Interim fix This interim fix is only valid for the Rational Publishing Engine (RPE) 6.0.5 release. CONTENTS OF THE INTERIM FIX 1. This readme file: readme.txt 2. RATIONAL PUBLISHING ENGINE patch file: CONTENTS OF THIS FILE 1. RATIONAL PUBLISHING ENGINE ECLIPSE CLIENT INSTRUCTIONS 2. DOCUMENT BUILDER INSTRUCTIONS 3. APAR FIXES 1. RATIONAL PUBLISHING ENGINE INSTRUCTIONS To install the Rational Publishing Engine update: a. Close all running instances of Rational Publishing Engine. b. Extract the patch .zip file to the computer where the Rational Publishing Engine client is installed. c. In IBM Installation Manager, click File > Preferences > Repositories > Add Repository and provide the path to the extracted folder from step b. d. To close the Preferences window, click OK. e. Click File > Preferences > Files for Rollback and ensure that the "Save files for rollback" check box is selected. f. In IBM Installation Manager, click Update. g. Select the IBM Rational Publishing Engine package group and click Next. h. Select the version to update and click Next. i. If you agree to the terms, accept the license agreement and click Install. j. Click Update. l. To complete the update, click Finish. m. After the installation is complete, start Rational Publishing Engine. To verify that the patch was successfully installed in the Rational Publishing Engine desktop client : a. Click Help > About Rational Publishing Engine. b. The build id should be 20181003_0055. 2. DOCUMENT BUILDER INSTRUCTIONS You must redeploy the rpeng.war and dgaas.war or the files located in the document-builder directory to your application server. The instructions are for the rpeng.war application; repeat for the dgaas.war application. To install the patch with Document Builder deployed on WebSphere Application Server with the WebSphere Application Server Admin Console: a. In the WebSphere Application Server Admin Console, stop the Document Builder: Click Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications, select the rpeng_war check box, and click Stop. b. Update the rpeng_war file: Select the rpeng_war check box and click Update. c. Select "Replace the entire application," browse to the new rpeng.war file in the location that you extracted it to, and click Next. d. Follow the Fast Path installation, and accept all of the default values. e. After the update is complete, save the configuration changes when you are prompted to. f. Start the Document Builder: Select the rpeng_war check box and click Start. To uninstall the patch with Document Builder deployed on WebSphere Application Server: a. Locate the rpeng.war file in the original Document Builder installation. b. In the WebSphere Application Server Admin Console, stop the Document Builder: Click Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications, select the rpeng_war check box, and click Stop. c. Update the rpeng_war file: Select the rpeng_war check box and click Update. d. Select "Replace the entire application," browse to the rpeng.war file in the original installation location, and click Next. e. Follow the Fast Path installation, and accept all of the default values. f. After the update is complete, save the configuration changes when you are prompted to. g. Start the Document Builder: Select the rpeng_war check box and click Start. To install the patch with Document Builder deployed on WebSphere Liberty Server: a. Rename the new rpeng.war file as b. Stop the WebSphere Liberty Server for the Document Builder. c. Back up the following file in case you need to revert the patch: \server\liberty\servers\rpe\apps\ d. Delete the following files: \server\liberty\servers\rpe\apps\ \server\liberty\rpeServerTemplate\apps\ e. Delete the following directories: \server\liberty\servers\rpe\apps\rpeng.war \server\liberty\rpeServerTemplate\apps\rpeng.war f. Place the new file in the following directories: \server\liberty\servers\rpe\apps \server\liberty\rpeServerTemplate\apps g. Unzip the new file into the following directories: \server\liberty\servers\rpe\apps\rpeng.war \server\liberty\rpeServerTemplate\apps\rpeng.war h. Start the server. To uninstall the patch with Document Builder deployed on WebSphere Liberty Server: a. Stop the WebSphere Liberty Server for the Document Builder. b. Restore the original file that was backed up during the installation to the following directories: \server\liberty\servers\rpe\apps \server\liberty\rpeServerTemplate\apps c. Delete the following directories: \server\liberty\servers\rpe\apps\rpeng.war \server\liberty\rpeServerTemplate\apps\rpeng.war d. Unzip the original file into the following directories: \server\liberty\servers\rpe\apps\rpeng.war \server\liberty\rpeServerTemplate\apps\rpeng.war e. Start the server. To install the patch with Document Builder deployed on Apache Tomcat: a. Stop the Apache Tomcat server for the Document Builder. b. Back up the following file in case you need to revert the patch: \server\tomcat\webapps\rpeng.war c. Delete the following file: \server\tomcat\webapps\rpeng.war d. Delete the following directories: \server\tomcat\webapps\rpeng \server\tomcat\work\Catalina\localhost\rpeng e. Place the new rpeng.war file in the \server\tomcat\webapps directory. f. Start the server. To uninstall the patch with Document Builder deployed on Apache Tomcat server: a. Stop the Apache Tomcat server for the Document Builder. b. Restore the original rpeng.war file that was backed up during the installation to the following directory: \server\tomcat\webapps\ c. Delete the following directories: \server\tomcat\webapps\rpeng \server\tomcat\work\Catalina\localhost\rpeng d. Start the server. To verify that the patch was successfully installed for Document Builder: a. After the server starts, open the Document Builder home page. b. Click Help > About Document Builder. c. Check that the build ID in the dialog box is 3. APAR FIXES This interim fix contains fixes for security vulnerabilities. 4. KNOWN ISSUES None