Interim fix This interim fix is only valid for the CLM 5.0.2 release. The Rational solution for CLM 6.0.6 is the next release that will include all these fixes. If you plan to upgrade, upgrade to version 6.0.6 or later. CONTENTS OF THE INTERIM FIX 1. This readme file: readme.txt 2. Server patch file: (see the SERVER PATCH section) 3. Rational Team Concert Eclipse client update site for RTC client for the 5.0.2 GA full client installation: (see the RATIONAL TEAM CONCERT ECLIPSE CLIENT UPDATE SITE section) 4. Rational Team Concert Eclipse client update site for RTC client for the 5.0.2 iFix008 full client installation: (see the RATIONAL TEAM CONCERT ECLIPSE CLIENT UPDATE SITE section) 5. Rational Team Concert Visual Studio Client readme file: readme-vsclient.txt 6. Rational Team Concert Visual Studio Client patch file: (see the ADDITIONAL FIXES section) 7. Data Collection Component (DCC) readme file: readme-dcc.txt 8. Data Collection Component (DCC) patch file: (see the ADDITIONAL FIXES section) 9. Jazz Reporting Service (JRS) readme file: readme-jrs.txt 10. Jazz Reporting Service (JRS) patch file: (see the ADDITIONAL FIXES section) 11. Server configuration files: (see the TOMCAT CONFIGURATION section) 12. APAR PI33587 fix: (see the ADDITIONAL FIXES section) 13. APAR PI33660 fix: and (see the ADDITIONAL FIXES section) 14. APAR PI36803 fix: (see the ADDITIONAL FIXES section) 15. WAR files: jts.war, ccm.war, qm.war and rm.war (see the UPDATING APPLICATION WAR FILES section) 16. WebSphere Application Server script file: (see the UPDATING APPLICATION WAR FILES section) 17. Oracle Outside In Technology fix: (see the UPDATING ORACLE OUTSIDE IN TECHNOLOGY FOR RDNG section) 18. APAR PI42500 fix: (see the ADDITIONAL FIXES section) In addition to the fixes listed in this readme, the iFix may also contain fixes for security issues. For more details, please refer to the IBM Product Security Incident Response Blog at: CONTENTS OF THIS FILE 1. SERVER PATCH 2. RATIONAL TEAM CONCERT ECLIPSE CLIENT UPDATE SITE 3. ADDITIONAL FIXES 4. APAR FIXES 5. TOMCAT CONFIGURATION 6. UPDATING APPLICATION WAR FILES 7. UPDATING ORACLE OUTSIDE IN TECHNOLOGY FOR RDNG 8. KNOWN ISSUES 1. SERVER PATCH Note: Before you install the server patch file, verify that no other test fixes or hot fixes are installed. If other fixes are installed, contact IBM Software Support. For a CLM deployment on a single server, complete the following steps once. For a distributed CLM deployment, complete the same steps on each server. To install the server patch: a. Stop the CLM server. b. Verify whether the following directory exists: /server/patch. -If the directory exists, back up and remove its contents. -If the directory does not exist, create it. c. Copy the server patch file, into the /server/patch directory. d. Clean the application server cache. Follow your application server's documentation on cache cleaning. Use "To clean the application cache in WebSphere" and "To clean the application cache in Tomcat" below as a reference. e. Start the CLM server. f. Run repotools- -clean for each application that is installed to clear the repotools cache. Note: This will also display the help output. For instance: - repotools-jts -clean - repotools-ccm -clean - repotools-qm -clean - repotools-rm -clean Note: For a distributed CLM deployment, complete the same steps on each server. Also, the "-clean" parameter is the OSGI framework command which runs repotools with the default argument "help". The output is captured in the reptools-_help.log which resides in the /server/ directory where reptools-.bat resides. To uninstall the server patch: a. Stop the CLM server. b. Back up and remove the contents of the following directory: /server/patch c. Clean the application server cache. Follow your application server's documentation on cache cleaning. Use "To clean the application cache in WebSphere" and "To clean the application cache in Tomcat" below as a reference. d. Start the CLM server. e. Run repotools- -clean for each application that is installed. Note: This will also display the help output. For instance: - repotools-jts -clean - repotools-ccm -clean - repotools-qm -clean - repotools-rm -clean Note: For a distributed CLM deployment, complete the same steps on each server. To clean the application cache in WebSphere: Remove contents from these directories under the profile root: temp,wstemp,workspace. For example, "rm -rf /{temp,wstemp,workspace}/*" on linux. To clean the application cache in Tomcat: Remove contents from these directories under the tomcat root: temp,work. For example, "rm -rf /server/tomcat/{temp,work}/*" on linux. 2. RATIONAL TEAM CONCERT ECLIPSE CLIENT UPDATE SITE To install the client update site: a. Extract the update site file to the computer where the client is installed. b. In the Rational Team Concert client, click Help > Install New Software. c. In the Install window, click Add. d. In the Add Repository window, click Local and navigate to the extracted update site file. The update site root directory contains a site.xml file. e. Select the patches to install. f. If you agree to the terms, accept the license agreement and click Install. g. After the installation is complete, restart the Rational Team Concert client. To update the feature patch, you can install the new version directly over the old patch. You do not have to uninstall the old patch. To uninstall the client update site: a. In the Rational Team Concert client, click Help > About Rational Team Concert > Installation Details. b. Select the patches to uninstall and click Uninstall. c. After the uninstall process is complete, restart the Rational Team Concert client. WARNING: There are two update sites provided as part of the iFix and which one is deployed depends on the installed version of RTC that is currently in use. Refer to the file list above to determine which update site to use. The update site for the 5.0.2 GA full client installation will not work with Eclipse 3.6 based Rational Team Concert client installed using the IBM Installation Manager. Alternatives are to use the Eclipse 3.6 based Rational Team Concert client zip install, or use IBM Installation Manager to install the Eclipse 4.2 based Rational Team Concert client. The iFix008 update site is specifically for those users who have installed the RTC iFix008 client from Install Manager. That update site will not work on the GA clients. If you run the uninstall process on a Rational Team Concert client that was installed by using a .zip file, the feature patch will be removed along with the original feature. Removing the patch will break the functionality of the affected feature. For a client that was installed by using a .zip file, reinstall the features by downloading the Rational Team Concert p2 repository from, and use the same installation steps with the following exception. For step d, click Archive and select the p2 repository .zip file and install the Rational Team Concert feature. This step will remove the patched plug-ins and replace the missing features with the original versions of the feature from the p2 repository. If you run the uninstall process on a Rational Team Concert client that was installed by using the p2 repository, to remove the patch, you must uninstall the entire Rational Team Concert p2 feature and then reinstall the entire Rational Team Concert feature through the p2 repository. 3. ADDITIONAL FIXES: +-- Reporting Components For instructions and content from Data Collection Component (DCC) in this iFix, please refer to readme-dcc.txt. For instructions and content from Jazz Reporting Service (JRS) in this iFix, please refer to readme-jrs.txt. ---- +-- RTC Visual Studio Client For instructions and content from RTC Visual Studio Client in this iFix, please refer to readme-vsclient.txt. ---- +-- Product Jazz Foundation Fixed in release 5.0.2: [APAR PI22400] [Fix defect in redirect web page] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: See the "UPDATING APPLICATION WAR FILES" section ---- [APAR PI43630] [Workaround: Action is required for a remote floating license server after an upgrade to version 5.0.2] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: After the upgrade of 5.0.2, if you use a floating license server that is not on the same sever as the JTS application you will need to apply the steps at . The steps for 5.0.2 are the same as the steps for 6.0. You will see an error numbered CRJAZ1507E indicating that there was an error communicating with the floating license server. ---- Fixed in release 6.0: [APAR PI28909] [Use TLS instead of SSL by default] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: See "TOMCAT CONFIGURATION" section below ---- [APAR PI31655] [The LPA templates can not be retrieved after a migration from 5.0.1 (with a server rename) to 5.0.2] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: 1. Go to the /server directory. 2. Execute the following command: repotools-jts -clean ---- [APAR PI33587] [LocalGroupLDAP doesn't support case insensitive mode (343625) [5.0.2]] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: This change is only relevant if you need to use LocalGroupLDAP in case insensitive mode. 1. Stop the Apache Tomcat server 2. Rename /server/tomcat/lib/ to /server/tomcat/lib/ 3. Copy the attached plugin into the /server/tomcat/lib 4. Add the line ignorecase="true" as below to tomcat/conf/server.xml: Resource name="LocalRoleMap" auth="Container" type="" descripion="Role mapping file" factory="" ignorecase="true" pathname="/opt/jazz/server/mapping.csv" /> 5. Start the Apache Tomcat server ---- [APAR PI33689] [All Project Areas are deleted during upgrade to RDNG 5.0.2 if finalizeApplicationMigration is rerun following a failure] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: This should be done before performing migration. You need only do this once per iFix. If you have already done these steps for another fix, you do not need to repeat them. 1. Go to the /server directory. 2. Execute the following command: repotools-jts -clean ---- [APAR PI36961] [Full Text Search stemming doesn't work correctly in non-English European languages (Backport 345158 to 5.0.2 )] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: Language specific stemming is not enabled by default. To enable specific language stemming: - Select the Advanced property page of each application (e.g. ccm, qm, jts...). - Change the value of to true. - Run repotools reindex -rebuildTextIndices - Restart the server. The setting has three values: - "legacy" (the default) for compatibility with the existing indices. In this case the English stemmer is used for all languages (except for the Asian languages). - "true" which enables a stemmer specific to the language defined by the "Indexing Language" property or by the server locale if the property is not set. - "false" which disables stemming all together The stemmer uses the default language specified on the server machine. ---- [APAR PI41256] [RRC Project Baselines are inaccessible after migration from 4.0.x in a server renamed environment] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: NOTE: You only need to do this once per iFix install. If you have done these steps as the result of another fix, you can skip them. Performing the steps multiple times will not cause problems. 1. Go to the /server directory. 2. Execute the following command: repotools-jts -clean ---- Fixed in release 6.0.1: [APAR PI44578] [ItemStateQueue must account for differences in collation order of non alphanumeric characters] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: NOTE: You only need to do this once per iFix install. If you have done these steps as the result of another fix, you can skip them. Performing the steps multiple times will not cause problems. 1. Go to the /server directory. 2. Execute the following commands: repotools-ccm -clean repotools-qm -clean ---- Fixed in release 6.0.2: [APAR PI37604] [Jobs still running after platform shutdown for [5.0.2]] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: To get this fix for SCM CLI a test fix request is required. See ---- +-- Product Rational DOORS Next Generation Fixed in release 6.0: [APAR PI04747] [Table in table truncated in export] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: After you stop the CLM server, delete the contents of the directory: -If you use an Apache Tomcat server, the directory is /server/tomcat/temp/rrc_reports/. -If you use WebSphere Application Server, the directory is /tmp/rrc_reports/. ---- +-- Product Rational Team Concert Fixed in release 5.0.2: [APAR PI52742] [Unable to sync RTC WI which have attachments with CQ records] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: See readme_377274.txt for install instructions. ---- Fixed in release 6.0: [APAR PI22400] [repotools -renindex gives an error: SEVERE: Failed to register SecureProtocolSocketFactory] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: 1. Go to the /server directory. 2. Execute the following command: repotools-ccm -clean 3. Execute the following command: repotools-qm -clean ---- [APAR PI28909] [AbstractScmTypeHandler should implement INewTypeHandler.onTransactionFailed] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: The server patch from this iFix must be applied to 5.0.2 server BEFORE running the migration scripts for the fix to take effect. ---- [APAR PI28909] [SetBuildMapComponentUUIDTask - only the first 512 build maps are migrated] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: This patch must be added to the 5.0.2 installation's patch directory after the 5.0.2 server is installed but BEFORE an attempt is made to migrate the 4.x or 5.0 data to 5.0.2. Since the fix is in the migration code itself, the issue can not be resolved if the 4.x or 5.0 has already been migrated to 5.0.2. In case for the migrated build definitions, customers have to set the property for each build definition in Properties tab as the following: Then apply the fix and restart the 5.0.2 server, the migrated build definitions will be migrated again. Once the migration completed, the property above will be set to false by the migration service. ---- [APAR PI33345] [Build test result contribution wrongly assumes source is Java class (Toolkit)] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: Navigate to the folder \jazz\buildsystem\buildtoolkit in the Build Toolkit install location. Replace the existing with the attached ---- [APAR PI33660] [Backport build: JBE changes directories when invoked on zLinux and PPC linux...] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: When using for build on zLinux, pLinux and AIX for RTC 5.0.2, use the new or to replace /jazz/buildsystem/buildengine/eclipse/ to fix APAR PI33660 depending on your platform. The script file should then be renamed to for compatibility with existing scripts. ---- [APAR PI36803] [ is missing from 4.0.5GA Build Toolkit zip on Linux for System Z] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: is missing from Build Toolkit zip on Linux for system z for RTC 5.0.2 causing a ClassNotFoundException when running package. Following the instructions below to apply the mising jar: - FTP the jar in binary mode to Linux for System z - copy the jar to /jazz/buildsystem/buildtoolkit - restart the bfagent ---- [APAR PI41258] [Bring unedited udclient.jar into the build toolkit] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: 1) Stop all instances of the Jazz build engine. 2) Save a copy of the original plugin in the Build Toolkit at \jazz\buildsystem\buildengine\eclipse\plugins 3) Copy the patched to the same location. 4) Restart the engines. ---- [APAR PI43630] [Quick Planner for Rational Team Concert] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: For additional details of the Quick Planner feature along with defects resolved in previous iFeature releases, please visit - ---- [APAR PI75435] [Personal builds can encounter deadlock when fetching source] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: Request the latest iFix SCM CLI from support. ---- [APAR PI75649] [SCM History showing not more than 100 elements for component history for 5.0.2] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: Ask support for the latest SCM CLI package. ---- Fixed in release 6.0.1: [APAR PI41380] [Enable legacy return codes for some SCM CLI subcommands] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: The new CLI jars must be installed to get the new functionality. ---- [APAR PI42500] [Backport of INSTREAM DD is exported as INPUT in RTC EE V5.0.2 Ant task to 5.0.2] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: Remove the existing jars from the existing Expand the zip with the contents of the iFix toolkit ---- Fixed in release 6.0.2: [APAR PI42375] [Backport latest SCM CLI fec executables to 5.0.2] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: This will update the fec that is packaged with the SCM CLI ---- [APAR PI51773] [Unable to retrieve ownedby attribute for snapshot] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: 1) Back up the existing plugins being patched in: /jazz/scmtools/eclipse/plugins 2) Unzip the contents of the patch and copy the plugins (*.jar files) into the same directory ---- Fixed in release 6.0.3: [APAR PI63028] [Snapshot with large number of components causes 414 error when scm list components -snapshot is used.] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: Manually copy CLI files ---- Fixed in release 6.0.6: [APAR PI92551] [Cannot include both Jazz build toolkit tasks and plain java client on the Ant library path for 5.0.2] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: Requires a new plain Java API client with the patch. Ask support for the SCM plain java API client. ---- 4. APAR FIXES This server patch contains fixes for the following defects: [APAR ID] [Maintenance Item Summary] [Maintenance Item URL] +-- Product Rational Quality Manager Fixed in release 6.0: [APAR PI15196] [Required Categories are not being validated in the backend.] [] [APAR PI27350] [Shared Queries added to the menu list will not run in the artifact Table View, if a filter attribute was updated just before attempting to run the shared query] [] [APAR PI28778] [QM Japanese character corruption in file name after run offline in RQM] [] [APAR PI28798] [Test Suite Log Put handler changes the execution request and task result of the test suite result] [] [APAR PI28859] [Requirement back link is not deleted when deleting a test case deleted] [] [APAR PI28909] [502M: QMI pipeline of build CALM502M-I20150507-0242 failed] [] [APAR PI28909] [After generating testcases from requirements using reconcile, some test cases' titles are shown as their respective URLs] [] [APAR PI28909] [An error occurred during validation of the RM project when migrating the links from Reqpro to RDNG.] [] [APAR PI28909] [ClassCastException when reconciling requirements.] [] [APAR PI28909] [Missing summary when reconciling requirement collections with new requirements.] [] [APAR PI28909] [Print PDF fails (Summary and Comprehensive) from a Test Test suite] [] [APAR PI28909] [QMI tests failing on D1 deployment] [] [APAR PI28909] [RQM Reportable REST API JUnit and OSLC API JUnit failures.] [] [APAR PI28909] [Service dependency errors in full text indexing at startup] [] [APAR PI28909] [Test Plan cannot be opened after upgrade to 5.0.2.] [] [APAR PI29010] [RQM Test Plans->Requirement Section->Rational RequisitePro tab (no option to sort ascending/descending by any of the columns)] [] [APAR PI29222] [HiddenMenusWebUIInitializer loads data for all projects causing performance issues with many PAs] [] [APAR PI29620] [QM Testphase feed includes iterations even if they have been removed from the test plan] [] [APAR PI29782] [QM : Unable to save a test script that contains two steps with the same keyword] [] [APAR PI29860] [Generate TCER wizard keeps resizing and recentering itself causing the buttons to change location making it frustrating to use] [] [APAR PI29865] [QM: Unexpected behavior when deleting category values] [] [APAR PI30175] [Precondition "Disallow Saving of Test Plans with State Approved" does not prevent a Formal Approval Group from being deleted and saved] [] [APAR PI30267] [QM : Duplicating Test Scripts across project areas including Keywords] [] [APAR PI30404] [Validate date for RQM Reportable REST API when etlmode=true] [] [APAR PI30600] [java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Item Handle array cannot exceed 2048 elements during QM phase to iteration migration.] [] [APAR PI30764] [Links new requirement to test case under coverage view,it shows as updated status in the Reconcile Requirement window] [] [APAR PI30797] [NI TestStand Adapter registers the incorrect IP address and MAC address with the RQM server due to RQM incorrectly matching existing ip addresses in a DHCP environment] [] [APAR PI30849] [The "Wrap words to show all" cell text display option in the Requirement Links section is not sticky] [] [APAR PI32473] [QM Artifact Category hierarchy does not retain its structure when using the 'copysettings' tool] [] [APAR PI32571] [Resource Group Names in XDC file should be truncated only if needed] [] [APAR PI32578] [OslcQmService.service hangs while hovering on Test Script link when Test Script uses Archived Test Data] [] [APAR PI32669] [QM Print PDF failure when including 'mailto' reference in the URL link of a Test Script] [] [APAR PI33024] [QM : Image Verification Points (RFT Test Script) are not present in the result PDF file output] [] [APAR PI33515] [QM: Test Suite Execution behavior difference between version 4x and 5x] [] [APAR PI33606] [Irrelevant TCERs for a TSER] [] [APAR PI33740] [QM: Page refresh on an execution schedule page report that unsaved changes exist [Contains Unsaved Changes] and the Save/Cancel button is enabled] [] [APAR PI34626] [RQM API cannot query for iteration that has been renamed] [] [APAR PI34659] [The "Test Case Results" section of Test Plan Snapshot does not contain the test case results - the data is missing] [] [APAR PI34877] [QM: TER creation does not get latest version of test script if the recent change in the test script is a keyword removal] [] [APAR PI34972] [Multiple test script links are referencing to a keyword] [] [APAR PI36406] [QM Micro Execution Status by Owner user TCER Count writing errors in the log] [] [APAR PI36477] [It is not possible to create or add a defect to a manual test step once the execution is completed] [] [APAR PI36575] [Table view column content is not resized automatically when window is resized] [] [APAR PI36669] [comprehensive PDF of test plan includes some artifacts not related to test plan] [] [APAR PI36891] [Opening page using copied URL does not work] [] [APAR PI36950] [Users without JazzProjectAdmins repository permission have to reload the artifact to see the new category value created] [] [APAR PI37461] [Back out dashboard auto-refresh interval of 5 minutes - Backport for 5.0.2] [] [APAR PI37539] [Manual test script steps/results with rich text containing upper ASCII characters are corrupted on refresh when the server is renamed.] [] [APAR PI37937] [You can't change iteration on an executed test suite when start execution from inside of a test plan] [] [APAR PI37940] [Do Apply All on a test script step and you loose added information on that step] [] [APAR PI37941] [Adding Executing Variable to a test script step with Swedish characters makes all with dots above them shows as ?] [] [APAR PI38112] [Need explicit purge support for ExecutionElement2 summary] [] [APAR PI38132] [TCER can't be shown in the widget if the query is filtered by a customized attribute.] [] [APAR PI38306] [Unable to save query (Test Case Execution Records query) by owner] [] [APAR PI38754] [updating custom sections via a PUT has no effect] [] [APAR PI38785] [QM Test Environment and Platform Coverage sections do not show in a snapshot] [] [APAR PI38792] [No Maximize button on the Results Details section of a TER for scriptless execution results] [] [APAR PI39117] [Test script not included in test case section of Test Suite comprehensive PDF export] [] [APAR PI39122] [Snapshot fails when "Name Uniqueness" enabled] [] [APAR PI39252] [QM: Duplicate display of DNG artifacts in coverage view] [] [APAR PI39442] [In ChangeRequestCollector task, with CQ as defect integration, RQM is getting error 400 while reading next page of the CQ.] [] [APAR PI39446] [To show IDs in RQM backlinks in CQ link tab] [] [APAR PI39506] [Improve the performance of the QM - DNG Reconcile operation] [] [APAR PI40575] [The Test Category can not Restored from Trash View when any of its Value has been Permanently Deleted] [] [APAR PI40610] [RQM Default Reports: Execution States which were renamed are not matching with reporting columns] [] [APAR PI41013] [QM Test case grouping by Test Environment does not work correctly in Test case section of a test suite] [] [APAR PI41025] [Cannot Delete Test Asset if Auto-Assign Ownership to Creator Follow-up Action Applied] [] [APAR PI43501] [When editing a manual test script, the user is not able to drag and drop multiple requirements in the "Requirement View" onto a test step] [] [APAR PI43920] [Filtering TCER list for a given test plan is slow] [] [APAR PI44714] [The test case results in the "Test Case Results" section of Test Plan Snapshot are shown having a state of "Deleted"] [] [APAR PI49178] [RQM Reportable REST API JUnit pipeline failures.] [] [APAR PI55183] [Manual Script scrolling is off during execution, perhaps browser specific] [] [APAR PI55184] [Can not change the state of test case result if it is approved] [] Fixed in release 6.0.1: [APAR PI22794] [Replace the query to get IExecutionScript list for the repairManualScript command to fix Failed to Find DeltaPredecessor issue] [] [APAR PI28909] [Could not mark the "Actual Result" in the steps since the test data iteration 2 when executing TCER with Test Data] [] [APAR PI28909] [QMI failing in the pipeline] [] [APAR PI28909] [RQM Reportable REST API JUnit failures.] [] [APAR PI28909] [TestsuitelogJaxbHelperTest:testInvalidXmlCharacters() failed in 502M pipeline] [] [APAR PI28909] [testBulkUpload() failed] [] [APAR PI33468] [[IE9] QM Image capture tool: Dropping the image in a non-allowed area of the editor, the scroll bars will not allow the top of the editor to display.] [] [APAR PI41222] [QM ETL Failures related to executionscriptstep artifact] [] [APAR PI42597] [IServerStatusRestService/databaseStatus service being called to get login page. Causing unnecessary delays when opening dashboards] [] [APAR PI42621] [QM: Copying Test Assets associated to Reqpro requirements is causing issues with the ETL jobs] [] [APAR PI43126] [PDF Export fails with error "The given protocol (file:/) is not a valid PrintProtocol"] [] [APAR PI43411] [Cannot Create Execution Variable with Empty Value] [] [APAR PI43861] [RQM-Vietnamese font error in actual result when the server is renamed.] [] [APAR PI43995] [Generate Test Case Execution Records --> Advanced Properties --> Exclusions does not work as expected] [] [APAR PI44943] [DNG requirements with long titles disappear from test script step when the test script is refreshed (after successfully saving the requirement on the step)] [] [APAR PI45178] [QM: Small images in Script step Result field get blown up dis-proportionally in pdf export making the export unreadable] [] [APAR PI47012] [When you transition an artifact (test plan, test case) to the Approved state, you lose the CR/LF formatting in the Description field of the Summary section.] [] [APAR PI47246] [Test case name that contains non English characters and length more then 250 bytes is trimmed during save] [] [APAR PI47440] [E-Signature for Test Script Doesn't Display Predefined Comments] [] [APAR PI47515] [Sync Requirement Links Between Test Case and Test Script Feature Has Hole] [] [APAR PI48102] [Execution Result History not Showing Step Numbers and Contains "Blank" History Items] [] [APAR PI49228] ["Deferred Operation Failed" error when creating a Test Plan Snapshot including TCERs] [] [APAR PI49654] [QM: Inconsistencies in the UI for default test script (Test Case) within a Test Suite] [] [APAR PI49695] [E-Signature Always Required to Lock/Unlock Test Case Results] [] [APAR PI49887] ["Edit Test Environment" Permission Required to Link Existing Test Environment to Test Plan] [] [APAR PI51007] [E-Signature Info Does Not Correlate with Approval Info] [] [APAR PI51022] [Truncation on PDF export] [] [APAR PI51024] [escaped XML entities in the summary attribute of requirements are displayed in test case PDF/CSV without unescaping them] [] [APAR PI51238] [Tab Order Off AND/OR "OK" Button Not In-Focus in E-Signature Dialog with Predefined Comments] [] [APAR PI52171] [UI hung after executing 2 automated keywords back to back] [] [APAR PI52501] [RQM Allows Saving of Test Case Result with Pre-Condition Not Met] [] [APAR PI52981] [Missing Links to Test Scripts in Test Plan Snapshots] [] Fixed in release 6.0.2: [APAR PI28909] [Categories values of "Test Phase" and "Type" mixed up] [] [APAR PI28909] [Rational Quality Manager cannot open selection dialogs if the OSLC provider provides selection dialogs but no creation dialogs] [] [APAR PI50273] [Approval Tracking not Functioning for Test Plans] [] [APAR PI50966] ["Create Section" Permission Required to Create Test Plan Using Template that Contains Custom Section] [] [APAR PI51979] [PDF export of a test plan comprehensive report shows inconsistency on how the requirements associated to test cases are shown.] [] [APAR PI52385] [Inconsistencies with the TCER verdict when using Apply versus Apply All for a step result] [] [APAR PI54479] [Test fix for a customer that has thousands of category values] [] [APAR PI54673] [Slow performance on CSV export due to double-loading of dtos] [] [APAR PI55208] [NullPointerException in reportable rest when creating an ER with no TCER provided] [] [APAR PI55284] [The Ctrl + S keyboard shortcut is not recognized when working in an artifact's Formal Review section] [] [APAR PI56369] [Show Result does not display the execution result on IE11.] [] [APAR PI56587] [Requiring Test Case Result Categories Prevent Stopped Test Case Results Transitioning to Inconclusive] [] [APAR PI57250] [REST Representation of Master Test Plan Snapshots Does Not Include Snaphost HREFs of Child Plans] [] [APAR PI58289] [When executing a script, file upload failed message when attaching a file to a step on Internet Explorer] [] [APAR PI71166] [History view contains XHTML markup.] [] Fixed in release 6.0.3: [APAR PI28909] ["Team Execution Status for Test Cases" is not working in a team dashboard] [] [APAR PI58642] [Report shows repeated iterations when multiple test plans contain the same iteration] [] [APAR PI61241] [Unable to open a Test Case result after deleting Requirements linked to Test script steps (CRJAZ0215E The following record was not found in the database)] [] [APAR PI61997] [Offline Execution of 2 TCERs with same name fails with an error.] [] [APAR PI62408] [Test Data improperly formatted after import] [] [APAR PI65320] ["Newline" character cannot be inserted in a comment of a Test Script Step] [] [APAR PI66023] [Import test script got "n scripts were not imported as they already exist" error if set the Test Script Category as required] [] [APAR PI66611] [UI Fails to validate execution variable name on test script when using whitespace on the name] [] Fixed in release 6.0.4: [APAR PI71606] [QM Requirements associated to a Test script step is not in sync after removing/adding requirements] [] [APAR PI72700] [Snapshot for Test Plan fails when a Test script associated with a linked Test case is permanently deleted] [] [APAR PI72766] [Error AQXIN5014E API contained an improperly formatted "fields" parameter: when using an External ID with certain characters] [] [APAR PI74174] [Requirement title in "validates requirement" column of a test script view from test case does not reflect the title change made in RDNG] [] [APAR PI78060] [Execution stuck in progress as a result of java.sql.SQLException: ORA-12899: value too large for column "QM_METHO"."REPOSITR_CHNG_VNT_STRNG_XTNSNS"."VALUE" (actual: 273, maximum: 251)] [] Fixed in release 6.0.5: [APAR PI28909] [Improve the Repair Manual Scripts REST API command to fix Delta Predecessor issue for specific Test Scripts (502)] [] +-- Product Jazz Foundation Fixed in release 6.0: [APAR PI28526] [NPE in ManagedFloatingLicenseClient$LeaseCache.getCheckoutOperations] [] [APAR PI28909] [Adding new roles in Web UI makes it VERY easy to seriously corrupt roles database - Chrome only] [] [APAR PI28909] [Diagnostics Oracle JDBC Driver version check does not accept] [] [APAR PI28909] [Error during creation of Life Cycle Project in CLM 5.0.2RC1 with JazzProjectAdmins permission] [] [APAR PI28909] [Investigate implications of two components having the same ID] [] [APAR PI28909] [Issue #1 Maintenance 5.0.2 - PMC 341917] [] [APAR PI28909] [Issue #3 Maintenance 5.0.2 - PMC 341970] [] [APAR PI28909] [Staging to correct the JVM threads names once they are reused from the Thread pool] [] [APAR PI29645] [Don't cause an SQLException to determine if a MARKER exists (5.0.2iFix007)] [] [APAR PI30360] [Add option to ignore item fetch errors during ETL] [] [APAR PI30407] [RTC ETL's should be able to handle date values where the year is not 4 digits long] [] [APAR PI30488] [DelegatedAuthHandler and LoginPageStatusHandler ignores property] [] [APAR PI31126] [The iteration type should not be restored if it's not archived] [] [APAR PI31655] [The LPA templates can not be retrieved after a migration from 5.0.1 (with a server rename) to 5.0.2] [] [APAR PI31729] [5.x Indexer for Excel can run out of memory] [] [APAR PI33689] [All Project Areas are deleted during upgrade to RDNG 5.0.2 if finalizeApplicationMigration is rerun following a failure] [] [APAR PI34460] [Adopt Report caching slow on Oracle (344963)] [] [APAR PI36337] [Project Dashboard shows incorrect content after loading a WI or Query Result and then performing a browser refresh in IE] [] [APAR PI36961] [Full Text Search stemming doesn't work correctly in non-English European languages (Backport 345158 to 5.0.2 )] [] [APAR PI37026] [Online Migration can skip states in the event of a retry-able DB exception (fix in 5.0.2)] [] [APAR PI37053] [Creating iterations can break if translation is wrong (Fix in 5.0.2)] [] [APAR PI37117] [Handle the query cancellation in query iterator and QueryFilter (resource context filter)] [] [APAR PI37378] [VVC cache storage to concept misses causes bad performance] [] [APAR PI37679] [Query Results from performQuery can be unexpectedly cached (Backport 348143 to 502ifix )] [] [APAR PI37709] [Online migration can skip states on subsequent runs] [] [APAR PI38110] [Deleting resource in no-history storage area should not update history index to 502 (Backport 351405 to 502)] [] [APAR PI40009] [Lucene crashes because of Mmap issue (Backport to 502)] [] [APAR PI40126] [TeamAreaRole ETL flips two columns (354920)] [] [APAR PI40589] [ETL should ignore Item not found exceptions] [] [APAR PI41256] [RRC Project Baselines are inaccessible after migration from 4.0.x in a server renamed environment] [] [APAR PI42477] [Text query service doesn't work after server rename] [] [APAR PI43630] [IACS should support Functional outbound to local targets - backport (334135) to 502] [] [APAR PI47081] [Production Data Warehouse shows duplicate work item records [Defect 356581]] [] [APAR PI49462] [Timelines widget does not display team area timeline assignments] [] [APAR PI51483] [5.X IterationVarianceFactETL Star ETL fails] [] [APAR PI52893] [Auth challenge issued by DelegatedAuthHandler not detected by IACS] [] [APAR PI52896] [Login to fronting apps (other than RTC and RQM) is broken] [] [APAR PI54238] [Error when opening RM Admin Active Services ( copied from rm wi 92500 )] [] [APAR PI56301] [Some build definition names not visible due to their BUILD_TYPE_ID=-1 in RIDW.F_BUILD_REQU_METRICS table] [] Fixed in release 6.0.1: [APAR PI28909] [As a CLM deployment engineer, i need to be able to create friend relationship between Apps automatically during install or upgrades 6.0 [364095] to 5.0.2] [] [APAR PI28909] [Backport JFS bulk delete can cause a OOM (371253). to 502] [] [APAR PI28909] [DM needs to be able to change dependencies of immutable configurations managed by VVCConfigurationCacheService [backport to 5.0.2]] [] [APAR PI41335] [SimpleDateFormat is not thread safe and cannot be shared among threads (Extracting Work Items via reportable API can return wrong modification dates for history entries)] [] [APAR PI44128] [Ability to filter certain WI types out of DCC ETL] [] [APAR PI44578] [ItemStateQueue must account for differences in collation order of non alphanumeric characters] [] [APAR PI44578] [Online Migration may repeat states if DB collate order is not IDENTITY] [] [APAR PI48537] [Ghost links appearing in traceability report] [] [APAR PI49375] [(5.0.2) No Secure Token Error for JRS Widgets using Internet Explorer 11] [] [APAR PI50923] [TransactionalStateCache stores stale state data 502 Maintenance] [] [APAR PI55318] [doFetchItemValues does not close GZIPInputStream] [] Fixed in release 6.0.2: [APAR PI54878] [LINKS table disappears from BIRT reports] [] [APAR PI61509] [Active Leases count is decreased to less than 0, preventing external checkouts to be performed] [] [APAR PI71991] [Fronting applications are not accessible using 6.0.2 iFix006 and Internet Explorer] [] Fixed in release 6.0.3: [APAR PI60826] [Slow SQL blocking com/ibm/team/jfs/indexing/service/internal/HttpIndexingService.initialize for long time [5.0.2]] [] [APAR PI62551] [Backport Workitem Save fails due to StaleDataException (386068) [502]] [] [APAR PI62872] ["CRJAZ0743I Error retrieving group for user" message when fetching user data if LDAP server is behind a firewall that closes idle connections] [] [APAR PI63426] [Infinite loop condition in JFS SDK StorageService] [] [APAR PI67346] [Fix reportable rest caching corner case] [] [APAR PI70308] [[RTC502] Delete failing when report has a parameter whose value is a single quote] [] Fixed in release 6.0.4: [APAR PI55575] [[5.0.2] QM use of repotools rebuildTextIndices to take insane lengths of time] [] [APAR PI61751] [Long GC pauses when using BIRT (reports or viewlets)] [] [APAR PI72924] [Address issue in Floating and Token License issues. (406731)] [] [APAR PI80911] [Backport request for RDNG indexing error during index of Word/Excel] [] Fixed in release 6.0.5: [APAR PI28909] [Process editor page becomes blank after another project shares the process] [] [APAR PI55575] [[5.0.2] QM use of repotools rebuildTextIndices to take insane lengths of time] [] +-- Product Rational DOORS Next Generation Fixed in release 5.0.2: [APAR PI32049] [Module Audit History not shown after artifact deleted] [] Fixed in release 6.0: [APAR PI04747] [Table in table truncated in export] [] [APAR PI07072] [Module report only displays the first paragraph of heading artifacts] [] [APAR PI19370] [Some characters are encoded when using rich hover in graphical artifacts] [] [APAR PI26591] [Expanding a collapsed module row sometimes shows the wrong content] [] [APAR PI28204] [Web client runs query for all artifacts when all filters are cleared, introducing unnecessary load on the server for large projects] [] [APAR PI28321] [Unable to duplicate uploaded artifacts without delete permissions] [] [APAR PI28365] [CSV Export performs very poorly when the exported View definition contains Link terms] [] [APAR PI28595] [RM Widget Catalog does not display properly in FF and Chrome when response content type is text/plain] [] [APAR PI28689] [View queries involving Modified By and Modified On/After/Before terms perform poorly] [] [APAR PI28909] [Collapsing module row sometimes results in an error and incorrect display] [] [APAR PI28909] [Deleting a folder which contains modules with asset folders underneath fails on WAS] [] [APAR PI28909] [DnD and copy/paste from grid to module does not preserve order] [] [APAR PI28909] [Filter by attributes in module does not find any requirements] [] [APAR PI28909] [Image Loading in Modules can push down selected artifact] [] [APAR PI28909] [Recently Viewed widget broken when used in RM dashboard] [] [APAR PI28909] [There is no Change and Config Management (CCM) to track changes on Suspicion Admin] [] [APAR PI28909] [Validated By (and Affected By) links column is missing for modules in the "Configure page setting"] [] [APAR PI28909] [When user clicks on Edit for a module, the Overview section related fields never go into edit mode] [] [APAR PI28909] [rich hover should show entire folder path, not just parent folder] [] [APAR PI29190] [In non-English environments, the compare collections feature does not show changes to artifacts' primary text] [] [APAR PI29339] [View query for artifacts "Locked By" a given user performs poorly] [] [APAR PI29368] [Artifact URLs behave differently from different locations] [] [APAR PI29683] [Copy/paste will result in circular references] [] [APAR PI29683] [Don't process minimized artifacts when opening editor] [] [APAR PI29803] [Extra line inserted before/after embedded artifact when printing using the publish service/text schema] [] [APAR PI29880] [Rich Hover of artifact with 1000s of links returns a 400 (Bad Request) response due to StackOverflow in SPARQL] [] [APAR PI29882] [Links Sidebar in artifact editor only loads a maximum of 1024 links for an artifact] [] [APAR PI30744] [Safari - Enter key jumps to beginning of text] [] [APAR PI31311] [OSLC query for retrieving multiple artifacts by ID performs poorly] [] [APAR PI31321] [Exporting module views containing approximately 1200 artifacts fails if there is a link column] [] [APAR PI31789] [Optimize generated SPARQL with custom attributes] [] [APAR PI31820] [Modules that were created in 4.x do not print their headings properly in 5.0.2, both in table of contents and text] [] [APAR PI32084] [Module heading text is printed twice when exporting a module] [] [APAR PI32086] [Link selection button disappears when attempting to select it from a column in a module] [] [APAR PI32714] [Adding multiple existing artifacts to a module adds them in reverse order (and fix Shift-select ordering issue with picker)] [] [APAR PI32747] [Module display can become invalid on browser] [] [APAR PI32847] [Attribute is locked for editing during artifact creation in a module] [] [APAR PI32920] [View queries involving links require optimization] [] [APAR PI33016] [Cannot remove an artifact created by file upload, from a module, that is used in more than one module] [] [APAR PI33041] [Sensitive boundaries impact drag and drop usability] [] [APAR PI33354] [Artifact version id should be available in RRDG reporting API] [] [APAR PI33354] [The module artifacts do not expose the correct version label] [] [APAR PI33913] [Alternate Spelling attribute is set to null on OSLC PUT] [] [APAR PI34242] [Type feed initialization taking too long for large number of projects] [] [APAR PI35333] [Spaces in links are double-encoded when opening from a converted document] [] [APAR PI36611] [DNG handling of image uploads to modules] [] [APAR PI36708] [OSLC PUT stops working] [] [APAR PI36893] [Attempting to link a Module View by Tag from QM Test Plan results in "Forbidden" error - Backport] [] [APAR PI37333] [Tags are way too easy to delete from system and are confusing to remove from artifacts] [] [APAR PI37733] [Baseline is not displaying previously existing embedded artifacts] [] [APAR PI37741] [Only load wellknown type uris when loading webui] [] [APAR PI37775] [The temporary doc reports are not deleted during cleanup] [] [APAR PI37776] [Excessive data caching for reporting causes high load on server, affecting usability] [] [APAR PI37796] [Performance: Doc reports are generating responses with traceability info that gets discarded] [] [APAR PI38125] [ForbiddenException when attempting to view deleted module in a baseline] [] [APAR PI38167] [Unnecessary assertion for JazzAdmin roles causes misleading PermissionDeniedException for JazzProjectAdmin users] [] [APAR PI38269] [Text imported from ReqPro baseline loses formatting] [] [APAR PI38396] [Update ReqPro migration to behave the same as the UI when requirement has no title] [] [APAR PI38550] [Audit History displays incomplete information when changelogs contain an unresolvable user URL] [] [APAR PI38594] [Project Templates cannot be displayed in project creation wizard if any template returns an error response] [] [APAR PI38722] [review report results show not started when votes were completed] [] [APAR PI38795] [Error when trying to duplicate artifacts with cross-project links] [] [APAR PI38912] [No compact rendering after drag and drop of an artifact from the Links section in to the editor] [] [APAR PI39749] [Data in the data warehouse should be updated after server rename] [] [APAR PI39859] [Unable to pause/continue review when review contains a deleted artifact] [] [APAR PI39940] [Amount of data to pre-load in a module should be configureable] [] [APAR PI40016] [Baselines display the current revision of Folder data, throws error when Folder has been deleted] [] [APAR PI40191] [Suspicion Profile Administration page does not show list of projects if the server's Region and Language Format is set to Japanese] [] [APAR PI40915] [Error CRRRW7342E when saving an attribute value, using a role with permissions that allows modifying the attribute for a specific artifact type] [] [APAR PI41205] [module view wrong in create link to rows in module menu] [] [APAR PI41213] [copying artifact "changes" artifact name] [] [APAR PI41228] [Printing a module with a Visio artifact does not include the Vision artifact in the generated document] [] [APAR PI41789] [Merge - User is allowed to remove attribute type in child configuration using merge even when it is still associated with attribute definition _ Firefox 24.2.0 ESR] [] [APAR PI42162] [IE: TypeError occurs when browsing baselines] [] [APAR PI42647] [Not showing suspect flag for changes made in QM and CCM in not opted-in mode] [] [APAR PI42675, PI26758] [DNG doesn't show system messages in banner] [] [APAR PI47776] [Artifacts not loading in module when opened in new tab/window] [] [APAR PI49265] [Remove embedded artifact from embedded resource toolbar does not dirty editor] [] [APAR PI49593, PI41218] [module & project baselines are not immutable] [] [APAR PI49616] [assignment of roles in team area does not allow users to do allowed actions in module context] [] [APAR PI49619] [add lifecycle link to more than 1 artifact from inside a module is not possible] [] [APAR PI50421] [Copy and paste of a section from a module results in incorrect requirement order] [] [APAR PI54573] [Cannot up load wrapped resource to self-host] [] [APAR PI59622] [Word import (parsing/persistence) hanging at 0%] [] Fixed in release 6.0.1: [APAR PI40115] [Attempting to save business process diagram results in "Saving...." that never completes] [] [APAR PI41498] [WellKnownTypeUrisCache fails with bad typesystem] [] [APAR PI41556] [NPE and potential memory leak when TRS member cannot be retrieved from OSLC services] [] [APAR PI42771] [RRC Report fails for an artifact that contains a text link to an image artifact stored in the RM server] [] [APAR PI43990] [Suspicion Profile Administration page does not show list of projects if Registered Application name for RM does not contain "rm"] [] [APAR PI44829] [Importing "requirements from within a text document" results in missing requirements in simple case] [] [APAR PI45386] [Tables are getting imported with varying number of columns per row & corrupt table errors on some of the resulting XHTML artifacts exported via RRDG (using public schema)] [] [APAR PI45650] [Links Explorer shows duplicate data when using Configure Link Display] [] [APAR PI45869] [Double-byte characters in a table do not export properly to CSV] [] [APAR PI46449] [Bad content inserted when pasting a numbered heading/list from MS Word in CKE using Chrome.] [] [APAR PI46541] [It's taking a long time to load the project dashboard when go to the dashboard from an open artifact] [] [APAR PI47026] [Columns don't align properly in imported tables when not all rows start at the same position] [] [APAR PI47305] [RM migration fails when Role ID contains unescaped apostrophe] [] [APAR PI49589, PI45234] [After sorting has been changed, artefact type can not be changed any more] [] [APAR PI50400] [DnD on IE11 causes cursor to flicker] [] [APAR PI50584] [Baseline viewer in DNG 5.x does not display folders properly for baselines upgraded from 4.x] [] [APAR PI51290] [Deselect previously selected artifact when you drag artifacts.] [] Fixed in release 6.0.2: [APAR PI42352] [Embedded images are not displayed properly in modules after server rename] [] [APAR PI44107] [Editor strips span tags when copy&paste a table with embedded artifacts] [] [APAR PI52669] [Query timeout during SuspectLinkIndexService.clearIndexedLinks could result in unbounded growth of RM on-disk indices] [] [APAR PI52746] [StackOverflow when reporting a sketch with duplicate ids through uisketches schema] [] [APAR PI54963] [Suspect Reindex should interrupt and abort if an admin chooses to disable suspect tracking] [] [APAR PI55602] [In an environment where RDNG is on version 5.x and JTS is on version 6.x, some actions in RDNG may fail] [] [APAR PI56191] [Importing a Word document into a folder generates massive FileBackedOutputStream temp file which can exhaust available disk space] [] [APAR PI59084] [Converter includes RRCx addon code that breaks uploaded-image artifacts (wrappedResources)] [] Fixed in release 6.0.3: [APAR PI57855] [Inconsistent artifact title returned from the OSLC selection dialog and compact rendering] [] [APAR PI60425] [OSLC queries that involve manifested views are slow] [] [APAR PI60608] [Poor query to determine review participantResult information] [] [APAR PI62003] [Data from LegacyPublishService renders counter service unusable and leads to OOME] [] [APAR PI63506] [Single bad module baseline can fail entire migration in 502] [] [APAR PI63790] [Slow OSLC query for manifested views] [] [APAR PI63794] [Slow LinkType query with lots of duplicate UNIONs] [] Fixed in release 6.0.4: [APAR PI80571] [Can't manage Suspicion Profiles in DNG despite being JazzAdmin] [] Fixed in release 6.0.5: [APAR PI86508] [Project Template creation fails when artifacts reference deleted cross-project attribute data] [] +-- Product Rational Team Concert Fixed in release 5.0.2: [APAR PI36458] [Regression from Defect 46203: No scrollbar on plan sidebar when needed] [] [APAR PI39705] [Load for project area is not correct when there are subteams] [] [APAR PI42502] [NullPointerException error exporting a plan] [] Fixed in release 6.0: [APAR PI22400] [repotools -renindex gives an error: SEVERE: Failed to register SecureProtocolSocketFactory] [] [APAR PI25929] [RTC Planned-For drop down shows limited values] [] [APAR PI27899] [Build subset not building all dependent items as expected] [] [APAR PI28266] [Missing color expressions in 5.0.1. and newer (Server)] [] [APAR PI28449] ['undefined' state shown in dynamic query selection from Work Item widget] [] [APAR PI28775] [Adding literal to enumeration shows error] [] [APAR PI28849] [Removing the summary from the header section causes formatting problems - Advanced Fix] [] [APAR PI28849] [Removing the summary from the header section causes formatting problems] [] [APAR PI28909] ["CRJAZ0567I Need the key" tryin to resolve a cross component link] [] [APAR PI28909] [AbstractScmTypeHandler should implement INewTypeHandler.onTransactionFailed] [] [APAR PI28909] [SetBuildMapComponentUUIDTask - only the first 512 build maps are migrated] [] [APAR PI28909] [userId in Git pre-receive hook is too brittle] [] [APAR PI28965] [Kanban/Taskboard group by owner is slow with many users] [] [APAR PI29142] [Poor plan loading performance when there is a tree display with many layers] [] [APAR PI29144] [Dependency build baseline creation should fail the build if the stream resource does not exist] [] [APAR PI29144] [Dependency build failed when a stream is locked by a scan that was interrupted] [] [APAR PI29150] [Clicking on "Select More Items" does not open the window "Access Context Selection" in the web client] [] [APAR PI29386] [Long option labels are not shown in QueryableComboView] [] [APAR PI29812] [parent links label when generated from work item template does not reflect latest summary when printed from the WebUI] [] [APAR PI29832] [Improve user experience when dealing with large (1000+ 2048+) numbers of components] [] [APAR PI29946] [[Oracle] ROWNUM limit is applied before ORDER BY] [] [APAR PI30052] [Visual Studio: ORA-01795: maximum number of expressions] [] [APAR PI30068] [Archived categories appear in web planning Filed Against cell action More dialog] [] [APAR PI30143] [Eclipse and WebUI do not generate the same descriptor for parameterized queries] [] [APAR PI30360] [Add option to ignore item fetch errors during ETL] [] [APAR PI30420] [Records marked as softdeleted in TIMESHEET could be active again - Java ETL] [] [APAR PI30454] [ORA-01795 maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000 during CCM rebuildTextIndices] [] [APAR PI30729] [WebUI - infinite calls to PlanRestService#postGetItems2() when loading a plan that has restricted visibility children] [] [APAR PI30751] [DependencyQueryService should run against the file without dependencies once] [] [APAR PI30770] [MS932 encoded file is garbled in IE 10.] [] [APAR PI30880] [custom enum-type attribute is unexpectedly displayed in the history without "Synchronize Attributes" operation] [] [APAR PI30901] [Removed team member is still visible in the Work Breakdown view on WebUI] [] [APAR PI30946] [Dependency build automatically unlock the stream after 10 minutes] [] [APAR PI31096] [Source Code Data scanning service not picking up file name changes] [] [APAR PI31109] [Visual Studio: Cannot resolve a conflict because of this error message "Sync item with id '...' is not a conflict"] [] [APAR PI31191] [Dependent attribute with calculated value is not updated when editing and tabbing out the field in the WebUI plan] [] [APAR PI31196] [Unexpected tab "Ups..." after creating new plan] [] [APAR PI31765] [Work items incorrectly linked to build when using subset builds] [] [APAR PI31814] [Clicking "Owned by" header in the plan view sorts the owners based on UUID, not the name] [] [APAR PI31829] [WorkItemPublisher does not check for array size in tagWorkItems()] [] [APAR PI32139] [Correct NPE when non-BF engine is defined for a BF definition for 5.0.2] [] [APAR PI32552] [Browser gets locked up in taskboard plan view with many owners] [] [APAR PI32589] [Backport blocking synchronization requests from 3rd party tool with an external system (RTC) to 5.0.2] [] [APAR PI32910] [class ISparqlQueryService failed to load for SystemDefinitionService] [] [APAR PI32965] [IllegalStateException floods ccm.log] [] [APAR PI33410] [Back-port defect 343463 to 5.0.2 iFix003 - RTC warehouse job SCM fails due to the error: [SQL0199] Keyword CONTENT not expected] [] [APAR PI33548] [Slow performance accepting change sets on MS SQL Server] [] [APAR PI33598] [Custom enum-type attribute is unexpectedly displayed in the work item editor without "Synchronize Attributes" operation] [] [APAR PI33717] [Plans with Circular Tracks References do Not Open] [] [APAR PI34027] [Adopt Only enumeration display name or value can be returned by Reportable REST API and not both (344297)] [] [APAR PI34063] [Getting errors when executing concurrent builds during accept changes] [] [APAR PI34210] [Work Item Promotion creates a build property that can grow large enough to terminate the BFA process] [] [APAR PI34450] [Unable To View .h and .c Files in Web Client] [] [APAR PI34496] [Drag & Drop Edit of "Work Item" Editor Presentation Layout is not working in 5.0.2] [] [APAR PI34523] [Investigate using transactional caches during history for versionable] [] [APAR PI34523] [Investigate using transactional caches during history for versionable] [] [APAR PI35066] [Promotion fails when there are more than 41 work-items] [] [APAR PI35071] [buildReport.xml not available in post-build script] [] [APAR PI35294] [Query Resolution column sometimes shows blank for Unassigned] [] [APAR PI35370] [Can't query buildPath from build maps anymore] [] [APAR PI35372] [When a gap is detected during promotion preview the error message displays the wrong change set.] [] [APAR PI35420] [Cross repository tracks links with Accumulated Time column causes refresh loop and empty summary] [] [APAR PI35505] [Tool-tip for long values in the selection pulldowns disappear when search filter is applied] [] [APAR PI36051] [Exclude plan items related filter does not work in Taskboard view] [] [APAR PI36072] [Checkbox respond is slow when configuring Taskboard/Kanban States in Column Display tab] [] [APAR PI36668] [User work environment hangs on "Loading" and never load any timeline/project areas.] [] [APAR PI36955] [Inconsistent case in translation of "Unassigned" fails to load work items ~ "Não Designado" vs. "Não designado"] [] [APAR PI37243] [RecentChangeSetsAffectingIterator pulls too much from the inner nodes affecting iterator] [] [APAR PI37399] [Creating a new linked WI in another Project Area is not working anymore. It will always create a new WI in the SAME Project Area/] [] [APAR PI37568] [Query parameter value dialog is shown when changing "Items per page" in query result] [] [APAR PI37936] [Quick Planner default type issue] [] [APAR PI38213] [AcceptImpl.detectGaps should exhaust current page of iterator results before requerying] [] [APAR PI38215] [Conflict move fails if changes include a folder swap and related file moves] [] [APAR PI38701] [Backport of cross component move links from change sets that were migrated from 4.x are not resolved before distributing them to other servers] [] [APAR PI38707] [Collecting buildable files takes a long time for dependency build after all the files changed] [] [APAR PI38752] [Backport for error while saving the Build Forge BOM log on RTC] [] [APAR PI38881] [The Build Forge step logs are published out of order in RTC when using inlines] [] [APAR PI38928] [Tracks links missing in Plan View] [] [APAR PI39164] [After 5.0.2 update from 4.x, Plans fail to load due to a NullPointerException] [] [APAR PI39836] [Improve discard support in the preprocessor] [] [APAR PI40349] [Timesheet reports are showing blank data] [] [APAR PI40893] [Opening item from Recent Work Items list while a plan is open causes web browser to hang for over a minute] [] [APAR PI41341] [Query feeds "My Teams..." and "My Work Item Changes" broken out-of-the-box] [] [APAR PI41511] [Unable to import Unassigned owner from csv file to update the owner] [] [APAR PI43630] [Quick Planner for Rational Team Concert] [] [APAR PI44036] [Copy paste link from the "Modified" text next to the file path in the git commit details page in the web browser gives an error message] [] [APAR PI45797] [configDetermineAncestorsInHistory should batch files in calls to getChangeSetsAffecting] [] [APAR PI49918] [Resolved work items no longer marked with strike through font on work item link tab] [] [APAR PI50938] [Should change all callers for repositoryItemService.fetchItems to handle the size more than 2048] [] [APAR PI50938] [Source Code Data Garbage Collector fails with Item Handle array cannot exceed 2048 elements.] [] [APAR PI54508] [SCM replication is failing with Deferred operation failed] [] [APAR PI55642] [Dynamic query summary shows "Any" when Planned For or similar attribute is "Unassigned'] [] [APAR PI56788] [No link created for Add Related Artifacts if Text left blank] [] [APAR PI57717] [Autocomplete does not add quotes to multi-word types] [] [APAR PI59207] [NPE merging an encoding change in the Gap workflow] [] [APAR PI72662] [file that has not been delivered is showing as unresolved after saving subset] [] Fixed in release 6.0.1: [APAR PI28909] [Compile problems in in rtc.601 RTC-I20151020-1437] [] [APAR PI28909] [Each build request initiated from RTC creates additional buildResultUUID parameter in the corresponding Jenkins workflow job for 5.0.2] [] [APAR PI28909] [correctly handle duplicate buildPath entries for buildmaps to 502] [] [APAR PI39163] [Service for script based value set provider may be running for long if http connector doesn't return response] [] [APAR PI39308] [Fix for Error running Lifecycle Queries] [] [APAR PI39836] [ConcurrentModificationException JFS exception thrown during concurrent builds] [] [APAR PI40132] [Wrong decimal delimiter when exporting queries to CSV file in "de" locale.] [] [APAR PI40247] [Source code data scanning not handling component replacement correctly] [] [APAR PI40272] [Backport of Defect 355395, fix for Defect 220917 causes behavior change and confusion] [] [APAR PI40591] [Auto-resolve of conflict after reorder due to baseline accept picks wrong state for 5.0.2] [] [APAR PI40592] [Unresolvable conflict can result from cross component move and subsequent pre-move changes with duplicate merges for 5.0.2] [] [APAR PI41348] [Group should not show Items if all of them are outplaced] [] [APAR PI42204] [Versionable change state not recalculated of folder add] [] [APAR PI42494] [Select query from widget hangs on "Loading"] [] [APAR PI43385] [Attribute customization script calculation fails in Web UI] [] [APAR PI44038] [Git Preview screen shows garbled characters for japanese labels] [] [APAR PI44128] [Ability to filter certain WI types out of DCC ETL] [] [APAR PI44659] [Backport for force full analysis should cause dependency set comparison] [] [APAR PI44665] [[5.0.2] Taskboard does not sort stories by anything other than Rank] [] [APAR PI44820] [Modified By and Modified Date are set to Unassigned and None when a Custom Attribute is added to a Task] [] [APAR PI45258] [[RTC 5.0.2] Unable to save links on draft work items] [] [APAR PI45893] [Unable to accept after merge - "not a file" error] [] [APAR PI46581] [ccm.log is flooded by CRJAZ0368E A database query could not run on the server] [] [APAR PI46847] [Advanced Release Burndown widget counts workitems of excluded types] [] [APAR PI47006] [Workspace load with many components takes more time than loading one component having the same total size of files for 5.0.2] [] [APAR PI47147] [StreamResource should be created, even if there's no file to scan in stream] [] [APAR PI47601] [Migration fails if an HistoricBasis item gets modified after online migration has started] [] [APAR PI47603] [Fix for Query result displaying outdated or incomplete information] [] [APAR PI48537] [Ghost links appearing in traceability report] [] [APAR PI48645] [Select query from widget hangs on "Loading" with NPE] [] [APAR PI48744] [Cannot access copied work item with custom category attribute after upgrade to 5.0.2] [] [APAR PI49090] [EE Garbage collection should delete more BuildBaselines to 502] [] [APAR PI49271] [DependencyQueryService no longer honors the Index Update Wait Time advanced property for 5.0.2] [] [APAR PI49448] [Plan Statistics widget does not show all valid categories] [] [APAR PI49877] [The read-only TimeSpent attribute is editable in the plan view in Formal Process Management project] [] [APAR PI49931] [ServerRequireWorkItemAdvisor fails when more than 1024 change sets are delivered for 5.0.2] [] [APAR PI51582] [RTC editable fields get reset when refreshed in Web UI] [] [APAR PI51888] [JBE does not accept build request due to "Exception occurred in build loop: CRJAZ0368E A database query could not run on the server."] [] [APAR PI52129] [The '' class constructor has changed between the 6.00 and the 6.01 version to 502] [] [APAR PI63872] [running query including parameter from WI statistics widget requires re-assignment of parameter values] [] [APAR PI67159] [Actual Start Date attribute is updated with Resolution Date for 5.0.2] [] Fixed in release 6.0.2: [APAR PI51774] [Replace ProcessAreaDTO in GitRepositoryDescriptorDTO with a light-weight alternative] [] [APAR PI51983] [Backport of snapshot URL copied from eclipse opens Snapshot in wrong PA for 5.0.2] [] [APAR PI51986] [Work Item getEditableProperties allValues for owner attribute load time grows proportionate to team size] [] [APAR PI52580] [PLI source file leads to incorrect dependency path] [] [APAR PI52780] [Browser is slow or crashes, possible memory leak] [] [APAR PI53012] [Customers migrating from RTC 4.x to RTC 6.x need to be able to skip redundant EE migration steps] [] [APAR PI55171] [Creating local related artifact link from plan column throws "Location missing required itemType information"] [] [APAR PI55626] [Different default values for Planned For and other attributes in dynamic queries when run from Edit mode vs. from Menu] [] [APAR PI56028] [Timesheet Entries' Project Area remains the same after changing the Project Area of a Work Item.] [] [APAR PI56438] [Owner change email is sent to old owner only] [] [APAR PI57409] [Resolution reverts to default value after save in some workflows] [] [APAR PI57529] [Quick query syntax AND is not working as expected] [] [APAR PI57747] [Subset based build: impacts computation shortcuts to 502] [] [APAR PI58231] [Project area names in drop down list are shown incorrectly.] [] Fixed in release 6.0.3: [APAR PI49271] [Link JFS query indexing timeout to the Index Update Wait Time advanced property] [] [APAR PI50923] [Work Items change for StaleDataExceptions due to RdbRepositoryDataMediator cache sync issue for 5.0.2] [] [APAR PI59210] [Make build ETL tolerate item not found errors] [] [APAR PI60807] [Work Item Owner is reported as outside of team area.] [] [APAR PI61055] [[Server] RTC-EE Packaging - prevent stowaway work item changesets in impacted buildable members.] [] [APAR PI61516] [Can no longer export queries to CSV in pt_BR] [] [APAR PI63416] [x-repo flow failed with "already dependancies queued for StateId(FileItem, ...)"] [] [APAR PI63888] [Dynamic query shows values as "null" in summary screen when repeated from Dashboard widget] [] [APAR PI64145] [Attributes appearing as Archived.] [] [APAR PI64149] [Role Based User List attribute customization doesn't work] [] [APAR PI64149] [Role Based User List attribute customization doesn't work] [] [APAR PI64743] [Custom Tag attributes fetch all tags even when they are not in the editor presentation resulting in 40 seconds initializing work item editor] [] [APAR PI67048] [Work Item Statistics widget does not update with new conditions] [] [APAR PI67448] [Improve the linkage between RTC and Hudson builds for 5.0.2] [] [APAR PI67907] [RTC-EE Rollback - FSUM7728 bad ${} modifier - unresolved variable when multiple variables used for local pkg dir] [] [APAR PI84950] [EE garbage collection is missing resources to delete] [] Fixed in release 6.0.4: [APAR PI28909] [Detailed Team Timesheet report is very slow] [] [APAR PI73673] [Work Items Statistics Dashboard Viewlet does not work properly using categories with backslash] [] [APAR PI74324] [Tasks are not visible in widget plan view] [] [APAR PI75371] [Unable to view streams via the webUI with tomcat iFix 7.0.73 due to unencoded brackets for 5.0.2] [] [APAR PI81495] [RTC Build Forge build fails instead of warning when a build has a warn log filter step for 5.0.2] [] [APAR PI94352] [Language definition are not well resolved during full Analysis when there is a mapping] [] Fixed in release 6.0.5: [APAR PI82409] [Invalid approval string type identifier causes NPE for approval reminder notification mails.] [] [APAR PI91084] [Date modifications cause long delay showing work item History ˜ EmbeddedDateUtils] [] Fixed in release 6.0.6: [APAR PI89284] [Sorting of workitems not maintained in csv after running query from "My Queries" page] [] [APAR PI92178] [Incorrect status after changing work item type from Task to Defect] [] +-- RTC Client Fixes Fixed in release 5.0.2: [APAR PI55389] [Attribute '' does not exist on the receiver] [] [APAR PI72004] [Side panel does not hide when toggled in the Eclipse client planned items tab] [] Fixed in release 6.0: [APAR PI28266] [Missing color expressions in 5.0.1. and newer (Eclipse Client)] [] [APAR PI28909] [An OutOfMemoryError can occur in RotatingDaemonTracer due to the eventQueue growing too large.] [] [APAR PI28909] [Clicking a buildmap from a build report does not open it with N-1 client] [] [APAR PI30775] [Issue with cross component re-factor (move)] [] [APAR PI31109] [Fix for "327641: Cannot resolve a conflict because of this error message Problem running 'resolve conflict': is not in conflict"] [] [APAR PI31251] [[RichUI] Item is not located under the correct Folder] [] [APAR PI31674] [Sharing the query with a condition for querying multiple Types failed with a permission error] [] [APAR PI33345] [Build test result contribution wrongly assumes source is Java class (Client)] [] [APAR PI33972] [scm [not lscm] move path command leads to RuntimeException of the type CLIClientException: Attempted to beginRule: P/* does not match outer scope rule: F/*] [] [APAR PI34880] [NPE from scm show history] [] [APAR PI34940] [Fix for Conflict move needs to include unparented adds or moves (345423)] [] [APAR PI36861] [Moving an eclipse project in repository causes original project to become unshared, pending changes view still says its loaded] [] [APAR PI38141] [Missing files in subset definition when adding files manually] [] [APAR PI38273] [Exception occurred using CLI "scm move" command] [] [APAR PI39460] [Wrong association to WI after build subset is reset] [] [APAR PI41382] [Eclipse History view does not update when showing new component] [] [APAR PI42900] [Cannot compare component history after upgrade to 5.0.2] [] [APAR PI51650] [System Definitions Generator: missing generate Lang Defs Properties feature to 502] [] [APAR PI66360] [RTC export/import issue with SEQUENTIAL file types] [] [APAR PI75435] [Personal builds can encounter deadlock when fetching source] [] [APAR SE59241] [SE59241 Language definitions appear in random order] [] Fixed in release 6.0.1: [APAR PI28909] [5.0.2 Dependency Build: Select rebuild on a personal build uses the wrong workspace] [] [APAR PI28909] [[5.0.2] IllegalArgumentException after alias file is updated by newer client] [] [APAR PI28909] [[5.0.2] NPE when showing attributes involving an unknown read scope] [] [APAR PI28909] [[5.0.2] [Eclipse] Backport a fix to prevent an NPE in the Repository Files view when an item has an access group for its read access] [] [APAR PI41290] [Source Code Data query of files found in All Streams but not in specific stream] [] [APAR PI42705] [Use "scm status" command to list the status of unloaded components of a workspace] [] [APAR PI43455] [RTC windows shell compare utility broken - no option to disable capping] [] [APAR PI48970] [Eclipse hangs at Resolving unresolved links during CSV WI Import with Parent Links] [] [APAR PI56551] [Promotion by work-item using query - it retrieves only the first 100 work-items to 5.0.2] [] [APAR PI66360] [Exporting System Defs produced xml file that could not be reimported without changes] [] Fixed in release 6.0.2: [APAR PI51244] [Job found still running returns when executing scm command] [] [APAR PI53742] [The "Updating out of sync shares" job takes too long with many components (5.0.2 iFix Backport)] [] [APAR PI58053] [Only 512 build definition returned so as to miss the buildable subset under Enterprise Extension in TAN to 5.0.2 iFix] [] Fixed in release 6.0.3: [APAR PI61269] [Error: Job found still running after platform shutdown] [] Fixed in release 6.0.4: [APAR PI74701] [Log needs to be more explicit while it fails to load a component with a file name with unsupported characters for 5.0.2] [] Fixed in release 6.0.5: [APAR PI81021] [Removing a folder from an ignored directory won't remove the folder for 5.0.2] [] Fixed in release 6.0.6: [APAR PI91029] [IllegalArgumentException during deliver with advisor "Restrict Delivery to Component In a Stream"] [] 5. TOMCAT CONFIGURATION [APAR PI22400] [Use TLS instead of SSL by default] [] This defect was fixed in 5.0.2 iFix003 and requires changes to the Tomcat configuration. You only need to make these changes once. If you have already followed these steps when applying a previous iFix, there is no need to repeat them. 1. Stop the Apache Tomcat server. 2. Back up the /tomcat/conf/server.xml file to server.xml.bak. 3. Extract the file to a temporary directory. 4. Copy the server.xml file to the /tomcat/conf directory. 5. If you made any custom configuration changes to your server (such as changing port numbers), manually copy them from server.xml.bak to the new server.xml file. 6. If you are using Windows: 6a. Back up the /server/server.startup.bat file to server.startup.bat.bak. 6b. Copy the server.startup.bat file to the /server/ directory. 6c. If you made any customizations to the server startup file, manually copy them from server.startup.bat.bak to server.startup.bat 7. If you are using Linux: 7a. Back up the /server/server.startup file to server.startup.bak. 7b. Copy the server.startup file to the /server/ directory. 7c. If you made any customizations to the server startup file, manually copy them from server.startup.bak to server.startup 8. Start the server If you are running Tomcat as a Windows Service, you must change the Java Options being used: 1. Remove "jazz.connector.sslProtocol" option (eg -Djazz.connector.sslProtocol=TLSv1.2) 2. Add this line: -Djazz.connector.sslEnabledProtocols="TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2" 6. UPDATING APPLICATION WAR FILES [APAR PI28909] [Fix defect in redirect web page][] [APAR PI28909] ["java.lang.IllegalStateException: zip file closed" error in patch service (Fix for 346222 for 5.0.2 release)] [] The WAR files changed in iFix008 and must be re-deployed. These steps need to be done only once for any WAR file change. If you have already re-deployed WAR files as part of installing iFix008 or later, you do not have to do these steps again. Follow the instructions for the web server you use (WAS or Tomcat). NOTE: If the context root used by the any application is not the default, it will be necessary to rename the WAR file (and adjust some of the directory paths referenced below) based on the context root currently in use. For example, -- if your current context root for Requirements Management is 'rdm', you must rename the rm.war file to rdm.war. -- if your current context root for Quality Management is 'jazz', you must rename the qm.war file to jazz.war -- if your current context root for Change and Configuration Management is 'jazz', you must rename the ccm.war file to jazz.war In summary, the name of the WAR file needs to be the same as the respective context root in use. NOTE: For users of the RDNG browser add-on, the rm.war file must be properly matched with the browser plugin files. This only applies during installation of the plugin, so for those users that have already installed the plugin, no action is required. For any new installations of the browser plugin, the customer should contact IBM Support and request a refresh of the browser add-on files along with the properly paired version of the rm.war file that includes this fix. DEPLOYING ON WEBSPHERE APPLICATION SERVER Option 1: Using the WebSphere Application Server scripting tool (wsadmin) 1. Backup these files: a. JAZZ_HOME/server/webapps/jts.war b. JAZZ_HOME/server/webapps/ccm.war c. JAZZ_HOME/server/webapps/qm.war d. JAZZ_HOME/server/webapps/rm.war 2. Place the file and the files jts.war, ccm.war, qm.war and rm.war from the iFix zip in a directory on your machine e.g. C:/iFixPatch 3. Open a command window and navigate to the WebSphere profile bin directory (e.g. //profiles//bin). 4. Execute the following command, ensuring that the WebSphere Application Server is running: Windows: wsadmin -language jython -user -password -f Linux: ./ -language jython -user -password -f NOTE: This will update all applications with war files from the iFixPatch directory specified Option 2: Using the WebSphere Application Server Admin Console 1. Backup these files: a. JAZZ_HOME/server/webapps/jts.war b. JAZZ_HOME/server/webapps/ccm.war c. JAZZ_HOME/server/webapps/qm.war d. JAZZ_HOME/server/webapps/rm.war 2. Copy the jts.war file somewhere either on your local machine or on the CLM server (you may copy to the JAZZ_HOME/server/webapps directory) 3. In the WAS Admin Console, stop the jts application: Go to Applications>Application Types>Websphere enterprise applications, select the checkbox next to jts_war and click on Stop. 4. Update the jts_war file: Select the checkbox next to jts_war and click on Update. 5. Select "Replace the entire application", then browse to the new jts.war file from step 2 and click on Next. Browse locally if the file was saved on the local machine in step 1, or do a remote browse if the file was saved on a different machine. Follow the Fast Path installation, and accept all of the defaults. 6. Save the configuration changes when prompted after the update completes. 7. Start the jts application: select the checkbox next to jts_war and click on Start. 8. Repeat 2-7 with all other WAR files that you need to upgrade. DEPLOYING ON TOMCAT 1. Backup these files: a. JAZZ_HOME/server/tomcat/webapps/jts.war b. JAZZ_HOME/server/tomcat/webapps/ccm.war c. JAZZ_HOME/server/tomcat/webapps/qm.war d. JAZZ_HOME/server/tomcat/webapps/rm.war 2. Copy the WAR files to the JAZZ_HOME/server/tomcat/webapps directory. 3. Stop the Tomcat server. 4. Delete the JAZZ_HOME/server/tomcat/webapps/jts directory 5. Delete the JAZZ_HOME/server/tomcat/webapps/ccm directory 6. Delete the JAZZ_HOME/server/tomcat/webapps/qm directory 7. Delete the JAZZ_HOME/server/tomcat/webapps/rm directory 8. Delete the JAZZ_HOME/server/tomcat/work/Catalina/localhost/jts directory 9. Delete the JAZZ_HOME/server/tomcat/work/Catalina/localhost/ccm directory 10. Delete the JAZZ_HOME/server/tomcat/work/Catalina/localhost/qm directory 11. Delete the JAZZ_HOME/server/tomcat/work/Catalina/localhost/rm directory 6. UPDATING ORACLE OUTSIDE IN TECHNOLOGY FOR RDNG These steps need to be done only once. The Outside In files changed in iFix018. If you have already deployed these files as part of installing iFix018 or later, you do not have to do these steps again. Follow the instructions detailed in the README.txt file contained within the file. 7. KNOWN ISSUES +-- Product Rational DOORS Next Generation a. As a result of RDNG APAR PI28204 (Web client runs query for all artifacts when all filters are cleared, introducing unnecessary load on the server for large projects (92439)), the "Default View" behavior in the Grid View has now changed. Once all filters have been cleared in the Grid, a message will be displayed indicating, "To show artifacts, select a folder or other filter," and no artifacts will be displayed. * This behavioral change required a new message to be displayed when the user hovers over the "eraser" button for the Filter by Folder section. When the browser locale is English, the hover text will display as, "Clear Folder Filters"; however, for all other browser locales, the hover text will continue to display the appropriate translation of the previous string, "Show Artifacts from All Folders", although the action of clicking the button will still be to return no artifacts. +-- Product Rational Team Concert There is a known incompatibility between the Hotfix for "Backport [368397] to 5.0.2 - [368631] bundle shouldn't be built with a nested jar" and 5.0.2 iFix010 and beyond. This Hotfix was included with 5.0.2 iFix009 so if you have this Hotfix installed (or 5.0.2 iFix009), you must take the following steps before installing the latest 5.0.2 iFix to ensure the iFix is installed properly. 1) Open the the following URL in a browser using account with jazzadmin privilege: https://:/ccm/admin/cmd/requestReset 2) Shut down server 3) Copy the file from the server/conf/ccm/sites/rtc-commons-update-site/plugins folder of the GA server zip to the /server/conf/ccm/sites/rtc-commons-update-site/plugins. - you may have made a backup of the bundle when you installed 5.0.2 iFix09 or the Hotfix. If so, then you can restore that instead. 4) Run repotools-ccm -clean 5) Restart the server