Power6 High-End Power Subsystem Firmware

Applies to:  9125-F2A

This document provides information about the installation of Licensed Machine or Licensed Internal Code, which is sometimes referred to generically as microcode or firmware.


1.0 Systems Affected

This package provides firmware for Power 575 (9125-F2A)  Servers only.  Do not use on any other systems.

The firmware level in this package is:

2.0 Important Information

HMC-Managed Systems

This firmware level requires a minimum HMC level of:  HMC V7  R3.5.0 with mandatory PTFs MH01212 and MH01217.

Go to the following URL to access the HMC code packages:

NOTE:   You must be logged in as hscroot in order for the firmware installation to complete correctly.

Installing Power Subsystem Firmware and System Firmware

Atention: 9125-F2A servers should be evaluated for ECA845 installation prior to performing firmware upgrades. Contact your service provider for more information about ECA845. If firmware must be upgraded prior to the installation of ECA845, use the following special instructions:

Firmware updates should be performed on an entire Managed Frame and all Managed Systems
contained in that frame at one time.  The following instructions can be used to update
one Managed Frame and all Managed Systems that it contains.  The instructions can be
repeated as many times as needed until all Managed Frames have been updated.

1) Power off all Managed Systems in the Managed Frame

2) Reinstall the current firmware level on all Managed Systems in the Managed Frame:

   The following command can be used to determine the current firmware level:

      lslic -t sys -m <managedsystem_1> -F activated_level

   The following command will retrieve and reinstall the current firmware level on
   one Managed System:

      updlic -o a -m <managedsystem_1> -t sys -l <current_fsp_level> -r <repos>

      <current_fsp_level> is the level determined with the lslic command.

      <repos> is the location of the firmware such as "-r dvd", "-r ibmwebsite", etc.
      Additional parameters might be required, depending on the repository selection.
      If the firmware has already been retrieved to the HMC, the HMC hard drive (-r disk)
      should be used as the repository.

   After the firmware has been retrieved to the HMC, the HMC hard drive (-r disk) should
   be used as the repository to update the remaining Managed Systems:

      updlic -o a -m <managedsystem_2> -t sys -l <current_fsp_level> -r disk
      updlic -o a -m <managedsystem_3> -t sys -l <current_fsp_level> -r disk
      updlic -o a -m <managedsystem_N> -t sys -l <current_fsp_level> -r disk

   These commands can be run in the background in parallel to speed up the processing.

   Wait for all updlic commands to complete before proceeding to step 3.

3) Install and activate new BPC firmware only (during this step the Managed Systems will
   transition from "Power Off" to "No Connection" and then back to "Power Off"):

   Select 1 Managed System as the target of the updlic command and update BPC firmware.
   The following command will retrieve firmware from the repository and update the BPCs:

      updlic -o a -m <managedsystem_1> -t power -l latest -r <repos> .....

      <repos> is the location of the firmware such as "-r dvd", "-r ibmwebsite", etc.
      Additional parameters might be required, depending on the repository selection.
      If the firmware has already been retrieved to the HMC, the HMC hard drive (-r disk)
      should be used as the repository.

4) Wait for all Managed Systems to return to "Power Off" state.

5) Install and activate new firmware on all Managed Systems in the Managed Frame.

      updlic -o a -m <managedsystem_1> -t sys -l latest -r <repos> .....

      <repos> is the location of the firmware such as "-r dvd", "-r ibmwebsite", etc.
      Additional parameters might be required, depending on the repository selection.
      If the firmware has already been retrieved to the HMC, the HMC hard drive (-r disk)
      should be used as the repository.

   After the firmware has been retrieved to the HMC, the HMC hard drive (-r disk) should
   be used as the repository to update the remaining Managed Systems:

      updlic -o a -m <managedsystem_2> -t sys -l latest -r disk
      updlic -o a -m <managedsystem_3> -t sys -l latest -r disk
      updlic -o a -m <managedsystem_N> -t sys -l latest -r disk

   These commands can be run in the background in parallel to speed up the process.

   Wait for all updlic commands to complete before proceeding to step 6.

6) Power on the Managed Systems

3.0 Firmware Information and Description

Use the following example as a reference to determine whether your installation will be concurrent or disruptive.

Note:  The file names and service pack levels used in the following examples are for clarification only, and are not
             necessarily levels that have been, or will be released.

Power Subsystem firmware file naming convention:


NOTE:  Values of service pack and last disruptive service pack  level (YYY and ZZZ) are only unique
within a release level (XXX).  For example, 02EP330_067_045 and 02EP340_067_053 are different
service packs.

An installation is disruptive if:

              Example:  Currently installed release is EP330, new release is EP340                Example:  EP330_120_120 is disruptive, no matter what level of EP330  is currently
                                   installed on the system                  Example:  Currently installed service pack is EP330_120_120 and
                                     new service pack is EP330_152_130

An installation is concurrent if:

              Example: Currently installed service pack  is EP330_126_120,
                                 new service pack is EP330_143_120.

Firmware Information and Update Description

Filename Size Checksum
02EP350_159_034.rpm 15,234,460 13653


Impact:  Security         Severity:  HIPER

  • HIPER /Pervasive A security problem was fixed in the OpenSSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol that allowed clients and servers, via a specially crafted handshake packet, to use weak keying material for communication. A man-in-the-middle attacker could use this flaw to decrypt and modify traffic between the management console and the service processor. The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures issue number for this problem is CVE-2014-0224.
  • HIPER /Pervasive A security problem was fixed in OpenSSL for a buffer overflow in the Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) when handling invalid DTLS packet fragments. This could be used to execute arbitrary code on the service processor. The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures issue number for this problem is CVE-2014-0195.
  • HIPER /Pervasive Multiple security problems were fixed in the way that OpenSSL handled read and write buffers when the SSL_MODE_RELEASE_BUFFERS mode was enabled to prevent denial of service. These could cause the service processor to reset or unexpectedly drop connections to the management console when processing certain SSL commands. The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures issue numbers for these problems are CVE-2010-5298 and CVE-2014-0198.
  • HIPER /Pervasive A security problem was fixed in OpenSSL to prevent a denial of service when handling certain Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) ServerHello requests. A specially crafted DTLS handshake packet could cause the service processor to reset. The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures issue number for this problem is CVE-2014-0221.
  • HIPER /Pervasive A security problem was fixed in OpenSSL to prevent a denial of service by using an exploit of a null pointer de-reference during anonymous Elliptic Curve Diffie Hellman (ECDH) key exchange. A specially crafted handshake packet could cause the service processor to reset. The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures issue number for this problem is CVE-2014-3470.
  • Fix to prevent system crash if an independent critical fault occurs on any cage or drawer during concurrent BPA FRU service that involves cycling power on the BPA.


Impact:  Availability         Severity:  SPE

  • Fix cross-power cable's circuit breaker not being opened as part of BPC service when mailbox cable is broken
  • Add tests to detect and report a dead voltage level 6 on 5797/5798 I/O drawers
  • Fix to prevent erroneous defective planar error posted after power off of 5797/5798 I/O drawer
  • Fix some erroneously posted errors


Impact:  Function         Severity:  ATT

  • Fix I/O drawer service causing drawer to be dropped from configuration on HMC
  • Fix CEC cooling related error codes not being reported to the FSP and operating system
  • Add robustness to concurrent CEC power supply service to prevent voltage jump to nominal (and resulting checkstop) while exiting from Low Power Mode
  • Prevent rare CEC power supply failures during firmware updates caused by lowering voltage on heavily loaded levels
  • Updates for the BPA fan speed for single-BPA mode systems


Impact:  Availability         Severity:  SPE

  • Prevent CEC outage during firmware update by avoiding voltage glitches
  • Fix issues when writing frame or IO MTMS
  • Fix some erroneously posted errors


Impact:  Availability         Severity:  HIPER

  • Fix posting of various erroneous Tres24 I/O Drawer faults
  • Fix erroneous Local Over Voltage condition which was blocking concurrent CEC power supply repair


Impact:  Availability         Severity:  HIPER

  • Prevent erroneous SRCs when BPA loses AC
  • Prevent system crash during code update
  • Fix erroneous SRC 1401130A (defective planar) being posted due to intermittent communication I/O drawer DCA
  • Fix broken BPD not being detected and erroneous miscable SRC getting posted instead
  • Fix error occurring while attempting to resynchronize HMC password with the BPC
  • Fix not being able to concurrently service BPC-BPC communication fault SRC 14022B01 without errors
  • Fixes to adding 5803 I/O drawer


Impact:  Availability         Severity:  ATT

  • Change to code update of Tres24 I/O drawer power supplies to prevent loss of power during the update
  • Change to code update of Tres24 I/O drawer power supplies to eliminate false DCA errors
  • Change to prevent false Tres24 I/O drawer planar errors if a power supply reboots while a planar is initializing
  • Change to prevent false Tres24 I/O drawer planar errors during code update
  • Change to prevent voltage glitches during service of I/O drawer power supplies
  • Change to prevent reporting of false SRCs during concurrent repair of UEPO panel
  • Fix for problem that prevented certain BPD faults from being reported
  • Fix to prevent power LEDs in a Tres24 I/O drawer from turning off when lamp test is run with power on
  • Fix to prevent over voltage condition in CEC power supplies due to long term voltage drift from periodic current adjustments
  • Fix for incorrect information in 14027092 error code


Impact:  Availability         Severity:  HIPER

  • Fixes to improve serviceability


Impact:  Serviceability         Severity:  SPE

  • Change 5803 I/O drawer power supply reboot threshold (from 2 total to >12 reboots in 24hrs) for trigging defective power supply errors
  • Prevent erroneous 14012051/14012052 SRCs with 0315 reason code after a 5803 I/O power supply reboot
  • Turn off current balancing for voltage level 7 on 5803 I/O power supplys to eliminate erroneous defective power supply SRCs


Impact:  Serviceability         Severity:  HIPER

New Features and Functions:
  • Change to 5803 I/O drawer service to disable concurrent replacement of power supplies and fans due to problem with the current drawer connectors. This code change will also detect the newer connector type and then re-enable the concurrent replacement option.
  • Change to 5803 I/O drawer fan speed control: speed up fans to prevent power supply reset during low-load conditions
  • Change to 5803 I/O drawer to report a defective power supply if the supply reboots more than once

Other Changes:
  • Fix for displaying incorrect 5803 I/O drawer fan part number
  • Fix for displaying incorrect 5803 I/O drawer port card FRU part number
  • Fix for displaying incorrect 5803 I/O backplane part number
  • Fix for Bulk Power Regulator access errors not being re-reposted after the errors were manually cleared by the service team
  • Fix for 5803 I/O drawer to prevent drawer crash when a power supply reboots
  • Fix for failure to deactivate UEPO panel for servicing
  • Fix for redundancy check failing when a defective CEC power supply trips both Static Circuit Breakers
  • Fix for location code problems while servicing power supply and fan cables
  • Fix for Bulk Power Controller reset during concurrent firmware update
  • Fix for false 14011302 SRCs reported against 5791 I/O drawers
  • Fix for Modular Water Unit SRCs missing part number, serial number machine type and model number
  • Fix for false 14011305 SRC while powering on I/O drawers
  • Fix for critical error detection function being blocked after a warning error is detected
  • Fix for posting both defective fan and defective power supply SRCs for a defective fan condition in an I/O drawer
  • Fix for location code translation failure when attempting to use fill and drain tool
  • Fix for no SRC being reported for dual access errors to the Modular Wate Unit


Impact:  Function        Severity:  SPE

New Features and Functions:
  • Improve I2C bus arbitration on I/O drawer
  • Enhancements to master I/O DCA recovery during DCA/BPA servicing and code updating
  • Prevent BPC reset if other BPC is not available

Other Changes:
  • Fix memory throttling operation
  • Fix fault isolation for overvoltages due to voltage distribution shorts
  • Eliminate erroneous error reporting when the EPO switch is cycled quickly
  • Improve fault isolation for DCA shorted oring diode
  • Eliminate erroneous SRC for Low Room Temperature and BPC reset during BPC service
  • Fix for certain informational SRCs blocking non-informational SRCs
  • Fix problem with concurrent add of I/O drawer
  • Fix for invalid part number in DCA callout
  • Fix for redundancy check response toggling on DCA
  • Fix for I2C bus conflicts in I/O drawer
  • New I/O drawer command to Reset "other" I2C bus from planar to DCA
  • Fix for some I/O drawer voltage levels are not turning on if master DCA has not been determined
  • Water pump firmware workarounds for motor decoupling from pump
  • Fix for power off of B&C IB failing to power off 1/2 after planar failure on one planar
  • Fix erroneous defective BPR posting for loss of AC on one of two line cords on IH system
  • Fix for BPA fans going to high speed after loss of AC recovery
  • DCA s/n not listed in call home PMH or PEL data
  • Fix for secondary cage/fru incorrect for SRC 14027098/reasonCode : 004f
  • Change Health Check to ignore 14019999 informational SRCs
  • Fix for concurrent add of BPR/BPD failing
  • Fix for invalid MDA PN 41V2522 in error logs
  • Fix for 12V Stby voltge glitch between concurrent DCA code updates
  • Fix for DCA left partially upated during concurrent code update
  • Fix for SRC 14010400 posted during code update
  • Fix for BPC deactivate causing reset of BPC

4.0 How to Determine Currently Installed Power Subsystem Firmware Levels

You can view the frame's current firmware level on the Advanced System Management Interface (ASMI) Welcome pane.  It appears in the top right corner.   Example:  EP330_029.

5.0 Downloading the Firmware Package

Follow the instructions on the web page. You must read and agree to the license agreement to obtain the firmware packages.

Note: If your HMC is not internet-connected you will need to download the new firmware level to a CD-ROM or ftp server.

6.0 Installing the Firmware

The method used to install new firmware will depend on the release level of firmware which is currently installed on your server. The release level can be determined by the prefix of the new firmware's filename.


Where XXX =  release level

Instructions for installing firmware updates and upgrades can be found at  http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/systems/scope/hw/topic/ipha1/updateschapter.htm