IBM PurePower Integrated Manager, Version 1.0.0 This readme document provides information on installing the IBM PurePower Integrated Manager, Version 1.0.0 BEFORE YOU BEGIN This package can be used for update/recovery of the existing management image (Current internal link - needs to be updated) INSTALLATION PROCEDURE The tasks for installing the IBM PurePower Integrated Manager are summarized here. 1. Download the install package from Fix-Central to a Linux workstation. Location of package on Fix-Central is: - The 'IBM PurePower Integrated Manager 1.0.0' package includes a) IBM PurePower Integrated Manager install tools (purekvm.tgz) Appliance images for: b) IBM PurePower Manager and Nagios Core Open Source Monitoring (puremgrvm.tgz) c) IBM PurePower PowerVC appliance (powervcvm.tgz) d) IBM PurePower Service appliance (servicevm.tgz) 2 - Copy required files to the IBM PurePower Integrated Manager KVM Host operating system (scp): a)copy purekvm.tgz into the /data directory b)copy the appliance image(s) (tgz files) to be installed to the /data/images directory scp example: scp /purekvm.tgz root@:/data scp /puremgrvm.tgz root@:/data/images Before untar'ing the tgz files, if you made changes to the existing meta-data files for the appliance, save off a copy: From the PurePower Integrated Manager KVM Host operating system: scp /data/purepower/puremgr/meta-data root@mylocalpc:/tmp/puremgr-meta-data scp /data/purepower/powervc/meta-data root@mylocalpc:/tmp/powervc-meta-data scp /data/purepower/service/meta-data root@mylocalpc:/tmp/service-meta-data 3 - On the PurePower Integrated Manager KVM Host operating system a) cd /data b) tar -xvf purekvm.tgz Now copy the saved off meta-data files back to the newly untar'd directories to restore your meta-data settings: From the Linux OS you saved your files to, copy to the staging area where these files will be used to refresh the appliances with your customized meta-data files. scp /tmp/puremgr-meta-data root@:/data/purekvm/conf/cloud/puremgr/meta-data scp /tmp/powervc-meta-data root@:/data/purekvm/conf/cloud/powervc/meta-data scp /tmp/service-meta-data root@:/data/purekvm/conf/cloud/service/meta-data 4 - Run the /data/purekvm/bin/ which will update the PurePower appliance(s) [-g "guest1 guest2 guest3"] [-f] -g : specify one to three guest operating system(s) to install -f : force install of guest operating system(s). Installs guest even if it already exists The guest1, guest2, & guest3 parameters can be the following values puremgr => IBM PurePower Manager appliance, puremgrvm.tgz powervc => IBM PurePower PowerVC appliance, powervcvm.tgz service => IBM PurePower Service appliance, servicevm.tgz