Interim fix CLM_602_iFix003 This interim fix is only valid for the Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management (CLM) 6.0.2 release. The Rational solution for CLM 6.0.3 is the next release that will include all these fixes. If you plan to upgrade, upgrade to version 6.0.3 or later. This is a specific iFix patch consisting of 6.0.2 iFix003 plus fixes for Defect 152490 (Approval migration code not robust enough to correctly handle potential cross-project references) CONTENTS OF THIS INTERIM FIX 1. This readme file: readme.txt 2. Server patch file: (see the SERVER PATCH INSTRUCTIONS section) In addition to the fixes listed in this readme file, the interim fix might also contain fixes for security issues. For details, see the IBM Product Security Incident Response Blog: CONTENTS OF THIS FILE 1. SERVER PATCH INSTRUCTIONS 2. APAR FIXES 3. CLIENT APAR FIXES 4. KNOWN ISSUES 1. SERVER PATCH INSTRUCTIONS Note: -The CLM server patch file,, might contain fixes for either a subset or all of these applications: Jazz Team Server, Rational Team Concert, Rational Quality Manager, Rational DOORS Next Generation, Data Collection Component, Rational Engineering Lifecycle Manager, CLM Server Monitoring. For the list of APARs that were fixed, listed by application, see the APAR FIXES section. -Before you install the server patch file,, verify that no other test fixes or hot fixes are installed. If other fixes are installed, contact IBM Software Support. -For a CLM deployment on a single server, complete the following steps once. For a distributed CLM deployment, complete the same steps on each server. To install the server patch: a. Stop the CLM server. b. Verify whether the following directory exists: /server/patch. -If the directory exists, back up and then remove its contents. -If the directory does not exist, create it. c. Copy the server patch file,, into the /server/patch directory. d. Clear the application server cache. For instructions on clearing the cache, consult the application server's detailed documentation. For instructions on what to remove, see the "To clear the application cache on WebSphere Application Server", "To clear the application cache on WebSphere Liberty Server" and "To clear the application cache on Apache Tomcat" sections in this file. e. Start the CLM server. f. Run repotools- -clean for each application that is installed to clear the repotools cache. Note: This will also display the help output. For instance: - repotools-jts -clean - repotools-ccm -clean - repotools-qm -clean - repotools-rm -clean g. To ensure that the Data Collection Component mapping files are correctly updated, please follow the instructions in the DATA COLLECTION COMPONENT INSTRUCTIONS section below Note: For a distributed CLM deployment, complete the same steps on each server, including the DCC server, if the DCC component exists on a separate machine. To uninstall the server patch: a. Stop the CLM server. b. Back up and then remove the contents of the following directory: /server/patch c. Clear the application server cache. For instructions on clearing the cache, consult the application server's detailed documentation. For instructions on what to remove, see the "To clear the application cache on WebSphere Application Server", "To clear the application cache on WebSphere Liberty Server" and "To clear the application cache on Apache Tomcat" sections in this file. d. Start the CLM server. e. Run repotools- -clean for each application that is installed. Note: This will also display the help output. For instance: - repotools-jts -clean - repotools-ccm -clean - repotools-qm -clean - repotools-rm -clean To clear the application cache on WebSphere Application Server: Remove the contents from these directories under the profile root(e.g. //profiles/), except for the noted help directory: temp, wstemp, workspace. Note: Do not remove this directory, which is required for the CLM local help: temp/{jts_node}/{jts_server}/clmhelp_war. To clear the application cache on WebSphere Liberty Server: We have not identified the need to clear any cache in WebSphere Liberty Server To clear the application cache on Apache Tomcat: Remove the contents from these directories under the tomcat root, except for the noted help directory: temp, work. Note: Do not remove this directory, which is required for the CLM local help: /server/tomcat/work/Catalina/localhost/clmhelp. To validate that the server patch was successfully installed or uninstalled: a. After the server starts, open a CLM application. b. Click Help > About the Server. c. In the Build Information section, review the interim fix information to confirm that it is either installed (listed) or uninstalled (not listed). 2. APAR FIXES This interim fix contains fixes for the following APARs: [APAR ID] [Maintenance Item Summary] [Maintenance Item URL] +-- Product Data Collection Component Fixed in release 6.0.3: [APAR PI61751] [DCC should support SQL Server connection URLs that use an instanceName instead of port] [] [APAR PI61751] [When link archival is enabled, deleted timesheet entries do not get soft deleted in the data warehouse] [] [APAR PI61751] [DB2z JDBC Driver had been renamed from db2jcc.jar to db2jcc4.jar] [] +-- Product Rational Team Concert Server Fixed in release 6.0.3: [APAR PI53450] [[Code Review] Clicking on a file does not show the content when there are merges (387017)] [] [APAR PI59457] [Make build ETL tolerate item not found errors] [] [APAR PI59688] [Source code gets truncated in web UI] [] [APAR PI59705] [Deleted files cannot be marked as viewed (and thus the "Require Approver to Review all Files" precondition cannot be met)] [] [APAR PI60018] [Dependency Build: accept should be scoped components aware] [] [APAR PI60167] [Promotion error message does not indicate module itself if it is not in the right state when doing work item promotion (387484)] [] [APAR PI60330] [MY STUFF shows html code only] [] [APAR PI61516] [Can no longer export queries to CSV in pt_BR] [] +-- Product Rational Quality Manager Fixed in release 6.0.3: [APAR PI59554] [Cannot permanently delete test case results with status in progress.] [] [APAR PI59597] [Test Artifact review information (Approved dates) are modified (incorrect dates)] [] [APAR PI59630] [Archiving Completed Approval Groups throws SQLException in Upgraded Server] [] [APAR PI59794] [Event history is missing after migration from prior to 6.0] [] [APAR PI60646] [Approval auto-transition functionality issue] [] [APAR PI61255] [QM: Keyword reference is included in the Test Script XML even after deletion] [] [APAR PI61751] [Error while creating a link from DM to QM project - Exception in qm.log] [] +-- Product Rational Team Concert Client Fixed in release 6.0.3: [APAR PI53450] [[Code Review] Clicking on a file does not show the content when there are merges (387017)] [] [APAR PI59457] [Make build ETL tolerate item not found errors] [] [APAR PI59688] [[Backport to 6.0.2] Source code gets truncated in web UI] [] [APAR PI59705] [Deleted files cannot be marked as viewed (and thus the "Require Approver to Review all Files" precondition cannot be met)] [] [APAR PI60018] [Dependency Build: accept should be scoped components aware] [] [APAR PI60167] [Promotion error message does not indicate module itself if it is not in the right state when doing work item promotion (387484)] [] [APAR PI60330] [MY STUFF shows html code only] [] [APAR PI61516] [Can no longer export queries to CSV in pt_BR] [] +-- Product Jazz Foundation Server Fixed in release 6.0.3: [APAR PI61618] [GUI becomes blank while trying to accept a delivery from another stream. [ 6.0.2]] [] [APAR PI62300] [DROP PRIMARY KEY does not drop INDEX any longer] [] [APAR PI62331] [Primary keys are dropped and recreated when running repotools -onlineMigrateEstimate] [] [APAR PI62336] [ResourceGoneException when running repotools-jts -updateLPASampleTemplates] [] [APAR PI63097] [Expose Token License Group Counters so they can be loaded in the data warehouse] [] [APAR PI61751] [Change the sequence of generate data warehouse upgrade scripts to avoid grant errors] [] +-- Product Jazz Reporting Service Fixed in release 6.0.3: [APAR PI61304] [Result columns are not being processed as expected] [] [APAR PI61751] [Duplicate calls to rs/report ?action=queryBuilderOutput when using report builder viewlets on RTC dashboard] [] [APAR PI61751] [JRS-Watson Analytics integration doesn't work on] [] [APAR PI61751] [Preview of historical trend report shows no data for weeks, months, years setting with large amounts of data] [] [APAR PI61751] [Report Builder has formatting issues when no CCM is registered (JRS running in "standalone" mode).] [] [APAR PI61751] [Work Item count is too low] [] [APAR PI61793] [LQE Data source is adding extra spaces in requirement types] [] [APAR PI62363] [Date scale calculation lost when using Count values of a single attribute with no dimensions] [] [APAR PI62454] [Test Categories are not available as attributes for Test Scripts] [] [APAR PI63459] [Advanced SQL report: returns 15 results, when paging from first 10 to next 10 get no results] [] [APAR PI61751] [Add a calculated column then add a regular column - adds two columns expectantly] [] [APAR PI61751] [Invalid data in XLS exported report (empty columns cause shifting)] [] [APAR PI61751] [SQLSyntaxErrorException error encountered when adding a Work Item custom attribute to the Format Results section when building a report] [] [APAR PI61751] [Selecting a request category doesn't include the project id in the SQL] [] +-- Product Rational DOORS Next Generation Fixed in release 6.0.3: [APAR PI58513] [Strikethrough styling is not applied when tags are not directly surrounding text] [] [APAR PI59165] [ReqIF Exports the original folder name of a renamed folder] [] [APAR PI60101] [JazzUser cannot generate customized report] [] [APAR PI60425] [OSLC queries that involve manifested views are slow] [] [APAR PI60920] [Reviews need to be more resilient to concurrent user interactions] [] [APAR PI60978] [Revision history of a core artifact does not show baseline thumbnails] [] [APAR PI61258] [Migration from 5.x to 6.x incorrectly categorizes artifact and review comment numbering data] [] [APAR PI61260] [Migration from 5.x to 6.x incorrectly creates versioned review comments] [] [APAR PI61345] [Discrepancies with the "Created On" and "Created By" attributes in the Overview section of the artifact's history] [] [APAR PI61751] [CommentNumber Triple has been incorrectly removed] [] [APAR PI61751] [Detect unmigrated module baselines before attempting migration from 5.x to 6.x] [] [APAR PI61751] [For views, advanced rules for link drill-down (tree view) can become corrupted in some situations] [] [APAR PI61751] [In grid view, showing links as tree view does not show the links after saving the view and coming back to it later.] [] [APAR PI61751] [View Filter Logic is corrupted for some attribute types during update from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2RC1] [] [APAR PI61751] [upgrade - upgrading an archived project and then restoring it causes rm/web to get stuck at 'loading'] [] [APAR PI62387] [Upgrade failed with NotFoundException in addTables script] [] +-- Product Jazz Foundation Client Fixed in release 6.0.3: [APAR PI61618] [GUI becomes blank while trying to accept a delivery from another stream. [ 6.0.2]] [] [APAR PI62300] [DROP PRIMARY KEY does not drop INDEX any longer] [] 3. CLIENT APAR FIXES This client update site contains fixes for the following defects: [APAR ID] [Maintenance Item Summary] [Maintenance Item URL] +-- RTC Client Fixes Fixed in release 6.0.3: [APAR PI53561] [scm doesn't distinguish different conflicts with files with the same path] [] [APAR PI56189] [The Require-Work-Item-to-Match-Query precondition is not inherited properly by child project areas] [] [APAR PI56307] [Need to improve error message when loading project with invalid name] [] [APAR PI58508] [Issue with Auto-Resolve when 'children with the same name' conflict is resolved] [] [APAR PI59771] [Incorrect error message when auto-merging in unloaded components] [] [APAR PI61844] [Delete temporary buildmaps should not timeout after 8 minutes] [] [APAR PI63032] [Local conflict results from conflicting link addition] [] 4. KNOWN ISSUES None