Installing the Hotfix The installation steps for the hotfix are: 1) If necessary, create a directory for holding the hotfix, for example C:\Program Files\IBM\RPT_Hotfixes. 2) Extract the contents of the attached archive into the directory from Step 1 (C:\Program Files\IBM\RPT_Hotfixes for example). This should create the new directory: C:\Program Files\IBM\RPT_Hotfixes\PSIRT-27320-27326- 3) To ensure that RPT will be able to update the product files, run RPT as Administrator. On Linux, start RPT when logged in as root. 4) In RPT, go to "Help->Install New Software" 5) Click the Add button at the end of the "Work with" field 6) (Optional) In the Add Repository dialog, supply a description such as "Fix for JVM/Tomcat Resource Monitoring" in the Name field to make it easier to identify the hotfix later. 7) In the Add Repository dialog, click on the Local button and browse to the new PSIRT-27320-27326- directory and then click OK. 8) In the Install dialog, check the Uncategorized item. If no items are shown, uncheck the "Group items by category" option and the click the Select All button. 9) Click on the Next button to see the details of the Feature to be installed. 10) Since the hotfix does not include any new license terms, in the Review Licenses, you may see text referring you to the existing RPT license. Select "I accept the terms of the license agreement" and click Finish. 11) A "Security Warning" may appear with the text: Warning: You are installing software that contains unsigned content. The authenticity or validity of this software cannot be established. Do you want to continue with the installation? Click on Install Anyway or OK button 12) When the software installation completes, you must click on the "Restart Now" button to ensure that the hotfix is properly installed. 13) If you are using both the full and stream-lined versions of RPT, you'll need to do Steps 4 through 12 for each version. If you are running RPT from the command line, you will need to apply the hotfix to the full version of RPT.