IBM Java Runtime Environment 7.1 Service Refresh 4 Fix Pack 40 CONTENTS OF THE UPDATE 1. This readme file. 2. IBM Java Runtime Environment zip file. CONTENTS OF THIS FILE 1. UPDATE INFORMATION 2. DOWNLOAD INSTRUCTIONS 3. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1. UPDATE INFORMATION Please visit for information on latest updated and bulletins. 2. DOWNLOAD INSTRUCTIONS Note: If you are only able to see these instructions when downloading from Fix Central, please modify the download settings as follow: 1) On the download page after viewing and accepting the terms, under Download options, click "Change download options". 2) Check "Include prerequisites and co-requisite fixes (you can select the ones you need later)" 3) Click "Continue". You should now be able to to see the section "Below are the requisite fixes for this fix.". You may now download the JRE directly. Make sure that the update matches the same level from the JRE to be updated, it is recommended to run "java -version" in the binaries ("bin") directory where java is located. Normally the answer would be "1.X.Y" where X.Y is the Java level. Known bundled JREs: CLM 4.0.7 to 6.0 come with Java 6.0 CLM 6.0.1 to 6.0.4 come with Java 7.1 RTC Eclipse 3.6.2 comes with Java 6.0, Eclipse 4.2.2 comes with Java 7.0 Jazz Authorization server comes with Java 7.0 To find the required file to download, look for the requisite fix that applies based on your current configuration: [OS] [Arch] [Bits] [Requisite fix] Linux x86_64 64 x86 32 zSeries 64 pSeries 64 Windows x86 64 x86 32 AIX pSeries 64 3. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Note: These instructions are taken from the technote "How to update the IBM SDK for Java of IBM Rational products based on version or later of IBM's Jazz technology" ( 3.1 Upgrading the JRE for a WAS installation If your products are deployed on WAS, Java SDK Upgrade Policy for the IBM WebSphere Application Server lists JRE upgrades that are available. You should also check the Product Security Incident Response Blog for any recent security bulletins for WAS that may have fixpacks or ifixes for the JRE, such as IBM Security Bulletin: Multiple vulnerabilities in current IBM SDK for Java for WebSphere Application Server April 2014 CPU. 3.2 Upgrading the JRE for a Liberty profile installation 1) Stop the Jazz based servers. Note: The applications may be running in different application server instances or using a delegated converter. 2) Navigate to the original install directory and rename the JRE folder: /server/jre to /server/jre-Original This will ensure that the original JRE is kept as a backup in the event a restore is required. Example (Linux): mv /server/jre /server/jre-Original 3) Unzip the new JRE file provided by support to the Installation directory. Example (Linux): unzip -d /server/ 4) Restart the server 3.3 Upgrading the JRE for a Tomcat installation 1) Stop the Jazz based servers. Note: The applications may be running in different application server instances or using a delegated converter. 2) Navigate to the original install directory and rename the JRE folder: /server/jre to /server/jre-Original This will ensure that the original JRE is kept as a backup in the event a restore is required. Example (Linux): mv /server/jre /server/jre-Original 3) Unzip the new JRE file provided by support to the Installation directory. Example (Linux): unzip -d /server/ 4) Remove the Apache Tomcat temporary files located in the following directories: /server/tomcat/temp /server/tomcat/work/Catalina/localhost 5) Restart the CLM or Rational Engineering Lifecycle Manager server 3.4 Upgrading the JRE for Eclipse 1) Close the Eclipse client 2) Backup the JDK folder for your Eclipse installation /client/eclipse/jdk 3) Extract the contents of the ibm-java-sdk-*.zip into the directory in Step 2 4) Rename the extracted file in Step 3 from sdk to jdk in order to match the original directory name. 5) Restart the Eclipse client. 3.5 Upgrading the JRE in the RM browser add-on Update the Browser Add-on installables on the server. Please contact IBM Support, you will receive new .cab and .xpi files in which the 32-bit JRE has already been replaced. You will also receive a new rm.war file. The current war file should be uninstalled and the new version deployed. 1) On the server locate the two files rmBrowserAddOn-{version}.cab and rmBrowserAddOn-{version}.xpi These will be located at: {InstallDir}\server\conf\rm\resources\addons 1) Replace these files with the new ones provided by IBM Support. The above steps require requesting the release specific versions of the add-on for the server being updated. All clients with the browser add-on previously installed will need to perform the following: Uninstall the current browser add-on from all browsers. For Mozilla Firefox 1) Go to the Add-ons Manager 1) Select the RMBrowserAddOn and Remove it. For Microsoft Internet Explorer 1) Go to Manage Add-ons. Be sure to select Show: All add-ons. 2) Select the RMBrowserAddOn and click on the More information link. 3) In the resulting dialog, click the Remove button. More details on uninstalling the browser add-on can be found here: Once complete, the next attempt to edit a graphical artifact will result in a new download and install of the add-on from the server that was updated in the prior steps above.