Title: Alert: The TS7700 Management Interface may display one or more erroneous warning events when a remote cluster in a Grid is in service or the offline state Description: The TS7700 Management Interface may display one or more of the following erroneous warning events when a remote cluster in a Grid is in service, or the offline state: HYDIN0546W: Could not retrieve the date on clusterX HYDIN0548W: One or more clusters in the grid are not found in VPD HYDIN0549W: One or more clusters in the grid are in the "Service" state. The TS7700 System Checkout function from the SMIT menu may also show a degraded library status. This issue applies to both TS7740 and TS7720 Virtualization Engine. The library health shown on the Management Interface will properly update to the correct status on the next 15 minute interval after the remote cluster exits service and returns to an online state. If the library health is persistently degraded, it is not related to this issue, and a problem management hardware (PMH) ticket should be opened to engage IBM support. Affected TS7700 Code Levels:, Available Solutions: Clear the erroneous message(s) from the Management Interface (MI) after the remote cluster is back Online. VTD_EXEC 103 version 1.24 or higher is also available to prevent these messages from being posted on the Management Interface. Issue ID: 67186