IBM® Rational® Programming Patterns 9.7.1 iFix 6



This Interim Fix applies to IBM® Rational® Programming Patterns 9.7.1. It contains fixes for defects that were reported by clients or discovered internally.


Installation prerequisites

This update requires that you have already installed one of the packages listed in the section below.


Installation instructions

Rational Programming Patterns Client

1. Extract to a temporary directory. 

For example, on Windows: c:\temp


2. Update the client in Installation Manager.

Start Installation Manager. Select File > Preferences.  Add the diskTag.inf file path (of the disk1 subdirectory) to the Repositories list.

For example: c:\temp\RPP971_iFix006Client\disk1\diskTag.inf


Click OK and go back to the Installation Manager main page.


3. Install the RPP client.

In Installation Manager, click Update and choose the package to update. Then, follow the installation instructions.



Rational Programming Patterns Server

The server is not provided in this iFix. So, you must use the server that was available as a patch in RPP 9.7.1 iFix 5.


You can check which patch version of the RPP server is installed in your environment. To do so, log as an administrator into https://[fully-qualified hostname]:9443/ccm/admin?internal. Click Status Summary. In the Status Summary page, under the Build information section, a line displays the RPP server patch that is installed.



If the server of RPP 9.7.1 iFix 5 is not installed, follow these steps to install it:

  1. Stop the Jazz Team Server (JTS).
  2. Verify whether the following directory exists: <JTS_installation_directory>/server/patch.

·       If the directory exists and if it contains a previous server patch of the RPP version (, then delete this file.

·       If the directory does not exist, create it.

  1. Copy the server patch file,, into the /server/patch directory.
  2. Start the Jazz Team Server.



Associated level of Pacbase

The migration procedures are not provided in this iFix.

To work on the migration process from Pacbase to RPP, it is recommended to use the migration procedures package provided with RPP 9.7.1 iFix 4.

APAR corrected in RPP 9.7.1 iFix 6




Existing syntax cannot be converted to the new syntax. Check the existing syntax.









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