Interim fix This interim fix is only valid for the Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management (CLM) 6.0.1 release. The Rational solution for CLM 6.0.5 is the next release that will include all these fixes. If you plan to upgrade, upgrade to version 6.0.5 or later. CONTENTS OF THIS INTERIM FIX 1. This readme file: readme.txt 2. Server patch file: (see the SERVER PATCH INSTRUCTIONS section) 3. Jazz Reporting Service (Report Builder) patch file: rs.war (see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS section) 4. Data Collection Component patch files: & (see the DATA COLLECTION COMPONENT INSTRUCTIONS section) 5. Lifecycle Query Engine patch file: lqe.war (see the LIFECYCLE QUERY ENGINE AND LINK INDEX PROVIDER INSTRUCTIONS section) 6. Link Index Provider patch file: ldx.war (see the LIFECYCLE QUERY ENGINE AND LINK INDEX PROVIDER INSTRUCTIONS section) 7. Rational Team Concert Client for Eclipse update site: (see the RATIONAL TEAM CONCERT CLIENT FOR ECLIPSE UPDATE SITE INSTRUCTIONS section) 8. Rational Team Concert Client for Microsoft Visual Studio readme file: readme-vsclient.txt 9. Rational Team Concert Client for Microsoft Visual Studio patch file: (see the RATIONAL TEAM CONCERT CLIENT FOR MICROSOFT VISUAL STUDIO INSTRUCTIONS section) 10. Oracle Outside In Technology fix: (see the UPDATING ORACLE OUTSIDE IN TECHNOLOGY FOR RDNG section) 11. WebSphere Application Server script file: (see the LIFECYCLE QUERY ENGINE AND LINK INDEX PROVIDER INSTRUCTIONS and JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS sections) In addition to the fixes listed in this readme file, the interim fix might also contain fixes for security issues. For details, see the IBM Product Security Incident Response Blog: CONTENTS OF THIS FILE 1. SERVER PATCH INSTRUCTIONS 2. JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS 3. DATA COLLECTION COMPONENT INSTRUCTIONS 4. LIFECYCLE QUERY ENGINE AND LINK INDEX PROVIDER INSTRUCTIONS 5. RATIONAL TEAM CONCERT CLIENT FOR ECLIPSE UPDATE SITE INSTRUCTIONS 6. RATIONAL TEAM CONCERT CLIENT FOR MICROSOFT VISUAL STUDIO INSTRUCTIONS 7. ADDITIONAL FIXES INSTRUCTIONS 8. APAR FIXES 9. CLIENT APAR FIXES 10. UPDATING ORACLE OUTSIDE IN TECHNOLOGY FOR RDNG 11. KNOWN ISSUES 12. RFES INCLUDED 1. SERVER PATCH INSTRUCTIONS Note: -The CLM server patch file,, might contain fixes for either a subset or all of these applications: Jazz Team Server, Rational Team Concert, Rational Quality Manager, Rational DOORS Next Generation, Data Collection Component, Rational Engineering Lifecycle Manager, CLM Server Monitoring. For the list of APARs that were fixed, listed by application, see the APAR FIXES section. -Before you install the server patch file,, verify that no other test fixes or hot fixes are installed. If other fixes are installed, contact IBM Software Support. -For a CLM deployment on a single server, complete the following steps once. For a distributed CLM deployment, complete the same steps on each server. To install the server patch: a. Stop the CLM server. b. Verify whether the following directory exists: /server/patch. -If the directory exists, back up and then remove its contents. -If the directory does not exist, create it. c. Copy the server patch file,, into the /server/patch directory. d. Clear the application server cache. For instructions on clearing the cache, consult the application server's detailed documentation. For instructions on what to remove, see the "To clear the application cache on WebSphere Application Server", "To clear the application cache on WebSphere Liberty Server" and "To clear the application cache on Apache Tomcat" sections in this file. e. Start the CLM server. f. Run repotools- -clean for each application that is installed to clear the repotools cache. Note: This will also display the help output. For instance: - repotools-ccm -clean - repotools-dcc -clean - repotools-gc -clean - repotools-jts -clean - repotools-qm -clean - repotools-relm -clean - repotools-rm -clean g. To ensure that the Data Collection Component mapping files are correctly updated, please follow the instructions in the DATA COLLECTION COMPONENT INSTRUCTIONS section below h. Check the ADDITIONAL FIXES INSTRUCTIONS section for additional steps that may be needed for a specific APAR Note: For a distributed CLM deployment, complete the same steps on each server, including the DCC server, if the DCC component exists on a separate machine. To uninstall the server patch: a. Stop the CLM server. b. Back up and then remove the contents of the following directory: /server/patch c. Clear the application server cache. For instructions on clearing the cache, consult the application server's detailed documentation. For instructions on what to remove, see the "To clear the application cache on WebSphere Application Server", "To clear the application cache on WebSphere Liberty Server" and "To clear the application cache on Apache Tomcat" sections in this file. d. Start the CLM server. e. Run repotools- -clean for each application that is installed. Note: This will also display the help output. For instance: - repotools-ccm -clean - repotools-dcc -clean - repotools-gc -clean - repotools-jts -clean - repotools-qm -clean - repotools-relm -clean - repotools-rm -clean To clear the application and class cache on WebSphere Application Server: Remove the contents from these directories under the profile root(e.g. //profiles/), except for the noted help directory: temp, wstemp, workspace. Note: Do not remove this directory, which is required for the CLM local help: temp/{jts_node}/{jts_server}/clmhelp_war. For UNIX platforms, run the following script: /bin/ For Windows platforms, run the following script: \bin\clearClassCache.bat To clear the application cache on WebSphere Liberty Server: We have not identified the need to clear any cache in WebSphere Liberty Server To clear the application cache on Apache Tomcat: Remove the contents from these directories under the tomcat root, except for the noted help directory: temp, work. Note: Do not remove this directory, which is required for the CLM local help: /server/tomcat/work/Catalina/localhost/clmhelp. To validate that the server patch was successfully installed or uninstalled: a. After the server starts, open a CLM application. b. Click Help > About the Server. c. In the Build Information section, review the interim fix information to confirm that it is either installed (listed) or uninstalled (not listed). 2. JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS To install the patch with Jazz Reporting Service (Report Builder) deployed on WebSphere Application Server: Option 1: Using the WebSphere Application Server scripting tool (wsadmin) a. Open a command window and navigate to the WebSphere profile bin directory (e.g. //profiles//bin). b. Execute the following command, ensuring that the WebSphere Application Server is running: Windows: wsadmin -language jython -user -password -f /server/was/> Linux: ./ -language jython -user -password -f /server/was/> NOTE: This will update all applications with war files from the iFixPatch directory specified Option 2: Using the WebSphere Application Server Admin Console a. In the WebSphere Application Server Admin Console, stop the Jazz Reporting Service: Click Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications, select the rs_war check box, and click Stop. b. Update the rs_war file: Select the rs_war check box and click Update. c. Select "Replace the entire application," browse to the new rs.war file in the location that you extracted it to, and click Next. d. Follow the Fast Path installation, and accept all of the default values. e. After the update is complete, save the configuration changes when you are prompted to. f. Start the Jazz Reporting Service: Select the rs_war check box and click Start. To uninstall the patch with Jazz Reporting Service (Report Builder) deployed on WebSphere Application Server: Option 1: Using the WebSphere Application Server scripting tool (wsadmin) a. Locate the rs.war file in the original Jazz Reporting Service installation. If there are other war files in this directory, copy the war files that you want to update to a new temporary folder (the script updates all applications with war files in the directory specified). a. Open a command window and navigate to the WebSphere profile bin directory (e.g. //profiles//bin). b. Execute the following command, ensuring that the WebSphere Application Server is running: Windows: wsadmin -language jython -user -password -f /server/was/> /server/webapps> Linux: ./ -language jython -user -password -f /server/was/> /server/webapps> Option 2: Using the WebSphere Application Server Admin Console a. Locate the rs.war file in the original Jazz Reporting Service installation. b. In the WebSphere Application Server Admin Console, stop the Jazz Reporting Service: Click Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications, select the rs_war check box, and click Stop. c. Update the rs_war file: Select the rs_war check box and click Update. d. Select "Replace the entire application," browse to the rs.war file in the original installation location, and click Next. e. Follow the Fast Path installation, and accept all of the default values. f. After the update is complete, save the configuration changes when you are prompted to. g. Start the Jazz Reporting Service: Select the rs_war check box and click Start. To install the patch with Jazz Reporting Service (Report Builder) deployed on WebSphere Liberty Server: a. Rename the new rs.war file as b. Stop the WebSphere Liberty Server for the Jazz Reporting Service. c. Back up the following file in case you need to revert the patch: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\ d. Delete the following files: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\ \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\ e. Delete the following directories: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\rs.war \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\rs.war f. Place the new file in the following directories: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps g. Unzip the new file into the following directories: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\rs.war \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\rs.war h. Start the server. To uninstall the patch with Jazz Reporting Service (Report Builder) deployed on WebSphere Liberty Server: a. Stop the WebSphere Liberty Server for the Jazz Reporting Service. b. Restore the original file that was backed up during the installation to the following directories: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps c. Delete the following directories: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\rs.war \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\rs.war d. Unzip the original file into the following directories: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\rs.war \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\rs.war e. Start the server. To install the patch with Jazz Reporting Service (Report Builder) deployed on Apache Tomcat: a. Stop the Apache Tomcat server for the Jazz Reporting Service. b. Back up the following file in case you need to revert the patch: \server\tomcat\webapps\rs.war c. Delete the following file: \server\tomcat\webapps\rs.war d. Delete the following directories: \server\tomcat\webapps\rs \server\tomcat\work\Catalina\localhost\rs e. Place the new rs.war file in the \server\tomcat\webapps directory. f. Start the server. To uninstall the patch with Jazz Reporting Service (Report Builder) deployed on Apache Tomcat server: a. Stop the Apache Tomcat server for the Jazz Reporting Service. b. Restore the original rs.war file that was backed up during the installation to the following directory: \server\tomcat\webapps\ c. Delete the following directories: \server\tomcat\webapps\rs \server\tomcat\work\Catalina\localhost\rs d. Start the server. To verify that the patch was successfully installed: a. After the server starts, open the Jazz Reporting Service home page. b. Click the question mark icon near the upper right. c. Select About Jazz Reporting Service. d. Check that the build ID in the dialog box is JRS_6.0.1-I20171113-2343 3. DATA COLLECTION COMPONENT INSTRUCTIONS Note: You can disregard this section if Insight is not in use. The wrapping jar file last changed in iFix007. If you have already deployed this file as part of installing iFix007 or later, you do not have to do these steps again. The mapping patch file has been updated in iFix012. Installing the wrapping jar file allows DCC ETL jobs to be scheduled from the Insight server. However, It should be noted that installing this on AIX is not supported because Insight does not support AIX. To install the mapping and wrapper patch with Data Collection Component: a. Back up all the files inside the \server\conf\dcc\mapping directory. b. Delete all the existing files from this directory. c. Extract the contents of the Data Collection Component mapping patch file into this directory. d. Open the \server\conf\dcc\ file. e. Locate the parameter, change its value to false, and save/close the file. For example: f. Back up*.jar inside \server\conf\dcc\wrapper\lib directory. g. Delete the existing*.jar file from this directory. h. Paste the new DCC wrapper jar into this directory. i. Restart the DCC server. 4. LIFECYCLE QUERY ENGINE AND LINK INDEX PROVIDER INSTRUCTIONS If this is a new installation, a backup is not needed. Otherwise, be sure you have a backup before you install this interim fix. There has been no change to LQE metadata or index structure since V6.0, so there is no need to migrate your data. For details, see "Backing up and restoring Lifecycle Query Engine": To install the patch with Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider deployed on a WebSphere Application Server: Option 1: Using the WebSphere Application Server scripting tool (wsadmin) a. Open a command window and navigate to the WebSphere profile bin directory (e.g. //profiles//bin). b. Execute the following command, ensuring that the WebSphere Application Server is running: Windows: wsadmin -language jython -user -password -f /server/was/> Linux: ./ -language jython -user -password -f /server/was/> NOTE: This will update all applications with war files from the iFixPatch directory specified Option 2: Using the WebSphere Application Server Admin Console a. Extract the lqe.war or ldx.war file to your local computer or on the Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider server. b. In the WebSphere Application Server Admin Console, stop the Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider application: Click Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications, select the lqe_war or ldx_war check box, and click Stop. c. Update the lqe_war or ldx_war file: Select the lqe_war or ldx_war check box and click Update. d. Select "Replace the entire application," browse to the new lqe.war or ldx.war file in the location that you extracted it to, and click Next. e. Follow the Fast Path installation, and accept all of the default values. f. After the update is complete, save the configuration changes when you are prompted to. g. Start the Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider application: Select the lqe_war or ldx_war check box and click Start. To uninstall the patch with Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider deployed on a WebSphere Application Server: Option 1: Using the WebSphere Application Server scripting tool (wsadmin) a. Locate the lqe.war or ldx.war file in the original Jazz Reporting Service installation. If there are other war files in this directory, copy the war files that you want to update to a new temporary folder (the script updates all applications with war files in the directory specified). a. Open a command window and navigate to the WebSphere profile bin directory (e.g. //profiles//bin). b. Execute the following command, ensuring that the WebSphere Application Server is running: Windows: wsadmin -language jython -user -password -f /server/was/> /server/webapps> Linux: ./ -language jython -user -password -f /server/was/> /server/webapps> Option 2: Using the WebSphere Application Server Admin Console a. Locate the lqe.war or ldx.war file in the original Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider installation. b. In the WebSphere Application Server Admin Console, stop the Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider application: Click Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications, select the lqe_war or ldx_war check box, and click Stop. c. Update the lqe_war or ldx_war file: Select the lqe_war or ldx_war check box and click Update. d. Select "Replace the entire application," browse to the lqe.war or ldx.war file in the original installation location, and click Next. e. Follow the Fast Path installation, and accept all of the default values. f. After the update is complete, save the configuration changes when you are prompted to. g. Start the Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider application: Select the lqe_war or ldx_war check box and click Start. To install the patch with Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider deployed on WebSphere Liberty Server: a. Rename the new lqe.war or ldx.war file as or b. Stop the WebSphere Liberty Server for the Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider. c. Back up the following file in case you need to revert the patch: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\ or \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\ d. Delete the following files: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\ \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\ or \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\ \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\ e. Delete the following directories: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\lqe.war \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\lqe.war or \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\ldx.war \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\ldx.war f. Place the new or file in the following directories: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps or \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps g. Unzip the new or file into the following directories: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\lqe.war \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\lqe.war or \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\ldx.war \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\ldx.war h. Start the server. To uninstall the patch with Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider deployed on WebSphere Liberty Server: a. Stop the WebSphere Liberty Server for the Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider. b. Restore the original or file that was backed up during the installation to the following directories: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps or \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps c. Delete the following directories: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\lqe.war \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\lqe.war or \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\ldx.war \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\ldx.war d. Unzip the original file into the following directories: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\lqe.war \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\lqe.war or \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\ldx.war \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\ldx.war e. Start the server. To install the patch when the Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider is deployed on Apache Tomcat: a. Stop the Apache Tomcat server for the Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider application. b. Back up the following file in case you need to revert the patch: \server\tomcat\webapps\lqe.war or \server\tomcat\webapps\ldx.war c. Delete the following file: \server\tomcat\webapps\lqe.war or \server\tomcat\webapps\ldx.war d. Delete the following directories: \server\tomcat\webapps\lqe or \server\tomcat\webapps\ldx \server\tomcat\work\Catalina\\lqe or \server\tomcat\work\Catalina\\ldx e. Place the new lqe.war or ldx.war file in the \server\tomcat\webapps directory or the \server\tomcat\webapps directory, respectively. f. Start the server. To uninstall the patch with Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider deployed on an Apache Tomcat server: a. Stop the Apache Tomcat server for the Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider application. b. Restore the original lqe.war or ldx.war file that was backed up during the installation to the following directory: \server\tomcat\webapps\ or \server\tomcat\webapps\ c. Delete the following directories: \server\tomcat\webapps\lqe or \server\tomcat\webapps\ldx \server\tomcat\work\Catalina\localhost\lqe or \server\tomcat\work\Catalina\localhost\ldx d. Start the server. To verify that the patch was successfully installed: a. After the server starts, open the Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider home page. b. Verify that the build ID in the upper right matches LQE_6.0.1-I20170711-0812. After installing the patch: a. The Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider automatically detects whether it is necessary to migrate data from an existing instance. If data migration is necessary, a Start Migration button is displayed on the main Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider page: https:///lqe/web/admin/data-sources or https:///ldx/web/admin/data-sources. If the button is displayed, click Start Migration. b. Reindex the data sources as required. 5. RATIONAL TEAM CONCERT CLIENT FOR ECLIPSE UPDATE SITE INSTRUCTIONS To install the client update site: a. Extract the update site file to the computer where the client is installed. b. In the Rational Team Concert client, click Help > Install New Software. c. In the Install window, click Add. d. In the Add Repository window, click Local and navigate to the extracted update site file. The update site root directory contains a site.xml file. e. Select the patches to install. f. If you agree to the terms, accept the license agreement and click Install. g. After the installation is complete, restart the Rational Team Concert client. To update the feature patch, you can install the new version directly over an old patch. You do not have to uninstall the old patch. To uninstall the client update site: a. In the Rational Team Concert client, click Help > About Rational Team Concert > Installation Details. b. Select the patches to uninstall and click Uninstall. c. After the uninstall process is complete, restart the Rational Team Concert client. WARNING: -The update site does not work with Rational Team Concert Client for Eclipse 3.6 that was installed by using IBM Installation Manager. Alternatively, you can use the Rational Team Concert Client for Eclipse 3.6 .zip installation, or you can use IBM Installation Manager to install the Rational Team Concert Client for Eclipse 4.2. -If you run the uninstall process on a Rational Team Concert client that was installed by using a .zip file, the feature patch will be removed along with the original feature. Removing the patch breaks the functionality of the affected feature. For a client that was installed by using a .zip file, reinstall the features by downloading the Rational Team Concert p2 repository from, and use the same installation steps with the following exception. For step d, click Archive and select the p2 repository .zip file and install the Rational Team Concert feature. This step removes the patched plug-ins and replaces the missing features with the original versions of the feature from the p2 repository. -If you run the uninstall process on a Rational Team Concert client that was installed by using the p2 repository, to remove the patch, you must uninstall the entire Rational Team Concert p2 feature and then reinstall the entire Rational Team Concert feature through the p2 repository. 6. RATIONAL TEAM CONCERT CLIENT FOR MICROSOFT VISUAL STUDIO INSTRUCTIONS For details of the fixes included in this iFix refer to the bundled readme file readme-vsclient.txt. To install the Rational Team Concert Client for Microsoft Visual Studio update: a. Close all running instances of Rational Team Concert Client for Microsoft Visual Studio. b. Extract the patch .zip file to the computer where the Rational Team Concert Client for Microsoft Visual Studio client is installed. c. In IBM Installation Manger, click File > Preferences > Repositories > Add Repository and provide the path to the extracted folder from step b. d. To close the Preferences window, click OK. e. Click File > Preferences > Files for Rollback and ensure that the "Save files for rollback" check box is selected. f. In IBM Installation Manager, click Update. g. Select the IBM Rational Team Concert Client for Microsoft Visual Studio IDE package group and click Next. h. Select the Rational Team Concert version to update and click Next. i. If you agree to the terms, accept the license agreement and click Install. j. Select the versions of Microsoft Visual Studio to support and click Next. k. Click Update. l. To complete the update, click Finish. m. After the installation is complete, start the Rational Team Concert Client for Microsoft Visual Studio. To update the feature patch, you can install the new version directly over an old patch. You do not have to uninstall the old patch. To roll back to the previous client version: a. Close all running instances of Rational Team Concert Client for Microsoft Visual Studio. b. In IBM Installation Manager, click Roll Back. c. Select the IBM Rational Team Concert Client for Microsoft Visual Studio IDE package group and click Next. d. Select the patch to roll back to. e. Click Roll Back. f. Click Finish. WARNING: -The 6.0.1 patch can only be installed on top of the official 6.0.1 release. -To remove a patch, only use the Roll Back feature in IBM Installation Manager. -Uninstalling the patch completely removes the entire release, as well as any patches that are installed on top of it. 7. ADDITIONAL FIXES INSTRUCTIONS +-- Product Data Collection Component Fixed in release 6.0.2: [APAR PI52655] [Delete Fact Table Data DCC job took long time but could not finish] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the DATA COLLECTION COMPONENT INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI53450] [DCC ETL Change and Configuration Management - Work Item Metrics fails when run against Oracle] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the DATA COLLECTION COMPONENT INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI56370] [JRS report only shows RFT script and ignores manual scripts if both of them are associated with the same test case] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the DATA COLLECTION COMPONENT INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI56372] [Change and Configuration Management - Source Control Metrics" job failed on a non-english OS] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the DATA COLLECTION COMPONENT INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI61242] [DCC ETLs RM facts and QM facts failing with Oracle and Java 7] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the DATA COLLECTION COMPONENT INSTRUCTIONS section ---- Fixed in release 6.0.3: [APAR PI53450] [DCC should support SQL Server connection URLs that use an instanceName instead of port] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the DATA COLLECTION COMPONENT INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI53450] [F_REQUEST_TPLN_TURNAROUND_R contains wrong filters] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the DATA COLLECTION COMPONENT INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI53450] [The RM DCC ETL could be easily made to run twice as fast] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the DATA COLLECTION COMPONENT INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI53450] [When link archival is enabled, deleted timesheet entries do not get soft deleted in the data warehouse] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the DATA COLLECTION COMPONENT INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI65210] [DCC Wrapper script should return proper exit code] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the DATA COLLECTION COMPONENT INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI69014] [Category Type ETL (RQM) overrides ISSOFTDELETED flag] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the DATA COLLECTION COMPONENT INSTRUCTIONS section ---- +-- Product Lifecycle Query Engine Fixed in release 6.0.2: [APAR PI53450] [Track new or changed vocabularies for review and update to LQE 6.0.1 ifix 003] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the LIFECYCLE QUERY ENGINE AND LINK INDEX PROVIDER INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI53450] [User names containing double quote characters cause LQE web UI to be completely unusable] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the LIFECYCLE QUERY ENGINE AND LINK INDEX PROVIDER INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI53450] [lqe.BatchWriter[TRS 2.0 for QM Resources] failed with error] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the LIFECYCLE QUERY ENGINE AND LINK INDEX PROVIDER INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI56690] [A LQE SQL issue was discovered which had different syntax in Oracle 11g than in Oracle 12] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the LIFECYCLE QUERY ENGINE AND LINK INDEX PROVIDER INSTRUCTIONS section ---- Fixed in release 6.0.3: [APAR PI53450] [Access Context Groups are not included in LQE backup] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the LIFECYCLE QUERY ENGINE AND LINK INDEX PROVIDER INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI53450] [LQE backup of selects takes a long time.] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the LIFECYCLE QUERY ENGINE AND LINK INDEX PROVIDER INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI53450] [LQE restore will fail if the etag is empty for a selections] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the LIFECYCLE QUERY ENGINE AND LINK INDEX PROVIDER INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI69907] [LQE Backup fails when using Oracle 11g and Global Configurations] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the LIFECYCLE QUERY ENGINE AND LINK INDEX PROVIDER INSTRUCTIONS section ---- +-- Product Rational Quality Manager Fixed in release 6.0.3: [APAR PI59630] [Archiving Completed Approval Groups throws SQLException in Upgraded Server] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: "Instructions for APAR PI59630 Archiving Completed Approval Groups throws SQLException in Upgraded Server (Defect 148799) In order to take advantage of this the first user which uses the archive function in a project area needs to have workitem create permissions. This constraint is valid only the fist time an approval group is being archived after the project area was migrated. Once done that, the workitem permissions are not required further for any oher user nor for any other approval group in the same project area." ---- [APAR PI63635] [Cross-project copied Test Data variables get erroneous project reference after 6.0.x upgrade, fail be loaded] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: This code works as a repotool and since it modifies data, it is preferable to run it on an offline QM server. Once the iFix patch is installed: 1. Insert the following line at the bottom of the \server\conf\qm\ file: 2. In a console: a) Run repotools-. -clean This is a critical step to re-provision the tool with the new code. b) Execute: repotools-. -repairDuplicatedItems logFile=repotools_repairDuplicatedItems.log 3. Collect the repotools_repairDuplicatedItems.log file. 4. Undo the changes performed in step 1. 5. Restart the server. Verify the data has been repaired. ---- Fixed in release 6.0.4: [APAR PI53450] [Performance impact when auto refresh the Test Suite Execution view with hundreds of test suite steps.] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: Quality Manager Performance Properties QM has introduced two Advanced Properties related to performance staring in iFix011; both properties are “Enabled” by default. They can be accessed via the QM admin page in the Advanced Properties section 1) Name: Enable the Number of Items Per Page option for list views Description: In list views, the option to specify how many items to display per page is enabled. Disable this option to improve performance for a heavily loaded server. 2) Name: Enable auto-refresh in the Test Suite Execution Console view Description: In the Test Suite Execution Console view, the option that automatically refreshes content is enabled. Disable this option to improve performance for a heavily loaded server. ---- [APAR PI53450] [Performance impact when loading table views displaying 100 records and many columns.] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: Quality Manager Performance Properties QM has introduced two Advanced Properties related to performance staring in iFix011; both properties are “Enabled” by default. They can be accessed via the QM admin page in the Advanced Properties section 1) Name: Enable the Number of Items Per Page option for list views Description: In list views, the option to specify how many items to display per page is enabled. Disable this option to improve performance for a heavily loaded server. 2) Name: Enable auto-refresh in the Test Suite Execution Console view Description: In the Test Suite Execution Console view, the option that automatically refreshes content is enabled. Disable this option to improve performance for a heavily loaded server. ---- +-- Product Jazz Reporting Service Fixed in release 6.0.2: [APAR PI52228] [The unparser should handle the INTERSECT clause] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI53450] [/rs fails to rename server (rename status uses old URL)] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI53450] [Advanced SPARQL query editor hangs if extra variables are added with shorter names] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI53450] [Average not calculated properly for historical trend reports] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI53450] [Cannot create historical metrics report with Derby DW] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI53450] [Cannot log out a second time when using SSO authentication] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI53450] [Copying db directory from existing server to new installation can cause ClassCastException] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI53450] [Drill Down reports with multiple SUM based on Decimal are not showing any results] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI53450] [Error CRRGW5628E An com.foundationdb.sql.parser.SQLParserException on Report save] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI53450] [NullPointerException after switching report type from Current Work Item Data to Historical Trends] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI53450] [One particular DW report fail to show report in the next day of creation] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI53450] [RS unable to show "Historical Trends" when filtering by Test Case] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI53450] [Report Builder hang in certain scenario getting back query results from cache (QueryResultsCache)] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI53450] [SQLException when view Work Item totals trend by Creator Dimension] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI53450] [Self Host: Report Builder needs to be restarted or widgets fail to render] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI53450] [Some columns are spanning when they shouldn't] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI53450] [Specific SQL advanced query no longer editable after save and reload] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI53450] [Temporary files in QueryResultsCache folder are not removed] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI53450] [When deleting reports when a filter is set on the explore page, user can unintentionally delete other reports] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI56612] [Customizing graph colors doesn't work for TCER verdict (and not only)] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI58265] [Opensocial Gadget stuck in a perpetually loading state (could be particular to http and localhost JTS)] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI58307] [Custom attributes in more than one project are available only in some of the projects] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI58944] [link to another resource(valueType is oslc:AnyResource) does not show up] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI59857] ["Add tags to selected reports" function doesn't work properly in the following described situation] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI59861] [Improve null object verification] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI61479] [Cannot select artifact type on IE] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI68328] [a "undefined" tool tip of the X and Y axis for a Graph report in JRS 6.0.1] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- Fixed in release 6.0.3: [APAR PI53450] [Date scale calculation lost when visualizing trend of attribute with dimensions] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI59396] [Historical trend reports do not deal well with out of order data] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI61304] [Result columns are not being processed as expected] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI62363] [Date scale calculation lost when using Count values of a single attribute with no dimensions] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI63051] [Calculated columns that use percentages can attempt division by zero] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI63459] [Advanced SQL report: returns 15 results, when paging from first 10 to next 10 get no results] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI66330] [Too many date range controls are shown in trend report] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI66336] [Error when loading reports on All reports (former Use) Page] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI69640] [Drilldown into value Planned For field with & character does nothing....] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- Fixed in release 6.0.4: [APAR PI66407] [Corrective updates on the Out-of-the-box reports for Report Builder (6.0.1)] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section The out-of-the-box reports should be re-imported ---- [APAR PI71877] [Missing traceability links for Requirements] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI78188] [Temp directories not deleted after export to Excel/RPE] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- Fixed in release 6.0.5: [APAR PI53450] [Perform automatic TDB database backups] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI53450] [Report Builder's Jena TDB should use transactions] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- +-- Product Rational DOORS Next Generation Fixed in release 6.0.2: [APAR PI41228] [Report of embedded visio/excel artifacts inserts a link above the artifact, Printing a module with a Visio artifact does not include the Vision artifact in the generated document] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: In order to leverage this fix, you must request new schema files from Support. Please reference Test Fix Request 48740 when doing so. ---- [APAR PI59210] [Deleted links are not updated into the DW database] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: A full load is required. However, if you are using Data Collection Component (DCC), you would need to manually cleanup the Datawarehouse before doing the full load. The full load will reactivate the ones that were not deleted. To cleanup the Datawarehouse you need: 1. Identify the datasource for the specific DOORS Next Generation (DNG) Having a desired artifact/requirement, from the DNG UI get its URL and then perform this query: SELECT SOURCE_ID FROM RIODS.REQUIREMENT WHERE URL = 'full_known_requirement_url' Where 'full_known_requirement_url' is the artifact/requirement's URL you get from the DNG UI. 2. Do the cleanup Perform this query once you have gotten the SOURCE_ID from step 1: UPDATE RIODS.REQUIREMENT SET ISSOFTDELETED = 1 WHERE SOURCE_ID = 'UUID_for_the_targeted_DNG' ---- Fixed in release 6.0.3: [APAR PI61262] [Migration from 5.x to 6.x creates versioned comment resources with dc:creator set to ADMIN user] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: If customers have migrated and are experiencing this APAR, there is now a process that automatically runs in the background to resolve the data discrepancies. No actions are required by the customer. When the server starts up, the process runs silently in the background and should have no impact on user operations. There is logging that occurs during the process and the rm.log file can be monitored for progress. Some examples of the logging that occurs are: Starting update in batches of up to records still need to be repaired Repair is completed. The task ran for ms Repair task has not updated all resources. Check log to specify which resources were not updated The message " records still need to be repaired" will be repeated as a means of showing progress. ---- +-- Product Rational Team Concert Fixed in release 6.0.2: [APAR PI51773] [Unable to retrieve ownedby attribute for snapshot] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: Command-line Client patch: Please request from Support the additional patch that is needed for the complete fix for this issue. 1) Back up the existing plugins being patched in: /jazz/scmtools/eclipse/plugins 2) Unzip the contents of the patch and copy the plugins (*.jar files) into the same directory ---- [APAR PI53286] [Status command with "--all" does not show status if all components are unloaded.] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: Command-line Client patch: 1) Back up the existing plugins being patched in: /jazz/scmtools/eclipse/plugins 2) Unzip the contents of the patch and copy the plugins (*.jar files) into the same directory ---- Fixed in release 6.0.3: [APAR PI63028] [Snapshot with large number of components causes 414 error when scm list components -snapshot is used.] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: Manually copy CLI files ---- Fixed in release 6.0.4: [APAR PI66116] [[RTC 6.0.1][Defect 395585] Rename file to Upper case or lower case throws error] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: Contact support for the latest SCM shell client. ---- 8. APAR FIXES This interim fix contains fixes for the following APARs: [APAR ID] [Maintenance Item Summary] [Maintenance Item URL] +-- Product Rational Engineering Lifecycle Manager Fixed in release 6.0.2: [APAR PI53450] [Custom hover shows HTML tags which should be displayed as formatted text] [] [APAR PI53450] [Performance issue when a system artifact container is linked to some containers] [] [APAR PI53450] [RELM full text search cannot show non-versioned data correctly] [] +-- Product Data Collection Component Fixed in release 6.0.2: [APAR PI52655] [Delete Fact Table Data DCC job took long time but could not finish] [] [APAR PI53450] [DCC ETL Change and Configuration Management - Work Item Metrics fails when run against Oracle] [] [APAR PI53450] [DCC not available after doing a rename and then an upgrade to 6.0.1] [] [APAR PI53810] [Need scriptable way of setting DCC configuration commands] [] [APAR PI56370] [JRS report only shows RFT script and ignores manual scripts if both of them are associated with the same test case] [] [APAR PI56372] [Change and Configuration Management - Source Control Metrics" job failed on a non-english OS] [] [APAR PI61242] [DCC ETLs RM facts and QM facts failing with Oracle and Java 7] [] Fixed in release 6.0.3: [APAR PI53450] [DCC should support SQL Server connection URLs that use an instanceName instead of port] [] [APAR PI53450] [F_REQUEST_TPLN_TURNAROUND_R contains wrong filters] [] [APAR PI53450] [The RM DCC ETL could be easily made to run twice as fast] [] [APAR PI53450] [When link archival is enabled, deleted timesheet entries do not get soft deleted in the data warehouse] [] [APAR PI65210] [DCC Wrapper script should return proper exit code] [] [APAR PI69014] [Category Type ETL (RQM) overrides ISSOFTDELETED flag] [] Fixed in release 6.0.4: [APAR PI53450] [DCC could ignore errors that occur during XML parsing] [] [APAR PI53450] [Increase resiliency of DCC to ETL failure] [] [APAR PI79547] [F_REQUEST_AGING table is growing out of control] [] [APAR PI80151] [DCC DELETE jobs should give each delete its own transaction] [] [APAR PI81017] [DCC Request Metric jobs slow because of join on UPPER(CUSTOMER_PRIORITY) and UPPER(PLATFORM)] [] Fixed in release 6.0.5: [APAR PI53450] [When DCC encounters a response from RM that contains empty artifacts, it will stop processing subsequent good artifact] [] [APAR PI81703] [DCC should log error when request fails and gets retried] [] +-- Product Lifecycle Query Engine Fixed in release 6.0.2: [APAR PI53450] [Track new or changed vocabularies for review and update to LQE 6.0.1 ifix 003] [] [APAR PI53450] [User names containing double quote characters cause LQE web UI to be completely unusable] [] [APAR PI53450] [lqe.BatchWriter[TRS 2.0 for QM Resources] failed with error] [] Fixed in release 6.0.3: [APAR PI53450] [Access Context Groups are not included in LQE backup] [] [APAR PI53450] [LQE backup of selects takes a long time.] [] [APAR PI53450] [LQE restore will fail if the etag is empty for a selections] [] [APAR PI69907] [LQE Backup fails when using Oracle 11g and Global Configurations] [] +-- Product Rational Quality Manager Fixed in release 6.0.2: [APAR PI50966] ["Create Section" Permission Required to Create Test Plan Using Template that Contains Custom Section] [] [APAR PI51707] [Enter key does not work for Inline Filter for Execution Console > Host Name This is inconsistent with other fields] [] [APAR PI51979] [PDF export of a test plan comprehensive report shows inconsistency on how the requirements associated to test cases are shown.] [] [APAR PI52469] [Execution schedules using build records from RQM 5.0.2 will not run after upgrade to 6.0] [] [APAR PI53450] [Archiving test result does not create deletion event for its step results in many places] [] [APAR PI53450] [Categories values of "Test Phase" and "Type" mixed up] [] [APAR PI53450] [Executing Test Suite in GUI is picking multiple target machines using NI adapter] [] [APAR PI53450] [Module name is "Loading..." when reconciling req collection in QM and unable to generate the test case] [] [APAR PI53450] [NullPointerException in reportable rest when creating an ER with no TCER provided] [] [APAR PI53450] [RQM Reportable REST API cannot PUT rich text sections.] [] [APAR PI53450] [Rational Quality Manager cannot open selection dialogs if the OSLC provider provides selection dialogs but no creation dialogs] [] [APAR PI53450] [Show Result does not display the execution result on IE11.] [] [APAR PI53450] [TRS 2.0 for QM resources fail every 6 hours with error, requiring reindex] [] [APAR PI53450] [The test case list view loads very slowly when the broken link icon feature is enabled with DOORS] [] [APAR PI53450] [hide configuration resource shape in TRS] [] [APAR PI53450] [test environment's shape returns 500] [] [APAR PI53716] [QM: Export to CSV (Download as Spreadsheet) does not display defect information if the defect quantity is over 20] [] [APAR PI54479] [Test fix for a customer that has thousands of category values] [] [APAR PI54611] [The Test Martix viewlet lists Test Environments in Descending order instead of Ascending when using a Stacked Bar chart] [] [APAR PI54785] [Test Matrix viewlet does not display TCERs with an Iteration value of Unassigned] [] [APAR PI55175] [Validity Service interactions must be updated in 602] [] [APAR PI55565] [Execution Variables are not populated on Test Case Results when running a manual test script] [] [APAR PI55605] [TestScriptStepPicker does not honor the requested size when opened from DOORS] [] [APAR PI55688] [Migration completed with errors due to missing WorkItemHandleImpl while migrating Work Item Approvals to Quality Approvals] [] [APAR PI56607] [QM: Select 'More' in the list causes clear selections] [] [APAR PI56617] [QM Nested Categories Are Not Handled Properly during import/creation] [] [APAR PI57250] [REST Representation of Master Test Plan Snapshots Does Not Include Snaphost HREFs of Child Plans] [] [APAR PI57301] [When run test suit with "modify the execution Variable values" checked , the suit can't be run.] [] [APAR PI57391] [Call to getExecutionWorkItemDTOs instead of getExecutionWorkItemMinimalDTOs causes bad performance on Run Test Case dialog] [] [APAR PI57394] [Not able to filter against Defects and Requirements in the Test Case Results List View] [] [APAR PI57660] [Not able to remove a requirement from a manual test script step] [] [APAR PI57726] [Test plan loop - master test plan references itself - RQM Copy Utility aborts] [] [APAR PI58296] [QM page freeze on clicking history > see details] [] [APAR PI58302] [New Test Case data lost after merging changes on concurrent Test Plan edition] [] [APAR PI59400] [Create Stream Icon is not displayed under Manage Configurations] [] [APAR PI59597] [Test Artifact review information (Approved dates) are modified (incorrect dates)] [] [APAR PI59642] [Open browse test case execution records filtered by test plan expanded the filtered by suite record panel] [] [APAR PI59794] [Event history is missing after migration from prior to 6.0] [] [APAR PI60306] [Purged values shown as "Deleted" in Change Category dialog.] [] [APAR PI68222] [Importing process templates from previous releases launches NPE] [] [APAR PI70666] ["No test script" or selecting any test script is not working when filtering test cases in Test Case View by test script.] [] Fixed in release 6.0.3: [APAR PI53450] [CLA : Unable to attach file to the result when path contains unicode characters] [] [APAR PI53450] [Cannot Remove SubCategory Value] [] [APAR PI59554] [Cannot permanently delete test case results with status in progress.] [] [APAR PI59630] [Archiving Completed Approval Groups throws SQLException in Upgraded Server] [] [APAR PI61630] [354RQM Req. Collection Error "Failed to link to requirement collection with unsupported characters" and "Clear Suspicion" is not clearing suspicion for requirement collection even after reconciling at the test plan] [] [APAR PI61724] [Changes made to Test Suite Execution Variables by using "Modify Execution Variable Values" during execution doesn't take effect nor persisted] [] [APAR PI62236] [RestException Attempting to PUT CategoryType Containing Valueset with More Than 2048 Values] [] [APAR PI62511] [Garbled Japanese text when invoking a script via the Command Line Adapter] [] [APAR PI63635] [Cross-project copied Test Data variables get erroneous project reference after 6.0.x upgrade, fail be loaded] [] [APAR PI63689] [Approval migration code not robust enough to correctly handle potential cross-project references] [] [APAR PI64098] [Subcategories values are missing after importing QM process template] [] [APAR PI64182] [Issue: QM email approval notification formatting artifacts URL's incorrectly] [] [APAR PI65251] [JAXB Classes Do Not Include ExtensionDisplayName Attribute in XML of Rich Text Sections] [] [APAR PI65320] ["Newline" character cannot be inserted in a comment of a Test Script Step] [] [APAR PI65358] [GET of a remotescript resource does not show the correct value for alm:owner or qm:ownerid] [] [APAR PI65727] [User information missing in formal review groups post archive and unexpected loss of formal review data in snapshots.] [] [APAR PI66124] [TCER actual result is shown as In progress even after successfully completing the test execution] [] [APAR PI66178] ["Test Team" is reset to "Unassigned" when changing the state of a Testplan] [] [APAR PI66560] [Test Case Attribute values not exported to .csv file] [] [APAR PI66657] [Test Artifact Updates Made with REST Treated as Changes to Formal Review] [] [APAR PI66739] [Bad HTTP Response when updating a testplan containing PlatformCoverage using REST] [] [APAR PI68430] [unable to reconcile collection from test plan after first reconcile] [] [APAR PI68694] [PUT of Artifact Template Causes Duplication of Sections in Template Editor] [] [APAR PI68907] [Unable to see linked test cases when performing reconcile] [] [APAR PI68963] [QM : Approval entries in the History do not correlate with the correct History entry] [] [APAR PI69468] [No Email Notifications Sent with Approver Comments or Approval Status Updates] [] [APAR PI69499] [NullPointerException PUTting Test Plan with Deleted Custom Quality Objective] [] [APAR PI69567] [Deleted Category Values Not Removed from Value Sets] [] [APAR PI69967] [Can't link RQM test cases to DOORS requirements when module is open] [] [APAR PI70076] [QM Accepts Duplicate Valuesets] [] [APAR PI70592] [Re-ordering testcase in testplan saves but not honored on refresh] [] Fixed in release 6.0.4: [APAR PI53450] ["Unresponsive script" warning message shown while trying to add test case to test suite.] [] [APAR PI53450] [Browse test plans/cases slows down as custom attributes are added] [] [APAR PI53450] [Cannot Add More than 50 Test Cases at a Time to a Suite] [] [APAR PI53450] [Comparing test suites' test cases section does not show any differences] [] [APAR PI53450] [Full test script DTO is returned when opening the Test Cases section of the test suite editor.] [] [APAR PI53450] [IExecutionScriptService.getTypeByIdOrName() do not require fetch project area when resolving the script type.] [] [APAR PI53450] [Missing execution records in LQE after reindexing trs2 feed] [] [APAR PI53450] [Performance Issue PUTting Category Type with Large Number of Valuesets] [] [APAR PI53450] [Performance impact in test suites view page with thousands of users in the project.] [] [APAR PI53450] [Performance impact since we should not fetch test suite's steps initially when loading the test suite editor] [] [APAR PI53450] [Performance impact when auto refresh the Test Suite Execution view with hundreds of test suite steps.] [] [APAR PI53450] [Performance impact when fetching all project/process area properties with thousands of users in the project.] [] [APAR PI53450] [Performance impact when fetching contributors to populate contributor dropdowns with thousands of users in the project.] [] [APAR PI53450] [Performance impact when loading table views displaying 100 records and many columns.] [] [APAR PI53450] [Performance of checkAllTeamsPermissions degrades as project area membership grows] [] [APAR PI53450] [Values set are not being saved] [] [APAR PI53450] [While comparing two Test Suites the Test Cases Section of the Test Suite is not showing the comparison result properly.] [] [APAR PI71902] [Users Not Added as Named Project Area Members not Granted Everyone Role Permissions] [] [APAR PI72060] [RTC defect editor takes longer to come up when defect is created during Test Suite execution as number of Test cases in the Test Suite increases] [] [APAR PI72064] [Performance impact when executing a test suite with hundreds of test cases with thousands of users in the project.] [] [APAR PI72092] [Pre-rendering links in coverage view in Requirement Collections Section] [] [APAR PI72252] [Test Case Result history event (“Other”) missing after upgrade] [] [APAR PI73773] [Amount Time Required to Stop Execution of Large Suites] [] [APAR PI76092] [Everyone Role Has XML Export Permission] [] [APAR PI79101] [JAXB Classes Don't Add Extension Display Name to XML of Rich Text Sections] [] [APAR PI79156] [QM Server Assigns Category Values when Category Value in XML is Empty String] [] [APAR PI79462] [Server Accepts Multiple Valuesets with Same Key] [] [APAR PI79512] [Edit Section Header Permission Required to PUT and POST Artifacts with Rich Text Sections other than Test Case Design] [] Fixed in release 6.0.5: [APAR PI82456] [Performance Degradation in 6.0.1 iFix013 PUTting Categorytype with Large Number of Valuesets] [] +-- Product Jazz Foundation Fixed in release 6.0.1: [APAR PI53450] [Need a way to be able recover versions that has been marked as unreferenced incorrectly] [] [APAR PI53450] [Need a way to mark not current versions that has been marked as current incorrectly] [] Fixed in release 6.0.2: [APAR PI53432] [VVC import in DM failed with exception when exported data contains a change set with triplets without a resource object [6.0.1]] [] [APAR PI53450] [Active version is getting unreferenced and removed from index] [] [APAR PI53450] [Change set delivery sometimes pushes wrong versions to target stream] [] [APAR PI53450] [Missing version mappings in parent config after invoking ILocalConfigurationManagementService.getVersionsInConfiguration on a new config[6.0.1]] [] [APAR PI53450] [ObjectMap.get(PojoFilter filter, String key) fails with ParseException[6.0.1]] [] [APAR PI53450] [Upgrade server from 502 on 601iFix002 offline migration steps for each application failed from first attempt] [] [APAR PI53450] [ValidityService no longer accepting empty string for contextName] [] [APAR PI54243] [Build Integration fails when 2 RQM projects are configured to 1 RTC project] [] [APAR PI54878] [LINKS table disappears from BIRT reports] [] [APAR PI57028] [TrsService should not perform repo operations in activate method (383183)] [] [APAR PI57533] [[601]Repotools AddTables can create multiple queryable-item table entries when migrating from 5.0.2 to 6.0.1] [] [APAR PI57622] [[601] Build definition rtc.602.all with several test errors - error in RepositoryItemService.buildFetchResult] [] [APAR PI59683] [Backport In a configuration enabled project area getting exception InternalRepositoryException (384051)] [] [APAR PI74725] [manage baselines dialog - switching between projects shows unexpected content in the manage baselines dialog] [] Fixed in release 6.0.3: [APAR PI53450] [JFS StorageService not properly honoring importMode flag] [] [APAR PI53450] [Syntax Error when trying to log out during jts setup] [] [APAR PI53450] [Update an item state via UpdateState doesn't utilize proposed modified and modified by parameter values] [] [APAR PI53450] [[601] Multiple current versions for concepts on the same configuration causing problems like different versions shown in different views of the product (mostly DNG)] [] [APAR PI53450] [[601] [Repair Tool] multi-current issue in repository/configuration aware] [] [APAR PI57718] [Widget error "this._getPreferenceProvider(...) is null" when trying to access Settings in Bookmarks, Resources widgets] [] [APAR PI60403] [Proxy setting in Eclipse Client 6.0.1 Fail] [] [APAR PI60854] [After an upgrade to 6.01, the server recreates text live & triple history] [] [APAR PI61618] [GUI becomes blank while trying to accept a delivery from another stream. [ 6.0.1]] [] [APAR PI62551] [Workitem Save fails do to StaleDataException (386068) [601]] [] [APAR PI63097] [Expose Token License Group Counters so they can be loaded in the data warehouse] [] [APAR PI63220] [NullPointerException reported running Defect140238RepairTask] [] [APAR PI63426] [Infinite loop condition in JFS SDK StorageService] [] [APAR PI63760] [Missing vertical scroll bar in Events view] [] [APAR PI64767] [Unable to edit contents of the HTML widget] [] [APAR PI64957] [Incorrect contents in baselines/baseline contents changing over time] [] [APAR PI67346] [Fix reportable rest caching corner case] [] [APAR PI67500] [Useless exception stack traces appear in log when setting whitelist in E-mail Setting on JTS.] [] [APAR PI81278] [Error "The team xxx could not be found" when browsing back to Dashboard] [] [APAR PI83443] [JTS returns 500 (caused by an NPE) instead of the expected error when there are no more tokens to allocate] [] Fixed in release 6.0.4: [APAR PI53450] [Port Cross registering JVM mbeans into WebSphere mbean server into 6.0.1] [] [APAR PI61509] [Incorrect Token License Issued Leases] [] [APAR PI61751] [Long GC pauses when using BIRT (reports or viewlets)] [] [APAR PI69593] [Manual Proxy settings are getting used instead of Native Proxy settings in Eclipse client 6.x] [] [APAR PI71779] [[601] Performance impact when fetching a subset of project/process area properties with thousands of users in the project] [] [APAR PI75976] [QP burndown and burnup reports may be generated by the wrong reporting server.] [] [APAR PI77835] [[601] Protection against running a server rename on a live production DB is not working] [] [APAR PI78113] [[601] Useless exception stack traces appear in ccm.log when setting whitelist in E-mail Setting on JTS.] [] Fixed in release 6.0.5: [APAR PI53450] [Process editor page becomes blank after another project shares the process] [] [APAR PI53450] [Scalability issues when selecting "All dashboards" in projects with large numbers of team areas] [] [APAR PI53450] [Support repotools –repairMultipleVersionsMarkedAsCurrent running offline] [] [APAR PI82266] [Configuring the Whitelist in the E-mail Setting, Prints error message with stack trace in jts log] [] [APAR PI82687] [HTML dashboard widget not editable after View HTML Source] [] [APAR PI83074] [[601] Prevent multi-current issue during copyToStream() in Repository/Configuration Aware items] [] [APAR PI83074] [[601] Provide Repairtool to fix multi current issue in Repository/Configuration Aware items] [] [APAR PI83698] [[601] CRJAZ1011I message get garbled in Japanese locale environment when configuring the white list.] [] [APAR PI83798] [[601] Concatenated words in subject line of WI notifications] [] +-- Product Jazz Reporting Service Fixed in release 6.0.2: [APAR PI52228] [The unparser should handle the INTERSECT clause] [] [APAR PI53450] [/rs fails to rename server (rename status uses old URL)] [] [APAR PI53450] [Advanced SPARQL query editor hangs if extra variables are added with shorter names] [] [APAR PI53450] [Average not calculated properly for historical trend reports] [] [APAR PI53450] [Cannot create historical metrics report with Derby DW] [] [APAR PI53450] [Cannot log out a second time when using SSO authentication] [] [APAR PI53450] [Copying db directory from existing server to new installation can cause ClassCastException] [] [APAR PI53450] [Drill Down reports with multiple SUM based on Decimal are not showing any results] [] [APAR PI53450] [Error CRRGW5628E An com.foundationdb.sql.parser.SQLParserException on Report save] [] [APAR PI53450] [NullPointerException after switching report type from Current Work Item Data to Historical Trends] [] [APAR PI53450] [One particular DW report fail to show report in the next day of creation] [] [APAR PI53450] [RS unable to show "Historical Trends" when filtering by Test Case] [] [APAR PI53450] [Report Builder hang in certain scenario getting back query results from cache (QueryResultsCache)] [] [APAR PI53450] [SQLException when view Work Item totals trend by Creator Dimension] [] [APAR PI53450] [Self Host: Report Builder needs to be restarted or widgets fail to render] [] [APAR PI53450] [Some columns are spanning when they shouldn't] [] [APAR PI53450] [Specific SQL advanced query no longer editable after save and reload] [] [APAR PI53450] [Temporary files in QueryResultsCache folder are not removed] [] [APAR PI53450] [When deleting reports when a filter is set on the explore page, user can unintentionally delete other reports] [] [APAR PI56612] [Customizing graph colors doesn't work for TCER verdict (and not only)] [] [APAR PI58265] [Opensocial Gadget stuck in a perpetually loading state (could be particular to http and localhost JTS)] [] [APAR PI58307] [Custom attributes in more than one project are available only in some of the projects] [] [APAR PI58944] [link to another resource(valueType is oslc:AnyResource) does not show up] [] [APAR PI59857] ["Add tags to selected reports" function doesn't work properly in the following described situation] [] [APAR PI59861] [Improve null object verification] [] [APAR PI61479] [Cannot select artifact type on IE] [] [APAR PI68328] [a "undefined" tool tip of the X and Y axis for a Graph report in JRS 6.0.1] [] Fixed in release 6.0.3: [APAR PI53450] [Date scale calculation lost when visualizing trend of attribute with dimensions] [] [APAR PI59396] [Historical trend reports do not deal well with out of order data] [] [APAR PI61304] [Result columns are not being processed as expected] [] [APAR PI62363] [Date scale calculation lost when using Count values of a single attribute with no dimensions] [] [APAR PI63051] [Calculated columns that use percentages can attempt division by zero] [] [APAR PI63459] [Advanced SQL report: returns 15 results, when paging from first 10 to next 10 get no results] [] [APAR PI66330] [Too many date range controls are shown in trend report] [] [APAR PI66336] [Error when loading reports on All reports (former Use) Page] [] [APAR PI69640] [Drilldown into value Planned For field with & character does nothing....] [] Fixed in release 6.0.4: [APAR PI66407] [Corrective updates on the Out-of-the-box reports for Report Builder (6.0.1)] [] [APAR PI71877] [Missing traceability links for Requirements] [] [APAR PI78188] [Temp directories not deleted after export to Excel/RPE] [] Fixed in release 6.0.5: [APAR PI53450] [Perform automatic TDB database backups] [] [APAR PI53450] [Report Builder's Jena TDB should use transactions] [] +-- Product Rational DOORS Next Generation Fixed in release 6.0.2: [APAR PI41228] [Report of embedded visio/excel artifacts inserts a link above the artifact, Printing a module with a Visio artifact does not include the Vision artifact in the generated document] [] [APAR PI48104] [Unresponsive script warning when artifact has a large number of attribute enums] [] [APAR PI48215] [OSLC Query to discover References links stored on remote server performs poorly] [] [APAR PI52669] [Query timeout during SuspectLinkIndexService.clearIndexedLinks could result in unbounded growth of RM on-disk indices] [] [APAR PI52746] [StackOverflow when reporting a sketch with duplicate ids through uisketches schema] [] [APAR PI53176] [IE10 consumes too much memory through general usage. Memory leak?] [] [APAR PI53303] [Migration from 5.0.1 to 6.0 fails with NotFoundException when migrating review] [] [APAR PI53344] [Publish outcome does not reflect the correct artifact type for module artifacts after changing its type] [] [APAR PI53450] [Creating Baselines and Stream corrupts the Local Configuration cache] [] [APAR PI53450] [Describe queries return invalid data after server was renamed] [] [APAR PI53450] [Duplicate module can not be successfully completed.] [] [APAR PI53450] [Expanding and collapsing sections in a document is unusable.  Major scrolling issues] [] [APAR PI53450] [Include ReqIF Foreign ID in packages] [] [APAR PI53450] [JRS: Cannot report against new local configurations created from a GC] [] [APAR PI53450] [JRS: Cannot report on module content in context of any other configuration after adding to/removing from/modifying artifacts in module] [] [APAR PI53450] [Link Validity: DM <-> RM - setting a link as valid in DM doesn't change the link status in RM] [] [APAR PI53450] [Linked artifacts in diagram editor do not "highlight" when the link is selected in link area AND links do not highlight when diagram artifact is selected (regression)] [] [APAR PI53450] [Module editing - editing new cell is flashy/jumpy] [] [APAR PI53450] [RRDG Report: Traceability says NONE for RM project that is not CM enabled] [] [APAR PI53450] [Remove error about unnecessary JPI mapping] [] [APAR PI53450] [Revision history of module artifact should show baseline thumbnails as well as revision thumbnails] [] [APAR PI53450] [Server rename - comparison wizard does not display artifact content for modules after server rename] [] [APAR PI53450] [Slow TRS query when creating new stream or baseline] [] [APAR PI53714] [Unable to import more than 6 levels of hierarchy from Word to a module] [] [APAR PI55014] [Recent Comments widget does not populate after server restart] [] [APAR PI55175] [link validity - 500 errors when trying to assert validity] [] [APAR PI55198] [Upgrade to 6x fails due to null jfsBaseline] [] [APAR PI55320] [OSLC requests for a project area's services.xml do not properly handle configuration resolution] [] [APAR PI55856] [Embedded content does not update properly when included from another project] [] [APAR PI56183] [Migration from 5.0.2 to 6.0.1 fails with GoneException when migrating formal reviews] [] [APAR PI56191] [Importing a Word document into a folder generates massive FileBackedOutputStream temp file which can exhaust available disk space] [] [APAR PI56642] [Headings are not formatted properly for a customized report] [] [APAR PI56664] [Duplicate entries appear for a module in browse view, after modifying it] [] [APAR PI56665] [Export of modules views with "Is Not Any Of" filter produces a CSV with the wrong content] [] [APAR PI56813] [It takes 10 hours for DCC to handle 2 entries after we upgraded DCC from 5.0.2 to 6.0.1.] [] [APAR PI57418] [ReqIf import duplicates some other attributes during import] [] [APAR PI57537] [Revision history of a module artifact doesn't show the latest contents of artifact upon loading the UI] [] [APAR PI57899] [CSV import does not update multi-valued enumerated attributes correctly] [] [APAR PI58255] [Revision History is misleading when switching configurations from the current stream to a baseline] [] [APAR PI58347] [Migration fails when module baseline title > 250 characters] [] [APAR PI58588] [Updating a core artifact does not update its module artifacts in the data warehouse] [] [APAR PI58592] [FF - able to insert picture into comment] [] [APAR PI58700] [config management does not work in a proper way - at least not for embedded images] [] [APAR PI58876] [Applying project template fails to create artifacts if there's a personal tag -- concurrency error] [] [APAR PI58896] [Certain modules fail to open and show any content, with a "The requested artifact cannot be found" error] [] [APAR PI59210] [Deleted links are not updated into the DW database] [] [APAR PI59268] [find / replace in module context deletes all term references on artifact] [] [APAR PI59774] [CSV round trip does not handle enumerated values] [] [APAR PI59816] [In-place edit button primary text on module artifact - no refresh when concurrent user has edited and committed change on the same artifact] [] [APAR PI63077] [History: Error access audit history of an object if its link was permanently deleted] [] [APAR PI64293] [Comments viewlet not loading on cm-enabled projects] [] [APAR PI64481] [Links to requirements are visible in earlier baselines, on one side.] [] [APAR PI66293] [cross project links are not shown in remote projects.] [] [APAR PI66574] [cannot drag and drop links after being in in-place edit] [] [APAR PI69576] [permalink on the revision of an artifact not easily accessible and does not open] [] Fixed in release 6.0.3: [APAR PI53450] [Compound filtering involving links which returns a lot of hits times out] [] [APAR PI53450] [Detect unmigrated module baselines before attempting migration from 5.x to 6.x] [] [APAR PI53450] [Enable gzip decompression in debug service] [] [APAR PI53450] [Module analyzer should properly repair modules] [] [APAR PI53450] [Module analyzer/repair loses project context] [] [APAR PI53450] [upgrade - upgrading an archived project and then restoring it causes rm/web to get stuck at 'loading'] [] [APAR PI58416] [Error when inserting an artifact before or after a modulefact that has a shared tag assigned] [] [APAR PI58513] [Strikethrough styling is not applied when tags are not directly surrounding text] [] [APAR PI59165] [ReqIF Exports the original folder name of a renamed folder] [] [APAR PI59775] [On Mac, when editing a module, Cmd S doesn't save except when editing content] [] [APAR PI59982] [Module Merge function executes synchronous PUT requests during delivery session, causing StaleDataException on server] [] [APAR PI60101] [JazzUser cannot generate customized report] [] [APAR PI60425] [OSLC queries that involve manifested views are slow] [] [APAR PI60608] [Poor query to determine review participantResult information] [] [APAR PI60648] [ReqIF imported hyperlink text is renamed to "Embedded attachment"] [] [APAR PI60920] [Reviews need to be more resilient to concurrent user interactions] [] [APAR PI61078] [Email notification for reviews may show the wrong "Created By" user] [] [APAR PI61258] [Migration from 5.x to 6.x incorrectly categorizes artifact and review comment numbering data] [] [APAR PI61260] [Migration from 5.x to 6.x incorrectly creates versioned review comments] [] [APAR PI61262] [Migration from 5.x to 6.x creates versioned comment resources with dc:creator set to ADMIN user] [] [APAR PI61262] [Remove the need to reindex after upgrading to 6.0.x] [] [APAR PI61337] [RRC 6.0 does not return the modified date when querying for artifacts in a module] [] [APAR PI61345] [Discrepancies with the "Created On" and "Created By" attributes in the Overview section of the artifact's history] [] [APAR PI61352] [Locks are shown as belonging to a different user when using Tomcat/LDAP / case-insensitive login] [] [APAR PI62003] [Data from LegacyPublishService renders counter service unusable and leads to OOME] [] [APAR PI62387] [Upgrade failed with NotFoundException in addTables script] [] [APAR PI62845] [Link by Attribute creates multiple links to same object] [] [APAR PI62847] [Requirements' text is truncated when viewing requirements in a module via the Create Link window] [] [APAR PI63007] [Compare/Deliver UI should not compare artifact content when only links have changed] [] [APAR PI63229] [Compare Configurations operation performs poorly when there are many links involved in the comparison] [] [APAR PI63243] [Filters/Views: Views with Before/After a specific Date/Datetime freeze and show nothing] [] [APAR PI63453] [View queries which have a Link-related column, or the "Show Links as Tree view" option enabled, cause the server to run a fairly expensive query to retrieve link data] [] [APAR PI63495] [Migration from 5.0.2 to 6.0.2 fails with JFS ResourceNotFoundException] [] [APAR PI63506] [Single bad module baseline can fail entire migration in 502] [] [APAR PI63590] [Query to populate folder cache performs poorly in certain large environments] [] [APAR PI63592] [WebUI allows refresh with inflight view work] [] [APAR PI63706] [Requirements Tracing widget performs poorly in opt-out projects with many links] [] [APAR PI63790] [Slow OSLC query for manifested views] [] [APAR PI63793] [CSV Export auto-paging logic triggers a new Count query for each page of view results] [] [APAR PI63794] [Slow LinkType query with lots of duplicate UNIONs] [] [APAR PI63843] [Distributed renamed server may have incorrect user URLs] [] [APAR PI63878] [Edits to a module artifact are changing the 'Created On' attribute value of that module] [] [APAR PI64272] [Modules upgraded to 6.0.1 do not display 'creator' or 'created on' in sidebar] [] [APAR PI64284] [CSV Export performance is very slow for large exports] [] [APAR PI64290] [CsvValueFormatter user name cache is ineffective] [] [APAR PI64376] [Compare on Project Properties Changes shows wrong changes in Artefeact types] [] [APAR PI64453, PI64456, PI64458, PI64459, PI64460] [Address various Reporting issues in 6.0.1] [] [APAR PI64700] [Module Reports run for a long time when "Include comments" box is checked] [] [APAR PI65387] [Inconsistent behaviour when linking via drag and drop for member of a team area only] [] [APAR PI65401] [Requirements Tracing widget doesn't display anything with certain data shapes / volumes] [] [APAR PI66572] [History entries missing after migration from 5.0.2 to 6.0.1] [] [APAR PI66908] [OSLC picker does not load scroll bar when WI form does not fit on the page] [] [APAR PI67036] [Import Project Properties operation causes types to disappear from the type system when CleanUpUnusedIndexesVersionsTask is enabled] [] [APAR PI67650] [OSLC Query to discover RM backlink status from QM performs poorly] [] [APAR PI68119] [Module related View query with filters on dc:creator and rm:ofType performs poorly] [] [APAR PI68517] [WebUI asks for irrelevant predicate when displaying tags in a module] [] [APAR PI69516] [Switching the PA from the Home Menu does not always switch to a valid configuration] [] [APAR PI70665] [Repeated failures of Jena query CRJZS5742W Query _vqtk8IYJEeaxS_Wed4vS6 (suspect ) - causing slow and operation timeouts on server] [] [APAR PI74455] [Jena query failure _Iv3o8IDPEeaRvdOauTvw0w - causing very slow response / operation timeouts in RM project] [] Fixed in release 6.0.4: [APAR PI53450] [Additional reporting service backports] [] [APAR PI53450] [Address reporting performance issues in 6.0.1] [] [APAR PI53450] [Debug Module Analysis page no longer prints VERBATIM GUNZIPPED STRUCTURE section] [] [APAR PI53450] [Debug Service RM Response Format is unusable] [] [APAR PI53450] [Excessive memory usage in the Module Analysis tool] [] [APAR PI53450] [Inadequate TRS performance under load (high CPU usage and memory consumption, high latency of the feed, potentially out of sync with repository)] [] [APAR PI53450] [Module Analysis does not properly scope initial module binding query to project and configuration] [] [APAR PI53450] [Module analyzer should branch versions when appropraite] [] [APAR PI53450] [Test Failure (RDNG6.0.4-T20170417_1516):] [] [APAR PI70403] [Users without the Modify CLM Link permission are able to create OSLC links to DNG from other applications] [] [APAR PI70583] [No indication that a view is loading.] [] [APAR PI72069] [Long-running query related to suspect entries affecting server performance] [] [APAR PI72577] [External links are not properly handled in the publish items feed when updated or deleted] [] [APAR PI72586] [Investigate poor performing SPARQL query from module analyzer] [] [APAR PI73394] [ReqIF Import should not override "same-as" values when one is already provided by a ReqIF package] [] [APAR PI73424] [Improve performance for large baseline compare query] [] [APAR PI74283] [Print Module Table report shows stale OSLC link titles] [] [APAR PI75313] [Relative paths to CLM resources are not handled correctly in DCC] [] [APAR PI75860] [Module structure parsing allows for duplicate Bindings] [] [APAR PI75862] [Module analyzer should catch cycles and dupes] [] [APAR PI79798] [ReqIF import fails with ForbiddenException] [] [APAR PI79955] [Debug Module Analysis does not properly detect issues with bound artifacts] [] Fixed in release 6.0.5: [APAR PI53450] [Opt-in projects data can be loaded by the ETL through the deleted links page data] [] [APAR PI82120] [Multiple Threads hung in stack pointing to] [] +-- Product Rational Team Concert Fixed in release 6.0.1: [APAR PI59380] [Plan Progress Bars revert to Progress (Hours) from Load when work item estimate changes] [] [APAR PI67329] [Eclipse lightweight dialog OK button does not close dialog when Enumeration List Picker Widget shown] [] Fixed in release 6.0.2: [APAR PI28909] [TRS Feed: RTC feed gets error one week after a server is built for 6.0.1] [] [APAR PI40647] [Unresolvable conflict can result from duplicating a workspace] [] [APAR PI46690] [ASM source file is misclassified as PLX to 6.0.1 iFix] [] [APAR PI47947] [Enabling the "Fetch Plan Item Children On Demand" Property Causes Group Load Calculation To Include Outplaced Children] [] [APAR PI51266] [Top level Workitem in a workbreakdown plan loads for ever if there is a child in another project area, where the user has no access to] [] [APAR PI51774] [Replace ProcessAreaDTO in GitRepositoryDescriptorDTO with a light-weight alternative] [] [APAR PI51983] [Snapshot URL from Eclipse opens in WebUI wrong PA] [] [APAR PI51986] [Work Item getEditableProperties allValues for owner attribute load time grows proportionate to team size] [] [APAR PI52580] [PLI source file leads to incorrect dependency path] [] [APAR PI53012] [Customers migrating from RTC 4.x to RTC 6.x need to be able to skip redundant EE migration steps] [] [APAR PI53025] [Performance problem during v4 to v6 migration - buildmap component UUID] [] [APAR PI53411] [Migration of buildmap data from pre-4.0 through 6.0 can fail from malformed data] [] [APAR PI53450] [Bulk Edit for tags do not update properly] [] [APAR PI53450] [Dependency Build: full analysis fails to properly check components to ignore] [] [APAR PI53450] [Invalid UUID error during "Delete build map resources that are missing main section" to 6.0.1 iFix] [] [APAR PI53450] [[Server Side]The value of Component condition can not be saved in SCD query] [] [APAR PI54645] [Change getLoadCFA to postValidateLoadCFA on IFilesystemRestClient] [] [APAR PI54645] [When loading large number of components(1000), getResourceProperties throws URI String too long exception] [] [APAR PI55215] [OSLC API Doesn't Handle String List Attributes] [] [APAR PI56363] ["Blocked Cards" feature in existing Project Areas on RTC server is not getting enabled] [] [APAR PI56622] [Follow up item for defect 373789 with a corrupted PA.] [] [APAR PI56622] [Tracked work items (Tracks link type) don't load in a plan tree view with work items in multiple servers.] [] [APAR PI56702] [Property is duplicated in Langdef] [] [APAR PI57281] [Problems with scheduler in Roadmap Plan not showing the expected behavior] [] [APAR PI57721] [Plan Detail's progress bar reads 0/0] [] [APAR PI57724] [Group by Team in plans with deferred load of plan elements and progress breaks progress bars for groups and shows error in plan view.] [] [APAR PI57747] [Subset based build: impacts computation shortcuts] [] [APAR PI58341] [Promotion does not validate the state of the SELF input in target stream to 6.0 iFix] [] [APAR PI58598] [Work Item Promotion failed to validate the parser outputs (indirect dependencies) of a program to 6.0.1 iFix] [] [APAR PI58610] [Sprint Plan - Work breakdown view: bars disappear when load is selected.] [] [APAR PI59381] [FORMAL PA PLANNING: Release Plan in "Computing..." state forever.] [] [APAR PI66299] [During buildmap migration, promotion build path is too long] [] [APAR PI71204] [Search box query results shows "Error running query" page for one project area] [] [APAR PI73269] [RTC-EE packaging: error: "_in predicate value array is empty" when a packaged WI adds & modifies member over multiple builds] [] [APAR PI73707] [Exception while computing versionables for Change Set Analysis - Item Handle must not be null] [] [APAR PI75331] [Provide a fix for log publishing performance issues] [] [APAR PI81517] [Duplicate language definition did not duplicate the properties values] [] [APAR PI82183] [Personal build fails with Item Handle must not be null if program built in previous level] [] Fixed in release 6.0.3: [APAR PI49271] [DependencyQueryService no longer honors the Index Update Wait Time advanced property] [] [APAR PI50923] [Work Items change for StaleDataExceptions due to RdbRepositoryDataMediator cache sync issue] [] [APAR PI53450] [Investigate 40% plan load slow down] [] [APAR PI53450] [Investigate Plan Load Times based on customer configuration] [] [APAR PI53450] [Plan totals only reflect the number of work items loaded, they should be based on the total number of work items] [] [APAR PI58231] [RTC RQM bridge ui won't expand to accommodate long literals] [] [APAR PI59688] [Source code gets truncated in web UI] [] [APAR PI60018] [Dependency Build: accept should be scoped components aware] [] [APAR PI60167] [Promotion error message does not indicate module itself if it is not in the right state when doing work item promotion (387484)] [] [APAR PI60669] [Query Result View filter does not filter by owner name] [] [APAR PI60755] [Prevent baselines creation during dependency build for internal workspaces (365004)] [] [APAR PI60768] [SET Reference to undefined variable when variable is defined (388175)] [] [APAR PI60807] [Work Item Owner is reported as outside of team area] [] [APAR PI61751] [Add logging to help diagnose workspace compare issue for 6.0.1] [] [APAR PI61751] [Include fix for Task 396753] [] [APAR PI62103] [Incorrect team Area Listed In Plans] [] [APAR PI62183] [Plan Checks are not working for inplace delayed children] [] [APAR PI63328] [Subset work item processor using last state instead of newest] [] [APAR PI63416] [x-repo flow failed with "already dependancies queued for StateId(FileItem, ...)"] [] [APAR PI63750] [Project Areas with a large number of members causes a long wait for the create defect dialog box to load] [] [APAR PI64145] [Attributes appearing as Archived] [] [APAR PI64149] [Role Based User List attribute customization doesn't work] [] [APAR PI64310] [Promotion does not consider "ignore impact" option of the language definition] [] [APAR PI65655] [buildmap migration bulk update] [] [APAR PI65657] [Rework secondary buildmap migration tasks for quicker product availability upon migration] [] [APAR PI67327] [Shareable#isShare can take a long time for 6.0.1] [] [APAR PI67448] [Improve the linkage between RTC and Hudson builds for 6.0.1] [] [APAR PI68171] [Unassigned contributor not available in Web UI with role-based contributor list] [] [APAR PI68571] [Resolution is not carried over from Resolved to Verified] [] [APAR PI69634] [SQL Server sometimes creates a bad plan for lock queries for 6.0.1] [] [APAR PI70609] [Subset build with change set analysis will not build the changed file if it is not the first file in the list] [] [APAR PI75007] [ScdQueryService not closing serverQueryService returned IQueryResult] [] [APAR PI83429] [The Code Review page returns a status of 400 (Bad Request) due to errors in IScmRichClientRestService.getConsolidatedParentPaths()] [] [APAR PI84950] [EE garbage collection is missing resources to delete (6.0.1)] [] [APAR PI85855] [Incorrectly getting the parent UUID (resulting in code review not opening)] [] Fixed in release 6.0.4: [APAR PI53450] [Add caching to the server for HTTP filtered value sets] [] [APAR PI53450] [Fetching limited contributor value set resolves all contributors] [] [APAR PI53450] [HTTP filtered value set cache becomes corrupted over time] [] [APAR PI70973] [Handle build definition deletion during buildmap maintenance] [] [APAR PI71059] [Cleanup duplicate build maps] [] [APAR PI72300] [Duplicating header in duplicated editor presentation modifies original header - SERVER] [] [APAR PI73242] [Story Points Progress report attributes work items to bars based on historical values instead of current ones.] [] [APAR PI73294] [Opening Source Code Data Query editor the first time is slow] [] [APAR PI73306] [Hundreds of warning messages in the ccm.log file when a build result is deleted] [] [APAR PI73586] [Getting conflict error in work item promotion preview but not in actual promotion] [] [APAR PI73705] [Personal Build not loading changed copybooks from personal workspace when full minimum load is false.] [] [APAR PI73937] [CRJZZ0958E raised during rollback of a package created in previous release] [] [APAR PI75356] [EE Packaging needs a method to inhibit package creation with "Include Impacted Outputs" option] [] [APAR PI76310] [WIPreview header - Summary appears twice] [] [APAR PI77374] [Dependency based build failed when java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Item Handle array cannot exceed 2048 elements] [] [APAR PI79606] [Wrong message in a z/OS build definiton if the user does not have visibility on the stream] [] [APAR PI79608] [NPE seen in Eclipse log related to FileAgentJazzScmConfigurationEditor] [] [APAR PI80552] [Duplicate language definition did not duplicate Ant condition and Step Name] [] [APAR PI80585] [Subset build followed by build does not honor skip dependencies flags] [] [APAR PI80652] [“&” (Ampersand character) not rendered correctly in the “Select Work Item windows” work item window list] [] [APAR PI80671] [Velocity reports should not bound the data by the iteration start and end dates] [] [APAR PI82492] [RTC-EE SCD - Garbage collection failed when too much scan configurations] [] [APAR PI88503] [NPE in WorkItemRestService.getDynaCacheWorkItemStateId for 6.0.1] [] Fixed in release 6.0.5: [APAR PI81457] [Exception in Personal build when a dependency copybook has been deleted] [] [APAR PI83209] [Plan snapshots use unprepared queries.] [] [APAR PI83693] [In some special case gap analysis reports there is a gap when there is not] [] [APAR PI84544] [Real conflict in promotion not detected during a promotion preview] [] [APAR PI84763] [SAXParseException BuildMapBuildResultDeleteParticipant from souldev cluster bash] [] [APAR PI85775] [Provide an API to detect gap before delivering a set of change sets] [] [APAR PI88748] [Invalid resolved dependencies are added to the parser output list] [] 9. CLIENT APAR FIXES This client update site contains fixes for the following defects: [APAR ID] [Maintenance Item Summary] [Maintenance Item URL] +-- RTC Client Fixes Fixed in release 6.0.2: [APAR PI51244] [Job found still running returns when executing scm command] [] [APAR PI53204] [Add components dialog should support to select multiple streams in different project areas for CAS Index configuration to 6.0.1] [] [APAR PI53450] [Getting NPE opening a buildmap when migrating from older versions] [] [APAR PI53450] [NullPointerException trying to save CAS configuration] [] [APAR PI53450] [Pending changes view showing incorrect icons for local changes] [] [APAR PI53450] [[Client Side]The value of Component condition can not be saved in SCD query] [] [APAR PI53742] [The "Updating out of sync shares" job takes too long with many components (6.0.1 iFix Backport)] [] [APAR PI55218] [Issues with incoming remote empty baselines when workspace already contains the changesets] [] [APAR PI57619] [Checkin using CLI creates 2 ComponentSyncContexts per component] [] [APAR PI57621] [Each ComponentSyncContext retains own copy of workspace sync times] [] [APAR PI58497] [NPE opening legacy Flow Diagram] [] [APAR PI59703] [DebugRestClient errors when using MSSCCI client] [] [APAR PI61120] [File locks not shown in package explorer if incoming/outgoing current flow targets are not the same] [] [APAR PI61585] [Can't accept changes into stream when flow is only incoming] [] Fixed in release 6.0.3: [APAR PI58886] [Work Item ID is incorrect when created during import.] [] [APAR PI60557] [ComponentNotInWorkspaceException when adding an "outgoing component removal"] [] [APAR PI61269] [Error: Job found still running after platform shutdown] [] [APAR PI61362] [Improve performance and allow cancelation of Load With Dependencies wizard] [] [APAR PI62123] [import of lang def into an exisiting lang def does not handle removal of variable correctly] [] [APAR PI64275] [Load bar incorrectly shows "No Work Time Left"] [] [APAR PI64310] [Promotion does not consider "ignore impact" option of the language definition] [] Fixed in release 6.0.4: [APAR PI71737] [Scan Configurations Editor: Fields grow whenever editor is resized, makes a lot of scrolling necessary (400725)] [] [APAR PI72300] [Duplicating header in duplicated editor presentation modifies original header - CLIENT] [] [APAR PI72599] [RTC Shell Error when renaming a folder name] [] [APAR PI76104] [EE - impact analysis launched from SCD query results - missing resource name in title] [] Fixed in release 6.0.5: [APAR PI80016] [OOME and possible memory leak in Shell client.] [] [APAR PI80016] [OOME and possible memory leak in Shell client.] [] [APAR PI80968] [Out Of Memory Exception in daemon tracer] [] [APAR PI81417] [Component renamed in another RTC client is not reflected in Shell / VS client (after manually clicking "Refresh" in the Pending Changes view)] [] 10. UPDATING ORACLE OUTSIDE IN TECHNOLOGY FOR RDNG Note: This issue is independent of the back-end database being used by RDNG. This fix should be applied regardless of whether you are using Oracle as your CLM database or not. This fix is for other Oracle technology and not related to their database products. These steps need to be done only once. The Outside In files changed in iFix003. If you have already deployed these files as part of installing iFix018 or later, you do not have to do these steps again. Follow the instructions detailed in the README.txt file contained within the file. 11. KNOWN ISSUES None 12. RFES INCLUDED +-- Product Rational DOORS Next Generation Implemented in 6.0.1 iFix004: [Include ReqIF Foreign ID in packages] [] On ReqIF export, artifact identifiers are exported as values of an attribute called "ReqIF.ForeignID". Tools that follow the ProSTEP ReqIF Implementation Guide will import these values into an attribute called "ForeignID" (without the "ReqIF." prefix). Such tools will also exclude these "ForeignID" values from subsequent exports.