actions:
      int stmAddActionTruthTable(STMContextHandle *handle, char* chart_name, char* action_name,
                   stm_truth_table_rec *tt_rec);
      int stmAddActivityTruthTable(STMContextHandle *handle, char* chart_name, char* activity_name,
                   stm_truth_table_rec *tt_rec);

What's new in version

  • General Enhancements
    • Statemate was enhanced to support MS Visual C 2010 with Windows 7.
    • Convert_wa was enhanced to check command syntax and parameters.
      Upon completion the tool reports count of deleted elements and converted expressions.
      The extension of the convert_wa mapping file was changed from doc to txt.
    • Statemate was enhanced to block usage of reset_element operator on context variables. In Workareas where such an expression already exists, database diagnostics will report an error.

  • CheckModel Enhancements
    • A new Check-model test was added under design warnings, to report a warning when MicroC code may not execute default transitions of parallel And-state components on the same step:
      "(C15011) And State component with entering reactions, causing delay of default transition step".
    • 2 new Check-model tests were added, to report inconsistent input/output of Data-store:
      "(C4149) Elements input to data-store that are not output".
      "(C4151) Elements output from data-store that are not input".
    • A new Check-model test was added, to warn when Arrays are referenced with indices of wrong type:
      "Elements containing wrong type Array indices".

  • Dataport Enhancements
    • A new function was added to Dataport API to check-out license once before a series of pm functions, and hold it until stm_finish() is called:
      stm_boolean stm_init_uad_for_pm(int *status).
    • The dataport function stm_check_out_item() was enhanced to overwrite a existing modified chart in the Workarea, if the variable STM_YES_TO_ALL is set to ON.
    • New Dataport functions were added to handle Use-cases:
      stm_list stm_r_uc_name_of_uc(char* pattern, int *status);
      stm_list stm_r_uc_synonym_of_uc(char* pattern, int *status);
    • New Dataport functions were added to handle Actors:
      stm_list stm_r_actor_name_of_actor(char* pattern, int *status);
      stm_list stm_r_actor_synonym_of_actor(char* pattern, int *status);
    • New Dataport function was added to retrieve enforced status of a scenario attribute:
      stm_boolean stm_r_uc_scen_attr_enforced(stm_id id, stm_attr_name st_attr_name, stm_name st_attr_val , int *status)

  • MicroC Enhancements
    • The MicroC Code generator was enhanced to comply with the Simulation's behavior and will not re-start an already running activity.
      The code generation for the start_activity_XXX macros will check if the activity is not started before re-starting it.

  • Doors interface Enhancements
    • A new variable setting is required for the DOORS interface:
      SET DOORS_VERSION=v.r.m.f
      The setting (commented) was added in run_stmm.bat.

  • MKS X-Server update
    • The MKS X-Server distributed with Statemate was upgraded to version 8.6.

What's new in version

  • General Enhancements
    • New install kits of Model Checker/Certifier and ATG are delivered with this fix-pack, to support Windows 7.

  • CheckModel Enhancements
    • A new check-model test was added, to warn about truth-tables with joint cells, when the preference "Generate separate test expression for each Truth Table Row" is No.

What's new in version

    • Statemate was enhanced to support search in a selected scope. On the 'Search' tab, the 'In Chart/GDS' field includes the option << Selected Scope in Tree>>, and a check-box 'With Descendants' was added, to limit the search to the scope selected in the Tree View, with or without descendants..
    • The option 'Remove obsolete suppressions' was added to the View menu of the Check-model 'Messages Suppression View' form, to delete suppression of messages that were not reported during last profile execution.
    • A check-box 'With Descendants' was added to the 'Export Selected' form.
    • The convert_wa utility was enhanced to support execution in stages, and allow control of the converted elements. Full description available in the User Guide.
    • The convert_wa utility was enhanced to remove external files links in the converted database.

    • The MicroC code generator was enhanced to support breaking of enum related macros into several functions.
      This capability is activated by setting the environment variable:
      The behavior can be controlled by parameters settings:
      Set the threshold of enum operator's characters, after which the tool will revert to using a function instead of macro
      set STM_MAX_CHARS_IN_ENUM_OPERATOR_MACRO=<integer-number>
      Set the threshold of case statements in a switch-case expression, after which the tool will continue the switch-case in another function
      set STM_MAX_SWITCH_CASE_IN_ENUM_OPERATOR_FUNC=<integer-number>

What's new in version

    • The Statemate install process was enhanced to support installation of the MKS X/Server on Japanese machines.
    • Statemate was enhanced to support deletion of multiple charts in a single transaction, and thus improve performance. This behavior is controlled by a new General preference "Delete multiple charts in single transaction", set by default to 'Yes'.


What's new in version

  • General Enhancements
    • A new option "Delete Statemate User" was added to the 'Project' menu, to delete all workareas of a selected user from the file system and remove user membership from all Statemate projects. This option is available only to "sman" users.
    • A new General preference was added "Calculate used/affected elements by Selected Implementation". When set to 'Yes', Check-model tests, Dataport queries and Activity Interface reports (in Functional mode) calculate used/affected elements of Activities, Actions and Subroutines based on their Selected Implementation. Selected Implementation 'None' ignores all implementations, and 'Best Match' considers all implementations.
    • The convert_WA utility was enhanced to convert behavioral expressions in the model to rd!()/wr!() expressions, i.e. strip the model from any code expressions.
    • New Dataport API was added, to free memory of stm_truth_table_rec structure:
      void stm_dispose_tt(stm_truth_table_rec_ptr   stm_truth_table);

    • New OSDT API
      • A new OSDT API was added to define the Data-Type used for the integer value of a Bitarray (by default this API is turned off):
        Bit Array Integer Type(BitarraySize)
        Default value:
        ?<begin>$<BitarraySize> ?<==> 8 ?<?>int8?<:>?<begin>$<BitarraySize> ?<==> 16 ?<?>int16?<:>int32?<end>?<end>

        Available in distribution with the OSI's: MAINLOOP_SC, MAINLOOP_SC_EXT.
        Can be updated also from default OSI

  • Statemate Autosar Generator (SAG) Enhancements
    • A new OSI was added: AUTOSAR_RTE_40.
      The new OSI supports the set of capabilities supported by AUTOSAR_RTE_310 with the necessary modifications for AUTOSAR 4.0 compliance.

What's new in version

    • The tool was enhanced to support use of expressions in the Min/Max/Default-value property fields of Data-Items and User-Defined Types.
      The ADA code-generator does not support these enhanced expressions.
    • A new Check-model test was added to report Default Transitions with priority, which is not supported.
    • A new General preference "Display Data-flows in 'Where Referenced' results" was added to control whether "Where referenced" in the properties dialog will list also data-flows when activated.
    • New Dataport API was added, to retrieve line-width of arrows and boxes:
      int stm_r_line_width(stm_id el_id, int *status);
  • Statemate Autosar Generator (SAG) Enhancements
    • New OSDT API’s
      • The following OSDT API’S were added under "Code Style => Model Data - Naming Style":
        User Defined Type Name() - To configure the name of User-Defined-Type model elements
        Enum Literal Name(enumTypeName) - To configure the name of Enum-Literal model elements

        Available in distribution with the OSI: AUTOSAR_RTE_310.
        Can be updated also from default OSI to other SAG / MicroC OSI's.
  • Chart-file format and Workarea Compatibility with Statemate 4.6.1.x

Statemate was enhanced to support expressions in the Min/Max/Default-value property fields of Data-Items and User-Defined Types.

This enhancement is a semantic change, and there is no explicit change of the data-base version.


As there was no explicit change of the data-base version with Statemate, it shares the same database version as previous 4.6.1.x releases, and thus all 4.6.1.x versions can technically open the same work-areas (DB version 63).

The enhanced Min/Max/Default-value expressions are not handled properly by previous versions of Statemate, and should not be used with them.


The chart format version (databank file version) in Statemate has changed to 4.7 (from 4.6 with

Previous versions (prior to are not blocked, by default, from loading charts that were modified with, and include Min/Max/Default-value expressions.


When loading chart-files (import/check-out) saved in Statemate with a previous Statemate version the tool will report:

(I3611) Checking out chart/GDS files of format version higher than 4.6. Information from advanced versions maybe lost.

Choosing ‘Ignore’ to continue the operation, may cause issues if Min/Max/Default-value expressions are used.


In order to prohibit loading of chart-files saved in with prior versions of Statemate, set the environment variable STM_SUPPRESS_FORWARD_COMPATIBILITY when running the prior versions:


What's new in version

    • The Check-model tool was enhanced to allow insertion of user comments in the Message Suppression View.
    • A new Check-model test was added to report a warning when the model includes transition priorities, and Statemate is running in Classic mode.
    • A "Delete Empty" button was added to the attributes matrix in the attributes form, to delete all un-enforced attributes with no value.
    • Statemate was enhanced to support DOORS (version 9.3 is not supported).
    • Workarea backup option was added by creating copies of the file in the workarea, for use in case of workarea corruption. Creation of the backups is active when setting the environment variable STM_DO_AUTOSAVE.
    • Statemate was enhanced to automatically use the pm.old file when parsing of the pm.dat file fails. This behavior is available when setting the environment variable STM_AUTO_PM_RECOVERY.
    • New Dataport API was added to retrieve truth-table information:

stm_truth_table_rec_ptr stm_r_tt_all( stm_id st_id, int *status);

    • A New API was added to the Configuration Management interface, to determine charts/files revisions when creating a configuration file:

STM_CM_get_revision_for_config_file(const char *workfile_name,

                                       const char *ext,

                                       char revision[STM_CM_version_length],

                                       char error_message[STM_CM_message_length]);


  • MicroC Enhancements
    • In the MicroC generated code, timeouts related to test-benches will be named using the following template:
      instead of:
    • 4 New OSDT API's were added to configure names of auto-generated variables in the MicroC generated code:
      * Context Variable Name(nameid, varName)
      * Next State Info Variable Name(activityNameid, prefix, activityCGName)
      * Stay Same State Info Variable Name(activityNameid, prefix, activityCGName)
      * Current State Info Variable Name(activityNameid, prefix, activityCGName)

      Available in distribution with the OSI's: MAINLOOP_SC, MAINLOOP_SC_EXT.
      Can be updated also from default OSI

  • MKS X-Server update
    • A patch for MKS X-Server 8.5 is required if the MS Update for Windows XP KB2536276 is installed. The X-Server patch is available here on IBM Fix-Central.

What's new in version

  • General Enhancements
    • Statemate was enhanced to support transition priorities on compound transitions.
    • The properties dialog of Information-flows was enhanced to support quick navigation to referenced elements. Double-click on an item in the "Consist of" list navigates to the properties of that item. The Properties preference "Open New Editor for References" determines whether this opens in a new properties dialog or the current one.
    • The tool was enhanced to allow opening of 2 or more external editors for element properties simultaneously.

  • MicroC Enhancements
    • Context Variables used in a Statechart shall be allocated only in the Statechart related functions in which they are actually used.

  • Statemate Autosar Generator (SAG) Enhancements
    • Use Design-Attributes to configure AUTOSAR features
      • SAG was enhanced to use the Design-Attribute “Its Port” of Data-Item, Condition or Event to determine the Port’s name. If the value of the Design-Attribute “Its Port” is empty or “none”, the Port name will be determined by the Flow-Line label.
      • SAG was enhanced to use the Design-Attributes “Data Exchange Method” and “Data Exchange Behavior” of Data-Item, Condition or Event to determine their communication type, regardless of the port’s setting in the SAG profile.
        This is enabled by selecting a new option, “By Design Attribute", for the “Data Exchange Method” and “Data Exchange Behavior” pop-up menus in the SAG profile.


    • Support Buffered/Direct access for Explicit/Implicit data on SWC interface and IRVs
      • SAG was enhanced to support all the following options (default value is marked with *):
        • CalPrm Access Mode

Buffered Access *                                

Direct Using Get/Set API’s Access

        • Explicit Read Access Mode

Buffered Access *

Direct Using Get/Set API’s Access

        • Implicit Read Access Mode

Buffered Access *

Direct Using Get/Set API’s Access

        • Explicit Write Access Mode

Buffered Access                                              

Direct Using Get/Set API’s Access *

        • Implicit Write Access Mode

Buffered Access

Direct Using Get/Set API’s Access *

        • Explicit IRV Access Mode

Buffered Access

Direct Using Get/Set API’s Access *

        • Implicit IRV Access Mode

Buffered Access

Direct Using Get/Set API’s Access *

      • Internal-Behavior Design-Attributes shall be used to configure the SAG profile’s “Access Mode” policy. Possible values for the above Internal-Behavior Design-Attributes:
        • Buffered
        • Direct Using Get/Set API’s
        • By Design Attribute

When “By Design Attribute” is selected, SAG will refer the Design-Attribute “Double Buffered” in the following way:

          • When “Double Buffered” is set to “yes”, Buffered access will be used.
          • When “Double Buffered” is set to “no”, Direct Using Get/Set API’s access will be used.


    • RAM Optimized implementation regarding “Explicit Read” of data
      SAG was enhanced to declare local (auto) variables for Explicit-Access input-data and read the data via an RTE API at the beginning of the relevant functions, rather than allocating global data and calling the read RTE API in the beginning of the task’s execution.

The enhanced implementation is enabled by one of the following:

      • The Internal-Behavior Design-Attribute “Explicit Read Access Mode” is set to “Direct Using Get/Set API’s".
      • The Internal-Behavior Design-Attribute “Explicit Read Access Mode” is set to “By Design Attribute”, and the Design-Attribute “Double Buffered” for the corresponding Data-Item or Condition is set to “no".


What's new in version

  • Workflow Enhancements
    • New option Print Tree to file was added to the File menu of the Charts tab, to create a postscript file of the model tree.
    • New flag '-yes_to_all' was added to the Statemate command-line syntax, to avoid interactive dialogs during long operations. The '-yes_to_all' flag will enforce 'yes' to convert workarea or update files version when opening workarea, and to overwrite existing charts/files during check-out/import/export/backup/restore operations.
    • In the Advanced Query's Query by Attribute form, string '*' in the Name field will search for any attribute with the given value, and empty Name field will search for elements with no attributes at all (regardless of the given "value").

  • Check Model Enhancements
    • The Check-model used/affected tests were enhanced to accurately identify used/affected elements, when in/out data-flows carry compound elements.
    • The Check-model tests:
      C4106 "Data-Elements with Enumerated Value names"
      C3023 "Defined data elements that are used incorrectly"
      were enhanced to be reported even if the definition chart of the regarded element is not included in
      the profile, but charts using that element are in the profile.

  • Doors interface Enhancements
    • The activation of the DOORS interface was enhanced to support the DOORS "Use system usernames" login policy.
    • The DOORS bridge was enhanced to export the contents of an Information-Flow (consists of) into the "Object Info" attribute in DOORS.

  • Statemate Autosar Generator (SAG) Enhancements
    • SAG was enhanced to support buffered access to compound conditions that are used in ch(), tr(), fs() expressions, as it was for non-compound conditions.

  • Dataport Enhancements
    • New Dataport API was added to support check-in of charts and files:
      void stm_check_in_item(char *item_name,
                             char *ext, stm_boolean with_lock,
                             void (*error_func)(const char* msg),
                             int *status);
    • Two new API functions were added to handle locking of charts/files:
      void stm_lock_item(char *item_name,
                         char *ext,
                         void (*error_func)(const char* msg),
                         int *status);
      void stm_unlock_item(char *item_name,
                           char *ext,
                           void (*error_func)(const char* msg),
                           int *status);

What's new in version 4.6.1

  • General Enhancements
    • Supported Platforms
      • Statemate for Windows enhanced to support Windows 7
      • Statemate for Unix enhanced to support Solaris 5.10
    • License Borrowing
      • Statemate was enhanced to support license borrowing, via the IBM Rational License Borrower
    • Documentation for chart file format
      • Description of the chart file format was added to the Statemate Configuration Management User's Guide
    • Supported Compilers Upgrade
      • The Statemate runtime libraries on Windows were upgraded to VisualStudio 2008.
      • The Statemate runtime libraries on Solaris were upgraded to  Sun Studio 12 Update 1.
  • Workflow Enhancements
    • "Where Referenced" function
      • The "Where Referenced" icon was added to the Charts tab of Statemate-main and to the properties form, to allow quick access to the properties of the referencing elements
    • Preserve elements Ids in chart-file
      • New Databank preference "Preserve elements Ids in chart-file" replaces the environment variable STM_PRESERVE_IDS_MODE, with default value 'No'. When set to 'Yes', element Id's are saved in the chart file after check-in, and restored during check-out.
    • Database diagnostics of joint cells in truth-tables
      • The Database diagnostics was enhanced to report mismatch of joint cells in truth-tables
    • Automatically update activity references
      • The tool was enhanced to automatically update activity references when renaming an Activity. This behavior is available when using the 'Rename' dialog from the properties form or from the Charts tab of the main view.
    • Support selection of all elements in the "Consists of" list
      • The properties dialog of information-flows was enhanced to support CTRL+A for selection of all elements in the "Consists of" list
    • Automatic update of Simulation and CheckModel profiles
      • A new check-box "Modify Profiles" was added to the "Rename" dialog of charts, to support automatic update of Simulation and CheckModel profiles with the new chart name

  • CheckModel and Simulation Enhancements
    • Priority settings on transitions
      • Statemate was enhanced to allow priority settings on transitions to targets in different hierarchy levels, as long as they do not violate Statechart semantics, i.e. transitions which according to the regular Transition Priority rule (following the Statechart hierarchy) have higher priority than others, cannot be assigned a lower user-defined priority
    •  (C1139) Transitions with priority settings which violate Statechart semantics
      • New CheckModel test was added to report situations where user-defined priorities contradict the Transition Priority rule by state hierarchy.
        This test replaces the "Prioritized Transitions which exit parent of source state” test
    • New CheckModel preference
      • A new Check-model preference "Optimize report of used/affected test results” was added.
        This preference replaces the environment variable “STM_AVOID_CONTAINING_TESTS”.
        The default value of this preference is “Yes”.
        When set to 'No', the results of Check-model tests regarding used/affected elements are not optimized, and thus performance is enhanced.
        As a result, some redundancy may occur in reports of complex elements. For instance, if the test results include ARR and ARR(2), both expressions may be listed, even though ARR already contains ARR(2).
    • Exact Minispec expression in Simulation Execution Log
      • The Simulation "Execution Log" feature was enhanced to specify the exact executed expression from mini-specs and static-reactions
  • MicroC Enhancements
    • MicroC CG optimization for ELSE transition
      • The MicroC code generator was enhanced to perform the "else" transition as the last one out of all transitions with a common LCA state, and to only check for "inState". i.e. without checking on the negation of all the other Transition triggers going out of the same source state
    • Generic Activity as function
      • The MicroC code generator was enhanced to support generation of a Generic Activity as function when the actual parameter of a generic instance is bound to an external symbol under the condition that all the instances of the generic are bound to the same element for that specific parameter.
    • Enumeration operations for enum UDT's
      • The MicroC code generator was enhanced to support enumeration operations for enum UDT's that use assignment in their definition:
        enum colors { red=10, blue=20, green=30}.
        The generated implementation of the following operators was modified:
        enum_succ – now uses macro: <UDT>_SUCC(val)
        enum_pred – now uses macro: <UDT>_PRED(val)
        enum_ordinal – now uses macro: <UDT>_ORDINAL(val)
        enum_value – now uses macro: <UDT>_VALUE(val)
    • RESET_DATA and RESET_ALL_ELEMENTS initialization code for generic data
      • Statemate MicroC Code generator was enhanced to generate the macros RESET_DATA and RESET_ALL_ELEMENTS initialization code for generic data as well.
    • New OSDT API’s
      • The following OSDT API’S are added to the OSI’s: mainloop_sc and mainloop_sc_ext, under “Code Style” > “File Header/Footer”:
        Profile H File Header(profileName, fileName, genDate, genTime, profileOptions, Project,             Workarea, profileVersion)
        Profile H File Footer(profileName, fileName, genDate, genTime, profileOptions, Project,             Workarea, profileVersion)
      • OSDT API’s are enhanced to enable placing constant data in separate memory segment:
        The OSDT API’s for configuring the data declaration begin and end sections are enhanced to tell whether the corresponding Data object is constant, using the isConstant key-word.
        The following API’s are enhanced:
                    8-bit Declaration Begin Section
                    8-bit Declaration End Section
                    16-bit Declaration Begin Section
                    16-bit Declaration end Section
                    32-bit Declaration Begin Section
                    32-bit Declaration End Section
                    Record Declaration Begin Section
                    Record Declaration End Section
                    Other Types Declaration Begin Section
                    Other Types Declaration End Section
                    8-bit Extern Declaration Begin Section
                    8-bit Extern Declaration End Section
                    16-bit Extern Declaration Begin Section
                    16-bit Extern Declaration End Section
                    32-bit Extern Declaration Begin Section
                    32-bit Extern Declaration End Section
                    Record Extern Declaration Begin Section
                    Record Extern Declaration End Section
                    Other Types Extern Declaration Begin Section
                    Other Types Extern Declaration End Section
  • Statemate Autosar Generator (SAG) Enhancements
    • Retrieve RTE Status for Explicit Read/Write
      • A new Design-Attribute “RTE Status Variable Name” was added to Data-Item, Condition and Event.
        The value of this Design-Attribute specifies the name of a variable that will be assigned with the return value of the Explicit Read/Write RTE API’s.
        Its default value is empty string.
        When the value is not empty, the generated code will assign the return value of the relevant RTE API to a variable with that name.
        It is the user’s responsibility to define such variable (Data-Item) in the model , with the correct settings, e.g.: Exact Type = Std_ReturnType.


Contacting Support

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  • Visit the Rational Support Resources site.
  • Visit the IBM Support Portal to configure your support portal experience and review FAQs, lists of known problems, fixes, and a wealth of important support information.
  • Visit developerWorks to access an online collection of tutorials, sample code, standards, forums and other resources provided by experts at IBM to assist software developers using Rational tools including access to the IBM RFE Community.

Helpful Hints For Obtaining Technical Assistance:

Before you contact IBM Rational Software Support, gather the background information that you need to describe the problem. When you describe a problem to an IBM software support specialist, be as specific as possible and include all relevant background information so that the specialist can help you solve the problem efficiently. To save time, know the answers to these questions:

  • What software versions were you running when the problem occurred?
  • Do you have logs, traces, or messages that are related to the problem?
  • Can you reproduce the problem? If so, what steps do you take to reproduce it?
  • Is there a workaround for the problem? If so, be prepared to describe the workaround.

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