IBM System Storage™ DS4000 Storage Manager version 10.36.xx.13 for HP-UX 11.23 and 11.31 IA64. Important: With the release of and controller firmware for the DS4000 and DS5000, customers are encountering a firmware bug that is causing the controllers to go into a continuous reboot cycle, which causes loss of access. There is no exposure to customers currently at,,, or Customers who have downloaded the or levels of firmware, should not install this level of firmware. Customers who have installed this level of firmware should not make any configuration changes to the system and contact IBM Support immediately. For Customers who have downloaded the DS Storage Manager code package, from the IBM Support web site, but have not yet installed firmware or , it is recommended that Storage Manager Firmware Upgrade Utility version 10.36.xx.07 or 10.36.xx.08 be uninstalled and version 10.36.xx.10 Firmware Upgrade Utility be installed and used to upgrade the controller firmware to 07.36.14.xx or higher. Note: The HP-UX host attachment to the IBM 1722-all models (DS4300), 1724-all models (DS4100), 1742-models 90U/90X (DS4500), 1814-all models (DS4200 and DS4700) 1815-all models (DS4800), and 1818-all models (DS5100 and DS5300) requires additional purchase of an IBM DS4100/DS4200/DS4300/DS4500/DS4700/DS4800/DS5100/DS5300 HP- UX Host Kit Option. The IBM DS4000 HP-UX Host Kit options contain the required IBM licensing to attach a HP-UX Host System to the DS4100, DS4200, DS4300, DS4500, DS4700, DS4800, DS5100, or DS5300 storage subsystems. Please contact your IBM service representative or IBM resellers for purchasing information. IMPORTANT: This is NOT the correct DS Storage Manager version 10.36 host software package for the HPUX PA-RISC operating systems. Please refer to the DS Storage Manager version 10.36 host software package for the HPUX PA-RISC operating systems. NOTE TO SERVICE – Reference RETAIN # N/A (C) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1999, 2008. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication, or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. Note: Before using this information and the product it supports, read the general information in section 6.0 "Trademarks and Notices” in this document. IMPORTANT: DS4000 Storage Manager version 9.19.xx.12 and later is required for DS4000 storage subsystem users in countries implementing the new Daylight Saving Time (DST) rules (which includes U.S., Canada, Bermuda). Storage Manager version 9.19.xx.12 or later release includes revised DST transition dates to comply with provision of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 extension of Daylight Saving Time (DST) by four weeks, beginning in year 2007. Please refer to section 1.3 Enhancements for more information. Refer to the IBM System Storage™ Support Web Site or CD for the IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager Version 10 Installation and Host Support Guide. This guide along with the DS Storage Manager program Online Help provide the installation and support information. Last Update: 03/26/2009 Please refer to corresponding Change History document for more information on new features and modifications. Products Supported ---------------------------------------------------------------- | New Model | Old Model | Machine Type | Model | |------------|-----------|--------------|------------------------| | DS5300 | N/A | 1818 | 53A | |------------|-----------|--------------|------------------------| | DS5100 | N/A | 1818 | 51A | |------------|-----------|--------------|------------------------| | DS4800 | N/A | 1815 | 82A, 82H, 84A, 84H, | | | | | 88A, 88H, 80A, 80H | |------------|-----------|--------------|------------------------| | DS4700 | N/A | 1814 | 70A, 70H, 72A, 72H, | | | | | 70T, 70S, 72T, 72S, | |------------|-----------|--------------|------------------------| | DS4500 | FAStT 900 | 1742 | 90X, 90U | |------------|-----------|--------------|------------------------| | DS4400 | FAStT 700 | 1742 | 1RX, 1RU | |------------|-----------|--------------|------------------------| | DS4300 | FAStT 600 | 1722 | 6LX, 6LU, 6LJ, 60X | | | | | 60U, 60J, 60K, 60L | |------------|-----------|--------------|------------------------| | DS4200 | N/A | 1814 | 7VA, 7VH | |----------- |-----------|--------------|------------------------| | DS4100 | FAStT 100 | 1724 | 100, 1SC | |----------- |-----------|--------------|------------------------| | N/A | FAStT 500 | 3552 | 1RX, 1RU | |------------|-----------|--------------|------------------------| | N/A | FAStT 200 | 3542 | 1RX, 1RU, 2RX and 2RU | ------------ --------------------------------------------------- ATTENTION: 1. The DS4000 storage subsystem controller firmware version 05.40.xx.xx and earlier along with its associated NVSRAM files should not be loaded into DS4000 storage subsystems connected to DS4000 EXP100 drive expansion enclosures. 2. For the DS4400 and the DS4100 storage subsystems - all models (Standard /dual controller and Single Controller), the controller firmware version 06.12.xx.xx and later must be used. 3. For the DS4300 storage subsystems with Single Controller option, the controller firmware version 05.34.xx.xx and its associated NVSRAM file must be used. Do not attempt to download the controller firmware version 06.xx.xx.xx into these DS4300 storage subsystem models with single controller option. 4. For the FAStT200 (M/T 3542-all models) and FAStT500 (M/T 3552-all models) storage subsystems, the controller firmware version 05.30.xx.xx and its associated NVSRAM file must be used. Do not attempt to download the controller firmware version 06.xx.xx.xx into these DS4000 storage subsystems. 5. For the DS4300 with Standard (base) or Turbo options and the DS4500 storage subsystems connected to the DS4000 EXP810 drive expansion enclosures, the latest controller firmware version 06.23.xx.xx (and higher) and its associated NVSRAM file must be used. It is also recommended that the DS4300 with Standard (base) or Turbo options and the DS4500 storage subsystems be upgraded to this controller firmware version even though they are not planned to have DS4000 EXP810 drive expansion enclosure attachment. 6. For the DS4700 and the DS4800 storage subsystems connected to the DS4000 EXP100 drive expansion enclosures, the controller firmware version 06.23.xx.xx (and higher) and its associated NVSRAM file must be used. It is also recommended that the DS4700 and the DS4800 storage subsystems be upgraded to this controller firmware version even though they are not planned to have DS4000 EXP100 drive expansion enclosure attachment. CONTENTS -------- 1.0 Overview 2.0 Installation and Setup Instructions 3.0 Configuration Information 4.0 Unattended Mode 5.0 Web Sites and Support Phone Number 6.0 Trademarks and Notices 7.0 Disclaimer ======================================================================= 1.0 Overview -------------- 1.1 Overview -------------- This version 10.36 of the DS Storage Manager host software for HP-UX operating system environment is required for managing the DS5300-all models, the DS5100-all models, the DS4800-all models, the DS4700-all models, and the DS4200-all models with controller firmware version 07.36.xx.xx. In addition, it is also recommended for managing the following DS4000 storage subsystems - the DS4100-all models, DS4300-all models, the DS4400-all models, and the DS4500-all models with controller firmware version 05.34.xx.xx or higher installed. There are separate IBM DS Storage Manager host software version 10.36 packages for HPUX PA-RISC and HPUX Intel Architecture Itanium 64bit (IA-64). The HPUX and HPUX_IA64 directories contain the files necessary for installing the IBM DS Storage Manager Version 10.36 host software in the HPUX PA-RISK and HPUX Intel Itanium II 64bit Operating System (OS) environments, respectively. Please select the appropriate directory for your operating system environment. The host software and DS4000/DS5000 storage subsystem firmware files are packaged separately and are available for download from the IBM System Storage™ Disk Storage Systems Technical Support web site: NOTE: DS4000 controller firmware versions 6.12.xx.xx * Attachment support for EXP710 and EXP100 SATA disk drive expansion enclosures for DS4300 and DS4500. * No attachment support for EXP810 disk drive expansion enclosure. DS4000 controller firmware version 06.60.xx.xx * Attachment support for EXP710, EXP810, and EXP100 SATA disk drive expansion enclosures for DS4300 with dual controller, DS4500, DS4700 and DS4800. * Attachment support for EXP420 for DS4200 only. DS4000 controller firmware version 7.15.xx.xx * Supports DS4200, DS4700, and DS4800 only. DS5000 controller firmware version 7.30.xx.xx * Supports DS5100 and DS5300 only. DS4000/DS5000 controller firmware version 7.36.xx.xx * Supports DS4200, DS4700, DS4800, DS5100 and DS5300 only. The IBM Storage Manager host software version 10.36 new features and changes are described in the corresponding Change History document. Please refer to this document for more information on new features and modifications. The IBM DS HP-UX Storage Manager Software and the DS4000/DS5000 storage subsystem controller Firmware and NVSRAM files are available for download from the IBM System Storage™ Disk Storage Systems Technical Support web site: The latest version of the IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager Version 10 Installation and Host Support Guide is also available on IBM's Support web site as a downloadable Portable Document format (PDF) file. IMPORTANT: This release of IBM DS Storage Manager host software supports all DS4000/DS5000 storage subsystems with general released firmware versions from 05.30.xx.xx up to 07.36.xx.xx. Refer to the IBM Support Web Site for latest DS4000/DS5000 controller firmware and NVSRAM files for IBM machine types 1722, 1724, 1742, 1814, 1815, 1818, 3542 and 3552. The following table shows the first four digits of the latest controller firmware versions that are currently available for various models of the DS4000/DS5000 storage subsystems. --------------------------------------------------- | DS4000 Storage | Controller firmware version | | Subsystem Model | | |------------------|--------------------------------| | DS5300 (1818) | 07.36.xx.xx | |------------------|--------------------------------| | DS5100 (1818) | 07.36.xx.xx | |------------------|--------------------------------| | DS4800 (1815) | 07.36.xx.xx | | | | |------------------|--------------------------------| | DS4700 (1814) | 07.36.xx.xx | |------------------|--------------------------------| | DS4500 (1742) | 06.60.xx.xx | |------------------|--------------------------------| | DS4400 (1742) | 06.12.56.xx | |------------------|--------------------------------| | DS4300 Turbo | 06.60.xx.xx | | Option (1722) | | |------------------|--------------------------------| | DS4300 | 06.60.xx.xx | | Standard Option | | | (1722) | | |------------------|--------------------------------| | DS4300 Single | 05.34.xx.xx | | Controller Opt. | (for DS4300 SCU | | (SCU)(1722) | only) | |------------------|--------------------------------| | DS4200 (1814) | 07.36.xx.xx | |------------------|--------------------------------| | DS4100 (1724) | 06.12.56.xx | | (standard dual | | | Single | | | controller Opt.)| | |------------------|--------------------------------| | FAStT500 (3552) | 05.30.xx.xx | |------------------|--------------------------------| | FAStT200 (3542) | 05.30.xx.xx | --------------------------------------------------- Note: 1. Controller firmware 06.23.xx.xx is required for the DS4300-standard- dual controller or Turbo models, the DS4500-all models, the DS4700- all models and the DS4800-all models for attaching combinations of EXP810 and EXP100 storage expansion enclosures behind a DS4000 storage subsystem. 2. Controller firmware 06.12.xx.xx and higher is required for HPUX IA64 support. New features introduced with controller firmware version 07.36.xx.xx or later are not available for DS4000/DS5000 controllers with older firmware versions installed. The following table describes controller firmware versions required for attaching various models of DS4000 Storage Expansion Enclosures. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Controller | EXP Storage Expansion Enclosures | | FW Version |----------------------------------------------------------------| | | EXP100 | EXP420 | EXP500 | EXP700 | EXP710 | EXP810 | EXP5000 | |------------|---------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|---------| |5.3x.xx.xx | No | No | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | |------------|---------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|---------| |5.40.xx.xx | No | No | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | |------------|---------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|---------| |5.41.xx.xx | Yes | No | No | No | No | No | No | |------------|---------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|---------| |5.42.xx.xx | Yes | No | No | No | No | No | No | |------------|---------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|---------| |6.10.0x.xx | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | |------------|---------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|---------| |6.10.1x.xx | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | |------------|---------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|---------| |6.12.xx.xx | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | |------------|---------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|---------| |6.14.xx.xx | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | No | No | |------------|---------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|---------| |6.15.xx.xx | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | No | No | |------------|---------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|---------| |6.16.2x.xx | No | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | No | |------------|---------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|---------| |6.16.8x.xx | No | Yes | No | No | Yes | Yes | No | |------------|---------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|---------| |6.16.9x.xx | No | Yes | No | No | Yes | Yes | No | |------------|---------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|---------| |6.19.xx.xx | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | No | |------------|---------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|---------| |6.23.xx.xx | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes | Yes | No | |------------|---------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|---------| |6.60.xx.xx | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | |------------|---------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|---------| |7.10.xx.xx | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes | Yes | No | |------------|---------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|---------| |7.15.xx.xx | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes | Yes | No | |------------|---------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|---------| |7.30.xx.xx | No | No | No | No | No | No | Yes | |------------|---------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|---------| |7.36.xx.xx | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: EXP500 and EXP710/EXP100 can not be attached behind the same DS4000 storage subsystem. In addition, the EXP500 can only be intermixed with EXP700 if the fibre channel speed of the EXP700 and the DS4000 subsystem drive loop is set to 1Gbps. ======================================================================= 1.2 Limitations ---------------- IMPORTANT: The listed limitations are cumulative. However, they are listed by the DS4000/DS5000 storage subsystem controller firmware and Storage Manager host software releases to indicate which controller firmware and Storage Manager host software release that they were first seen and documented. New limitations with Storage Manager Upgrade Utility package version 10.36.xx.13 release (controller firmware 07.36.xx.xx). 1. None New limitations with Storage Manager Upgrade Utility package version 10.36.xx.07b release (controller firmware 07.36.xx.xx). 1. Upgrade of DS4000 to 7.xx.xx.xx using the upgrade tool with non-English OSes will end with an error. The current firmware column still shows the previous version, pending version will show 7.xx.xx.xx, instead of 'none'. Checking the upgrade tool log you will find: [12.11.2008 08:51:16] [rey-ds4700-1] [SUPPORT_SERVICES] [DownloadAndActivate] activation failed There are two ways to check the content of this log: 1. As long as the upgrade tool is still open: Use the 'View log' button 2. If the upgrade tool was closed already: For windows all logs can be found in this folder: C:\Program Files\IBM_DS4000FirmwareUpgrade\client For other operating systems, check in the appropriate folder. Syntax of the name is similar to 20081114_1501.log. Then check the profile. Here the new firmware can be found as pending: Current configuration: Firmware version: NVSRAM version: N1814D470R916V17.dlp Pending configuration: Staged firmware download supported: Yes Firmware version: NVSRAM version: N1814D47R1036V12.dlp This shows that firmware was loaded to controller but not yet activated. Workaround: After checking the items listed in Details section, activate the loaded firmware using this script command: activate storageSubsystem firmware; Mark the affected system in the Enterprise Management window of the Storage Manager. In the menu, go to Tools -> Execute script. A new window will show up. Paste the command in the upper part of this window and choose Tools -> Execute only. The activation will take a while and the controller will reboot. New limitations with Storage Manager Installer (SMIA) package version 10.36.xx.07 release. 1. When a storage array experiences a partial loss of power for two seconds or more, a host loses access to the storage array, which makes raw I/Os fail with error code 6. Error code 6 is described as "no such device or address." This problem does not occur with I/Os going to a file system. If this problem occurs, rescan the system for these volumes, and retry the failed command. New limitations with Storage Manager Installer (SMIA) package version 10.30.xx.09 release. 1. Volume groups in SMH (System Management Home page) owned by a controller that is offline will not show up. This issue does not have any negative impact on the cluster as the cluster remains online and active. This problem has been reported to HP as QXCR1000770172. New limitations with Storage Manager Installer (SMIA) package version 10.15.xx.08 release. 1. Reconfiguration operation (DRM) is delayed under some circumstances. When a drive fails before the DRM completes, it can take up to eight times as long for the DRM to complete. DRM reconfigurations to RAID 6 have the longest impact since there are four times as many calculations and writes that have to occur compared to other RAID levels. 2. Host Software display of controller current rate is wrong below 4Gbps. Host Software Client - AMW - Logical/Physical View - Controller Properties - Host Interfaces - Current rate is displaying "Not Available" when the controller negotiated speed is 2Gbps. When the controller negotiated speed is reduced to 1GBs, the Current rate displays "2Gbps" New limitations with Storage Manager Installer (SMIA) package version 10.10.xx.06 release. 1. Controller Alarm Bell icon does not appear as a flashing icon indicator on the screen to get the user's attention but the icon does change appearances. 2. Miswire of drive tray cabling with DS4700 and DS4200 can cause continuous reboot of a controller. To correct this situation, power down the subsytem, cable the drive trays correctly, and power the subsystem back up. 3. Controller button may appeared enabled and mislead the user that a controller is selected where in fact, a controller was not highlighted for the botton to appear ready. 4. Search key is not marked correctly in that page due a JavaHelp Bug with JavaHelp 2.0_01. A search for keyword "profile" ended with phase "prese 'nting p' rofile" being marked. 5. storageArrayProfile.txt should be renamed as storageSubsystemProfile.txt in Support Data. 6. Bullets Incorrectly Placed in Volume Modification Help Page 7. Unable to Escape out of Help Display. User will be required to close the window by using window close procedure (exit, etc.) 8. Bullets and Descriptions not alligned into same line in "Viewing mirror properties". 9. The Help window is not getting refreshed properly when using the AMW.Help window. Workaround is to close and reopen SANtricity. 10. CLI command failure for creation of volume(s) if capacity parameter syntax is not specified. A space will need to be used between the integer value and the units used in the capacity option of this command or, "create volume volumeGroup[4] capacity=15 GB…". 11. Customer will see high ITW counts displayed in GUI (RLS feature) and logs (files) for diagnostics (support bundle, DDC, etc.) and may be concerned that he has a problem. This will not cause a Critical MEL event. Known problem previously restricted, when a DS4700 or DS4200 controller reboots, these counters increment. 12. Single tray powercycle during IO activity causes drives in tray to become failed. Customer may see loss of drive (failed) due to timing issue of drive detection & spin-up of the drive. There are one of two conditions that result on power-up: - (Most likely) Drive will be marked as optimal/missing with the piece failed, or - (rarely) Drive will be marked as failed with the piece failed. Workaround is to unfail (revive) drive which restarts reconstruction of all pieces. 13. Event log critical Event 6402 was reported after creating 64 mirror relations. Eventually, the mirror state transitions to synchronizing and proceeds to completion on mirror creation. Workaround is to ignore the MEL logging since this occurs on creation of mirror volumes. 14. Reconfiguration operations during host IO may result in IO errors when arrays contain more than 32 LUNs. These operations include Dynamic Capacity Expansion, Defragmentation, Dynamic Volume Expansion, Dynamic RAID Migration. The workaround is to quiesce host IO activity during reconfiguration. 15. Heavy IO to a narrow volume group of SATA drives can result in host IO timeouts. A narrow volume group refers to an array built of very few drives; namely 1 drive RAID 0, 1x1 RAID 1, and 2 + 1 RAID 5. The workaround is to build arrays of SATA drives out of 4 + 1 or greater. 16. When managing the storage subsystem in-band, the upgrade utility will show the upgrade as failed. This is because of the update and reboot of the controllers when activating the new firmware. SMagent is not dynamic and will need to be restarted to reconnect to the storage subsystem. 17. Selecting and dragging text within the storage profile window causes the window to be continuously refreshed. Work around is to select and copy, do not drag the text. 18. When configuring alerts through the task assistant, the option stays open after selecting OK. The window only closes when the cancel button is selected. 19. The Performance Monitor displays error messages when the storage subsystem is experiencing exception conditions. The performance monitor has a lower execution priority within the controller firmware than responding to system IO and can experience internal timeouts under these conditions. 20. Critical MEL event (6402 - Data on mirrored pair unsynchronized) can occur under certain circumstances with synchronous RVM. The most likely scenario is when both primary and secondary are on a remote mirror and an error occurs with access to that host. Resynchronization should occur automatically, when automatic resynchronization is selected for a mirror relationship. However if any of the host sites should go down during this interval, recovery by the user is required. 21. A persistent miswire condition is erroneously reported through the recovery guru even though the subsystem is properly wired. The frequency of occurrence is low and is associated with an ESM firmware download or other reboot of the ESM. The ESM that is reporting the problem must be reseated to eliminate the false reporting. Not all miswire conditions are erroneous and must be evaluated to determine the nature of the error. 22. Drive path loss of redundancy has been reported during ESM download. This occurs when a drive port is bypassed. In some instances this is persistent until the drive is reconstructed. In other cases it can be recovered through an ESM reboot (second ESM download, ESM pull and replace). 23. Unexpected drive states have been observed during power cycle testing due to internal controller firmware contention when flushing MEL events to disk. The drives have been observed as reconstructing or replaced when they should have been reported as failed. Also volume groups have been reported degraded when all drives were assigned and optimal. An indication that this is the situation would be when drive reconstruction has not completed in the expected amount of time and does not appear to be making any progress. The work around is to reboot the controller owning the volume where the reconstruction has stalled. 24. Sometimes when an ESM is inserted a drive's fault line is asserted briefly. The fault line almost immediately returns to inactive, but the ESMs may bypass the drive. In these circumstances, the administrator will have to reconstruct the failed drive. 25. After a drive fail, a manually initiated copyback to a global hot spare may also fail. The work around is to remove the failed drive and reinsert it, then the copyback should resume and complete successfully. 26. When an erronieous miswire condition occurs (as mentioned above in 21), the recovery guru reports the miswire on one controller but not on the other. In this situation, ignore the other controller and use the information supplied by the controller reporting the problem. 27. Occasionally a controller firmware upgrade to 07.10 will unexpectedly reboot a controller an extra time. This could generate a diagnostic data capture, however the firmware upgrade is always successfull. 28. When managing previous releases of firmware (06.19 and prior), "working" gets displayed as "worki" during volume creation. 29. The Performance Monitor error window does not come to the front. You must minimize all other foreground windows to get to the error popup window. 30. When a disk array is in a degraded state, the array will report "needs attention" to both the EMW and the AMW. After taking appropriate corrective action, the AMW view of the array will report "fixing" but the EMW state remains at "needs attention". Both statuses are valid, when the fault state is resolved both views will change to "optimal". 31. The JRE directory remains after uninstalling the firmware upgrade utility. The work around is to manually delete the files. 32. Configuring separate Email alerts when two Enterprise management windows are open on the same host will cause the alerts to disappear if one of the Enterprise windows is shut down and then restarted. It is recommended that if multiple Enterprise management windows needs to be open, that they are open on separate Hosts which will indeed allow the configuration of alerts to be saved if one of the enterprise management windows is shut down and restarted. Legacy restrictions that are still applicable: 1. Reflected Fibre Channel (FC) OPN frames occurs when intermixing the EXP810, EXP710 and EXP100s behind DS4700 or DS4800 storage subsystems. This behavior causes excessive drive side timeout, drive side link down and drive side link up events be posted in the DS4000 storage subsystem Event log (MEL.) It might also cause drives to be by-passed or failed by the controller. NEW DRIVE SIDE FC CABLING REQUIREMENT MUST BE ADHERED TO WHEN HAVING EXP100 CONNECTED TO THE DS4700 OR DS4800 STORAGE SUBSYSTEMS. Please refer to the latest version of the Installation, User's and Maintenance Guide for these storage subsystems that are posted in the IBM DS4000 Support web site for more information. 2. Can not increase the capacity of RAID arrays. RAID arrays with certain combinations of selected segment size and number of drives that made up the arrays will exceed the available working space in controller dacstore, causing a reconfiguration request (like expanding the capacity of the array) to be denied. These combinations are generally the largest segment size (512KB) with the number of drives in the array is 15 drives or more. There is no work-around. C324144 105008 3. Interoperability problem between the Tachyon DX2 chip in the DS4500 and the DS4300 storage subsystem controllers and the Emulex SOC 422 chip in the EXP810 expansion enclosure ESMs causing up to 5 Fibre Channel loop type errors to be posted in the DS4000 storage subsystem Major Event Log during a 24 hour period. There is a small window in the SOC 422 chip that multiple devices can be opened at one time. This ultimately leads to Fibre Channel loop errors of Fibre Channel link up/down, Drive returned CHECK CONDITION, and Timeout on drive side of controller. IBM recommends the use of the Read-Link-Status function to monitor drive loop for any problems in the drive loop/channel. There is no work-around. 4. The single digit of the Enclosure IDs for all enclosures (including the DS4000 storage subsystem with internal drive slots) in a given redundant drive loop/channel pair must be unique. For example, with four enclosures attached to the DS4300, the correct enclosure ID settings should be x1, x2, x3, and x4 (where x can be any digit that can be set). Examples of incorrect settings would be 11, 21, 31, and 41 or 12, 22, 32, and 62. These examples are incorrect because the x1 digits are the same in all enclosure IDs (either 1 or 2). If you do not set the single digit of the enclosure IDs to be unique among enclosures in a redundant drive loop/channel pair, then drive loop/channel errors might be randomly posted in the DS4000 subsystem Major Event Log (MEL), especially in the cases where the DS4300 storage substems are connected to EXP810s and EXP100s. In additon, enclosure IDs with same single digits in a redundant drive loop/channel pair will cause the DS4000 subsystem controller to assign a soft AL_PA address to devices in the redundant drive loop/channel pair. The problem with soft AL_PA addressing is that AL_PA address assignment can change between LIPs. This possibility increases the difficulty of troubleshooting drive loop problems because it is difficult to ascertain whether the same device with a different address or a different device might be causing a problem. 5. In DS4000 storage subsystem configurations with controller firmware 6.15.2x.xx and higher installed, the performance of write intense workloads such as sequential Tape restores to DS4000 Logical drives with large I/O request sizes (e.g. 256kB) is degraded if the DS4000 logical drives are created with small segment sizes such as 8KB or 16KB. The work around is to create the DS4000 logical drives with segment size of 64KB or higher. 6. Do not pull or insert drives during the drive firmware download. In addition, ALL I/Os must also be stopped during the drive firmware download. Otherwise, drives may be shown as missing, unavailable or failed. 7. Do not perform other storage management tasks, such as creating or deleting logical drives, reconstructing arrays, and so on, while downloading the DS4000 storage subsystem controller firmware and DS4000 EXP ESM firmware. It is recommended that you close all storage management sessions (other than the session that you use to upgrade the firmware) to the DS4000 storage subsystem that you plan to update. 8. HP System Administration Manager (SAM) does not work consistently with DS4000 storage subsystem. It is not recommended to use SAM with DS4000 storage subsystems. 9. Use of Flashcopy in the HP-UX environment has some limitations in a multihost environment. Flashcopy LUN must be assigned to the same host. If the Flashcopy LUN is assigned to a different host partition from the primary LUN ,the I/O operation will slow down significantly during a failover/failback situation. ======================================================================= 1.3 Enhancements ----------------- The DS Storage Manager version 10.36 host software for HP-UX operating systems in conjunction with the DS4000/DS5000 storage subsystem controller firmware version 07.36.xx.xx provides support for - Increased the number of supported Host Types from 16 to 32. - Support for Target Port Group Support (TPGS) with HP-UX 11.31 only. TPGS was previously referred to as Asymmetric Logical Unit Access (ALUA). TPGS provides for a SCSI-standardized way to manage multiple Active/Passive and Active/Active paths to a target device (Volume). - Storage Manager v10.36 Event Monitor installation default changed from disabled to enabled. - Additional MEL Health Checks have been included in the Storage Manager Firmware Upgrade Utility; > MEL entries have wrapped during the last 24 hours > More than 10 DDE Critical MEL events reported in the last 7 days > More than 2 Page 2C Critical MEL events reported in the last 7 days > More than 1 Unscheduled Controller Reboot Critical MEL evens (0x5005, 0x5040) reported in the last 7 days > More than 2 Degraded Drive Channel Critical MEL events reported in the last 7 days > More than 8 Host side Channel Error Critical MEL events reported in the last 7 days > Non-redundant Drive Side cabling on the drive side > More than 4 critical MEL entries in the last 7 days > Add check for event showing MEL was cleared and record this in the Utility Log. Please refer to the New Features section of the IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager Version 10 Installation and Host Support Guide for additional information about the IBM DS Storage Manager version 10 enhancements. ======================================================================= 1.4 Level Recommendation and Prerequisites for the update ----------------------------------------------------------- Note: The IBM Storage Manager host software version 10.36 for PA RISC and Intel Itanium II 64bit (IA64) HP-UX 11.23 and 11.31 operating system new features and changes are described in the corresponding Change History document. Please refer to this document for more information on new features and modifications. IBM DS Storage Manager version 10.36 for HP-UX was tested heterogeneously on the following HP servers: An HP 9000/800 series server with the following minimum requirements: 1. 440 MHz PA-RISC/IA64 or faster. 2. 1 GB Memory or more 3. 2MB available on /opt. Root (or root-equivalent) privileges for SMutil and SMagent installation. 4. 180MB available disk space on /opt. Root (or root-equivalent) privileges for SMClient installation. 5. For installation in a Java Runtime Environment, at least 160 MB available disk space on /opt and at least 160 MB available on /tmp. Ensure your host is running one of the following operating systems. The storage management software installation program will not verify patches. Some patches might be superseded by other patches. Refer to the Operating System documentation or contact your operating system supplier for more information. 1. HP-UX Version 11.23 (IA64 and PA-RISC): HBA Driver Level: B.11.23.0712 2. HP-UX Version 11.31 (IA64 and PA-RISC2.0): HBA Driver Level: B.11.31.0803 3. For high availability clusters of HP 9000/Series 800 computers, install the HP MC/ServiceGuard 11.18 software package. 4. The DS4000 Storage Manager version 9.12, 9.14 or higher host software installer wizard requires the installation of a graphics adapter in the HP-UX server for it to run. For HP-UX servers without the graphics adapter, individual host software installation packages are provided in the DS Storage Manager Version 10.30. These individual host software installation packages can be downloaded at the IBM System Storage™ Disk Storage Systems Technical Support web site: Code levels at time of release are as followed --------------------------------------------------- For HP-UX 11.23 PA RISC and 11.31 PA RISC2.0 only: Starting with the DS4000 storage manager version 10.10, there is a controller firmware upgrade tool included. The version of Storage Manager firmware upgrade installer is SMFWUpgInstaller-HPUX- This installer will install the following versions of firmware upgrade packages: 1. SMfwupgrade - 10.36.G5.05 2. SMfirmware - 10.36.G5.08 Starting with the DS4000 storage manager version 9.12, all of the host- software packages are included in a single DS Storage Manager version host software installer wizard. During the execution of the wizard, the user will have a choice to install all or only certain software packages depending the need for a given server. The version of the host software installer wizard for this release is SMIA-HPUX- IMPORTANT: The host software installer wizard requires the installation of a graphics adapter in the HP-UX server for it to run. This installer wizard will install the following version of the host- software packages 1. IBM DS Storage Manager Runtime version: 2. IBM DS Storage Manager Client version: 10.36.G5.09 3. IBM DS Storage Manager Agent version: 4. IBM DS Storage Manager Utilities version: 5. IBM DS Storage Manager ESM version: 10.36.G5.02 For HP-UX 11.23 and 11.31 IA64 only: Starting with the DS4000 storage manager version 10.10, there is a controller firmware upgrade tool included. The version of Storage Manager firmware upgrade installer is SMFWUpgInstaller-HP64- This installer will install the following versions of firmware upgrade packages: 1. SMfwupgrade - 10.36.G5.05 2. SMfirmware - 10.36.G5.08 Starting with the DS4000 storage manager version 9.12, all of the host- software packages are included in a single DS Storage Manager version host software installer wizard. During the execution of the wizard, the user will have a choice to install all or only certain software packages depending the need for a given server. The version of the host software installer wizard for this release is SMIA-HP64- IMPORTANT: The host software installer wizard requires the installation of a graphics adapter in the HP-UX server for it to run. This installer wizard will install the following version of the host- software packages 1. IBM DS Storage Manager Runtime version: 2. IBM DS Storage Manager Client version: 10.36.G5.09 3. IBM DS Storage Manager Agent version: 4. IBM DS Storage Manager Utilities version: 5. IBM DS Storage Manager ESM version: 10.36.G5.02 For HP-UX servers without the graphics adapter, individual host software installation packages are provided in the DS Storage Manager Version 10.36 Host Software. These individual host software installation packages can also be downloaded at the IBM System Storage™ Disk Storage Systems Technical Support web site. Refer to the IBM System Storage™ Disk Storage Systems Technical Support web site for the latest released code levels. ======================================================================= 1.5 Dependencies ----------------- ATTENTION: 1. The IBM System Storage DS4000 Controller Firmware Upgrade Tool is required to upgrade any system from 6.xx controller firmware to the 7.15.xx.xx controller firmware. Only DS4200, DS4700, and DS4800 systems can be upgraded to 7.15 firmware. 2. Always check the README files (especially the Dependencies section) that are packaged together with the firmware files for any required minimum firmware level requirements and the firmware download sequence for the DS4000/DS5000 drive expansion enclosure ESM, the DS4000/DS5000 storage subsystem controller and the hard drive firmware. 3. The DS5100 and DS5300 storage subsystems do not support the attachment of the DS4000 EXP100, EXP700, EXP710 drive expansion enclosures. 4. The DS5000 EXP5000 drive expansion enclosure is supported attached to the DS5100 and DS5300 only. 5. The DS4700 and DS4800 storage subsystems do not support the attachment of the DS4000 EXP700 drive expansion enclosures. The EXP700 enclosure must be upgraded into DS4000 EXP710 enclosure using the DS4000 EXP700 Models 1RU/1RX Switched-ESM Option Upgrade Kit before it can be attached to the DS4700 and DS4800 storage subsystems. 6. Required installation order for Storage Manager 10.36.xx.xx and controller firmware 07.36.xx.xx: 1. SMruntime - always first 2. SMesm - required by client 3. SMclient 4. SMagent 5. SMutil 6. Controller firmware and NVSRAM 7. ESM firmware 8. Drive firmware IBM DS Storage Manager version 10.36 host software requires the DS4000/DS5000 storage subsystem controller firmware be at version 05.30.XX.XX or higher. The only IBM DS4000 Storage Manager supported on DS4000 storage subsystems with controller firmware version 04.xx.xx.xx up to 05.2x.xx.xx is version 09.60.xx.xx. ======================================================================= 2.0 Installation and Setup Instructions ----------------------------------------- Note: The web-download Storage Manager version 10.36 host software package must be first unpacked (tar -xvz) into a user-defined directory. Then, go to this directory, locate the HP-UX directory to access the Storage Manager version 10.36 host software installation file(s). 2.1 Step-by-step instructions for this code update are as followed ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Install and update the driver for the IBM DS4000 FC Host Bus Adapter. a. Install the hardware by using the instructions that come with the adapter. b. Install the Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapter driver by using the instructions provided with the adapter. 2. Install the new Storage Manager host software. If there is previous version (7.x, 8.x or 9.x) of the IBM DS4000 Storage Manager host software (ie. SMRuntime, SMClient, SMUtil and SMAgent packages) installed in the system, you have to uninstall it first before installing the new version of the storage manager software. Refer to the IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager Version 10 Installation and Host Support Guide for detailed installation instructions. 3. Check to see whether HP-UX LVM mirrored volume functionality is used in the HP-UX server. If it is not used, run the disable_ignoreAVT8192_HPUX.script script in the DS4000 Storage Manager script window to disable the DS4000 storage subsystem ignoring of AVT requests for the HP-UX server specific read pattern of 2 blocks at LBA 8192. Note: To re-enable this DS4000 storage subsystem functionality at a later time, run the enable_ignoreAVT8192_HPUX.script script in the Storage Manager script window. Refer to the IBM System Storage™ Disk Storage Systems Technical Support web site for the the latest DS Storage Manager host software, the DS4000/DS5000 controllers firmware, the drive expansion enclosure ESM firmware and the hard disk drive code. ======================================================================= 2.2 Configurations have been tested with the following Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapters, device drivers and Storage Controller Firmware: 1. OS: HP-UX 11.23 Vendor: HP, Model: AB379B HBA Driver: version B.11.23.0712 Bundle: 11i(B.11.23.0409.3), QPKAPPS(B.11.23.0712.070a), SW-DIST(B.11.23.0712.070) Supptd HW=AB379A, AB379B, A6826A, A6795A, AB378A 2. OS: HP-UX 11.31 Vendor: HP, Model: AB379B HBA Driver: version B.11.31.0803 Bundle: QPK1131(B.11.31.0803.318a), Supptd HW=AB379B, A6826A, AB378A ======================================================================= 2.3 Helpful Hints ------------------ 1. The DS4500 and DS4300 storage subsystem have updated recommended drive-side cabling instructions. The DS4500 instructions are documented in the IBM System Storage DS4500 Installation, Users. and Maintenance Guide (GC27- 2051-00 or IBM P/N 42D3302). The DS4300 instructions are documented in the IBM System Storage DS4300 Installation, Users. and Maintenance Guide (GC26-7722-02 or IBM P/N 42D3300). Please follow the cabling instructions in these publication to cable the new DS4500 and DS4300 setup. If you have an existing DS4500 setup with four drive side minuhub installed that was cabled according to the previously recommended cabling instructions, please schedule down time as soon as possible to make changes to the drive side FC cabling. Refer to the IBM System Storage DS4500 and DS4300 Installation, Users. and Maintenance Guide for more information. 2. Fabric topology zoning requirement. To avoid possible problem at the host level, all Fibre Channel Switches must be zoned such that a single host bus adapter can only access one controller per storage array. In addition, this zoning requirement also ensures the maximum number of host connections can be seen and log into the controller FC host port. This is because if a FC HBA port is seen by both controller A and B host ports, it will be counted as two host connections to the storage subsystem - one for controller A port and one for controller B port. Note: The DS4000 storage subsystems DS4500, DS4400 and FAStT500 (IBM machine type 1742 and 3552) have two ports per controller - one per minihub slot. The DS4000 storage subsystems DS4300 (IBM machine type 1722) and DS4100 (IBM machine type 1724) have two ports per controller. The DS4000 storage subsystem FAStT200 (IBM machine type 3542) has only one port per controller. The DS4000 storage subsystem DS4700 (IBM machine type 1814) has up to four ports per controller. The DS4000 storage subsystem DS4800 (IBM machine type 1815) has four ports per controller. 3. For partitioning in clusters. The partition must be done on the host group level not on the host level. This will allow all cluster hosts to see the same storage. 4. Increasing the I/O Timeout value to 120 seconds may improve the peformance of the server. By default the timeout value is set to 30 seconds. The phyiscal value can be changed with the following command: pvchange -t 120 /dev/dsk/cXtYdZ - Where X represents controller - Where Y represents target - Where Z represents controller 5. Do not delete the Access LUN or Access Volume. The Access LUN is required by the SMclient to communicate with the storage controllers when using the in-band management method. 6. Depending on the storage subsystem that you have purchased, you may have to purchase the FAST storage partitioning premium feature option or an option to upgrade the number of supported partitions in a storage subsystem. Please see IBM Marketing representatives or IBM resellers for more information. - IBM DS4100 storage subsystem (machine type 1724): The standard configuration does not have the FAST storage partitioning premium enabled. Four partition, eight partition, sixteen and an upgrade from four to eight partition storage partitioning premium feature options can be purchased. - IBM DS4200 storage subsystem (machine type 1814): Depending on the ordering channels, the DS420 storage subsystem is either shipped with 2 storage partitions or with a user selected 2, 4, 8, 16 or 64 storage partitions. If the DS4200 storage subsystem is ordered with less than 64 partitions, various storage partition feature upgrade options can be purchased to increase the maximum number of supported storage partitions. - IBM DS4300 storage subsystem (machine type 1722): The standard configuration does not have the FAST storage partitioning premium enabled. Four partition, eight partition, sixteen and an upgrade from four to eight partition storage partitioning premium feature options can be purchased. The IBM DS4300 Turbo option comes with 8 partition storage partitioning premium option installed. An upgrade to 64 partitions can be purchased for the IBM DS4300 Turbo option. - IBM FAStT200, FAStT500, and DS4400 storage subsystems (machine type 3542, 3552 and 1742 - models 1RU and 1RX, respectively): The standard configuration has 64 partitions storage partitioning premium option installed. No additional storage partitioning premium feature options can be purchased for these storage subsystems. - IBM DS4500 storage subsystem (machine type 1742 - models 90X and 90U): The standard configuration has 16 partition storage partitioning premium option installed. An upgrade from 16 to 64 partition storage partitioning premium feature option can be purchased. - IBM DS4700 storage subsystem (machine type 1814): Depending on the ordering channels, the DS4700-model 70 storage subsystem is either shipped with 2 storage partitions or with a user selected 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 or 128 storage partitions. Similarly, the DS4700-model 72 storage subsystem is either shipped with 8 storage partitions or with a user selected 8, 16, 32, 64 or 128 storage partitions. If the DS4700 storage subsystem is ordered with less than 128 partitions, various storage partition feature upgrade options can be purchased to increase the maximum number of supported storage partitions. - IBM DS4800 storage subsystem (machine type 1815): Depending on the ordering channels, the DS4800 storage subsystem is either shipped with 8 storage partitions or with a user selected 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 or 512 storage partitions. If the subsystem is ordered with less than 512 partitions, an upgrade from 8 to 16, 8 to 32, 8 to 64, 16 to 32, 16 to 64, 32 to 64, 32 to 128, 64 to 128, 64 to 256, 128 to 256, 128 to 512, or 256 to 512 partition storage partitioning premium feature option can be purchased. - IBM DS5300 and DS5100 storage subsystem (machine type 1818): the DS5300 and DS5100 storage subsystem is shipped with a user selected 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 or 512 storage partitions. If the subsystem is ordered with less than 512 partitions, various storage partition feature upgrade options can be purchased to increase the maximum number of supported storage partitions. 7. The DS4000 controller host ports or the Fibre Channel HBA ports can not be connected to a Cisco FC switch ports with "trunking" enabled. You might encounter failover and failback problems if you do not change the Cisco FC switch port to "non-trunking" using the following procedure: a. Launch the Cicso FC switch Device Manager GUI. b. Select one or more ports by a single click. c. Right click the port(s) and select Configure, a new window pops up d. Select the "Trunk Config" tab from this window, a new window opens e. In this window under Admin, select the "non-trunk" radio button, it is set to auto by default. f. Refresh the entire fabric. 8. When making serial connections to the DS4000 storage controller, the baud rate is recommended to be set at either 38400 or 57600. Note: Do not make any connections to the DS4000 storage subsystem serial ports unless it is instructed by IBM Support. Incorrect use of the serial port might result in lost of configuration, and possibly, data. 9. All enclosures (including DS4000 storage subsystem with internal drive slots) on any given drive loop/channel should have complete unique ID's, especially the single digit (x1) portion of the ID, assigned to them. For example, in a maximum configured DS4500 storage subsystem, enclosures on one redundant drive loop should be assigned with id's 10-17 and enclosures on the second drive loop should be assigned with id's 20-27. Enclosure id's with the same single digit such as 11, 21 and 31 should not be used on the same drive loop/channel. In addition, for enclosures with mechanical enclosure ID switch like DS4300 storage subsystems, EXP100 or EXP710 storage expansion enclosures, do not use enclosure ID value of 0. The reason is with the physical design and movement of the mechanical enclosure ID switch, it is possible to leave the switch in a “dead zone” between ID numbers, which return an incorrect enclosure ID to the storage management software. The most commonly returned enclosure ID is 0 (zero). In addition to causing the subsystem management software to report incorrect enclosure ID, this behavior also result in enclosure ID conflict error with the storage expansion enclosure or DS4000 storage subsystem intentionally set the ID to 0. The DS4200 and DS4700 storage subsystems and the EXP420 and EXP810 storage expansion enclosures did not have mechanical ID switches. Thus, they are not susceptible to this problem. In addition, these storage subsystems and storage expansion enclosures automatically set the Enclosure IDs. IBM recommendation is not make any changes to these settings unless the automatic enclosure ID settings resulting in non- unique single digit settings for enclosures (including the storage subsystems with internal drive slots) in a given drive loop/channel. 10. The ideal configuration for SATA drives is one drive in each EXP per array, one logical drive per array and one OS disk partition per logical drive. This configuration minimizes the random head movements that increase stress on the SATA drives. As the number of drive locations to which the heads have to move increases, application performance and drive reliability may be impacted. If more logical drives are configured, but not all of them used simultaneously, some of the randomness can be avoided. SATA drives are best used for long sequential reads and writes. 11. IBM recommends at least one hot spare per EXP100 drive expansion enclosure. A total of 15 hot-spares can be defined per DS4000 storage subsystem configuration. 12. Starting with the DS4000 Storage Manager (SM) host software version 9.12 or later, the Storage Manager client script window looks for the files with the file type of ".script" as the possible script command files. In the previous versions of the DS4000 Storage Manager host software, the script window looks for the file type ".scr" instead. (i.e. enableAVT.script for SM 9.12 or later vs. enableAVT.scr for pre-SM 9.12) ======================================================================= 3.0 Configuration Information ----------------------------- 3.1 Configuration Settings -------------------------- 1. By default, the IBM DS Storage Manager SMClient program does not automatically map logical drives when the IBM DS4000/DS5000 storage partitioning premium feature is enabled. This means that the logical drives after being created are not automatically presented to the host servers. a. For a new installation, after creating new arrays and logical drives, create a storage partition with the host type of HP-UX and map the logical drives to this partition or change the default host type to HP-UX if the Storage Partitioning premium feature is not enable. b. If you are upgrading the NVSRAM with Storage Partitions, you may have to change the default host type to match the host system OS. After upgrading the NVSRAM, the default host type is reset to Windows 2000/Server 2003 non-clustered for DS4000 storage server with controller firmware version 06.14.xx.xx or later. For DS4000 storage server with controller firmware version 06.12.xx.xx or earlier, it is reset to Windows non-clustered (SP5 or higher), instead. Refer to the IBM DS Storage Manager online help to learn more about creating storage partitions and changing host types. 2. When you are configuring IBM machine type 1722, 1724, 1742, 1814, 1815, 1818, 3542 or 3552 storage controllers as boot devices, contact IBM support for supported configurations and instructions for configuring IBM storage controllers as boot devices. 3. Running script files for specific configurations. Apply the appropriate scripts to your subsystem based on the instructions you have read in the publications or any instructions in the operating system readme file. A description of each script is shown below. - SameWWN.script: Setup RAID controllers to have the same World Wide Names. The World Wide Names (node) will be the same for each controller pair. The NVSRAM default sets the RAID controllers to have the same World Wide Names. - DifferentWWN.script: Setup RAID controllers to have different World Wide Names. The World Wide Names (node) will be different for each controller pair. The NVSRAM default sets the RAID controllers to have the same World Wide Names. - EnableAVT_W2K_S2003_noncluster.script: The script will enable automatic logical drive transfer (AVT/ADT) for the Windows 2000/Server 2003 non- cluster heterogenous host region. The default setting is to disable AVT for this heterogenous host region. This setting is one of the requirements for setting up the remote boot or SAN-boot. Do not use this script unless it is specifically mentioned in the applicable instructions. (This script can be used for other host type if modifications are made in the script, replacing the Windows 2000/Server 2003 non-cluster host type with the appropriate host type that needs to have AVT/ADT enabled) - DisableAVT_W2K_S2003_noncluster.script: The script will disable the automatic logical drive transfer (AVT) for the Windows 2000/Server 2003 non-cluster heterogenous host region. This script will reset the Windows 2000/Server 2003 non-cluster AVT setting to the default. (This script can be used for other host type if modifications are made in the script, replacing the Windows 2000/Server 2003 non- cluster host type with the appropriate host type that needs to have AVT/ADT disabled) - disable_ignoreAVT8192_HPUX.script: This script will disable the DS4000 storage subsystem ignoring of AVT requests for the HP-UX server specific read pattern of 2 blocks at LBA 8192. The AVT ignoring request for the LBA 8192 reads was implemented to prevent a possible occurrence of an AVT storm caused by the HP-UX server probing in the wrong order of available paths to the volume(s) when it detect server to LUN path failure. Use this script only when you do not have defined LVM mirrored volumes using the mapped logical drives from the DS4000 storage subsystems. Please contact IBM support for additional information, if required. - enable_ignoreAVT8192_HPUX.script: This script will enable the DS4000 storage subsystem ignoring of AVT requests for the HP-UX server specific read pattern of 2 blocks at LBA 8192. The AVT ignoring request for the LBA 8192 reads was implemented to prevent a possible occurrence of an AVT storm caused by the HP-UX server probing in the wrong order of available paths to the volume(s) when it detect server to LUN path failure. Use this script only when you do have defined LVM mirrored volumes using the mapped logical drives from the DS4000 storage subsystems. Please contact IBM support for additional information, if required. 4. When you are configuring IBM machine type 1722, 1724, 1742, 1814, 1815 or 3552 storage subsystems in host cluster Remote Mirror configurations, contact IBM support for supported host cluster configurations and instructions for configuring IBM storage controllers in clustered Remote Mirror configurations. 5. In the event the worldwide port names (WWPNs) do not show up when defining host ports in the Mapping view of the Subsystem Management window, manually enter the WWPNs. ======================================================================= 3.2 Unsupported configurations ------------------------------- The following lists configurations that are currently not being supported with IBM DS4000 Storage Manager Version 9.23. 1. The DS4100 (machine type 1724-all models) storage subsystem does not support the attachment of the DS4000 EXP710, EXP700 and EXP500 (FC) drive expansion enclosure. Please contact IBM representatives or resellers for the availability of such support in the future. 2. The DS4800 storage subsystem (machine type 1815-all models) does not support the attachment of the FAStT EXP500 and DS4000 EXP700 drive expansion enclosures. 3. The DS4200 (machine type 1814 - models 7VA/H) does not support the attachment of the DS4000 EXP100 (SATA), EXP710 (FC) and EXP810 (SATA and FC) drive expansion enclosures. In addition, it does not support Fibre Channel disk drive options. 4. The IBM DS4000 EXP420 Expansion Enclosure is not supported attached to any other IBM DS4000 Storage Controllers except the DS4200. 5. The DS4100 with Single Controller option does not support the attachment of the DS4000 storage expansion enclosures. 6. The DS4300 storage subsystem with Single Controller option does not support the controller firmware version 06.xx.xx.xx. The correct firmware version for these DS4300 storage subsystem models is 05.34.xx.xx. 7. Fibre Channel loop environments with the IBM Fibre Channel Hub, machine type 3523 and 3534, in conjunction with the IBM Fibre Channel Switch, machine types 2109-S16, 2109-F16 or 2109-S8. In this configuration, the hub is connected between the switch and the IBM Fibre Channel RAID Controllers. 8. The IBM Fibre Channel hub, machine type 3523, connected to IBM machine type 1722, 1724, 1742, 1814, 1815, 3542 and 3552. 9. A configuration in which a server with only one FC host bus adapter connects directly to any DS4000 storage subsystem with dual controllers is not supported. The supported configuration is the one in which the server with only one FC host bus adapter connects to both controller ports of any DS4000 storage subsystem with dual controllers via Fibre Channel (FC) switch (SAN-attached configuration.) 10. The DS5300 and DS5100 storage subsystem (machine type 1818-all models) does not support the attachment of the FAStT EXP500, DS4000 EXP700, DS4000 EXP710, DS4000 EXP100, DS4000 EXP810 or DS4000 EXP420 drive expansion enclosures. 11. The IBM DS5000 EXP5000 Expansion Enclosure is not supported attached to any other IBM Storage Controllers except the DS5300 and DS5100. ======================================================================= 4.0 Unattended Mode --------------------- N/A ======================================================================= 5.0 WEB Sites and Support Phone Number -------------------------------------------------------------- 5.1 IBM System Storage™ Disk Storage Systems Technical Support web site: 5.2 IBM System Storage™ Marketing Web Site: 5.3 You can receive hardware service through IBM Services or through your IBM reseller, if your reseller is authorized by IBM to provide warranty service. See for support telephone numbers, or in the U.S. and Canada, call 1-800-IBM-SERV (1-800-426- 7378). IMPORTANT: You should download the latest version of the DS Storage Manager host software, the DS4000/DS5000 storage subsystem controller firmware, the DS4000/DS5000 drive expansion enclosure ESM firmware and the drive firmware at the time of the initial installation and when product updates become available. For more information about how to register for support notifications, see the following IBM Support Web page: You can also check the Stay Informed section of the IBM Disk Support Web site, at the following address: ======================================================================= 6.0 Trademarks and Notices -------------------------- The following terms are trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the United States or other countries or both: IBM System Storage the e-business logo xSeries, pSeries HelpCenter UNIX is a registered of The Open Group in the United States and other countries. Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. Linux is a trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries, or both. HP-UX is a registered trademark of Hewlett-Packard Corporation. Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States, other countries, or both. QLogic and SANsurfer are trademarks of QLogic Corporation. Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. ======================================================================= 7.0 Disclaimer -------------- 7.1 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. IBM DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND MERCHANTABILITY WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT. BY FURNISHING THIS DOCUMENT, IBM GRANTS NO LICENSES TO ANY PATENTS OR COPYRIGHTS. 7.2 Note to U.S. Government Users -- Documentation related to restricted rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corporation.