************************************************************************* * IBM DS3000 SAS / SATA Hard Disk Drive Update Pack Version 4.23 * ************************************************************************* NOTE TO SERVICE Reference RETAIN # N/A (C) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1999, 2017. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication, or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. Note: Before using this information and the product it supports, read the general information in section 6.0 "Trademarks and Notices" in this document. IMPORTANT: Hard disk drives ST9146853SS or ST9300653SS that are using firmware older than B63E are urged to upgrade to latest FW. Hard disk drives ST9300605SS, ST9600205SS or ST9900805SS that are using firmware older than B55D are urged to upgrade to latest FW. Hard disk drives ST9300505SS that are using firmware older than E557 are urged to upgrade to latest FW. Hard disk drives ST31000424SS or ST32000444SS that are using firmware older then BC26 will require that firmware version BE51 be downloaded to the hard disk drives prior to upgrading to newer drive firmware. Hard drives that are running firmware version BC26 or later, do not require going to firmware version BE51 prior to updating to a newer version. As a product design specification the Product ID is limited as a 14- character string. Therefore only the first 14 characters in Product ID are shown for the following list of drives, HUC109060CSS600, HUC109090CSS600, HUS723020ALS640, HUS723030ALS640, HUA721010KLA330, HUA721050KLA330, HUA721075KLA330, HUA722050CLA330, HUA722010CLA330, HUA722020ALA330, HUC109030CSS600 And for HUC109030CSS601, Product ID is shown as HUC109030CSS61E. Last Update: 12/07/2017 Please refer to corresponding Change History document for more information on new features and modifications. 1.0 Overview 2.0 Installation and Setup Instructions 3.0 Configuration Information 4.0 Unattended Mode 5.0 Web Sites and Support Phone Number 6.0 Trademarks and Notices 7.0 Disclaimer 1.0 Overview _____________ 1.1 Overview of this code The IBM DS3000 SAS Hard Disk Update Pack contains hard disk drive firmware updates for DS3200, DS3300, DS34000, DS3500, DCS3700, DCS3860 and BladeCenter Boot Disk System with or without expansion units attached (if supported). Note: The ibm_fw_ds3khdd_4.23_anyos_anycpu.chg file contains the complete change history for all versions (including the latest version) of the drive firmware that are included in this package. This release contains firmware for IBM Hard Disk Drives that have been upgraded since the initial firmware release. SAS Hard Disk Drive: ST336754SS BA1A ST373454SS BA1A ST3146854SS BA1A ST373455SS BA2D ST3146855SS BA2D ST3300655SS BA2D ST373355SS BA38 ST3146755SS BA38 ST3300555SS BA38 ST3146356SS BA4D ST3300656SS BA4D ST3450856SS BA4D ST3300657SS BA59 ST3450857SS BA59 ST3600057SS BA59 ST3600957SS EA54 ST9146852SS B629 ST9300603SS B53C ST9300503SS E537 ST9300505SS E557 ST9600204SS B548 ST9300605SS B55D ST9600205SS B55D ST9900805SS B55D ST9146853SS B63E ST9300653SS B63E ST300MM0006 B56S ST600MM0006 B56S ST900MM0006 B56S ST300MM0026 E E569 ST600NM0034 BC6A ST600MP0005 L67J ST450MP0005 L67J ST2000NM0045 BC82 ST4000NM0025 BC82 ST6000NM0095 BCB2 ST6000NM0195 EC94 GNAxxxxx BH0G MAX3036RC T907 MAX3073RC T907 MAX3147RC T907 MBE2147RC SC17 MBF2300RC SB2C MBF2600RC SB2C MBF2300RE SE24 MBA3073RC SA0A MBA3147RC SA0A MBA3300RC SA0A MK3001GRRB SC2G MK1401GRRB SC2G VPAxxxxxxx A650 VPBxxxxxxx A496 VPCxxxxxxx/ Note: Please ensure that the controller firmware is at level or later before attempting to install the A810 firmware on the drives noted below. If the controller firmware is at a level prior to, controller reboots may be experienced when the A810 firmware is installed. HUS1560xxxxxxx A810 HUC109030CSS600 J2EE HUC109060CSS600 J2EE HUC109090CSS600 J2EE HUC109030CSS601 JNEE HUC101212CSS600 J2M4 HUH728080AL5200 J6P4 HUC101890CSS200 J2HC Near-Line SAS Hard Disk Drive: ST31000424SS BC29 ST32000444SS BC29 ST33000650SS BC3D ST1000NM0023 BC5M ST2000NM0023 BC5M ST3000NM0023 BC5M ST4000NM0023 BC5M ST9500430SS BD14 ST9500620SS BD2A ST91000640SS BD2A ST1000NM0001 BC4A ST2000NM0001 BC4A HUS723020ALS640 J3K7 HUS723030ALS640 J3K7 SATA Hard Disk Drive: ST3500630NS 3AEV ST3750640NS 3AEV ST3500641NS 3AEU ST3500631NS 4AEV ST3750641NS 4AEV HDS725050KLA360 K2AOAT3A HUA721010KLA330 ABF1 Note: The ABF1 firmware is technically equivalent to the AB4A firmware. There is no need to upgrade HUA721010KLA330 drives running AB4A to ABF1. HUA721050KLA330 AB4A HUA721075KLA330 AB4A HUA722050CLA330 JP40A3GB HUA722075CLA330 JP40A3GB HUA722010CLA330 JP40A3GB HUA722020ALA330 JKAOA34H ST3500320NS BB15 ST3750330NS BB15 ST31000340NS BB15 ST3500514NS BB2C ST3750524NS BB2C ST31000524NS BB2C ST32000644NS BB2C ST2000NM0011 BB47 ST1000NM0011 BB47 ST750NM0011 BB47 ST500NM0011 BB47 HUA723020ALA640 MK0IA8R0 Solid State Disk Drive: SG9XCA2E200GEIBM SD47 SG9XCA2E400GEIBM SD47 SG9XCA2G200GEIBM SD47 SG9XCA2G400GEIBM SD47 PX02SMF040 S405 PX02SMF080 S405 PX02SMF160 S405 1.2 Limitations The minimum controller firmware levels are: Model Type Firmware 1813-86C Storage Manager version 10.86.xx.xx Model Type Firmware 1818-80C Storage Manager version 10.77.xx.xx Model Type Firmware 1746 all models Storage Manager version 10.70.xx.xx Model Type Firmware 1726-3xx, HC3 Storage Manager version 2.50.xx.xx Model Type Firmware 1726-2xx, HC2 1726-4xx, HC4 Storage Manager version 2.17.xx.xx The minimum supported ESM version is: EXP3000 1.64 EXP3500 3.16 EXP3700 3.43 EXP3800 3.93 UPDATING HARD DISK MICROCODE REQUIRES DOWNTIME (NO HOST I/O) if the DS Storage Manager version 11.20 host software in conjunction with controller firmware version 8.20.xx.xx and higher is not being used. IMPORTANT: 1. Hard disk drives ST31000424SS or ST32000444SS that are using firmware older then BC26 will require that firmware version BE51 be downloaded to the hard disk drives prior to upgrading to newer drive firmware. 2. Hard disk drives HUA722050CLA330, HUA722075CLA330, and HUA722010CLA330 may be shipped with a later level of firmware, JP0ZH3QA, than what is available in this package. The 3QA firmware was created only for manufacturing issues and is functionally equivalent to prior levels of firmware. There is no need to upgrade an installed drive to the 3QA firmware level. 1.3 Enhancements See corresponding Change History document for more information. 1.4 Level of Recommendation IBM considers this update to be highly recommended for all customers. IBM strongly recommends applying the HDD firmware at the next possible maintenance window. 1.5 Dependencies IMPORTANT: Always check the storage subsystem controller firmware README for any required minimum version of the attached drive expansion enclosure ESM firmware for that particular controller firmware release. Update the ESM firmware using either the Storage Manager client program. Be sure to follow the following list of prerequisites before updating hard disk firmware. - For Hard Disk Drive firmware updates, ensure that all activity to the controller is stopped. If you are unsure about the sequence of firmware updates for various components in the DS3000 storage subsystem configuration, please call IBM Support at 1-800-IBM-SERV (1-800-426-7378) before proceeding with the firmware upgrades. ___________________________ 2.0 Installation and Setup ___________________________ 2.1 Ensure that all activities to the controllers is stopped while performing hard disk drive (HDD) firmware updates with all levels of controller firmware. The storage subsystems can update all drives in a configuration for up to four different drive types at the same time. For DS Storage Manager Client version 2.x or 10.x, perform the following steps to download hard disk drive firmware: NOTE: Updating hard disk drive firmware for either ST31000424SS or ST32000444SS requires that firmware version BE51 be downloaded to the hard disk drives prior to upgrading to firmware version BC26 or later. a. THE DRIVE FIRMWARE UPDATE WILL REQUIRE DOWNTIME if the DS Storage Manager version 11.20 host software in conjunction with controller firmware version 8.20.xx.xx and higher is not being used. In those configurations, when updating drive firmware, ensure that no HOST I/O is being sent to the storage controllers. b. Open the Subsystem Management window. c. Click Advanced => Maintenance => Download => Drive Firmware. Follow the online instructions. ______________________________ 3.0 Configuration Information ______________________________ 3.1 There is no special configuration required with the IBM DS3000 SAS Hard Disk Drive updates. _____________________ 4.0 Unattended Mode _____________________ See the appropriate application tools for any possible unattended mode operations. _______________________________________ 5.0 WEB Sites and Support Phone Number _______________________________________ 5.1 IBM System Storage?Disk Storage Systems Technical Support web site: http://www-03.ibm.com/systems/storage/disk/entry/index.html 5.2 IBM System Storage?Marketing Web Site: http://www.ibm.com/servers/storage/disk 5.3 You can receive hardware service through IBM Services or through your IBM reseller, if your reseller is authorized by IBM to provide warranty service. See http://www.ibm.com/planetwide/ for support telephone numbers, or in the U.S. and Canada, call 1-800-IBM-SERV (1-800-426- 7378). __________________________ 6.0 Trademarks and Notices __________________________ The following terms are trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the United States or other countries or both: IBM System Storage? the e-business logo xSeries pSeries HelpCenter Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United states, other countries, or both. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. ________________ 7.0 Disclaimer ________________ 7.1 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. IBM DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND MERCHANTABILITY WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT. BY FURNISHING THIS DOCUMENT, IBM GRANTS NO LICENSES TO ANY PATENTS OR COPYRIGHTS. 7.2 Note to U.S. Government Users -- Documentation related to restricted rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corporation.