Interim fix This interim fix is only valid for the Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management (CLM) 6.0.5 release. The Rational solution for CLM 6.0.6 is the next release that will include all these fixes. If you plan to upgrade, upgrade to version 6.0.6 or later. CONTENTS OF THE INTERIM FIX 1. This readme file: readme.txt 2. Server patch file: (see the SERVER PATCH INSTRUCTIONS section) 3. Jazz Reporting Service (Report Builder) patch file: rs.war (see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section) 4. Data Collection Component patch file: (see the DATA COLLECTION COMPONENT INSTRUCTIONS section) 5. Lifecycle Query Engine patch file: lqe.war (see the LIFECYCLE QUERY ENGINE AND LINK INDEX PROVIDER INSTRUCTIONS section) 6. Link Index Provider patch file: ldx.war (see the LIFECYCLE QUERY ENGINE AND LINK INDEX PROVIDER INSTRUCTIONS section) 7. Rational Team Concert Client for Eclipse update site: (see the RATIONAL TEAM CONCERT CLIENT FOR ECLIPSE UPDATE SITE INSTRUCTIONS section) 8. Rational Team Concert Client for Microsoft Visual Studio readme file: readme-vsclient.txt 9. Rational Team Concert Client for Microsoft Visual Studio patch file: (see the RATIONAL TEAM CONCERT CLIENT FOR MICROSOFT VISUAL STUDIO INSTRUCTIONS section) 10. Readme file for APAR PI91101: ReadMe_FindMergedLinkIssue.txt (see the ADDITIONAL FIXES INSTRUCTIONS section) 11. Oracle Outside In Technology fix: (see the UPDATING ORACLE OUTSIDE IN TECHNOLOGY FOR RDNG section) 12. WebSphere Application Server script file: (see the LIFECYCLE QUERY ENGINE AND LINK INDEX PROVIDER INSTRUCTIONS and JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS sections) In addition to the fixes listed in this readme file, the interim fix might also contain fixes for security issues. For details, see the IBM Product Security Incident Response Blog: CONTENTS OF THIS FILE 1. SERVER PATCH INSTRUCTIONS 2. JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS 3. DATA COLLECTION COMPONENT INSTRUCTIONS 4. LIFECYCLE QUERY ENGINE AND LINK INDEX PROVIDER INSTRUCTIONS 5. RATIONAL TEAM CONCERT CLIENT FOR ECLIPSE UPDATE SITE INSTRUCTIONS 6. RATIONAL TEAM CONCERT CLIENT FOR MICROSOFT VISUAL STUDIO INSTRUCTIONS 7. NEW APAR FIXES IN THIS IFIX 8. ADDITIONAL FIXES INSTRUCTIONS 9. CONSOLIDATED LIST OF APAR FIXES 10. CLIENT APAR FIXES 11. UPDATING ORACLE OUTSIDE IN TECHNOLOGY FOR RDNG 12. KNOWN ISSUES 1. SERVER PATCH INSTRUCTIONS Note: -The CLM server patch file,, might contain fixes for either a subset or all of these applications: Jazz Team Server, Rational Team Concert, Rational Quality Manager, Rational DOORS Next Generation, Data Collection Component, Rational Engineering Lifecycle Manager, CLM Server Monitoring. For the list of APARs that were fixed, listed by application, see the APAR FIXES section. -Before you install the server patch file,, verify that no other test fixes or hot fixes are installed. If other fixes are installed, contact IBM Software Support. -For a CLM deployment on a single server, complete the following steps once. For a distributed CLM deployment, complete the same steps on each server. To install the server patch: a. Stop the CLM server. b. Verify whether the following directory exists: /server/patch. -If the directory exists, back up and then remove its contents. -If the directory does not exist, create it. c. Copy the server patch file,, into the /server/patch directory. d. Clear the application server cache. For instructions on clearing the cache, consult the application server's detailed documentation. For instructions on what to remove, see the "To clear the application cache on WebSphere Application Server", "To clear the application cache on WebSphere Liberty Server" and "To clear the application cache on Apache Tomcat" sections in this file. e. Start the CLM server. f. Run repotools- -clean for each application that is installed to clear the repotools cache. Note: This will also display the help output. For instance: - repotools-ccm -clean - repotools-dcc -clean - repotools-gc -clean - repotools-jts -clean - repotools-qm -clean - repotools-relm -clean - repotools-rm -clean g. To ensure that the Data Collection Component mapping files are correctly updated, please follow the instructions in the DATA COLLECTION COMPONENT INSTRUCTIONS section below h. Check the ADDITIONAL FIXES INSTRUCTIONS section for additional steps that may be needed for a specific APAR Note: For a distributed CLM deployment, complete the same steps on each server, including the DCC server, if the DCC component exists on a separate machine. To uninstall the server patch: a. Stop the CLM server. b. Back up and then remove the contents of the following directory: /server/patch c. Clear the application server cache. For instructions on clearing the cache, consult the application server's detailed documentation. For instructions on what to remove, see the "To clear the application cache on WebSphere Application Server", "To clear the application cache on WebSphere Liberty Server" and "To clear the application cache on Apache Tomcat" sections in this file. d. Start the CLM server. e. Run repotools- -clean for each application that is installed. Note: This will also display the help output. For instance: - repotools-ccm -clean - repotools-dcc -clean - repotools-gc -clean - repotools-jts -clean - repotools-qm -clean - repotools-relm -clean - repotools-rm -clean To clear the application and class cache on WebSphere Application Server: Remove the contents from these directories under the profile root(e.g. //profiles/), except for the noted help directory: temp, wstemp, workspace. Note: Do not remove this directory, which is required for the CLM local help: temp/{jts_node}/{jts_server}/clmhelp_war. For UNIX platforms, run the following script: /bin/ For Windows platforms, run the following script: \bin\clearClassCache.bat To clear the application cache on WebSphere Liberty Server: We have not identified the need to clear any cache in WebSphere Liberty Server To clear the application cache on Apache Tomcat: Remove the contents from these directories under the tomcat root, except for the noted help directory: temp, work. Note: Do not remove this directory, which is required for the CLM local help: /server/tomcat/work/Catalina/localhost/clmhelp. To validate that the server patch was successfully installed or uninstalled: a. After the server starts, open a CLM application. b. Click Help > About the Server. c. In the Build Information section, review the interim fix information to confirm that it is either installed (listed) or uninstalled (not listed). 2. JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS To install the patch with Jazz Reporting Service (Report Builder) deployed on WebSphere Application Server: Option 1: Using the WebSphere Application Server scripting tool (wsadmin) a. Open a command window and navigate to the WebSphere profile bin directory (e.g. //profiles//bin). b. Execute the following command, ensuring that the WebSphere Application Server is running: Windows: wsadmin -language jython -user -password -f /server/was/> Linux: ./ -language jython -user -password -f /server/was/> NOTE: This will update all applications with war files from the iFixPatch directory specified Option 2: Using the WebSphere Application Server Admin Console a. In the WebSphere Application Server Admin Console, stop the Jazz Reporting Service: Click Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications, select the rs_war check box, and click Stop. b. Update the rs_war file: Select the rs_war check box and click Update. c. Select "Replace the entire application," browse to the new rs.war file in the location that you extracted it to, and click Next. d. Follow the Fast Path installation, and accept all of the default values. e. After the update is complete, save the configuration changes when you are prompted to. f. Start the Jazz Reporting Service: Select the rs_war check box and click Start. To uninstall the patch with Jazz Reporting Service (Report Builder) deployed on WebSphere Application Server: Option 1: Using the WebSphere Application Server scripting tool (wsadmin) a. Locate the rs.war file in the original Jazz Reporting Service installation. If there are other war files in this directory, copy the war files that you want to update to a new temporary folder (the script updates all applications with war files in the directory specified). a. Open a command window and navigate to the WebSphere profile bin directory (e.g. //profiles//bin). b. Execute the following command, ensuring that the WebSphere Application Server is running: Windows: wsadmin -language jython -user -password -f /server/was/> /server/webapps> Linux: ./ -language jython -user -password -f /server/was/> /server/webapps> Option 2: Using the WebSphere Application Server Admin Console a. Locate the rs.war file in the original Jazz Reporting Service installation. b. In the WebSphere Application Server Admin Console, stop the Jazz Reporting Service: Click Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications, select the rs_war check box, and click Stop. c. Update the rs_war file: Select the rs_war check box and click Update. d. Select "Replace the entire application," browse to the rs.war file in the original installation location, and click Next. e. Follow the Fast Path installation, and accept all of the default values. f. After the update is complete, save the configuration changes when you are prompted to. g. Start the Jazz Reporting Service: Select the rs_war check box and click Start. To install the patch with Jazz Reporting Service (Report Builder) deployed on WebSphere Liberty Server: a. Rename the new rs.war file as b. Stop the WebSphere Liberty Server for the Jazz Reporting Service. c. Back up the following file in case you need to revert the patch: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\ d. Delete the following files: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\ \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\ e. Delete the following directories: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\rs.war \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\rs.war f. Place the new file in the following directories: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps g. Unzip the new file into the following directories: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\rs.war \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\rs.war h. Start the server. To uninstall the patch with Jazz Reporting Service (Report Builder) deployed on WebSphere Liberty Server: a. Stop the WebSphere Liberty Server for the Jazz Reporting Service. b. Restore the original file that was backed up during the installation to the following directories: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps c. Delete the following directories: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\rs.war \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\rs.war d. Unzip the original file into the following directories: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\rs.war \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\rs.war e. Start the server. To install the patch with Jazz Reporting Service (Report Builder) deployed on Apache Tomcat: a. Stop the Apache Tomcat server for the Jazz Reporting Service. b. Back up the following file in case you need to revert the patch: \server\tomcat\webapps\rs.war c. Delete the following file: \server\tomcat\webapps\rs.war d. Delete the following directories: \server\tomcat\webapps\rs \server\tomcat\work\Catalina\localhost\rs e. Place the new rs.war file in the \server\tomcat\webapps directory. f. Start the server. To uninstall the patch with Jazz Reporting Service (Report Builder) deployed on Apache Tomcat server: a. Stop the Apache Tomcat server for the Jazz Reporting Service. b. Restore the original rs.war file that was backed up during the installation to the following directory: \server\tomcat\webapps\ c. Delete the following directories: \server\tomcat\webapps\rs \server\tomcat\work\Catalina\localhost\rs d. Start the server. To verify that the patch was successfully installed: a. After the server starts, open the Jazz Reporting Service home page. b. Click the question mark icon near the upper right. c. Select About Jazz Reporting Service. d. Check that the build ID in the dialog box is JRS_6.0.5-I20180424-2221 3. DATA COLLECTION COMPONENT INSTRUCTIONS Note: The wrapping jar file last changed in iFix001. If you have already deployed this file as part of installing iFix001 or later, you do not have to do these steps again. Installing the wrapping jar file allows DCC ETL jobs to be scheduled from the Insight server. However, It should be noted that installing this on AIX is not supported because Insight does not support AIX. If Insight is not in use please disregard this step To install the wrapping jar patch with Data Collection Component: a. Open the \server\conf\dcc\ file. b. Locate the parameter, change its value to false, and save/close the file. For example: c. Back up*.jar inside \server\conf\dcc\wrapper\lib directory. d. Delete the existing*.jar file from this directory. e. Paste the new DCC wrapper jar into this directory. f. Restart the DCC server. 4. LIFECYCLE QUERY ENGINE AND LINK INDEX PROVIDER INSTRUCTIONS If this is a new installation, a backup is not needed. Otherwise, be sure you have a backup before you install this interim fix. There has been no change to LQE metadata or index structure since V6.0, so there is no need to migrate your data. For details, see "Backing up and restoring Lifecycle Query Engine": To install the patch with Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider deployed on a WebSphere Application Server: Option 1: Using the WebSphere Application Server scripting tool (wsadmin) a. Open a command window and navigate to the WebSphere profile bin directory (e.g. //profiles//bin). b. Execute the following command, ensuring that the WebSphere Application Server is running: Windows: wsadmin -language jython -user -password -f /server/was/> Linux: ./ -language jython -user -password -f /server/was/> NOTE: This will update all applications with war files from the iFixPatch directory specified Option 2: Using the WebSphere Application Server Admin Console a. Extract the lqe.war or ldx.war file to your local computer or on the Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider server. b. In the WebSphere Application Server Admin Console, stop the Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider application: Click Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications, select the lqe_war or ldx_war check box, and click Stop. c. Update the lqe_war or ldx_war file: Select the lqe_war or ldx_war check box and click Update. d. Select "Replace the entire application," browse to the new lqe.war or ldx.war file in the location that you extracted it to, and click Next. e. Follow the Fast Path installation, and accept all of the default values. f. After the update is complete, save the configuration changes when you are prompted to. g. Start the Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider application: Select the lqe_war or ldx_war check box and click Start. To uninstall the patch with Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider deployed on a WebSphere Application Server: Option 1: Using the WebSphere Application Server scripting tool (wsadmin) a. Locate the lqe.war or ldx.war file in the original Jazz Reporting Service installation. If there are other war files in this directory, copy the war files that you want to update to a new temporary folder (the script updates all applications with war files in the directory specified). a. Open a command window and navigate to the WebSphere profile bin directory (e.g. //profiles//bin). b. Execute the following command, ensuring that the WebSphere Application Server is running: Windows: wsadmin -language jython -user -password -f /server/was/> /server/webapps> Linux: ./ -language jython -user -password -f /server/was/> /server/webapps> Option 2: Using the WebSphere Application Server Admin Console a. Locate the lqe.war or ldx.war file in the original Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider installation. b. In the WebSphere Application Server Admin Console, stop the Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider application: Click Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications, select the lqe_war or ldx_war check box, and click Stop. c. Update the lqe_war or ldx_war file: Select the lqe_war or ldx_war check box and click Update. d. Select "Replace the entire application," browse to the lqe.war or ldx.war file in the original installation location, and click Next. e. Follow the Fast Path installation, and accept all of the default values. f. After the update is complete, save the configuration changes when you are prompted to. g. Start the Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider application: Select the lqe_war or ldx_war check box and click Start. To install the patch with Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider deployed on WebSphere Liberty Server: a. Rename the new lqe.war or ldx.war file as or b. Stop the WebSphere Liberty Server for the Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider. c. Back up the following file in case you need to revert the patch: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\ or \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\ d. Delete the following files: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\ \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\ or \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\ \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\ e. Delete the following directories: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\lqe.war \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\lqe.war or \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\ldx.war \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\ldx.war f. Place the new or file in the following directories: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps or \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps g. Unzip the new or file into the following directories: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\lqe.war \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\lqe.war or \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\ldx.war \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\ldx.war h. Start the server. To uninstall the patch with Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider deployed on WebSphere Liberty Server: a. Stop the WebSphere Liberty Server for the Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider. b. Restore the original or file that was backed up during the installation to the following directories: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps or \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps c. Delete the following directories: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\lqe.war \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\lqe.war or \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\ldx.war \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\ldx.war d. Unzip the original file into the following directories: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\lqe.war \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\lqe.war or \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\ldx.war \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\ldx.war e. Start the server. To install the patch when the Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider is deployed on Apache Tomcat: a. Stop the Apache Tomcat server for the Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider application. b. Back up the following file in case you need to revert the patch: \server\tomcat\webapps\lqe.war or \server\tomcat\webapps\ldx.war c. Delete the following file: \server\tomcat\webapps\lqe.war or \server\tomcat\webapps\ldx.war d. Delete the following directories: \server\tomcat\webapps\lqe or \server\tomcat\webapps\ldx \server\tomcat\work\Catalina\\lqe or \server\tomcat\work\Catalina\\ldx e. Place the new lqe.war or ldx.war file in the \server\tomcat\webapps directory or the \server\tomcat\webapps directory, respectively. f. Start the server. To uninstall the patch with Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider deployed on an Apache Tomcat server: a. Stop the Apache Tomcat server for the Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider application. b. Restore the original lqe.war or ldx.war file that was backed up during the installation to the following directory: \server\tomcat\webapps\ or \server\tomcat\webapps\ c. Delete the following directories: \server\tomcat\webapps\lqe or \server\tomcat\webapps\ldx \server\tomcat\work\Catalina\localhost\lqe or \server\tomcat\work\Catalina\localhost\ldx d. Start the server. To verify that the patch was successfully installed: a. After the server starts, open the Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider home page. b. Verify that the build ID in the upper right matches LQE_6.0.5-I20180423-2101. After installing the patch: a. The Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider automatically detects whether it is necessary to migrate data from an existing instance. If data migration is necessary, a Start Migration button is displayed on the main Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider page: https:///lqe/web/admin/data-sources or https:///lqe/web/admin/data-sources. If the button is displayed, click Start Migration. b. Reindex the data sources as required. 5. RATIONAL TEAM CONCERT CLIENT FOR ECLIPSE UPDATE SITE INSTRUCTIONS To install the client update site: NOTE: When going through the installation steps, if no features are listed, uncheck the "Group items by category" check box. a. Extract the update site file to the computer where the client is installed. b. In the Rational Team Concert client, click Help > Install New Software. c. In the Install window, click Add. d. In the Add Repository window, click Local and navigate to the extracted update site file. The update site root directory contains a site.xml file. e. Select the patches to install. f. If you agree to the terms, accept the license agreement and click Install. g. After the installation is complete, restart the Rational Team Concert client. To update the feature patch, you can install the new version directly over an old patch. You do not have to uninstall the old patch. To uninstall the client update site: a. In the Rational Team Concert client, click Help > About Rational Team Concert > Installation Details. b. Select the patches to uninstall and click Uninstall. c. After the uninstall process is complete, restart the Rational Team Concert client. WARNING: -The update site does not work with Rational Team Concert Client for Eclipse 3.6 that was installed by using IBM Installation Manager. Alternatively, you can use the Rational Team Concert Client for Eclipse 3.6 .zip installation, or you can use IBM Installation Manager to install the Rational Team Concert Client for Eclipse 4.2. -If you run the uninstall process on a Rational Team Concert client that was installed by using a .zip file, the feature patch will be removed along with the original feature. Removing the patch breaks the functionality of the affected feature. For a client that was installed by using a .zip file, reinstall the features by downloading the Rational Team Concert p2 repository from, and use the same installation steps with the following exception. For step d, click Archive and select the p2 repository .zip file and install the Rational Team Concert feature. This step removes the patched plug-ins and replaces the missing features with the original versions of the feature from the p2 repository. -If you run the uninstall process on a Rational Team Concert client that was installed by using the p2 repository, to remove the patch, you must uninstall the entire Rational Team Concert p2 feature and then reinstall the entire Rational Team Concert feature through the p2 repository. 6. RATIONAL TEAM CONCERT CLIENT FOR MICROSOFT VISUAL STUDIO INSTRUCTIONS For details of the fixes included in this iFix refer to the bundled readme file readme-vsclient.txt. To install the Rational Team Concert Client for Microsoft Visual Studio update: a. Close all running instances of Rational Team Concert Client for Microsoft Visual Studio. b. Extract the patch .zip file to the computer where the Rational Team Concert Client for Microsoft Visual Studio client is installed. c. In IBM Installation Manger, click File > Preferences > Repositories > Add Repository and provide the path to the extracted folder from step b. d. To close the Preferences window, click OK. e. Click File > Preferences > Files for Rollback and ensure that the "Save files for rollback" check box is selected. f. In IBM Installation Manager, click Update. g. Select the IBM Rational Team Concert Client for Microsoft Visual Studio IDE package group and click Next. h. Select the Rational Team Concert version to update and click Next. i. If you agree to the terms, accept the license agreement and click Install. j. Select the versions of Microsoft Visual Studio to support and click Next. k. Click Update. l. To complete the update, click Finish. m. After the installation is complete, start the Rational Team Concert Client for Microsoft Visual Studio. To update the feature patch, you can install the new version directly over an old patch. You do not have to uninstall the old patch. To roll back to the previous client version: a. Close all running instances of Rational Team Concert Client for Microsoft Visual Studio. b. In IBM Installation Manager, click Roll Back. c. Select the IBM Rational Team Concert Client for Microsoft Visual Studio IDE package group and click Next. d. Select the patch to roll back to. e. Click Roll Back. f. Click Finish. WARNING: -The 6.0.5 patch can only be installed on top of the official 6.0.5 release. -To remove a patch, only use the Roll Back feature in IBM Installation Manager. -Uninstalling the patch completely removes the entire release, as well as any patches that are installed on top of it. 7. NEW APAR FIXES IN THIS IFIX +-- Lifecycle Query Engine [APAR PI91101] [Reverse changelog optimization change from LQE is missing patch events in a change log segment when there are multiple events for the same resource (452825)] [] [APAR PI97272] [All trs patches should be part of TRS status, not just configuration patches.] [] [APAR PI91101] [Continue investigating etag issue] [] [APAR PI97272] [Rejected patches should be part of TRS status] [] [APAR PI91101] [Terminate a rogue query in LQE] [] +-- Rational Team Concert Client [APAR PI92067] [Scmlocation path does not have path separator for zfolder and zfile in the buildmap] [] [APAR PI91101] [NPE on SystemDefinitionMappingService after upgrade] [] [APAR PI94130] [Multiple plan edits with auto-save displays one NPE, many errors in console.] [] [APAR PI96137] [Build extensions ant toolkit for eclipse is back-leveled] [] [APAR PI95854] [6.0.5 backport of Add support for missing link options to createWorkItem ant task] [] [APAR PI95080] [Rename a query with a condition of "Unassigned" in web client removes Estimate filter] [] [APAR PI95848] [6.0.5 backport of NPE in getWorkItem when work item has packaging links] [] [APAR PI91101] [Backport from work item 450467 - When save build definition fails and the user saves again, an unnecessary confirmation dialog about migrating to new load behaviour is displayed.  ] [] [APAR PI94937] [Unpromoted plan views can be assigned to plan types in web UI. This causes problems in web and eclipse UI.] [] [APAR PI91101] [Requesting personal builds is broken when using the new load options in a build definition] [] [APAR PI95872] [Build request options from build definition badly displayed on Linux and mac client] [] [APAR PI93833] [Filed Against search in QP during create work item doesn't return the value as expected] [] [APAR PI91101] [Explicitly declare dependencies in consumers of JfsClientUtilAPI] [] [APAR PI91101] [change set link trs feed uses wrong item id looking for page boundary] [] [APAR PI95580] [Unstable sequence numbers after removing multiple changesets from work item] [] +-- Jazz Foundation Common [APAR PI89440] [Missing permission error message includes encoded quote characters] [] [APAR PI85777] [Issue with database indices] [] [APAR PI95802] ["TypeError: this.enforceTextDirWithUcc is not a function" in Bookmarks widget with description] [] [APAR PI94270] [Advanced properties auto-populated in Firefox.] [] [APAR PI94921] [Unable to assign process roles with Identifier containing special characters in jts/lpa.] [] [APAR PI94272] [Setting configuration properties may cause a server to hang] [] [APAR PI95250] [Create Changeset dialog sets Content-Type incorrectly and causes hang in DNG] [] [APAR PI90874] [User name cannot be created because includes one or more of these invalid characters: & < > "'/] [] [APAR PI92634] [Refreshing dashboards crashes IE browser.] [] +-- Jazz Foundation Server [APAR PI89440] [Missing permission error message includes encoded quote characters] [] [APAR PI85777] [Issue with database indices] [] [APAR PI95802] ["TypeError: this.enforceTextDirWithUcc is not a function" in Bookmarks widget with description] [] [APAR PI94270] [Advanced properties auto-populated in Firefox.] [] [APAR PI94921] [Unable to assign process roles with Identifier containing special characters in jts/lpa.] [] [APAR PI94272] [Setting configuration properties may cause a server to hang] [] [APAR PI95250] [Create Changeset dialog sets Content-Type incorrectly and causes hang in DNG] [] [APAR PI90874] [User name cannot be created because includes one or more of these invalid characters: & < > "'/] [] [APAR PI92634] [Refreshing dashboards crashes IE browser.] [] +-- Rational Team Concert Common [APAR PI92067] [Scmlocation path does not have path separator for zfolder and zfile in the buildmap] [] [APAR PI91101] [NPE on SystemDefinitionMappingService after upgrade] [] [APAR PI94130] [Multiple plan edits with auto-save displays one NPE, many errors in console.] [] [APAR PI96137] [Build extensions ant toolkit for eclipse is back-leveled] [] [APAR PI95854] [Add support for missing link options to createWorkItem ant task] [] [APAR PI95080] [Rename a query with a condition of "Unassigned" in web client removes Estimate filter] [] [APAR PI95848] [NPE in getWorkItem when work item has packaging links] [] [APAR PI91101] [Backport from work item 450467 - When save build definition fails and the user saves again, an unnecessary confirmation dialog about migrating to new load behaviour is displayed.  ] [] [APAR PI94937] [Unpromoted plan views can be assigned to plan types in web UI. This causes problems in web and eclipse UI.] [] [APAR PI91101] [Requesting personal builds is broken when using the new load options in a build definition] [] [APAR PI95872] [Build request options from build definition badly displayed on Linux and mac client] [] [APAR PI93833] [Filed Against search in QP during create work item doesn't return the value as expected] [] [APAR PI91101] [Explicitly declare dependencies in consumers of JfsClientUtilAPI] [] [APAR PI91101] [change set link trs feed uses wrong item id looking for page boundary] [] [APAR PI95580] [Unstable sequence numbers after removing multiple changesets from work item] [] +-- Rational DOORS Next Generation [APAR PI94288] [DNG does not show the links column correctly in Suspicion link column] [] [APAR PI92573] [In some cases, malformed URLs can be published to the TRS changelog breaking LQE] [] [APAR PI96419] [TRS maintenance: Type system rename commands do not refresh the affected shapes in the TRS feed] [] [APAR PI94984] [Unable to update custom attribute of a module type artifact using OSLC-Rest API] [] [APAR PI96095] [JTSQueryService incompatible with] [] [APAR PI96401] [If removing an artifact and selecting delete without having permission the operation will silently deny the artifact deletion.] [] [APAR PI96263] [Updates to DOORS table processing for ReqIF have broken the processing of line breaks within cells.] [] [APAR PI94983] [Shared links to Collection views open/load the wrong view content] [] [APAR PI95913] [Link By Attribute might remove all links of the specified link type if the query for artifacts timeouts ( Resulting in 0 artifacts )] [] [APAR PI95209] [Review reports are not showing artifact comments in opt-in project] [] [APAR PI94919] [Save Button is not enabled after the second time editing an artifact that has artifact type associated with workflow] [] [APAR PI91101] [ETL: Not using descending order when querying for the artifact changes can lead to data loss] [] [APAR PI95863] [RDNG:Suspicion is triggered for non selected attributes in the profile] [] [APAR PI94655] [Collection and module views are not correctly showing theme footer in IE 11] [] [APAR PI94765] [Error occurs when trying to import artifacts into a team-owned folder] [] [APAR PI94679] [Export artifact with hyphen in the title results in single quote before the hyphen] [] [APAR PI92478] [Requirements View widget not using "Current Component"] [] [APAR PI95838] [When deleting a module, the UI will sometimes not display the pop-up asking if I would like to delete the unbound artifacts] [] [APAR PI74386] [Can not export artifact that exceeds the limit for a cell in excel] [] [APAR PI91101] [The ETL could miss data if multiple ETL clients access the reporting services and RDMPublishUseProjectModificationsCache is set to true] [] [APAR PI94444] [Some broad text searches may result in general performance and stability issues for DNG] [] [APAR PI89337] [Artifact replicated using the 'Extract Requirements from Artifact' option] [] [APAR PI91101] [Method signature can cause NoSuchMethod exceptions in ifixes] [] [APAR PI93706] [Generate report does not include links to Derives Architecture Elements.] [] [APAR PI95284] [Importing a migration package hangs at 1%] [] +-- Rational Team Concert Server [APAR PI92067] [Scmlocation path does not have path separator for zfolder and zfile in the buildmap] [] [APAR PI91101] [NPE on SystemDefinitionMappingService after upgrade] [] [APAR PI94130] [Multiple plan edits with auto-save displays one NPE, many errors in console.] [] [APAR PI96137] [Build extensions ant toolkit for eclipse is back-leveled] [] [APAR PI95854] [Add support for missing link options to createWorkItem ant task] [] [APAR PI95080] [Rename a query with a condition of "Unassigned" in web client removes Estimate filter] [] [APAR PI95848] [NPE in getWorkItem when work item has packaging links] [] [APAR PI91101] [Backport from work item 450467 - When save build definition fails and the user saves again, an unnecessary confirmation dialog about migrating to new load behaviour is displayed] [] [APAR PI94937] [Unpromoted plan views can be assigned to plan types in web UI. This causes problems in web and eclipse UI.] [] [APAR PI91101] [Requesting personal builds is broken when using the new load options in a build definition] [] [APAR PI95872] [Build request options from build definition badly displayed on Linux and mac client] [] [APAR PI93833] [Filed Against search in QP during create work item doesn't return the value as expected] [] [APAR PI91101] [Explicitly declare dependencies in consumers of JfsClientUtilAPI] [] [APAR PI91101] [change set link trs feed uses wrong item id looking for page boundary] [] [APAR PI95580] [Unstable sequence numbers after removing multiple changesets from work item] [] +-- Rational Quality Manager [APAR PI94047] [Inconsistencies with the Related Change Request / Related Defect field in the TC/TCR views] [] [APAR PI95344] [No warning message when text is truncated in a custom attribute] [] [APAR PI94278] [Sub Categories values not associated are still available to select in the UI] [] [APAR PI95570] [denied trying to edit categories as non-admin role from testcase editor when role has permission] [] [APAR PI95137] ["Item Handle array cannot exceed 2048 elements" browsing keywords with "Used in Scripts" column] [] [APAR PI91101] [TRS base creation taking a long time.] [] [APAR PI91101] [repair tool needed for fixing corrupt streams which are the result of bad merges due to defect 163289] [] [APAR PI92912] [Test Plan PDF summary report does not include the Description Column for Quality Objectives] [] [APAR PI94325] [Selected Test Case categories are not persisted when using the search function in the filter pop-up pane] [] [APAR PI96599] [Formal Review and e-signatures information not available on LQE] [] [APAR PI91152] [QM Error Selected global configuration does not contain any local configuration for your project] [] [APAR PI96157] [We should disable artifact duplication within a Baseline] [] [APAR PI93009] [404 returned when login to QM server using Command line adapter with Tomcat 7.0.82] [] [APAR PI91101] [Mismatched beforeEtag values in TRS2 membership change events.] [] +-- Jazz Reporting Service [APAR PI95963] [JRS report pulling workitems whose condition is to exclude related records.] [] [APAR PI92923] [Using date filter on advanced SQL report results in CRRGW5503E An unexpected response was received from the data source: ORA-01858] [] [APAR PI91101] [Report Builder SqlUtils.simpleSqlExecute leaks connections] [] [APAR PI94543] [Cannot create merged traceability path with 3+ resources on DW] [] [APAR PI96852] [Not able to export a JRS pie chart as a .png file] [] [APAR PI95790] ['No Set value' in graph cannot be customized in Report Builder for JRS] [] [APAR PI95677] [LQE trend reports omit the last day of the time range] [] [APAR PI97272] [All trs patches should be part of TRS status, not just configuration patches.] [] +-- Jazz Foundation Client [APAR PI89440] [Missing permission error message includes encoded quote characters] [] [APAR PI85777] [Issue with database indices] [] [APAR PI95802] ["TypeError: this.enforceTextDirWithUcc is not a function" in Bookmarks widget with description] [] [APAR PI94270] [Advanced properties auto-populated in Firefox.] [] [APAR PI94921] [Unable to assign process roles with Identifier containing special characters in jts/lpa.] [] [APAR PI94272] [Setting configuration properties may cause a server to hang] [] [APAR PI95250] [Create Changeset dialog sets Content-Type incorrectly and causes hang in DNG] [] [APAR PI90874] [User name cannot be created because includes one or more of these invalid characters: & < > "'/] [] [APAR PI92634] [Refreshing dashboards crashes IE browser.] [] 8. ADDITIONAL FIXES INSTRUCTIONS +-- Product Rational Team Concert Server Fixed in release 6.0.6: [APAR PI91101] [Cannot extend scm cli to include a new custom command] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: ---- [APAR PI91102] ['scm show history -m all' is limited to 1024 entries] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: To activate this new functionality the server must be restarted with the following Java property: If the value is not set, then the behavior will default to the original 1024 history entry limit. ---- [APAR PI92551] [Cannot include both Jazz build toolkit tasks and plain java client on the Ant library path for 6.0.5] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: Requires a new plain Java API client and build toolkit with the patch. Ask support for the newest plain java API client and build toolkit. ---- +-- Product Lifecycle Query Engine Fixed in release 6.0.6: [APAR PI90989] [LQE TestCaseResultTotals should also measure the total current test results] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the LIFECYCLE QUERY ENGINE AND LINK INDEX PROVIDER INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI91101] [During a compaction, skip compacting the history partition.] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the LIFECYCLE QUERY ENGINE AND LINK INDEX PROVIDER INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI91101] [LQE historical metrics might be creating too much data -- maybe, test case dimensions] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the LIFECYCLE QUERY ENGINE AND LINK INDEX PROVIDER INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI91101] [Queries on configurations with slashes in their names fail with Error 404] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the LIFECYCLE QUERY ENGINE AND LINK INDEX PROVIDER INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI91101] [Remove duplicate delete sql calls for non-selection deletion change events] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the LIFECYCLE QUERY ENGINE AND LINK INDEX PROVIDER INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI91937] [LQE is missing patch events in a change log segment when there are multiple events for the same resource] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the LIFECYCLE QUERY ENGINE AND LINK INDEX PROVIDER INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI97272] [All trs patches should be part of TRS status, not just configuration patches.] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI91101] [Continue investigating etag issue] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the LIFECYCLE QUERY ENGINE AND LINK INDEX PROVIDER INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI97272] [Rejected patches should be part of TRS status] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the LIFECYCLE QUERY ENGINE AND LINK INDEX PROVIDER INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI91101] [Reverse changelog optimization change from LQE is missing patch events in a change log segment when there are multiple events for the same resource (452825)] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the LIFECYCLE QUERY ENGINE AND LINK INDEX PROVIDER INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI91101] [Terminate a rogue query in LQE] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: See readme.txt ---- +-- Product Rational Quality Manager Fixed in release 6.0.6: [APAR PI91101] [Add option to repair Streams to repotool findMergedLinkIssues command] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: See ReadMe_FindMergedLinkIssue.txt for additional information ---- [APAR PI91101] [QM data sources failing in LDX after LDX added to environment upgraded from 502 iFix18] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: Note: This backport is intended for users upgrading from 5.x - 6.0.4 to 6.0.5 GA + 6.0.5 iFix001+. The fix requires postAddTables migration, which is required when upgrading between major releases. Users already upgraded to 6.0.5 GA when apply 6.0.5 iFix001 only have to implement additional steps listed below. Additional steps 1. Set the TRS Base Lifetime (Audit History Component) Advanced Property to 1 (minute) to rebuild the TRS2 base(s). 2. Wait >1 minute. 3. Complete a full re-index of the RQM data sources (‘TRS 2.0 for QM Resources' and ‘TRS 2.0 for QM Process Resources’) in LDX and/or LQE. 4. Reset the TRS Base Lifetime (Audit History Component) Advanced Property to the default 1440 (minutes). ---- [APAR PI91101] [repair tool needed for fixing corrupt streams which are the result of bad merges due to defect 163289] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: See attached ReadMe_166074.txt for command/syntax details ---- +-- Product Rational Team Concert Client Fixed in release 6.0.6: [APAR PI91101] [Cannot extend scm cli to include a new custom command] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: ---- [APAR PI91102] ['scm show history -m all' is limited to 1024 entries] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: To activate this new functionality the server must be restarted with the following Java property: If the value is not set, then the behavior will default to the original 1024 history entry limit. ---- [APAR PI92551] [Cannot include both Jazz build toolkit tasks and plain java client on the Ant library path for 6.0.5] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: Requires a new plain Java API client and build toolkit with the patch. Ask support for the newest plain java API client and build toolkit. ---- +-- Product Rational Team Concert Common Fixed in release 6.0.6: [APAR PI91101] [Cannot extend scm cli to include a new custom command] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: ---- [APAR PI91102] ['scm show history -m all' is limited to 1024 entries] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: To activate this new functionality the server must be restarted with the following Java property: If the value is not set, then the behavior will default to the original 1024 history entry limit. ---- [APAR PI92551] [Cannot include both Jazz build toolkit tasks and plain java client on the Ant library path for 6.0.5] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: Requires a new plain Java API client and build toolkit with the patch. Ask support for the newest plain java API client and build toolkit. ---- +-- Product Jazz Reporting Service Fixed in release 6.0.6: [APAR PI84784] [Charts grouped by a date attribute do not display proper counts] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI87778] [Filter for users (e.g. Owner, Creator) does not support all users] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI89125] [JRS Daemon threads keep running in WAS when rs_war is restarted but WAS is not] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI89896] [Changing JRS graph type has no effect] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI89951] [CRRGW5301E when highlighting a blank text in a report] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI90012] [Switching to run report and back does not preserve graph parameters] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI90095] ['<' is sometimes stripped when exporting to Excel with LQE data source] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI90220] [Active Report Builder JDBC connections in connection pool get leaked if connection pool passes the maximum number of connections.] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI90306] [comma separated value list in dynamic filters should surround OR clause with parentheses.] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI90379] [Make defaults for all time columns be in minutes instead of milliseconds] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI90403] [Report shows error 400 when colorizing cells] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI90432] [JRS- RB - 401 Unauthorized Error is given attempting to build a report (requires server restart to get past error or logout) - user has valid license, PA permissions] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI90915] [Running a SPARQL query with rdfs:label|dcterms:title in a config does not work correctly] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI91030] [Date filter does not show the initial start date and end date] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI91037] [RB LQE "No set value" condition does not work on RM attributes with external URI] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI91101] [In the RB config picker hide personal streams from other users] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI91101] [No results found in a report that shows requirements tracked by work items] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI91101] [Reversible links broken] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI91559] [Report doesn't show data after opening the filter dialog if there's a filter containing "<" (lesser than) and ">" (greater than) characters.] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI91648] [JRS widget issue when open in a new window] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI92680] [LQE queries with optional relationships run slow] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI92923] [Using date filter on advanced SQL report results in CRRGW5503E An unexpected response was received from the data source: ORA-01858] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI93235] [Filtering does not behave properly when there is an "is not" filter on components in a report against configurations.] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI93296] [Report builder items contributed though optional relationships are not checked for soft deleted.] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI93775] [Need ability to set configuration during graph/table preview] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI94077] [Nested condition falls out of the block] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI94386] [Explore page will not load if a report exists with a missing query] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI94543] [Cannot create merged traceability path with 3+ resources on DW] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI95677] [LQE trend reports omit the last day of the time range] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI95790] ['No Set value' in graph cannot be customized in Report Builder for JRS] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI95963] [JRS report pulling workitems whose condition is to exclude related records.] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI96852] [Not able to export a JRS pie chart as a .png file] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI91101] [Report Builder SqlUtils.simpleSqlExecute leaks connections] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- +-- Product Rational DOORS Next Generation Fixed in release 6.0.6: [APAR PI91708] [String attributes that include a semicolon are truncated in document report] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: In order to leverage this fix, you must request new reporting files from Support. Please reference Test Fix Request 77377 when doing so. ---- 9. CONSOLIDATED APAR LIST This interim fix contains fixes for the following APARs: [APAR ID] [Maintenance Item Summary] [Maintenance Item URL] +-- Product Rational Engineering Lifecycle Manager Fixed in release 6.0.6: [APAR PI93630] [The server cannot retrieve the list of link types received when creating a new Impact Analysis Filter] [] +-- Product Data Collection Component Fixed in release 6.0.6: [APAR PI91077] [DCC metric jobs fail against a datawarehouse that was originally created using CLM 3.0] [] [APAR PI91101] [Increase DCC to DCC socket timeout from 5 minutes to 5 hours.] [] [APAR PI91101] [RIDW.VW_TESTSUITE_ELEMENT is not displaying all Test Cases linked to a specific Test Suite] [] [APAR PI93567] [Data Warehouse mismatch - missing data for custom enumeration attribute] [] +-- Product Rational Team Concert Server Fixed in release 6.0.5: [APAR PI89243] [Moving Task from Scrum to SaFe shows "Workflows differ: 'Defect Workflow' instead of 'Task Workflow'" and Defect workflow is used for the Task] [] [APAR PI91083] [Date modifications cause long delay showing work item History ~ isUserInRoll] [] [APAR PI91084] [Date modifications cause long delay showing work item History ˜ EmbeddedDateUtils] [] [APAR PI92367] [Team member is listed as outside of the team area] [] Fixed in release 6.0.6: [APAR PI82710] [Do not allow to set an item as a parent or child if it should not be modified using the Prevent Editing precondition for 6.0.5 iFix004] [] [APAR PI89284] [Sorting of workitems not maintained in csv after running query from "My Queries" page] [] [APAR PI89312] [[Code Review] The URL that points to a work item icon needs to have braces encoded] [] [APAR PI89885] [Remove rank does not Save for the first attempt, but saves second time] [] [APAR PI90285] [Backport report fixes] [] [APAR PI90396] [Cross project plan throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if "Earliest Contributes to End Date" is added to the plan] [] [APAR PI90444] [Create Package doesn't mention deployType for deleted artifacts] [] [APAR PI90936] [Subset editor (and preview) should resolve buildable files against user's sandbox in some cases] [] [APAR PI90968] [Resolution states are not available after an automatic merge] [] [APAR PI91101] ['Add and Close' of a Contributor to a query condition does not work] [] [APAR PI91101] [System Automation and NetView teams to 6.0.5] [] [APAR PI91101] [Clicking "Start Working" on a Task in QP brings up the "Select Duplicate" dialog] [] [APAR PI91101] [Explicitly declare dependencies in consumers of JfsClientUtilAPI] [] [APAR PI91101] [Impact Analysis : none of the found resources are shown in SCD view] [] [APAR PI91101] [Instream length related fields - cannot be marked as queryable with dbStringSize set to 'LARGE'] [] [APAR PI91101] [Missing system definitions mapping logic in EMF service for 6.0.5] [] [APAR PI91101] [Move Content preflight never calls endMove, completed move is not replaced when starting new move] [] [APAR PI91101] [NPE on SystemDefinitionMappingService after upgrade] [] [APAR PI91101] [Need a better way to solve the license issue for OIDC authentication] [] [APAR PI91101] [SysDefs migration: specialType attribute blank tried to be saved] [] [APAR PI91101] [The QP board doesnt load in some cases] [] [APAR PI91101] [change set link trs feed uses wrong item id looking for page boundary] [] [APAR PI91102] ['scm show history -m all' is limited to 1024 entries] [] [APAR PI91626] [[Web UI] Error retrieving team area history when browsed to it from the Stream's visibility] [] [APAR PI92067] [Scmlocation path does not have path separator for zfolder and zfile in the buildmap] [] [APAR PI92178] [Incorrect status after changing work item type from Task to Defect] [] [APAR PI92387] [Subsets should handle the deletion of related WIs] [] [APAR PI92941] ["The selected value is not applicable" if entry is not in the initial batch even if it is a valid entry.] [] [APAR PI93078] [Cannot set owner on creation if User ID contains '@'] [] [APAR PI93160] [RTC Estimated vs Actual widget is broken] [] [APAR PI93190] [HistoricEntryMediator.findFirstEntryFromNode is slow for large histories] [] [APAR PI93717] [TRS feeds for ccm self hosts have a lot of 500 errors] [] [APAR PI93808] [Problem with precondition "All children resolved"] [] [APAR PI93833] [Filed Against search in QP during create work item doesn't return the value as expected] [] [APAR PI94130] [Multiple plan edits with auto-save displays one NPE, many errors in console.] [] [APAR PI94696] [Workspace compare retry should be limited time wise for 6.0.5] [] [APAR PI94937] [Unpromoted plan views can be assigned to plan types in web UI. This causes problems in web and eclipse UI.] [] [APAR PI95080] [Rename a query with a condition of "Unassigned" in web client removes Estimate filter] [] [APAR PI95580] [Unstable sequence numbers after removing multiple changesets from work item] [] [APAR PI95872] [Build request options from build definition badly displayed on Linux and mac client] [] [APAR PI96137] [Build extensions ant toolkit for eclipse is back-leveled] [] +-- Product Lifecycle Query Engine Fixed in release 6.0.6: [APAR PI90989] [LQE TestCaseResultTotals should also measure the total current test results] [] [APAR PI91101] [During a compaction, skip compacting the history partition.] [] [APAR PI91101] [LQE historical metrics might be creating too much data -- maybe, test case dimensions] [] [APAR PI91101] [Queries on configurations with slashes in their names fail with Error 404] [] [APAR PI91101] [Remove duplicate delete sql calls for non-selection deletion change events] [] [APAR PI91937] [LQE is missing patch events in a change log segment when there are multiple events for the same resource] [] [APAR PI97272] [All trs patches should be part of TRS status, not just configuration patches.] [] [APAR PI91101] [Continue investigating etag issue] [] [APAR PI97272] [Rejected patches should be part of TRS status] [] [APAR PI91101] [Reverse changelog optimization change from LQE is missing patch events in a change log segment when there are multiple events for the same resource (452825)] [] [APAR PI91101] [Terminate a rogue query in LQE] [] +-- Product Rational Quality Manager Fixed in release 6.0.5: [APAR PI89339] [Only able to see 20 members in list when creating a Test Case during a reconcile.] [] Fixed in release 6.0.6: [APAR PI75973] [Unable to make changes to execution preferences, getting error "Validation errors for item: type = Option, itemId = [UUID _Yqs9sLXCEeSz0aAfmgKSgw] Value of attribute "value" is 37513 bytes..."] [] [APAR PI82710] [Create a TRS V2 API Console.] [] [APAR PI89451] ["You don't have permission to perform the following action, Edit (edit)Ready for review (workflow.testscript/" with "Edit Test Scripts Inline" section] [] [APAR PI89519] [With name uniqueness enabled, error "AQXPL5009E Another test case execution record is already named "xxx" thrown running suite with test case using test plan] [] [APAR PI89573] [Unable to Approve and Save Test Cases using "Formal Review"] [] [APAR PI90539] [Not able to associate a test case to a test suite when 'Synchronize test cases and test suites in test plans' is enabled] [] [APAR PI90889] [When "No-Impact" is set in risk assessment, it is shown as zero but with message saying “Not yet Rated”] [] [APAR PI91079] [Error when adding a custom query to Execution Record(s) widget: invalid requestParameters parameter: [object Object]".] [] [APAR PI91101] [Add option to repair Streams to repotool findMergedLinkIssues command] [] [APAR PI91101] [Mismatched beforeEtag values in TRS2 membership change events.] [] [APAR PI91101] [QM data sources failing in LDX after LDX added to environment upgraded from 502 iFix18] [] [APAR PI91101] [TRS base creation taking a long time.] [] [APAR PI91101] [repair tool needed for fixing corrupt streams which are the result of bad merges due to defect 163289] [] [APAR PI91152] [QM Error Selected global configuration does not contain any local configuration for your project] [] [APAR PI91158] [Customized test script template are not kept selected in the "Edit Test Script Inline" section of Test Case] [] [APAR PI91253] [HTTP Client used in the execution tool can not handle every kind of connection configuration] [] [APAR PI91370] [LinkIndexingService is reporting a bad input exception if input has too many URLs and they max at 1000] [] [APAR PI91478] [Test Plan PDF Export completed with errors] [] [APAR PI91935] [No values returned for type filter on test case categories] [] [APAR PI91937] [eTag calculation seems to be returning wrong values] [] [APAR PI92225] [Screen jumps when attempting to edit Rich Text Editor sections with large amounts of content] [] [APAR PI92312] [Snapshot Owner and Timestamp modified after upgrade] [] [APAR PI92912] [Test Plan PDF summary report does not include the Description Column for Quality Objectives] [] [APAR PI92924] [The 'Associated Electronic Signatures' section on a test case is not being populated for formal reviews.] [] [APAR PI92975] [Screen-shot display issue (TC Results) after a Server Rename was performed] [] [APAR PI93009] [404 returned when login to QM server using Command line adapter with Tomcat 7.0.82] [] [APAR PI93222] [Test Suite Rerun returns "Non-Hex Digit" error] [] [APAR PI93394] [Information Steps in Manual Test Script are not editable] [] [APAR PI93431] [PDF print omits images in a Manual Test script using "Data:image/png;base64" format] [] [APAR PI93715] [Execution Trend Report ends with error when Test Plan does not have defined Iterations] [] [APAR PI94009] [TF Exception request for Esc 77718 and APAR PI94009 - resolveProjectAreasFilter returns a not customized predicate for some db environments - 605] [] [APAR PI94029] [Merge option "Replace with source" remains enable even if it already in execution] [] [APAR PI94039] [Screen jumps when editing the test case execution order of a test suite] [] [APAR PI94047] [Inconsistencies with the Related Change Request / Related Defect field in the TC/TCR views] [] [APAR PI94175] [Inline Test Script State is not being moved to the approved state] [] [APAR PI94238] [QM DCC job fails with NPE when fetching testphases] [] [APAR PI94278] [Sub Categories values not associated are still available to select in the UI] [] [APAR PI94323] [Test Case category values are displayed as Unknown] [] [APAR PI94325] [Selected Test Case categories are not persisted when using the search function in the filter pop-up pane] [] [APAR PI94327] [Requirement artifact in RDNG module view is linked to a QM testcase, although the link between the testcase and the artifact was deleted in QM] [] [APAR PI94394] [IllegalArgumentException is thrown if the links on Related site contains special chars or white space.] [] [APAR PI94567] [Drag and Drop functionality is not working with IE] [] [APAR PI95137] ["Item Handle array cannot exceed 2048 elements" browsing keywords with "Used in Scripts" column] [] [APAR PI95223] [Test Script image link in description gets appended with "unknown" prefix after server rename.] [] [APAR PI95344] [No warning message when text is truncated in a custom attribute] [] [APAR PI95570] [denied trying to edit categories as non-admin role from testcase editor when role has permission] [] [APAR PI96157] [We should disable artifact duplication within a Baseline] [] [APAR PI96599] [Formal Review and e-signatures information not available on LQE] [] +-- Product Jazz Foundation Common Fixed in release 6.0.6: [APAR PI85777] [Issue with database indices] [] [APAR PI88741] [Error code 0 when seeing an unexpected exception] [] [APAR PI89156] [Disabling "use STARTTLS" does not work. Sending test e-mail fails.] [] [APAR PI89440] [Missing permission error message includes encoded quote characters] [] [APAR PI89651] [Full Text Search in French is broken when stemming is set to French] [] [APAR PI89907] [BIRT ReportEngine instance must be destroyed after done generating report.] [] [APAR PI90874] [User name cannot be created because includes one or more of these invalid characters: & < > "'/] [] [APAR PI91101] [IDistributedRestClientService is missing a prerequisite service] [] [APAR PI91101] [JTS Scheduler not working? RTC stopped sending email notifications after the outage Tuesday Nov 7, Build Schedules are failing to start (446555)[605]] [] [APAR PI91101] [Strange message on unavailable configuration [605]] [] [APAR PI91101] [startIndex is out of range IllegalArgumentException is thrown running getMembersPaged()] [] [APAR PI92323] [CRJAZ1900E The version of the Oracle JDBC driver is not supported: (Major: 12, Minor: 1)] [] [APAR PI92538] [JVM diagnostic error under IBM JDK] [] [APAR PI92634] [Refreshing dashboards crashes IE browser.] [] [APAR PI93246] [[605] Backport GlobalConfigurationCacheUpdateTask log dump cleanup] [] [APAR PI93900] [Workaround RRDG report losing css from generated html] [] [APAR PI94270] [Advanced properties auto-populated in Firefox.] [] [APAR PI94272] [Setting configuration properties may cause a server to hang] [] [APAR PI94488] [Provide an option to disable PermittedConfigurationsAndActionsCache] [] [APAR PI94921] [Unable to assign process roles with Identifier containing special characters in jts/lpa.] [] [APAR PI95250] [Create Changeset dialog sets Content-Type incorrectly and causes hang in DNG] [] [APAR PI95802] ["TypeError: this.enforceTextDirWithUcc is not a function" in Bookmarks widget with description] [] [APAR PI90016] [ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in daisy diff compare] [] [APAR PI91101] [Incompatibility with Tomcat 7.0.82] [] +-- Product Rational Team Concert Client Fixed in release 6.0.5: [APAR PI89243] [Moving Task from Scrum to SaFe shows "Workflows differ: 'Defect Workflow' instead of 'Task Workflow'" and Defect workflow is used for the Task] [] [APAR PI91083] [Date modifications cause long delay showing work item History ~ isUserInRoll] [] [APAR PI91084] [Date modifications cause long delay showing work item History ˜ EmbeddedDateUtils] [] [APAR PI92367] [Team member is listed as outside of the team area] [] Fixed in release 6.0.6: [APAR PI82710] [Do not allow to set an item as a parent or child if it should not be modified using the Prevent Editing precondition for 6.0.5 iFix004] [] [APAR PI89284] [Sorting of workitems not maintained in csv after running query from "My Queries" page] [] [APAR PI89312] [[Code Review] The URL that points to a work item icon needs to have braces encoded] [] [APAR PI89885] [Remove rank does not Save for the first attempt, but saves second time] [] [APAR PI90285] [Backport report fixes] [] [APAR PI90396] [Cross project plan throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if "Earliest Contributes to End Date" is added to the plan] [] [APAR PI90444] [Create Package doesn't mention deployType for deleted artifacts] [] [APAR PI90936] [Subset editor (and preview) should resolve buildable files against user's sandbox in some cases] [] [APAR PI90968] [Resolution states are not available after an automatic merge] [] [APAR PI91101] ['Add and Close' of a Contributor to a query condition does not work] [] [APAR PI91101] [Backport for System Automation and NetView teams to 6.0.5] [] [APAR PI91101] [Clicking "Start Working" on a Task in QP brings up the "Select Duplicate" dialog] [] [APAR PI91101] [Explicitly declare dependencies in consumers of JfsClientUtilAPI] [] [APAR PI91101] [Impact Analysis : none of the found resources are shown in SCD view] [] [APAR PI91101] [Instream length related fields - cannot be marked as queryable with dbStringSize set to 'LARGE'] [] [APAR PI91101] [Missing system definitions mapping logic in EMF service for 6.0.5] [] [APAR PI91101] [Move Content preflight never calls endMove, completed move is not replaced when starting new move] [] [APAR PI91101] [NPE on SystemDefinitionMappingService after upgrade] [] [APAR PI91101] [Need a better way to solve the license issue for OIDC authentication] [] [APAR PI91101] [SysDefs migration: specialType attribute blank tried to be saved] [] [APAR PI91101] [The QP board doesnt load in some cases] [] [APAR PI91101] [change set link trs feed uses wrong item id looking for page boundary] [] [APAR PI91102] ['scm show history -m all' is limited to 1024 entries] [] [APAR PI91626] [[Web UI] Error retrieving team area history when browsed to it from the Stream's visibility] [] [APAR PI92067] [Scmlocation path does not have path separator for zfolder and zfile in the buildmap] [] [APAR PI92178] [Incorrect status after changing work item type from Task to Defect] [] [APAR PI92387] [Subsets should handle the deletion of related WIs] [] [APAR PI92941] ["The selected value is not applicable" if entry is not in the initial batch even if it is a valid entry.] [] [APAR PI93078] [Cannot set owner on creation if User ID contains '@'] [] [APAR PI93160] [RTC Estimated vs Actual widget is broken] [] [APAR PI93190] [HistoricEntryMediator.findFirstEntryFromNode is slow for large histories] [] [APAR PI93717] [TRS feeds for ccm self hosts have a lot of 500 errors] [] [APAR PI93808] [Problem with precondition "All children resolved"] [] [APAR PI93833] [Filed Against search in QP during create work item doesn't return the value as expected] [] [APAR PI94130] [Multiple plan edits with auto-save displays one NPE, many errors in console.] [] [APAR PI94696] [Workspace compare retry should be limited time wise for 6.0.5] [] [APAR PI94937] [Unpromoted plan views can be assigned to plan types in web UI. This causes problems in web and eclipse UI.] [] [APAR PI95080] [Rename a query with a condition of "Unassigned" in web client removes Estimate filter] [] [APAR PI95580] [Unstable sequence numbers after removing multiple changesets from work item] [] [APAR PI95872] [Build request options from build definition badly displayed on Linux and mac client] [] [APAR PI96137] [6.0.5 backport of Build extensions ant toolkit for eclipse is back-leveled] [] +-- Product Rhapsody Model Manager Fixed in release 6.0.5: [APAR PI91101] [Add description to "Unresolved" elements in RMM web client explorer, explaining the possible reasons] [] [APAR PI91101] [DNG picker always opened in default context (missing GC context) in RMM web client] [] Fixed in release 6.0.6: [APAR PI91101] ["Loading..." in CCBB when creating RMM project area with template "SAFe 4.0 Process (Portfolio)"] [] [APAR PI91101] [Add Header to Add Component and Remove Component Sections in Explorer] [] [APAR PI91101] [Add option to index only Streams of selected project] [] [APAR PI91101] [Add warning in RMM web client when user switch context to not the default one, nor a GC context] [] [APAR PI91101] [Associate Work Item for External Links adds the WI URI to the External Link Target] [] [APAR PI91101] [Cleanup log files] [] [APAR PI91101] [Convert Add Link in Property Page to button] [] [APAR PI91101] [Create Unit: Preview doesn't work after create unit] [] [APAR PI91101] [Define and Handle Expensive Scenarios for RMM] [] [APAR PI91101] [Fix Defect 62182] [] [APAR PI91101] [Implementation of Define and Handle Expensive Scenarios for RMM] [] [APAR PI91101] [OSLC links cannot be created if server-side precondition "Require Work Items and Comments" is enabled] [] [APAR PI91101] [Performance improvement: Add additional information for association data] [] [APAR PI91101] [RMM OSLC links: OK button for associate change request is hiden] [] [APAR PI91101] [RMM Web Client: project area management page 'Save' button gets disable after visiting "Rhapsody Model Manager" page] [] [APAR PI91101] [RMM: OSLC Picker in DNG in GC context show the data from default configuration context] [] [APAR PI91101] [RMM: OSLC query not filter out component that not owned by the associated project area] [] [APAR PI91101] [RMM: Web Client: Rhapsody Model Manager page error "The tab identifier did not load successfully", and Default OSLC context not set] [] [APAR PI91101] [RMM: Web Client: Switch to new stream - misspelled msg appears] [] [APAR PI91101] [RMM: Web Client: breadcrumb pulldown menu doesn't open on first click on Chrome (ok in FF)] [] [APAR PI91101] [RMM: Web client explorer. Source dependencies not appear] [] [APAR PI91101] [RMM: maintenance item 62044 b Client: "Collapse All" doesn't work for big B model] [] [APAR PI91101] [Show only servicebility for deliver big changeset] [] [APAR PI91101] [Tooltip for "undefined" elements in RMM web client explorer for predefined Profiles ( REF )] [] [APAR PI91101] [Unable to associate change request when deleting link from RMM web] [] [APAR PI91101] [Unable to associate project area from AM to DNG or vice versa.] [] +-- Product Jazz Foundation Server Fixed in release 6.0.6: [APAR PI85777] [Issue with database indices] [] [APAR PI88741] [Error code 0 when seeing an unexpected exception] [] [APAR PI89156] [Disabling "use STARTTLS" does not work. Sending test e-mail fails.] [] [APAR PI89440] [Missing permission error message includes encoded quote characters] [] [APAR PI89651] [Full Text Search in French is broken when stemming is set to French] [] [APAR PI89907] [BIRT ReportEngine instance must be destroyed after done generating report.] [] [APAR PI90874] [User name cannot be created because includes one or more of these invalid characters: & < > "'/] [] [APAR PI91101] [IDistributedRestClientService is missing a prerequisite service] [] [APAR PI91101] [JTS Scheduler not working? RTC stopped sending email notifications after the outage Tuesday Nov 7, Build Schedules are failing to start (446555)[605]] [] [APAR PI91101] [Strange message on unavailable configuration [605]] [] [APAR PI91101] [startIndex is out of range IllegalArgumentException is thrown running getMembersPaged()] [] [APAR PI92323] [CRJAZ1900E The version of the Oracle JDBC driver is not supported: (Major: 12, Minor: 1)] [] [APAR PI92538] [JVM diagnostic error under IBM JDK] [] [APAR PI92634] [Refreshing dashboards crashes IE browser.] [] [APAR PI93246] [[605] Backport GlobalConfigurationCacheUpdateTask log dump cleanup] [] [APAR PI93900] [Workaround RRDG report losing css from generated html] [] [APAR PI94270] [Advanced properties auto-populated in Firefox.] [] [APAR PI94272] [Setting configuration properties may cause a server to hang] [] [APAR PI94488] [Provide an option to disable PermittedConfigurationsAndActionsCache] [] [APAR PI94921] [Unable to assign process roles with Identifier containing special characters in jts/lpa.] [] [APAR PI95250] [Create Changeset dialog sets Content-Type incorrectly and causes hang in DNG] [] [APAR PI95802] ["TypeError: this.enforceTextDirWithUcc is not a function" in Bookmarks widget with description] [] +-- Product Rational Team Concert Common Fixed in release 6.0.5: [APAR PI89243] [Moving Task from Scrum to SaFe shows "Workflows differ: 'Defect Workflow' instead of 'Task Workflow'" and Defect workflow is used for the Task] [] [APAR PI91083] [Date modifications cause long delay showing work item History ~ isUserInRoll] [] [APAR PI91084] [Date modifications cause long delay showing work item History ˜ EmbeddedDateUtils] [] [APAR PI92367] [Team member is listed as outside of the team area] [] Fixed in release 6.0.6: [APAR PI82710] [Do not allow to set an item as a parent or child if it should not be modified using the Prevent Editing precondition for 6.0.5 iFix004] [] [APAR PI89284] [Sorting of workitems not maintained in csv after running query from "My Queries" page] [] [APAR PI89312] [[Code Review] The URL that points to a work item icon needs to have braces encoded] [] [APAR PI89885] [Remove rank does not Save for the first attempt, but saves second time] [] [APAR PI90285] [Backport report fixes] [] [APAR PI90396] [Cross project plan throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if "Earliest Contributes to End Date" is added to the plan] [] [APAR PI90444] [Create Package doesn't mention deployType for deleted artifacts] [] [APAR PI90936] [Subset editor (and preview) should resolve buildable files against user's sandbox in some cases] [] [APAR PI90968] [Resolution states are not available after an automatic merge] [] [APAR PI91101] ['Add and Close' of a Contributor to a query condition does not work] [] [APAR PI91101] [System Automation and NetView teams to 6.0.5] [] [APAR PI91101] [Clicking "Start Working" on a Task in QP brings up the "Select Duplicate" dialog] [] [APAR PI91101] [Explicitly declare dependencies in consumers of JfsClientUtilAPI] [] [APAR PI91101] [Impact Analysis : none of the found resources are shown in SCD view] [] [APAR PI91101] [Instream length related fields - cannot be marked as queryable with dbStringSize set to 'LARGE'] [] [APAR PI91101] [Missing system definitions mapping logic in EMF service for 6.0.5] [] [APAR PI91101] [Move Content preflight never calls endMove, completed move is not replaced when starting new move] [] [APAR PI91101] [NPE on SystemDefinitionMappingService after upgrade] [] [APAR PI91101] [Need a better way to solve the license issue for OIDC authentication] [] [APAR PI91101] [SysDefs migration: specialType attribute blank tried to be saved] [] [APAR PI91101] [The QP board doesnt load in some cases] [] [APAR PI91101] [change set link trs feed uses wrong item id looking for page boundary] [] [APAR PI91102] ['scm show history -m all' is limited to 1024 entries] [] [APAR PI91626] [[Web UI] Error retrieving team area history when browsed to it from the Stream's visibility] [] [APAR PI92067] [Scmlocation path does not have path separator for zfolder and zfile in the buildmap] [] [APAR PI92178] [Incorrect status after changing work item type from Task to Defect] [] [APAR PI92387] [Subsets should handle the deletion of related WIs] [] [APAR PI92941] ["The selected value is not applicable" if entry is not in the initial batch even if it is a valid entry.] [] [APAR PI93078] [Cannot set owner on creation if User ID contains '@'] [] [APAR PI93160] [RTC Estimated vs Actual widget is broken] [] [APAR PI93190] [HistoricEntryMediator.findFirstEntryFromNode is slow for large histories] [] [APAR PI93717] [TRS feeds for ccm self hosts have a lot of 500 errors] [] [APAR PI93808] [Problem with precondition "All children resolved"] [] [APAR PI93833] [Filed Against search in QP during create work item doesn't return the value as expected] [] [APAR PI94130] [Multiple plan edits with auto-save displays one NPE, many errors in console.] [] [APAR PI94696] [Workspace compare retry should be limited time wise for 6.0.5] [] [APAR PI94937] [Unpromoted plan views can be assigned to plan types in web UI. This causes problems in web and eclipse UI.] [] [APAR PI95080] [Rename a query with a condition of "Unassigned" in web client removes Estimate filter] [] [APAR PI95580] [Unstable sequence numbers after removing multiple changesets from work item] [] [APAR PI95872] [Build request options from build definition badly displayed on Linux and mac client] [] [APAR PI96137] [Build extensions ant toolkit for eclipse is back-leveled] [] [APAR PI82710] [ Do not allow to set an item as a parent or child if it should not be modified using the Prevent Editing precondition] [] +-- Product Jazz Reporting Service Fixed in release 6.0.6: [APAR PI84784] [Charts grouped by a date attribute do not display proper counts] [] [APAR PI87778] [Filter for users (e.g. Owner, Creator) does not support all users] [] [APAR PI89125] [JRS Daemon threads keep running in WAS when rs_war is restarted but WAS is not] [] [APAR PI89896] [Changing JRS graph type has no effect] [] [APAR PI89951] [CRRGW5301E when highlighting a blank text in a report] [] [APAR PI90012] [Switching to run report and back does not preserve graph parameters] [] [APAR PI90095] ['<' is sometimes stripped when exporting to Excel with LQE data source] [] [APAR PI90220] [Active Report Builder JDBC connections in connection pool get leaked if connection pool passes the maximum number of connections.] [] [APAR PI90306] [comma separated value list in dynamic filters should surround OR clause with parentheses.] [] [APAR PI90379] [Make defaults for all time columns be in minutes instead of milliseconds] [] [APAR PI90403] [Report shows error 400 when colorizing cells] [] [APAR PI90432] [JRS- RB - 401 Unauthorized Error is given attempting to build a report (requires server restart to get past error or logout) - user has valid license, PA permissions] [] [APAR PI90915] [Running a SPARQL query with rdfs:label|dcterms:title in a config does not work correctly] [] [APAR PI91030] [Date filter does not show the initial start date and end date] [] [APAR PI91037] [RB LQE "No set value" condition does not work on RM attributes with external URI] [] [APAR PI91101] [In the RB config picker hide personal streams from other users] [] [APAR PI91101] [No results found in a report that shows requirements tracked by work items] [] [APAR PI91101] [Reversible links broken] [] [APAR PI91559] [Report doesn't show data after opening the filter dialog if there's a filter containing "<" (lesser than) and ">" (greater than) characters.] [] [APAR PI91648] [JRS widget issue when open in a new window] [] [APAR PI92680] [LQE queries with optional relationships run slow] [] [APAR PI92923] [Using date filter on advanced SQL report results in CRRGW5503E An unexpected response was received from the data source: ORA-01858] [] [APAR PI93235] [Filtering does not behave properly when there is an "is not" filter on components in a report against configurations.] [] [APAR PI93296] [Report builder items contributed though optional relationships are not checked for soft deleted.] [] [APAR PI93775] [Need ability to set configuration during graph/table preview] [] [APAR PI94077] [Nested condition falls out of the block] [] [APAR PI94386] [Explore page will not load if a report exists with a missing query] [] [APAR PI94543] [Cannot create merged traceability path with 3+ resources on DW] [] [APAR PI95677] [LQE trend reports omit the last day of the time range] [] [APAR PI95790] ['No Set value' in graph cannot be customized in Report Builder for JRS] [] [APAR PI95963] [JRS report pulling workitems whose condition is to exclude related records.] [] [APAR PI96852] [Not able to export a JRS pie chart as a .png file] [] [APAR PI91101] [Report Builder SqlUtils.simpleSqlExecute leaks connections] [] [APAR PI97272] [All trs patches should be part of TRS status, not just configuration patches.] [] +-- Product Rational DOORS Next Generation Fixed in release 6.0.6: [APAR PI74386] [Can not export artifact that exceeds the limit for a cell in excel] [] [APAR PI85568] [CSV Import Error when updating an Artifact with an Attribute previously deleted] [] [APAR PI86603] [Bad performance of SPARQL query for view filters containing "linked artifact type is not"] [] [APAR PI87861] [CRRRW7346E error 403 when modifying a module artifact after setting permission at workflow state level] [] [APAR PI88164] [Deleting enumeration attribute values leads to problems.] [] [APAR PI89221] [Share link to artifacts within a Change Set shows the link to the stream instead of the link to the Change set] [] [APAR PI89298] [In a Global Configuration Term title updates are not reflected in the lookup Term dialog using a common Term component.] [] [APAR PI89337] [Artifact replicated using the 'Extract Requirements from Artifact' option] [] [APAR PI89341] [Root folder icon should be removed or replaced] [] [APAR PI89793] [changeSetIds is null or empty error msg when comparing streams when change sets are required] [] [APAR PI89880] [Cannot export artifacts with no traceability links into XLS/XLSX] [] [APAR PI89889] [Performance issue - creating change set when displaying folder hierarchy] [] [APAR PI89895] ["Error 403 Forbidden" pasting or duplicating artifact in a module, or duplicating modules with 604ifix04] [] [APAR PI89898] [Filter with special chars / \ : * ? " < > | & # displays strange encoding] [] [APAR PI89916] [[ReqIF-Migration] DNG migration from DOORS9 should not attempt to create a link unless both link endpoints are present.] [] [APAR PI89975] [It is not possible to filter by boolean attributes, when they were updated through importing a CSV/Excel file] [] [APAR PI90214] [When linking to artifacts from external applications (DM, CCM and QM) to DNG it fails with Error 400: Bad Request when you filter by "where used"] [] [APAR PI90392] [Artifact created by CSV import without Primary Text column cannot have its Primary Text updated by subsequent CSV import] [] [APAR PI90557] [RM.Data.setAttributes fails if an attribute of type User is included] [] [APAR PI90649] [Corrupt link when following a "Link To" HTTP link from an OSLC rich over.] [] [APAR PI90803] [DNG delegated UI is not applying views during selection.] [] [APAR PI91096] [Custom attributes of artifacts missing from the report when a GC is used] [] [APAR PI91101] [Copy/Paste artifacts in module not updating pages correctly, refresh not working] [] [APAR PI91101] [ETL: Not using descending order when querying for the artifact changes can lead to data loss] [] [APAR PI91101] [For a module, making use of "Reset Columns to Default" may result in the UI hanging] [] [APAR PI91101] [Grouping links by Component or Project in the Where Used section of an artifact sidebar no longer works] [] [APAR PI91101] [Method signature can cause NoSuchMethod exceptions in ifixes] [] [APAR PI91101] [Team Area: insert new artifact in module does not allow inserted artifact to be edited] [] [APAR PI91101] [The "levels to show" setting for a module is ignored when you click on the "Refresh" button] [] [APAR PI91101] [The ETL could miss data if multiple ETL clients access the reporting services and RDMPublishUseProjectModificationsCache is set to true] [] [APAR PI91101] [When editing module content, unnecessary divs are continually added to the artifact content] [] [APAR PI91101] [While adding Derives link, choosing RM View throws error] [] [APAR PI91101] [[RM] DNG API for Simulink integration (store OSLC links without Simulink being a provider)] [] [APAR PI91204] [Bulk edit of attributes not working with a State attribute] [] [APAR PI91230] [Unable to modify artifacts associated to DOORS Project area via DWA] [] [APAR PI91274] [Audit history stuck "loading" if more than 25 baselines were created after the last revision] [] [APAR PI91451] [Thumbnails in revision history become inaccessible if more than 25 of them are in a section] [] [APAR PI91465] [Extract requirements from artifact does not create links to source if they are matched by keyword or delimiter] [] [APAR PI91562] [server becomes unresponsive when modifying 1000 artifacts through view edit attribute path] [] [APAR PI91611] [DOORS tables exported to DNG via ReqIF can have badly formatted and thus unreadable xHTML table representation] [] [APAR PI91764] [Type system feed change result in global lock instead of a project/component level lock] [] [APAR PI91787] [DNG API does not accept all parameters and already existing URIs are failing as "Request found invalid parameter"] [] [APAR PI91849] [Embedded Links within an Artifact do not open module] [] [APAR PI91914] [Not able to change the artifact type of multiple artifacts at once via the "Set as Heading or Content" option when a work flow is associated] [] [APAR PI92177] [RM.Data.setAttributes fails for multivalued User fields] [] [APAR PI92183] [Non-module grid view queries involving Link Type does not exist performs poorly] [] [APAR PI92413] [An OSLC PUT operation removes workflow information from the requirement] [] [APAR PI92431] [Performance: Compact rendering is requesting Discovered links twice.] [] [APAR PI92478] [Requirements View widget not using "Current Component"] [] [APAR PI92528] [RDNG Web: Team Ownership overview doesn't reflect the changed project area name] [] [APAR PI92530] [Project Area name changes aren't appropriately reflected in the My Requirements Projects widget] [] [APAR PI92573] [In some cases, malformed URLs can be published to the TRS changelog breaking LQE] [] [APAR PI92788] [Error message trying to view changeset changed resources caused by failures during ReqIF import] [] [APAR PI92794] [OSLC Workflow range is exposed in the OSLC instance shape of an object type that have a workflow assigned, but the exposed URI does not return data] [] [APAR PI93175] [Well-known types are getting mapped across components, corrupting well-known type URI cache] [] [APAR PI93210] [Migrating from a 4.* or 5.* release to 6.* can result in module artifact history having change events from other artifacts] [] [APAR PI93364] [Some delete events might be missed by the ETL due to race conditions] [] [APAR PI93689] [Object HTMLDivElement displayed when editing attributes for an artifact] [] [APAR PI93706] [Generate report does not include links to Derives Architecture Elements.] [] [APAR PI93711] [An incorrect version of an artifact is opened if edited in the module.] [] [APAR PI93794] [The data types are not properly unselected for non-default configurations] [] [APAR PI93868] [Imported tables that contain empty rows and columns appear shrunken in DNG unless the user double clicks on them] [] [APAR PI93958] [DNG duplicating string attributes with brackets in the name on every subsequent migration package containing this attribute] [] [APAR PI94059] [Custom Review reports are not available in the Generate Report for Review dialog] [] [APAR PI94146] [Module with Content Folder set to root becomes orphaned after Copy from Component operation] [] [APAR PI94288] [DNG does not show the links column correctly in Suspicion link column] [] [APAR PI94444] [Some broad text searches may result in general performance and stability issues for DNG] [] [APAR PI94508] [Unable to Create Links between RM artifacts in DNG 6.0.5 RC1 for Older projects (works fine in new projects)] [] [APAR PI94545] [Server error after opening a module in the JKE sample] [] [APAR PI94556] [Link By Attribute for Module to Module Links Fails on imported artifacts by CSV] [] [APAR PI94655] [Collection and module views are not correctly showing theme footer in IE 11] [] [APAR PI94679] [Export artifact with hyphen in the title results in single quote before the hyphen] [] [APAR PI94765] [Error occurs when trying to import artifacts into a team-owned folder] [] [APAR PI94919] [Save Button is not enabled after the second time editing an artifact that has artifact type associated with workflow] [] [APAR PI94975] [Exporting a view that includes the Comments column to CSV/XLS generates either a malformed or empty file] [] [APAR PI94983] [Shared links to Collection views open/load the wrong view content] [] [APAR PI94984] [Unable to update custom attribute of a module type artifact using OSLC-Rest API] [] [APAR PI95037] [Updating artifacts via csv failed with "This attribute definition is unknown" error when artifacts previously holds deleted attributes] [] [APAR PI95075] [Performance :When discovering links, OSLC Project services documents are obtained from remote server on every requests. This used to be cached.] [] [APAR PI95103] [Account for artifacts and folders with no parent folder during orphan repair process] [] [APAR PI95209] [Review reports are not showing artifact comments in opt-in project] [] [APAR PI95276] [DNG Export View feature for XLS/XLSX creates 0 KB files (empty) for artifacts imported from ReqIf] [] [APAR PI95284] [Importing a migration package hangs at 1%] [] [APAR PI95838] [When deleting a module, the UI will sometimes not display the pop-up asking if I would like to delete the unbound artifacts] [] [APAR PI95863] [RDNG:Suspicion is triggered for non selected attributes in the profile] [] [APAR PI95913] [Link By Attribute might remove all links of the specified link type if the query for artifacts timeouts ( Resulting in 0 artifacts )] [] [APAR PI96095] [JTSQueryService incompatible with] [] [APAR PI96263] [Updates to DOORS table processing for ReqIF have broken the processing of line breaks within cells.] [] [APAR PI96361] [Self-host RM OOM 2017-10-19] [] [APAR PI96401] [If removing an artifact and selecting delete without having permission the operation will silently deny the artifact deletion.] [] [APAR PI96419] [TRS maintenance: Type system rename commands do not refresh the affected shapes in the TRS feed] [] +-- Product Jazz Foundation Client Fixed in release 6.0.6: [APAR PI85777] [Issue with database indices] [] [APAR PI88741] [Error code 0 when seeing an unexpected exception] [] [APAR PI89156] [Disabling "use STARTTLS" does not work. Sending test e-mail fails.] [] [APAR PI89440] [Missing permission error message includes encoded quote characters] [] [APAR PI89651] [Full Text Search in French is broken when stemming is set to French] [] [APAR PI89907] [BIRT ReportEngine instance must be destroyed after done generating report.] [] [APAR PI90874] [User name cannot be created because includes one or more of these invalid characters: & < > "'/] [] [APAR PI91101] [IDistributedRestClientService is missing a prerequisite service] [] [APAR PI91101] [JTS Scheduler not working? RTC stopped sending email notifications after the outage Tuesday Nov 7, Build Schedules are failing to start (446555)[605]] [] [APAR PI91101] [Strange message on unavailable configuration [605]] [] [APAR PI91101] [startIndex is out of range IllegalArgumentException is thrown running getMembersPaged()] [] [APAR PI92323] [CRJAZ1900E The version of the Oracle JDBC driver is not supported: (Major: 12, Minor: 1)] [] [APAR PI92538] [JVM diagnostic error under IBM JDK] [] [APAR PI92634] [Refreshing dashboards crashes IE browser.] [] [APAR PI93246] [GlobalConfigurationCacheUpdateTask log dump cleanup] [] [APAR PI93900] [Workaround RRDG report losing css from generated html] [] [APAR PI94270] [Advanced properties auto-populated in Firefox.] [] [APAR PI94272] [Setting configuration properties may cause a server to hang] [] [APAR PI94488] [Provide an option to disable PermittedConfigurationsAndActionsCache] [] [APAR PI94921] [Unable to assign process roles with Identifier containing special characters in jts/lpa.] [] [APAR PI95250] [Create Changeset dialog sets Content-Type incorrectly and causes hang in DNG] [] [APAR PI95802] ["TypeError: this.enforceTextDirWithUcc is not a function" in Bookmarks widget with description] [] 10. CLIENT APAR FIXES This client update site contains fixes for the following defects: [APAR ID] [Maintenance Item Summary] [Maintenance Item URL] +-- RTC Client Fixes Fixed in release 6.0.6: [APAR PI81706] [IHS configured to deflate is causing project areas to fail to open] [] [APAR PI87040] [Mac Japanese dakuten diacritics in SCM project, folder of file name cause the name to become corrupted on Windows] [] [APAR PI91101] [Backport for work item 450297 Requesting personal builds is broken when using the new load options in a build definition] [] [APAR PI91101] [Backport from work item 450467 - When save build definition fails and the user saves again, an unnecessary confirmation dialog about migrating to new load behaviour is displayed.] [] [APAR PI91101] [Can't uncheck Filed Against in work item query editor] [] [APAR PI91101] [System Definitions : Allow system definition XML to selectively delete language definitions, translators and data set definitions] [] [APAR PI93162] [Defect and Story work item in Eclipse client show blank] [] 11. UPDATING ORACLE OUTSIDE IN TECHNOLOGY FOR RDNG Note: This issue is independent of the back-end database being used by RDNG. This fix should be applied regardless of whether you are using Oracle as your CLM database or not. This fix is for other Oracle technology and not related to their database products. These steps need to be done only once. The Outside In files last changed in iFix006. If you have already deployed these files as part of installing iFix006 or later, you do not have to do these steps again. Follow the instructions detailed in the README.txt file contained within the file. 12. KNOWN ISSUES None