IBM PurePower Integrated Manager Installation Readme, Version 1.2.0 This readme document provides information on installing the IBM PurePower Integrated Manager from Fix-Central, Version 1.2.0 (20160608-0635) BEFORE YOU BEGIN This package can be used for update/recovery of the existing PurePower Management Node Additional information can be found in the PurePower Integrated Manager Knowledge Center The RHEL 7.2 OS which is used to drive the PPIM Bare Metal Install needs to have ~30G of free space in the partition used to store the images and run the install (ISO's are expanded and repackaged). The ASU Utility needs to be installed on the RHEL 7.2 OS which is being used to drive the PPIM Bare Metal Install. Download v9.63 (as of Apr 2015) INSTALLATION PROCEDURE INSTALLING IBM PurePower Integrated Manager KVM Host, the PurePower Management Node (bare-metal install/recovery) The tasks for installing the IBM PurePower Integrated Manager KVM Host ( the PurePower Management Node )are summarized here. If not updating/installing the KVM host, go to section INSTALLING GUEST OS IMAGES 1. If installing the KVM host on the PurePower Integrated Manager (the PurePower Management Node) a) Acquire RHEL-7.2-20151030.0-Server-x86_64-dvd1.iso file from the following location or your Red Hat Subscription source. b) Create a compressed tar file, RHEL72.tar.gz, using the iso file from 1a) and following these steps mkdir mount -o loop cd tar czvf ../RHEL72.tar.gz . cd .. umount rmdir 2. Download the additional guest OS install packages from Fix-Central to a RHEL 7.2 Linux workstation. Location of each package on Fix-Central for release 1.2.0:*_1.2.0 "IBM PurePower Integrated Manager Appliance 1.2.0" (puremgrvm.tgz) "IBM PurePower Integrated Manager Service Appliance 1.2.0" (servicevm.tgz) "IBM PurePower Integrated Manager Power VC Appliance 1.2.0" (powervcvm.tgz) "IBM PurePower Integrated Manager vHMC Appliance 1.2.0" (vhmcvm.tgz) "IBM PurePower Manager Install Tools 1.2.0" (purekvm.tgz) 3. Copy the required files to the RHEL 7.2 OS which has a direct connection to the PurePower Rack (IBM RackSwitch G8052 - Switch 1 - Port 48) You will need to run the command -> # ip addr add dev eth0 to the RHEL 7.2 OS which is direct connected via eth0 directly to the switch port 48. The is used to assure uniqueness of the IP on the Rack. mkdir -p /purekvminstall/images Copy the images to the /purekvminstall directory structure on the RHEL 7.2 OS being used to drive the install: /purekvminstall/purekvm.tgz /purekvminstall/RHEL72.tar.gz /purekvmistall/images/puremgrvm.tgz /purekvmistall/images/powervcvm.tgz /purekvmistall/images/servicevm.tgz /purekvmistall/images/vhmcvm.tgz /purekvmistall/images/nrpeagent_installer 4. Install the PurePower Integrated Manager KVM Host operating system on the primary and/or secondary management node cd /purekvminstall tar -xvf purekvm.tgz Primary node (Side A) /purekvminstall/ | tee mypurekvma.log Secondary node (Side B) /purekvminstall/ | tee mypurekvmb.log 5. Refer to the ADDITIONAL INSTALLATION STEPS FOR KVM HOST section to apply additional RHEL updates for KVM host. 6. You are done. Do not continue to the next section. INSTALLING GUEST OS IMAGES If you need to update one of the guest OS images, follow these steps 1. Refer to the ADDITIONAL INSTALLATION STEPS FOR KVM HOST section to apply RHEL Errata updates for KVM host. 2. Download the guest OS install packages from Fix-Central to a RHEL 7.2 Linux workstation. Location of each package on Fix-Central for release 1.2.0:*_1.2.0 "IBM PurePower Integrated Manager Appliance 1.2.0" (puremgrvm.tgz) "IBM PurePower Integrated Manager Service Appliance 1.2.0" (servicevm.tgz) "IBM PurePower Integrated Manager Power VC Appliance 1.2.0" (powervcvm.tgz) "IBM PurePower Integrated Manager vHMC Appliance 1.2.0" (vhmcvm.tgz) "IBM PurePower Manager Install Tools 1.2.0" (purekvm.tgz) "IBM PurePower Manager NRPE Agent Installer 1.2.0 (nrpeagent_installer) 3. Copy required files to the IBM PurePower Integrated Manager KVM Host (the PurePower Management Node) operating system (scp): a)copy purekvm.tgz into the /data directory b)copy the appliance image(s) (tgz files) to be installed to the /data/images directory scp /purekvm.tgz root@:/data scp /puremgrvm.tgz root@:/data/images scp /powervcvm.tgz root@:/data/images scp /servicevm.tgz root@:/data/images scp /vhmcvm.tgz root@:/data/images scp /nrpeagent_installer root@:/data/images 4. Run on IBM PurePower Integrated Manager KVM Host (the PurePower Management Node) operating system a) extract from /data/purekvm.tgz cd /data tar xzf purekvm.tgz b) execute ./ 5. Run the /data/purekvm/bin/ -u on the primary and/or secondary management node to update the PurePower appliance(s) [-u|-U] [-g "guest1 guest2 guest3 guest4"] [-f] -g : specify one to four guest operating system(s) to install -u : will upgrade the guest operating system using the backed up data automatically defined from each Guest OS in � /etc/backup.conf of each Guest OS and the pureKVM's /etc/backup.conf file (guest meta-data files), if this is the first time or a fresh install and no previous backed up data exists this does nothing extra -U : this performs the same function as -u except a backup of the Guest OS data as defined in /etc/backup.conf of each Guest OS and the pureKVM's /etc/backup.conf file (guest meta-data files) is executed before the Guest OS is upgraded. -f : force install of guest operating system(s). Installs guest even if it already exists The guest1, guest2, guest3 & guest4 parameters can be the following values puremgr => IBM PurePower Manager appliance, puremgrvm.tgz powervc => IBM PurePower PowerVC appliance, powervcvm.tgz service => IBM PurePower Service appliance, servicevm.tgz vhmc => IBM PurePower vHMC appliance, vhmcvm.tgz 6. Follow the instructions in ADDITIONAL INSTALLATION STEPS FOR GUEST OS IMAGES 7. For the vhmc Guest OS, once the refresh of the Guest OS is complete, use the PurePower Integrated Manager UI to navigate to the vHMC UI to perform the following step (the vHMC can be found on the PPIM Home page under Hardware Management). Accessing the PurePower Integrated Manager by using the flat panel rack-mounted monitor and keyboard From the PPIM Home page, click on the "Hardware Management" link for the hmca and hmcb (each vhmc needs this update to properly reflect the system connections to the Power Servers even though only one vHMC will be active), then from the HMC UI Systems Management -> Servers -> Connections -> Add Managed Systems -> Find Managed Systems, then if using the standard default PurePower configuration input the starting IP range for hmca =, ending IP range for hmca = (for hmcb starting IP range =, ending IP range for hmcb = Click OK, then OK again, then add a check box on each Power Server you wish to add (include all Power Servers you want managed by the vHMC) and enter the password for the HMC access to the Power Server (default HMC access password is set to "abc1234". This will make the proper system connections from the newly installed vHMC to the Power Servers in the PurePower rack. ADDITIONAL INSTALLATION STEPS FOR KVM HOST For the KVM Host xRHEL Operating Systems,use the Red Hat Satellite Subscription Management services to perform all applicable Errata advisory updates to address fixes and security vulnerabilities as supported from Red Hat. Consult your Red Hat Satellite Subscription services for more information on how-to. Red Hat Enterprise Linux Life Cycle Please verify that your file matches the latest configuration. See section "Determining the hypervisor recovery volume characteristics" If not using the xRHEL samba rpm's, the xRHEL KVM Host should remove the samba rpm's due to known bugs, so on the KVM Host perform the following command " # rpm -e samba ". ADDITIONAL INSTALLATION STEPS FOR GUEST OS IMAGES For each of the xRHEL Operating System guest OS images (puremgr guest, service guest and powervc guest), utilize the Red Hat Satellite Subscription Management service to perform all applicable Errata advisory updates to address fixes and security vulnerabilities as supported from Red Hat. Consult your Red Hat Satellite Subscription services for more information on how-to. Red Hat Enterprise Linux Life Cycle