Screen Capture jar replacement ------------------------------ Versions 4.0.7 and 5.0.2 1. Before shutting down RQM, go to this URL with a user with JazzAdmin permission: https://hostname:port/qm/admin/cmd/requestReset (This assumes “qm” in your context root for Quality Manager) 2. Shut down RQM 3. Backup the following files: For 4.0.7 /server/conf/qm/sites/rqm-update-site/plugins/ For 5.0.2 /server/conf/qm/sites/rqm-update-site/plugins/ 4.Copy the updated plugins (*.jar files) to: /server/conf/qm/sites/rqm-update-site/plugins 5. A) If running on Tomcat, delete the application server cache: \server\tomcat\work\Catalina B) If running on WebSphere, delete the following directory: Install Directory>\AppServer\profiles\\temp\\\qm_war 6. Clear browser cache. 7. Restart RQM and login. (Startup and initial login might be slow since everything will be reprovisioned. Reload if you see a 404 error. Subsequent re-starts and logins should be normal) Version 6.0.2 1. Before shutting down RQM, go to this URL with a user with JazzAdmin permission: https://hostname:port/qm/admin/cmd/requestReset (This assumes “qm” in your context root for Quality Manager) 2. Shut down RQM 3. Backup the following files: /server/conf/qm/sites/rqm-update-site/plugins/ 4.Copy the updated plugins (*.jar files) to: /server/conf/qm/sites/rqm-update-site/plugins 5. Clear the application server cache. For instructions on clearing the cache, consult the application server's detailed documentation. For instructions on what to remove, see the "To clear the application cache on WebSphere Application Server", "To clear the application cache on WebSphere Liberty Server" and "To clear the application cache on Apache Tomcat" sections in this file. 6. Start the QM server.