IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager version 10.86.x5.43 for Apple Mac OX X 10.6 Note: Apple Mac OS X host IO attachment is supported with DS3000/DS5000 storage subsystems with controller firmware version 7.84.xx.xx and later installed. Apple Mac OS host attachment to the DS3000/DS5000 storage subsystems requires the additional purchase of the IBM DS3000/DS5000 Mac OS Host Kit Option or Feature Code. The IBM Mac OS Host Kit Option contains the required IBM licensing to attach an Apple Mac Server with OS X installed to the DS3000/DS5000 storage subsystems. Please contact your IBM service representatives or IBM resellers for purchasing information. Important: A problem causing recursive reboots exists while using 7.36.08 and 7.36.12 firmware on IBM System Storage DS4000 or DS5000 systems. This problem is fixed in 7.36.14.xx and above firmware. All subsystems currently using 7.36.08 and 7.36.12 firmware MUST run a file system check tool (DbFix) before and after the firmware upgrade to 7.36.14.xx or higher. Instructions for obtaining and using DbFix are contained in the 7.36.14.xx or higher firmware package. Carefully read the firmware readme and the DbFix instructions before upgrading to firmware 7.36.14.xx or higher. For subsystems with firmware level 7.36.08 or 7.36.12, configuration changes should be avoided until a firmware upgrade to 7.36.14.xx or higher has been completed successfully. Subsystems not currently using 7.36.08 or 7.36.12 do not need to run DbFix prior to upgrading to 7.36.14.xx or higher. DbFix may be run after upgrading to 7.36.14.xx or higher, but it is not required. DbFix is only applicable to subsystems using 7.36.xx.xx or greater firmware. If problems are experienced using DbFix or the resulting message received is Check Failed, DO NOT upgrade your firmware and contact IBM support before taking any further actions. (C) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1999, 2013. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication, or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. Note: Before using this information and the product it supports, read the general information in "Notices and trademarks?in this document. Important: 1. There is not an IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager host software packages for the Apple Mac OS X operating system environments. To manage the DS3000/DS5000 storage subsystems that are IO attached to your MacOS hosts, you must install the DS Storage Manager client software (SMclient) on a Windows or Linux management workstation. The SMclient program is included in the IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager version 10 for the 32 and 64 bit version of Linux operating systems or the IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager version 10 for Microsoft Windows operating systems host software packages. 2. The storage manager client software packages for Windows and Linux contain non-IBM code (Open Source code.) Please review and agree to the Non- IBM Licenses and Notices terms stated in the DS Storage Manager Non_IBM_Licenses_and_Notices.v3.pdf file before use. This pdf file is packaged with the appropriate storage manager client software package. Refer to the IBM System Storage?Support Web Site or CD for the IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager Version 10 Installation and Host Support Guide. This guide along with the DS Storage Manager program Online Help provide the installation and support information. Last Update: 12/02/2013 Products Supported ----------------------------------------------------------------- | New Model | Old Model | Machine Type | Model | |----------- |-----------|--------------|-------------------------| | DS3500 | N/A | 1746 | C2A, A2S, A2D, C4A, | | | | | A4S, A4D | |----------- |-----------|--------------|-------------------------| | DCS3700 | N/A | 1818 | 80C | ------------------------------------------------------------------ Please refer to the System Storage Interoperation Center (SSIC) for the latest Apple Mac OS X interoperability at the following web site: CONTENTS -------- 1.0 Overview 2.0 Installation and Setup Instructions 3.0 Helpful Configuration Tips 4.0 WEB Sites and Support Phone Number 5.0 Trademarks and Notices 6.0 Disclaimer ======================================================================== 1.0 Overview ------------------ 1.1 Overview ------------------- There is not an IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager host software packages for the Apple Mac OS X operating system environment. To manage all DS3500/DCS3700 storage subsystems that are IO attached to your Apple Mac hosts, you must install the DS Storage Manager client software (SMclient) on a Windows or Linux management workstation and manage DS3500/DCS3700 storage subsystem via out-of-band management method. The SMclient program is included in the IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager version 10.86 for the 32 and 64 bit version of Linux operating systems or the IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager version 10.86 for Microsoft Windows operating systems host software packages. Note: The usage permission of the SMclient program in the IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager version 10.86 host software packages for Windows and Linux does not give the user the entitlement to the Windows or Linux host IO privileges. In those DS3500/DCS3700 storage subsystems that require the Windows and Linux host attachments, these kits/options must be purchased before these servers can be IO attached to the DS3500/DCS3700 storage subsystems. The IBM Storage Manager host software version 10.8x new features and changes are described in the corresponding Change History document. Please refer to this document for more information on new features and modifications. ======================================================================= 1.2 Limitations --------------- IMPORTANT: The listed limitations are cumulative. However, they are listed by DS3000/DS5000 storage subsystem controller firmware and Storage Manager host software releases to indicate which controller firmware and Storage Manager host software release that they were first seen and documented. No new limitations with Storage Manager version 10.86.x5.43 release (controller firmware 07.86.xx.xx) No new limitations with Storage Manager version 10.86.xx05.0035 release (controller firmware 07.86.xx.xx) New limitations with Storage Manager version 10.86.xx05.0028 release (controller firmware 07.86.xx.xx) 1. When using OLH with JAWS screen reader, will have difficulty on navigating through the content in the Index Tab under Help content window due to incorrect and duplicate reading of the text. Please use the search/find tab in the OLH. (LSIP200331090) 2. When using the accessibility software JAWS 11 or 13, may hear the screen reading of a background window, even if the dialog is not in focus. Please use the INSERT+B key to get the reading reinitiated for the dialog in focus.(LSIP200329868) 3. Will not be able to find Tray tab on storage array profile dialog launch. User needs to navigate to Hardware tab to find Tray tab.(LSIP200332950) 4. Will not be able to perform multiple array upgrades having different firmware versions. Please choose to upgrade arrays having different firmware versions separately.(LSIP200335962) 5. May hit IO error if all the paths are lost due delayed uevent, Please always make sure to run 'multipath -v0' command to rediscover the returning path. This will prevent the host from encountering an IO error due to the host losing all paths should the alternate path fails. (LSIP200347725) 6. There may be some confusion when the data is compared between summary tab and storage array profile. There is no actual functionality issue. The way the contents are labelled is not consistent.(LSIP200354832) New limitations with Storage Manager version 10.84.xx.30 release (controller firmware 07.84.xx.xx). 1. On a more than 30 drive disk pool with T10-PI enabled, the reconstruction progress indicator never moves because a finish notification is not sent to Storage Manager. When seeing this issue, just putting the replacement drive in the storage subsystem will allow the reconstruction to resume. (LSIP200298553) No new limitations with Storage Manager version 10.83.xx.23 release (controller firmware 07.83.xx.xx). New limitations with Storage Manager version 10.83.xx.18 release (controller firmware 07.83.xx.xx). 1. A non-T10PI logical drive can not be "volumecopied" to a logical drive with T10 PI functionality enabled. A non-T10 PI logical drive can only be volumeCopied to a non-T10 PI logical drive.(LSIP200263988) 2. Initiating dynamic logical drive expansion (DVE) on logical drives that are part of an asynchronous enhanced remote mirroring (ERM) without write order consistency will result in an error that is misleading because the controller is sending incorrect return code. DVE can only perform on logical drives having asynchronous ERM with write order consistency or synchronous ERM relationship.(LSIP200287980) 3. Cache settings can not be updated on thin logical drives. They can only be updated on the repository drives that are associated with these thin logical drives.(LSIP200288041) 4. Wait at least two minutes after canceling a logical drive creation in the disk pool before deleting any logical drives just created in the disk pool from the cancelled logical drive creation process. (LSIP200294588) 5. T10PI errors were incorrectly reported in the MEL log for T10PI- enabled logical drives that are participated in an enhanced remote mirroring relationship during the logical drive initializations.(LSIP200296754) 6. Having more than 20 SSD drives in a storage subsystem will result in SSD premium feature "Out-of-Compliance" error. One has to remove the extra SSD drives to bring the total number of SSDs in the storage subsystem to 20 or less.(LSIP200165276) 7. Pressing shift + F10 does not display the shortcut or context menu for the active object in the Storage Manger host software windows. The work-around is to use right-click on the mouse or the Windows key on the keyboard. (LSIP200244269) 8. Storage Manager subsystem management window performance might be slow due to Java runtime memory leak. The work around is to close the Storage Manager client program after the management tasks are completed. (LISP200198341) New limitations with Storage Manager version 10.77.xx.28 release (controller firmware 07.77.xx.xx). 1. Only one EXP5060 drive slot with a 3 TB SATA drive inserted can have the ATA translator firmware updated at any one time if the inserted 3 TB drive has "Incompatible" status. Simultaneously updating ATA translator firmware on multiple 3 TB drives having an "Incompatible" status might result in an "interrupted" firmware download state that requires the power- cycling of the subsystem to clear it. This limitation is reduced with the Storage Manager version 10.83 and later. The timeout was increased to accommodate simultaneously updating ATA translator firmware on up to five 3 TB SATA drives having an "Incompatible". 2. The 3 TB NL SAS drive can only be used to create non-T10PI arrays and logical drives. However, in certain conditions, where there are not any available hot-spare drives for T10PI enabled arrays, it will be used by the controller as a hot-spare for a failed drive in these T10PI enabled arrays. The controller will operate properly in this scenario and there are no adverse affects to the system while the 3 TB NL SAS drive is being used as the hot spare in a T10PI enabled array. This limitation is removed with controller firmware version 7.83.xx.xx and later. Please upgrade the controller firmware version 7.83.xx.xx and later if there is need to create a T10 PI-enabled arrays using 3TB NL SAS drives. New limitations with Storage Manager version 10.77.xx.16 release (controller firmware 07.77.xx.xx). 1. When you switch between the Search tab and the TOC tab, the topic that was open in the Search tab is still open in the TOC tab. Any search terms that were highlighted in the Search tab are still highlighted in the TOC tab. This always happens when you switch between the Search tab and the TOC tab. Workaround: Select another topic in the TOC to remove all search term highlighting from all the topics. 2. Support tab in the AMW kept open for longer duration will result in display of unevenly spaced horizontal marks. If the storage Manager is kept open for long durations a few grey lines may be seen on the Support Tab after restoring the AMW. Re-launching the AMW eliminates this problem. 3. The storage subsystem configuration script contains the logical drive creation commands with incorrect T10PI parameter. The workaround is to manually edit the file to change instances of dataAssurance parameters to T10PI. Please review the readme files in the IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager version 10 for the 32 and 64 bit version of Linux operating systems or the IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager version 10 for Microsoft Windows operating systems host software packages for legacy Storage Manager host software limitations that might still be applicable with the current Storage Manager host software version 10.83.xx.18. ======================================================================= 1.3 Enhancements ------------------------------ The DS Storage Manager version 10.86.x5.43 host software in conjunction with controller firmware version and higher - Provide the following new functions - Add support for DCS3860 ( - Provide the fixes for the field defects as shown in the changelist file. For more information, please view the IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager Version 10.8 Installation and Host Support Guide and the IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager Version 10 Copy Services User's Guide. IMPORTANT: Do not use Storage Manager host software version 10.77.x5.xx and earlier to manage storage subsystems with 3 TB NL SAS and SATA drive option installed. ======================================================================= 1.4 Prerequisites ------------------ N/A ======================================================================= 1.5 Dependencies ----------------- 1. The DS5020, DS3950, EXP5000, EXP810, EXP520, and EXP395 FC-SAS drives must have the FC-SAS interposer firmware version 2264 or later installed. Some drives with FC-SAS interposer firmware version earlier than version 2264 may report incorrect inquiry information during Start of Day. This causes the controller firmware to make the drive uncertified (incompatible), which in turn, causes the drive to no longer be accessible for I/Os. This condition will also cause the associated array to go offline. Since the array is no longer accessible, the controller firmware may not recover the cache for all LUNs under this array. This behavior may result in data not being written. If you believe that you have encountered this issue, please call IBM Support for assistance with the recovery actions. The FC-SAS interposer firmware version 2264 and later is available in the ESM/HDD firmware package version 1.78 or later. 2. The 3 TB SATA drive option for EXP5060 expansion enclosure requires ATA firmware version LW1613 and higher. The drive will be shown as "Incompatible" if it is installed in an EXP5060 drive slot with ATA translator firmware version older than LW1613. Please refer to the latest EXP5060 Installation, Users and Maintenance Guide for more information on working with the 3 TB SATA drive option. 3. The Storage Manager host software version 10.83.x5.18 or higher is required for managing storage subsystems with 3 TB NL FC-SAS drives. Storage manager version 10.83.x5.18 or higher in conjunction with controller firmware version 7.83.xx.xx and later allow the creation of T10PI-enabled arrays using 3 TB NL FC-SAS drives. 4. IBM recommends upgrading to Storage Manager version 10.83.x5.18 or later because it does not include the IBM Support Monitor Profiler code. This code has a security vulnerability that might allow unwanted XSS and SQL injections. If upgrading to Storage Manager version 10.83.x5.18 or later is not possible, one should remove the IBM Support Monitor Profiler code from the management station immediately. The instruction to uninstall IBM Support Monitor Profiler can be found in the IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager Version 10.8 Installation and Host Support Guide. 5. The IBM System Storage DS4000 Controller Firmware Upgrade Tool is required to upgrade any system from 6.xx controller firmware to the 7.7x.xx.xx controller firmware. This tool has been integrated into Enterprise Management Window of the DS Storage Manager v10.70 and greater Client. 6. Always check the README files (especially the Dependencies section) that are packaged together with the firmware files for any required minimum firmware level requirements and the firmware download sequence for the DS3000/DS5000 drive expansion enclosure ESM, the DS3000/DS5000 storage subsystem controller and the hard drive firmware. 7. Required installation order for Storage Manager 10.86.xx.xx and controller firmware or higher in Unix-type OS environment ie Linux, AIX, HPUX, Solaris: 1. SMruntime - always first 2. SMesm - required by client 3. SMclient 4. SMagent 5. SMutil Note: Steps 1-5 will be done by the SMIA installer if the installation is performed using the SMIA installer. 6. Controller firmware and NVSRAM 7. ESM firmware 8. Drive firmware 8. IN-BAND MANAGEMENT IS NOT SUPPORTED WITH APPLE MAC. THERE ARE NOT ANY HOST SOFTWARE PACKAGES FOR THE APPLE MAC OX X OPERATING SYSTEMS ENVIRONMENT. THE STORAGE MANAGER 10.83 CLIENT PROGRAM MUST BE INSTALLED IN OUT-OF-BAND MANAGEMENT CONFIGURATIONS. THE DS3000/DS5000 STORAGE MANAGER 10.83 CLIENT PROGRAMS FOR THE FOLLOWING OPERATING SYSTEMS - MICROSOFT 2003/2008 AND LINUX - ARE INCLUDED IN THE DVD. PLEASE REFER TO THE FOLLOWING DIRECTORIES IN THE DVD FOR THE IBM DS STORAGE MANAGER 10.83 CLIENT PROGRAM THAT IS APPROPRIATE FOR THE OPERATING SYSTEM IN THE COMPUTER THAT IS USED TO MANAGE THE DS3000/DS5000 STORAGE SERVER - WS03_WS08_X64 (X64 EDITIONS OF MICROSOFT WINDOWS OSES), WS03_WS08_X86_32BIT (32BIT VERSION OF MICROSOFT WINDOWS OSES), LINUX_32BIT_X86 (32BIT VERSION OF REDHAT AND SLES LINUX OSES) AND LINUX_64BIT_X86_64_OR_X64 (X86-64 VERSION OF REDHAT AND SLES LINUX OSES.) IBM DS Storage Manager version 10.86 host software requires the DS3000/DS5000 storage subsystem controller firmware be at version 06.5x.xx.xx or higher. ======================================================================= 2.0 Installation and Setup Instructions ----------------------------------------- Note: None ======================================================================= 3.0 Helpful Configuration Tips ------------------------------ 1. LUNS should be assigned to the Apple Mac host starting with LUN number 0. 2. MacOS host type should be used to defined the Apple Mac hosts in the IBM DS storage subsystems. 3. Currently, the only supported Host Bus adapters installed in the Apple Mac are the FC Host Bus adapters (HBAs) that are manufactured by ATTO corporation. The HBA model is 8Gbps FC Celerity model - FC-81EN, FC-82EN and FC-84EN. These adapters are shipped with the multipath driver that is required to be installed in the Apple Mac to manage logical drive fail- over/fail-back. Please refer to the System Storage Interoperation Center (SSIC) web site for the latest Apple Mac OS X interoperability information like the supported OS X version and patches, the supported HBAs and their firmware/device driver versions, the multipath driver version etc. 4. The HBA firmware/device driver code is available at the HBA vendor web site. Please refer to the information that is shipped with the HBA to locate the web site and required HBA firmware/device driver and multipath driver code. 5. Currently, any 4 and 8 Gbps FC switches are supported. Please refer to the System Storage Interoperation Center (SSIC) web site for the latest Apple Mac OS X interoperability information 6. The Access LUN should not be mapped to the Apple Mac host. 7. When making serial connections to the IBM DS storage controller, the baud rate is recommended to be set at either 38200 or 57600. Note: Do not make any connections to the IBM DS storage server serial ports unless instructed by IBM Support. Incorrect use of the serial port might result in loss of configuration and/or loss of data. 8. All enclosures (including storage subsystem with internal drive slots) on any given Fibre Channel (FC) drive loop/channel should have complete unique ID's, especially the single digit (x1) portion of the ID, assigned to them. For example, in a maximum configured DS5300 storage subsystem, enclosures on one redundant drive loop should be assigned with id's 10-17 and enclosures on the second drive loop should be assigned with id's 20-27. Enclosure id's with the same single digit such as 11, 21 and 31 should not be used on the same FC drive loop/channel. =========================================================================== 4.0 WEB Sites and Support Phone Number -------------------------------------- 4.1 IBM System Storage Disk Storage Systems Technical Support web site: 4.2 IBM System Storage Marketing Web Site: 4.3 IBM System Storage Interoperation Center (SSIC) web site: 4.4 You can receive hardware service through IBM Services or through your IBM reseller, if your reseller is authorized by IBM to provide warranty service. See for support telephone numbers, or in the U.S. and Canada, call 1-800-IBM-SERV (1-800-426- 7378). IMPORTANT: You should download the latest version of the DS Storage Manager host software, the DS3000/DS5000 storage subsystem controller firmware, the DS3000/DS5000 drive expansion enclosure ESM firmware and the drive firmware at the time of the initial installation and when product updates become available. For more information about how to register for support notifications, see the following IBM Support Web page: You can also check the Stay Informed section of the IBM Disk Support Web site, at the following address: ======================================================================= 5.0 Trademarks and Notices -------------------------- The following terms are trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the United States or other countries or both: IBM DS3000 DS3500 DCS3700 DCS3860 DS4000 DS5000 FAStT System Storage the e-business logo xSeries pSeries HelpCenter Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United states, other countries, or both. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. Mac is a registered trademark of Apple Corporation. Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. ======================================================================= 6.0 Disclaimer -------------- 6.1 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. IBM DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND MERCHANTABILITY WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT. BY FURNISHING THIS DOCUMENT, IBM GRANTS NO LICENSES TO ANY PATENTS OR COPYRIGHTS. 6.2 Note to U.S. Government Users -- Documentation related to restricted rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corporation.