IBM-TASK-TRACKING-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS DisplayString FROM SNMPv2-TC OBJECT-TYPE, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, enterprises, MODULE-IDENTITY FROM SNMPv2-SMI MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP, NOTIFICATION-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF ; ibmTaskTracking MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201912120000Z" ORGANIZATION "IBM STG Software Group" CONTACT-INFO "IBM Support" DESCRIPTION "This MIB describes logs of user tasks or system events that have been initiated from the TS7700. Licensed Internal Code Source Materials 3957 VXX Licensed Internal Code (c) Copyright IBM Corporation 1996, 2018. All Rights Reserved." REVISION "201805100000Z" -- May 10, 2018 DESCRIPTION " 3.20 - adding taskDetailsInfo: 45-47" REVISION "201706290000Z" -- July 12, 2017 DESCRIPTION " 3.19 - add intervention description message" REVISION "201706290000Z" -- June 29, 2017 DESCRIPTION " 3.18 - add MDETrap for Call Home snmp notification" REVISION "201706280000Z" -- June 28, 2017 DESCRIPTION " 3.17 - add X11Trap for Host Message snmp notification" REVISION "201706220000Z" -- June 22, 2017 DESCRIPTION " 3.16 - add hydOpIntCustomText" REVISION "201503230000Z" -- March 26, 2015 DESCRIPTION " 3.15 - add the traps for Grid to Grid configuration, type 86-87" REVISION "201503260001Z" -- March 26, 2015 DESCRIPTION " 3.14 - Add the trap for task type 85." REVISION "201503260000Z" -- March 26, 2015 DESCRIPTION " 3.13 - Add the trap for tasks from 84." REVISION "201409110000Z" -- September 11, 2014 DESCRIPTION " 3.12 - Add the traps for tasks from 75 to 84." REVISION "201306130000Z" -- June 13, 2013 DESCRIPTION " 3.11 - Updated for sending interventions trap from HDB." REVISION "201304290000Z" -- April 29, 2013 DESCRIPTION " 3.10 - Updated for trap type 83 from SMIT." REVISION "201304290000Z" -- April 29, 2013 DESCRIPTION " 3.9 - Updated for sending LDAP remote login trap." REVISION "201304040000Z" -- April 04, 2013 DESCRIPTION " 3.8 - Updated for sending interventions trap." REVISION "201302270000Z" -- February 27, 2013 DESCRIPTION " 3.7 - Updated for trap type 81 from SMIT." REVISION "201110060000Z" -- August 12, 2011 DESCRIPTION " 3.6 - Change message typo error for trap 63 from SMIT." REVISION "201108120000Z" -- August 12, 2011 DESCRIPTION " 3.5 - Change message and name for trap 80 from SMIT." REVISION "201106090000Z" -- June 9, 2011 DESCRIPTION " 3.4 - Updated for trap type 80 from SMIT." REVISION "201012100000Z" -- December 10, 2010 DESCRIPTION " 3.3 - Updated for trap type 74 from MI." REVISION "201012010000Z" -- December 1, 2010 DESCRIPTION " 3.2 - Updated for trap type 73 from MI." REVISION "201007280000Z" -- July 28, 2010 DESCRIPTION " 3.1 - Updated for sending Cache traps." REVISION "201005180000Z" -- May 18, 2010 DESCRIPTION " 3.0 - Updated the MIB file for changes done in Hydra 2.0. This update adds a new trap type for sending test traps." REVISION "201003180000Z" -- March 18, 2010 DESCRIPTION " 2.1 - Created a separate branch of traps for HDB and for SMIT. Also added five new traps for HDB, traps 68-72." REVISION "201003150000Z" -- March 15, 2010 DESCRIPTION " 2.0 - Updated MIB file for SNMP changes done in Hydra 1.7. This update includes the all the traps specified by HDB and SMIT." REVISION "200907210000Z" -- July 21, 2009 DESCRIPTION " 1.0 - Initial Document." ::= { ts7700 1 } ibm OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 2 } ibmProd OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ibm 6 } ts7700 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ibmProd 225 } -- Top-level structure of the MIB interfaceAuditEvents OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ibmTaskTracking 0 } taskInterfaceTrap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { interfaceAuditEvents 0 } smitAuditEvents OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ibmTaskTracking 1 } taskSMITTrap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smitAuditEvents 0 } taskDetailsInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ibmTaskTracking 2 } taskDetailsConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ibmTaskTracking 3 } systemEvents OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ibmTaskTracking 4 } systemTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { systemEvents 0 } X11AuditEvents OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ibmTaskTracking 5 } taskX11Trap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { X11AuditEvents 0 } MDECHAuditEvents OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ibmTaskTracking 6 } taskMDECHTrap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { MDECHAuditEvents 0 } -- Details sent in the notification hydTaskId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique id assigned to each task in the TS7700 database." ::= { taskDetailsInfo 2 } hydType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The int which specifies the type of task that was initiated by the user. Current values are: Insert logical volumes (1), Delete logical volumes (2), Stand-alone mount (3), Import (4), Export (5), Operational mode (6), Microcode update (7), Bring node offline (8), Shutdown node (9), Ownership Takeover mode (10), Bring online (11), Modify feature licensing (12), Add), modify), or delete user (13), Modify role permissions (14), Modify date and time settings (15), Modify node nickname (16), Modify cluster properties (17), Modify grid properties (18), Generic (19), Service (20), Stand-alone demount (21), Account Management (22), Cluster Network Settings (23), Write-Protect Mode (24), Node Health (25), Cluster Health Scan (26), Copy Policy (27), Disaster Recovery (28), Modify Pool Encryption (29), Modify Key Manager (30), Cancel operation (31), Repair damaged logical volumes (32), Ownership Takeover (33), Promote recall queue (34), Remove cluster - hardware change (35), Remove cluster - disaster recovery (36), Add or Modify Category (37), Delete Category (38), Add or Modify Construct (39), Delete Construct (40), Modify Pool (41), Modify Range (42), Delete Range (43), Add/Modify Inhibit Reclaim Schedule (44), Eject unassigned physical volume(s) (45), Move/Eject Quantity of Physical Volumes (46), Move/Eject Range of Physical Volumes (47), Cancel Move/Eject of Volumes (48), Modify Cluster Pair Properties (49), Operator Interventions change (50), Operator Interventions clear (51), Move List of Logical Volumes (52), Move Pools for List of Logical Volumes (53), Modify Logical Volumes (54), Move Logical Volume Pools (55), Copy Export (56), Cancel Copy Export (57), Add or Modify Library Port Access Group (58), Delete Library Port Access Group (59), Cluster Families (60), Security Settings (61), SNMP Settings (62), InfoCenter Settings (63), Temporary Lower Removal Threshold (64), Modify Cache Temporary Removal Threshold (65), Login/Logout (66), Copy Export Settings (67), Smit Invoked Command (68), Remote Login (69), Service Preparation (70), Cancel Service (71), Cancel Service Preparation (72), Add Access Group Volume Range (73), Delete Access Group Volume Range (74), Eject Specific Pvol (75), Move Export Hold (76), Log Collection (77), Snapshot Collection (78), Prepare Log Collection (79), Lvol Copy Started (80), Lvol Insert or Eject Reconciliation (81), MI User Password Modified (82), LI REQ Command Invoked (83), Enable Cache EKM Encryption (84), Advanced Grid Network Tuning (85), Configure CSG (86), Configure CTG (87)" ::= {taskDetailsInfo 3} hydTaskName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..128)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A description of the task." ::= {taskDetailsInfo 4} hydUserName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Username logged in to the TS7700 who initiated the particular task." ::= {taskDetailsInfo 5} hydTimeCreated OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..10)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The timestamp when the task record is created. The time is in GMT. Timestamp given in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD-HH.MM.SS.SSSSSS" ::= {taskDetailsInfo 6} hydCommandTextId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The message id that maps to a string with a more detailed description of the task. The full string is shown in the TS7700 Management Interface. The text may be sent in the hydCommandText value." ::= {taskDetailsInfo 7} hydCommandTextInserts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The specific inserts for the message with details info about the task. Used to insert context-sensitive values into the static message mapped to hydCommandTextId." ::= {taskDetailsInfo 8} hydCommandText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The message with a more detailed description of the task, this can be empty if it is not sent in the trap. The TS7700 Management interface should be accessed to view the command text." ::= {taskDetailsInfo 9} hydTotalSteps OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of steps involved in completing this particular task. Used in conjunction with the hydCurrentStep to determine progress of a task. Since the notification is sent when the task is first created, the user will not see a progression of the task. The management interface for the TS7700 provides updated status on the progression of a task." ::= {taskDetailsInfo 10} hydCurrentStep OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current step that is being executed for the task. Used in conjunction with hydTotalSteps to determine how far the task has progressed. Since the notification is sent when the task is first created, the user will not see a progression of the task. The management interface for the TS7700 provides updated status on the progression of a task." ::= {taskDetailsInfo 11} hydStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { inprogress (1), success (2), cancelled (3), failure (4), successwithinfo (5), successwithwarning (6), canceling (7) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current status of the task. The possible values are: in progress (1), finished with success (2), cancelled (3), failed (4), finished successfully with some extra info provided (5), finished successfully with some warnings (6),and in the process of cancelling (7)." ::= {taskDetailsInfo 12} hydProgressTextId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The message id that maps to a string with a more detailed description of the current progress of a task. The full string is shown in the TS7700 Management Interface. The text may be sent in the hydProgressText value." ::= {taskDetailsInfo 13} hydProgressTextInserts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The specific inserts for the message with details on the progress of the task. Used to insert context-sensitive values into the static message mapped to hydProgressTextId." ::= {taskDetailsInfo 14} hydProgressText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The message with a progress information for the task, this can be empty if it is not sent in the trap. The TS7700 Management interface should be accessed to view the progress text." ::= {taskDetailsInfo 15} hydCacheDetails OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This message has the details of a cache trap and specifies what occurred." ::= {taskDetailsInfo 16} hydEventId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MDE assigned to each Intervention in the TS7700 HDB." ::= { taskDetailsInfo 17 } hydEventKey OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique id assigned to each Intervention in the TS7700 HDB." ::= { taskDetailsInfo 18 } hydEventDesc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description of the parameters and label assigned to each Intervention in the TS7700 HDB." ::= {taskDetailsInfo 19} hydEventLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique location to identify the component of each Intervention in the TS7700 HDB." ::= {taskDetailsInfo 20} hydOpIntTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time this record was inserted in the database." ::= {taskDetailsInfo 21} hydOpIntId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Intervention number." ::= {taskDetailsInfo 22} hydOpIntParmList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Parameter list." ::= {taskDetailsInfo 23} hydOpIntPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The priority of the intervention with values (0) Urgent, (1) Degraded, (2) Info, (3) None." ::= {taskDetailsInfo 24} hydOpIntType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Type of the Intervention with values (0) User, (1) System generated, or (2) None." ::= {taskDetailsInfo 25} hydOpIntEventId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Event identifier." ::= {taskDetailsInfo 26} hydOpIntSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Intervention source." ::= {taskDetailsInfo 27} hydOpIntAssociatedId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Associated identifier." ::= {taskDetailsInfo 28} hydOpIntSituationType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Intervention situation type." ::= {taskDetailsInfo 29} hydOpIntKey1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Event key 1." ::= {taskDetailsInfo 30} hydOpIntKey2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Event key 2." ::= {taskDetailsInfo 31} hydOpIntKey3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Event key 3." ::= {taskDetailsInfo 32} hydOpIntClusterId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Event cluster identifier." ::= {taskDetailsInfo 33} hydOpIntHwLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Event hardware location." ::= {taskDetailsInfo 34} hydOpIntCustomText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Event custom text." ::= {taskDetailsInfo 35} hydX11Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Host Message (X11) identifier." ::= {taskDetailsInfo 36} hydX11Severity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Host Message (X11) severity." ::= {taskDetailsInfo 37} hydX11Message OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Host Message (X11) message." ::= {taskDetailsInfo 38} hydX11CustomText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Host Message (X11) custom text." ::= {taskDetailsInfo 39} hydMDECHId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MDE Call Home identifier." ::= {taskDetailsInfo 40} hydMDECHSeverity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MDE Call Home severity." ::= {taskDetailsInfo 41} hydMDECHMessage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MDE Call Home message." ::= {taskDetailsInfo 42} hydMDECHCustomText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MDE Call Home custom text." ::= {taskDetailsInfo 43} hydOpIntMessageText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Event Description text." ::= {taskDetailsInfo 44} hydTimestamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..19)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The timestamp when the trap was created. Timestamp given in the following format: MM/DD/YYYY H:MM:SS" ::= {taskDetailsInfo 45} hydTypeModel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..8)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TS7700 Type-Model. Format: XXXX-XXX" ::= {taskDetailsInfo 46} hydMPIDSN OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..8)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TS7700 Manufacturing Plant ID-Serial Number. Format: XX-XXXXX" ::= {taskDetailsInfo 47} -- HDB Traps Sent from User Interface hydLogicalVolumeInsert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs insertion of logical volumes on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 1} hydLogicalVolumeDelete NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs deletion of logical volumes on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 2} hydStandaloneMount NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs a stand-alone volume mounted on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 3} hydImport NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs an import on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 4} hydExport NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs an export on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 5} hydOperationalMode NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs that the TS7700 is in operational mode." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 6} hydMicrocodeUpdate NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs an update of the microcode on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 7} hydBringNodeOffline NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs that a node was brought offline on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 8} hydShutdownNode NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs that a node was shutdown on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 9} hydOwnershipTakeoverMode NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs the ownership takeover mode on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 10} hydBringOnline NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs that the TS7700 was brought online." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 11} hydModifyFeatureLicensing NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs the feature licensing was modified on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 12} hydAddModifyOrDeleteUser NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs that an add, modify, or delete of a user occurred on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 13} hydModifyRolePermissions NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs that role permissions were modified on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 14} hydModifyDateAndTimeSettings NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs that the date and time was modified on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 15} hydModifyNodeNickname NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs that a node nickname was changed on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 16} hydModifyClusterProperties NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs cluster properties were modified on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 17} hydGridProperties NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs that grid properties were modified on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 18} hydGeneric NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs a generic task on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 19} hydService NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs serivce on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 20} hydStandAloneDemount NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs that a stand-alone volume demounted on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 21} hydAccountManagement NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs account management on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 22} hydClusterNetworkSettings NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs cluster network settings on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 23} hydWriteProtectMode NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs write-protect mode on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 24} hydNodeHealth NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs the node health on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 25} hydClusterHealthScan NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs a cluster health scan on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 26} hydCopyPolicy NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs the copy policy on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 27} hydDisasterRecovery NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs recovery from disaster on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 28} hydModifyPoolEncryption NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs a modification of pool encryption on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 29} hydModifyKeyManager NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs a modification of the key manager on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 30} hydCancelOperation NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs when an operation is canceled on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 31} hydRepairLogicalVolumes NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs the repairing of damaged logical volumes on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 32} hydOwnershipTakeover NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs an ownership takeover on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 33} hydPromoteRecallQueue NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs a promote of the recall queue on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 34} hydRemoveClusterHardwareChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs the removal of a cluster due to hardware change on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 35} hydRemoverClusterDisasterRecovery NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs the removal of a cluster due to disaster recovery on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 36} hydAddOrModifyCategory NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs when a category is added or modified on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 37} hydDeleteCategory NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs when a category is deleted on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 38} hydAddOrModifyConstruct NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs when a construct is added or modified on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 39} hydDeleteConstruct NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs when a construct is deleted on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 40} hydModifyPool NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs when the pool is modified on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 41} hydModifyRange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs when a range is modified on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 42} hydDeleteRange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs when a range is deleted on the the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 43} hydReclaimSchedule NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs when an inhibit reclaim schedule is added or modified on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 44} hydEjectPhysicalVolumes NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs when unassigned physical volumes are ejected on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 45} hydMoveQuantity NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs when a move or eject of a quantity of physical volumes occurs on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 46} hydMoveRange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs when a move or eject of a range of physical volumes occurs on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 47} hydCancelMove NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs a cancelation of a move or eject of physical volumes on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 48} hydModifyClusterPairProperties NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs a modifcation of cluster pair properties on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 49} hydOperatorInterventionsChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs when operator interventions are changed on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 50} hydOperatorInterventionsClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs when operator interventions are cleared on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 51} hydMoveListLogicalVolumes NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs moving a list of logical volumes on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 52} hydMovePoolsLogicalVolumes NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs the moving of pools for a list of logical volumes on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 53} hydModifyLogicalVolumes NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs modification of logical volumes on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 54} hydMoveLogicalVolumePools NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs moving of logical volume pools on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 55} hydCopyExport NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs a copy export on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 56} hydCancelCopyExport NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs when someone cancels a copy export on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 57} hydAddLibraryPortAccessGroup NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs when a library port access group is added or modified on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 58} hydDeleteLibraryPortAccessGroup NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs when someone deletes a library port access group on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 59} hydClusterFamilies NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs when changes to cluster families on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 60} hydSecuritySettings NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs changes to the security settings on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 61} hydSNMPSettings NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs changes to the SNMP settings on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 62} hydInfoCenterSettings NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs changes to InfoCenter settings on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 63} hydLowerRemovalThreshold NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs temporary lower removal threshold on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 64} hydModifyRemovalThreshold NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs modifcation of the cache of temporary removal threshold on the TSS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 65} hydLoginLogout NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs logins and logouts on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 66} hydCopyExportSettings NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs copying of export settings on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 67} hydSmitInvokedCommand NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs when a command is invoked in SMIT on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 68} hydRemoteLogin NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs a remote login on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 69} hydServicePrep NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs a service prep initiated from the interface on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 70} hydIntCancelService NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs a cancellation of service from the interface on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 71} hydCancelServicePrep NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs a cancellation of a service prep from the interface on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 72} hydAddAccessGroupVolumeRanges NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs adding access group volume ranges from the interface on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 73} hydDeleteAccessGroupVolumeRanges NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs deleting access group volume ranges from the interface on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 74} hydEjectSpecificPvol NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when one or more physical volumes have been ejected from the TS7700 during an export operation." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 75} hydMoveExportHold NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a move export hold operation has started for a pool." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 76} hydLogCollection NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when log collection is initiated from the TS7700 management interface." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 77} hydSnapshotCollection NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when System Snapshot collection is initiated from the TS7700 management interface." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 78} hydLogCollectionPrepare NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when log collection is preparing to initiate from the TS7700 management interface." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 79} hydLvolCopyKick NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It indicates that a copy operation for a virtual volume was initiated on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 80} hydLvolInsertOrEjectReconciliation NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It indicates that an insert and/or eject reconciliation is in progress on the TS7700." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 81} hydMIUserPasswordModified NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a user's password is modified from the TS7700 management interface." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 82} hydLibReqCommandInvoked NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It indicates that an LI REQ command was issued in the TS7700 management interface." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 83} hydCachePartitionUpdated NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It indicates that a logical cache partition was created, updated, or modified on the TS7720 tape attach." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 84} hydHDBIntvTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydOpIntTime, hydOpIntId, hydOpIntParmList, hydOpIntPriority, hydOpIntType, hydOpIntEventId, hydOpIntSource, hydOpIntAssociatedId, hydOpIntSituationType, hydOpIntKey1, hydOpIntKey2, hydOpIntKey3, hydOpIntClusterId, hydOpIntHwLocation, hydOpIntCustomText, hydOpIntMessageText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent from HDB when an event intervention occurs." ::= {taskInterfaceTrap 85} -- Traps for SMIT related tasks hydResyncDatabase NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs resyncing the database with the physical library inventory on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 1} hydActivateTapeMicrocode NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs activation of tape drive microcode on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 2} hydInitiateMicrocodeActivation NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs TS7700 microcode activation on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 3} hydPerformSwitchover NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs switching to new a microcode image on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 4} hydAutomaticOwnership NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs configuring automatic ownership takeover manager to a remote cluster on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 5} hydResetHostAdapterCode NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs the resetting of host adapter code on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 6} hydVaryHostAdapterOffline NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It is sent when offline host adapters are varied on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 7} hydVaryHostAdapterOnline NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It is sent when online host adapters are varied the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 8} hydRemoveDefectiveControllerCard NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs the removal of a defective cache controller adapter card the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 9} hydRemoveDefectiveHostCard NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs the removal of a defective host adapter card on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 10} hydResumeFailedHotSwap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs resuming a failed adapter card hotswap on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 11} hydRemoveDefectiveEthernetCard NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs the removal of a defective ethernet adapter card on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 12} hydRemoveDefectiveTapeCard NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs the removal of a defective tape adapter card on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 13} hydTapeDriveUtilities NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs the usage of tape drive utilities (tapeutil) on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 14} hydRunFibreSwitchUtilitiy NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs running the fibre switch utility on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 15} hydChangeStackedVolumeToRO NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs changing the stacked volume to read only on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 16} hydUpdateAIXLevel NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs updating the AIX Maintenance level on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 17} hydChangeTapeDriveSettings NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs changing the tape drive settings on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 18} hydRemoveDefectiveFibre NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs the remove or replace of a defective fibre switch on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 19} hydMigrateAllIvols NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs when all the Ivols in cach are migrated to tape and clears the cache (-m) on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 20} hydPremigrateIvols NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs when all resident Ivols are premigrated to tape (-p) on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 21} hydConfigureLocalGrid NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs configuring the local GRID network IPs on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 22} hydRemoveClusterFromGrid NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs the removal of a cluster from the grid on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 23} hydJoinLocalSystem NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs joining a local system with a remote cluster on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 24} hydSynchronizeTime NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs synchronizing time between clusters on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 25} hydConfigureLocalCluster NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs configuring the local cluster with remote cluster network IPs on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 26} hydConfigureGridDegradation NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs configuring grid degradation detection settings on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 27} hydRemoveDefectiveDisk NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs removing or replacing a defective system hard disk (not 3956-Cxx disks) on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 28} hydSetDateStandard NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs setting the date/time using standard format on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 29} hydSetDateAIX NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs setting the date/time using the AIX Tool (ONLY for 1st Time installs) on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 30} hydSetNTPAddress NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs setting the NTP server address for date/time synchronization on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 31} hydChangeVPD NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs changes to Vital Product Data (VPD) on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 32} hydVary3957Online NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs varying 3957-Vxx Online on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 33} hydForce3957Offline NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs forcing a 3957-Vxx Offline on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 34} hydVary3957Offline NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs varying 3957-Vxx Offline on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 35} hydEnableTapeDrivePath NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs enabling a tape drive path on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 36} hydRepairFibrePaths NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs repairing fibre paths to Disk Cache Controllers on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 37} hydResetFCPPath NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs the resetting of an FCP path on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 38} hydResetFCPPath2 NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs the resetting of an FCP path on the TS7700. (Duplicate SMIT type entry)" ::= {taskSMITTrap 39} hydDisableTapeDrivePath NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs disabling a tape drive path on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 40} hydRestart3957 NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs shutting down and restarting the 3957-Vxx on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 41} hydShutdownCache NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs shutting down the cache (3956-Cxx) and 3957-Vxx on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 42} hydShutdown3957 NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs shutting down the 3957-Vxx on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 43} hydActivateCodeImage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs activation of TS7700 code images on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 44} hydReconfigureAllTape NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs the usage of vtd_hardconf_config which reconfigures all tape devices on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 45} hydCompleteNonConcurrentLoad NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs completing a non-concurrent 3956 microcode load on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 46} hydResyncTapeDrive NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs the resyncing of a tape drive following activation of tape drive code on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 47} hydResetNetworkInterface NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs the resetting of a network adapter interface on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 48} hydResetNetworkInterface2 NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs the resetting of a network adapter interface on the TS7700. (Duplicate SMIT type entry)" ::= {taskSMITTrap 49} hydResetCustomerNetwork NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs resetting the customer's network the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 50} hydRunFibreSwitchSetup NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs running the fibre switch setup on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 51} hydUpdateVPD NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs updating VPD from current customer network settings on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 52} hydSetTSSCNetworkConfig NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs setting the Service Console (TSSC) customer network configuration on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 53} hydSetFullNetworkConfig NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs setting the full customer network configuration on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 54} hydSpeedDuplexSettings NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs showing or changing the customer network speed and duplex settings on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 55} hydSetCustomerNetworkConfig NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs setting the customer network configuration on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 56} hydRemoveDefectiveRouter NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs removing or replacing a defective router on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 57} hydResetRouter NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs resetting the router on the TS7700. (Duplicate SMIT type entry)" ::= {taskSMITTrap 58} hydRunPFE NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs running PFE/Support Center provided functions from a CD-ROM on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 59} hydCancelService NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs canceling service/service prep on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 60} hydInitiateServicePrep NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs initation of service prep on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 61} hydInitiateForcedServicePrep NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs initiation of a forced service prep on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 62} hydUserControlledEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs addition or removal of a user controlled event for online capability on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 63} hydConfigureNetworkPort NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs configuring of network ports for remote connection on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 64} hydCustomerConfig NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs customer configuration settings on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 65} hydDataManagement NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs data managment settings on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 66} hydConfigureFICON NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs configuration of FICON 1Gbit/2Gbit/4Gbit settings on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 67} hydResetCallHomeDaemon NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs a reset of the call home daemon on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 68} hydCallHomeRemoteServices NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs the changing or displaying of Call Home or Remote Services on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 69} hydCallHomeFilters NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs the changing or displaying of Call Home Filters on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 70} hydConfigTSSCIP NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs the IBM TSSC TCP/IP configuration on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 71} hydActivateTapeMicrocode2 NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs activation of tape drive microcode on the TS7700. (Duplicate SMIT type entry)" ::= {taskSMITTrap 72} hydVaryTapeOnline NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs varying a tape drive online on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 73} hydVaryTapeOffline NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs varying a tape drive offline on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 74} hydPrepareNonConcurrentLoad NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It the log preparation of a non-concurrent 3956-CC6 Microcode Load on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 75} hydPerformDB2Reorg NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs performing a database (DB2) reorg on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 76} hydSetLocalGridTSSCIP NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs setting the local GRID TSSC IP on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 77} hydRLogin NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs a remote login on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 78} hydRLogout NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs a remote logout on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 79} hydRemoveDefectiveInterfaceAdapter NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs a Remove or Replace Defective I/O Drawer Interface Adapter Card on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 80} hydRemoveReplaceDefectiveCacheControllerSFP NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs a Remove/Replace Defective Cache Controller/SFP on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 81} hydLDAPAuthTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a login via LDAP is succesful." ::= {taskSMITTrap 82} hydResetLocalAuthenticationPolicy NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs a Reset Local Authentication Policy on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 83} hydEnableCacheEKM NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs a Enable Cache EKM Encryption on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 84} hydAdvGridNetTuning NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs modifications to the Advanced Grid Network Tuning Options on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 85} hydConfigureCSG NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs a Copy Source Grid configuration on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 86} hydConfigureCTG NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs a Copy Target Grid configuration on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 87} hydRemoveTapeAttach NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs the removing tape attach code on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 96} hydSetFICONCRCErrorChkParams NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs the Set FICON CRC Error Check Parameters code on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 97} hydDisableSpecificSysChecksTemp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs the Disable Specific System Checks Temporarily code on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 98} hydResetSysCheckoutNetwrkThresholds NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs the Reset System Checkout Network Thresholds code on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 99} hydModifySysCheckoutNetwrkThresholds NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs the Modify System Checkout Network Threshold Values code on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 100} hydSetSysCheckoutNetwrkThresholdsDefault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs the Set System Checkout Network Thresholds to Default Values code on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 101} hydEnDisPingsGridNetwork NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs the Enable/Disable Pings on the Grid Network code on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 102} hydReconfALLHostAdapters NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs the Reconfigure ALL Host Adapters (vtd_hardconf_config) code on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 103} hydModifyReorgConfigData NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs the Modify Reorg Configuration Data code on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 104} hydUpgradeESMFirmware NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs Upgrade ESM Firmware code on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 105} hydUpgradeCacheFirmware NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs Upgrade Cache Firmware code on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 106} hydUpgradeCacheDDMFirmware NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs Upgrade Cache DDM Firmware code on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 107} hydChgDiskCacheDynRebuildPriority NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs Change Disk Cache Dynamic Rebuild Priority code on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 108} hydChangeEcryptSettings NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs Change Encryption Settings code on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 109} hydReGenEncryptKey NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs Re-generate Encryption Key code on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 110} hydInstallKeyServerCert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs Install Key Server Certificate code on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 111} hydResetNTCGridlnkStatus NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs Reset NTC Grid Link Status code on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 112} hydEnbDisGridLnk NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs Enable / Disable a Grid Link code on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 113} hydConfEncryptSettings NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs Configure Encryption Settings code on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 114} hydAddVirtualDevMES NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It Perform Add Virtual Devices MES on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 115} hydBackoutFailedCacheMES NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs Backout Failed Cache MES code on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 116} hydSetMgmIntfcHTTPPortUsg NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs Set Management Interface HTTP/HTTPS Port Usage code on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 117} hydRestLocalVirtualDev NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs Reset Local Virtual Device code on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 118} hydPerformStorageStringMES NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs Perform Storage String MES code on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 119} hydPerformHBAMES NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs Perform HBA MES code on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 120} hydRRDefectiveSwitch NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs Remove/Replace Defective Switch code on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 121} hydRRNonCommonParts NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It Remove/Replace Non-Common Parts code on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 122} hydRRDefectiveSASAdapter NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It Remove/Replace Defective SAS Adapter Recovery code on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 123} hydRemoveReplaceDDM NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs Remove/Replace DDM code on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 124} hydRRDefectSysPlanarServProc NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs Remove/Replace Defective Sysplanar/Service Processor code on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 125} hydEnableIPSecurity NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs Enable IP Security (IPsec) code on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 126} hydDisableIPsecurity NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs Disable IP Security (IPsec) code on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 127} hydRefreshIPSecurity NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs Refresh IP Security (IPsec) code on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 128} hydRenumberClusterGrid NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs the Renumber Clusters in the GRID code on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 129} hydResetGridNetworkRoutes NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs Reset Grid Network Routes code on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 130} hydFenceCluster NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs Fence Cluster code on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 131} hydUnfenceCluster NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs Unfence Cluster code on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 132} hydResetHostAdapters NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs Reset ALL Host Adapters code on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 133} hydPerformCacheMES NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs Perform cache enclosure MES code on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 134} hydPerformSSDsMES NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs Perform SSD FC8083 MES code on the TS7700." ::= {taskSMITTrap 136} -- Traps for X11 related tasks hydX11MessageTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydX11Id, hydX11Severity, hydX11Message, hydX11CustomText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when a message is send to the host" ::= {taskX11Trap 1} -- Traps for MDE CH related tasks hydMDECHMessageTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydMDECHId, hydMDECHSeverity, hydMDECHMessage, hydMDECHCustomText, hydTimestamp, hydTypeModel, hydMPIDSN } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when Microcode Detected Error has initiated a Call Home" ::= {taskMDECHTrap 1} -- Misc traps hydTestTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydTaskName, hydUserName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when the MI or SMIT requests a test trap." ::= {systemTraps 1} hydCacheFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydCacheDetails } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a physical drive failure is detected on the TS7740." ::= {systemTraps 2} hydCacheRebuild NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydCacheDetails } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a physical drive is being rebuilt on the TS7740." ::= {systemTraps 3} hydCacheReplaceSuccess NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydCacheDetails } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a physical drive has been successfully replaced on the TS7740." ::= {systemTraps 4} -- Interventions Traps hydIntvTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hydEventId, hydEventKey, hydEventDesc, hydEventLocation } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when an event intervention occurs." ::= {systemTraps 5} -- Compliance statements ibmTaskTrackingCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { taskDetailsConformance 1 } ibmTaskTrackingGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { taskDetailsConformance 2 } ibmTaskTrackingCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for the IBM-TASK-TRACKING-MIB." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { ibmTaskTrackingNotificationsGroup, ibmTaskTrackingObjectsGroup } ::= { ibmTaskTrackingCompliances 1 } -- MIB groupings ibmTaskTrackingObjectsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hydTaskId, hydType, hydTaskName, hydUserName, hydTimeCreated, hydCommandTextId, hydCommandTextInserts, hydCommandText, hydTotalSteps, hydCurrentStep, hydStatus, hydProgressTextId, hydProgressTextInserts, hydProgressText, hydCacheDetails } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This group defines those MIB objects that MUST be implemented by a compliant implementation." ::= { ibmTaskTrackingGroups 1 } ibmTaskTrackingNotificationsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS{ hydLogicalVolumeInsert, hydLogicalVolumeDelete, hydStandaloneMount, hydImport, hydExport, hydOperationalMode, hydMicrocodeUpdate, hydBringNodeOffline, hydShutdownNode, hydOwnershipTakeoverMode, hydBringOnline, hydModifyFeatureLicensing, hydAddModifyOrDeleteUser, hydModifyRolePermissions, hydModifyDateAndTimeSettings, hydModifyNodeNickname, hydModifyClusterProperties, hydGridProperties, hydGeneric, hydService, hydStandAloneDemount, hydAccountManagement, hydClusterNetworkSettings, hydWriteProtectMode, hydNodeHealth, hydClusterHealthScan, hydCopyPolicy, hydDisasterRecovery, hydModifyPoolEncryption, hydModifyKeyManager, hydCancelOperation, hydRepairLogicalVolumes, hydOwnershipTakeover, hydPromoteRecallQueue, hydRemoveClusterHardwareChange, hydRemoverClusterDisasterRecovery, hydAddOrModifyCategory, hydDeleteCategory, hydAddOrModifyConstruct, hydDeleteConstruct, hydModifyPool, hydModifyRange, hydDeleteRange, hydReclaimSchedule, hydEjectPhysicalVolumes, hydMoveQuantity, hydMoveRange, hydCancelMove, hydModifyClusterPairProperties, hydOperatorInterventionsChange, hydOperatorInterventionsClear, hydMoveListLogicalVolumes, hydMovePoolsLogicalVolumes, hydModifyLogicalVolumes, hydMoveLogicalVolumePools, hydCopyExport, hydCancelCopyExport, hydAddLibraryPortAccessGroup, hydDeleteLibraryPortAccessGroup, hydClusterFamilies, hydSecuritySettings, hydSNMPSettings, hydInfoCenterSettings, hydLowerRemovalThreshold, hydModifyRemovalThreshold, hydLoginLogout, hydSmitInvokedCommand, hydRemoteLogin, hydServicePrep, hydIntCancelService, hydCancelServicePrep, hydAddAccessGroupVolumeRanges, hydDeleteAccessGroupVolumeRanges, hydCopyExportSettings, hydResyncDatabase, hydActivateTapeMicrocode, hydInitiateMicrocodeActivation, hydPerformSwitchover, hydAutomaticOwnership, hydResetHostAdapterCode, hydVaryHostAdapterOffline, hydVaryHostAdapterOnline, hydRemoveDefectiveControllerCard, hydRemoveDefectiveHostCard, hydResumeFailedHotSwap, hydRemoveDefectiveEthernetCard, hydRemoveDefectiveTapeCard, hydTapeDriveUtilities, hydRunFibreSwitchUtilitiy, hydChangeStackedVolumeToRO, hydUpdateAIXLevel, hydChangeTapeDriveSettings, hydRemoveDefectiveFibre, hydMigrateAllIvols, hydPremigrateIvols, hydConfigureLocalGrid, hydRemoveClusterFromGrid, hydJoinLocalSystem, hydSynchronizeTime, hydConfigureLocalCluster, hydConfigureGridDegradation, hydRemoveDefectiveDisk, hydSetDateStandard, hydSetDateAIX, hydSetNTPAddress, hydChangeVPD, hydVary3957Online, hydForce3957Offline, hydVary3957Offline, hydEnableTapeDrivePath, hydRepairFibrePaths, hydResetFCPPath, hydResetFCPPath2, hydDisableTapeDrivePath, hydRestart3957, hydShutdownCache, hydShutdown3957, hydActivateCodeImage, hydReconfigureAllTape, hydCompleteNonConcurrentLoad, hydResyncTapeDrive, hydResetNetworkInterface, hydResetNetworkInterface2, hydResetCustomerNetwork, hydRunFibreSwitchSetup, hydUpdateVPD, hydSetTSSCNetworkConfig, hydSetFullNetworkConfig, hydSpeedDuplexSettings, hydSetCustomerNetworkConfig, hydRemoveDefectiveRouter, hydResetRouter, hydRunPFE, hydCancelService, hydInitiateServicePrep, hydInitiateForcedServicePrep, hydUserControlledEvent, hydConfigureNetworkPort, hydCustomerConfig, hydDataManagement, hydConfigureFICON, hydResetCallHomeDaemon, hydCallHomeRemoteServices, hydCallHomeFilters, hydConfigTSSCIP, hydActivateTapeMicrocode2, hydVaryTapeOnline, hydVaryTapeOffline, hydPrepareNonConcurrentLoad, hydPerformDB2Reorg, hydSetLocalGridTSSCIP, hydRLogin, hydRLogout, hydRemoveDefectiveInterfaceAdapter, hydRemoveReplaceDefectiveCacheControllerSFP, hydTestTrap, hydCacheFailure, hydCacheRebuild, hydCacheReplaceSuccess } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This group defines those notifications that MUST be implemented by a compliant implementation." ::= { ibmTaskTrackingGroups 2 } END