TS4500 CLI Tool Fix List =================================================================================================== TS4500 CLI Tool level: Release Date: 10/14/24 =================================================================================================== New Features: None Fixes: 6397 - Fixed issue in CLI saveConfiguration command where a successful message is displayed even though the command fails =================================================================================================== TS4500 CLI Tool level: Release Date: 04/22/24 =================================================================================================== New Features: None Fixes: 4683 - Fixed nonDisruptiveLibraryReset RPC to be called after restoreConfiguration CLI command finish 5079 - Fixed issued in CLI command driveCodeUpdate where LTO9 drive types are not supported 5416 - Fixed problem in CLI viewDriveSummary where it displays incorrect state for drives =================================================================================================== TS4500 CLI Tool level: Release Date: 07/03/23 =================================================================================================== New Features: None Fixes: 3639 - Fixed vieDriveSummary and ViewDriveDetails CLI commands to show drive state and operation 4275 - Fixed encrypt command to accept special characters in password input =================================================================================================== TS4500 CLI Tool level: Release Date: 11/30/22 =================================================================================================== New Features: None Fixes: 828 - Fixed how drive type displays on commands viewDriveSummary and viewDriveDetails to match web 2733 - Fixed viewDriveSummary failing command replacing drive Operation instead of drive State 3387 - Updated library_backup.sh and library_restore.sh scripts =================================================================================================== TS4500 CLI Tool level: Release Date: 07/23/21 =================================================================================================== New Features: LTO9 drive support Fixes: 2563 - Modified how advanced encryption method is displayed when enabled =================================================================================================== TS4500 CLI Tool level: Release Date: 11/02/20 =================================================================================================== New Features: Jag6 SAS drive support Fixes: 1983 - Fixed CLI command downloadResources where mounthistory option didn't get latest log file with recent information about mounts 1892 - Fixed CLI command -startCalibration where it did not specify which Accessor to use to calibrate. =================================================================================================== TS4500 CLI Tool level: Release Date: 04/03/20 =================================================================================================== New Features: None Fixes: 1796 - Fixed issue where CLI Tool returns error 500 for destage/prestage commands =================================================================================================== TS4500 CLI Tool level: Release Date: 08/23/19 =================================================================================================== New Features: None Fixes: GHI1494 Fixed issue in bulkAssignDataCartridges where it does not validate if a logical library name exists causing a segmentation fault in library =================================================================================================== TS4500 CLI Tool level: Release Date: 08/23/19 =================================================================================================== New Features: None Fixes: GHI1076 Removed conversion to FCRTT location in CLI commands prestageDataCartridges, destageDataCartridges, moveToDrive. [ ECMWF] GHI981 Fixed issue where CLI returns not authorized when issueing command -moveFromAllDrives with admin account. GHI1002 Fixed issue where CLI command viewRolePermissions displayed "There was a problem in the command execution" due to incorrect parameter validation. GHI1003 Fixed issue where CLI command setUtilThreshold displays Incorrect authorization to roles Administrator, Superuser and Service due to incorrect parameter validation. GHI1038 Fixed issue where CLI command setIscsi saves alias default name incomplete due to spaces in between. GHI1004 Fixed issue where CLI command modifyAdvancedEncSettings validates parameters incorrectly when disabling advanced method. GHI1143 Modified CLI command -createUser to allow 'mapped users' being created for Remote authentication when it is disabled. =================================================================================================== TS4500 CLI Tool level: 1.35 Release Date: 07/19/19 =================================================================================================== New Features: GHI881 Added new CLI option for downloadLog command to downloading Control System Health (CSH) file logs. GHI942 Modified CLI removeDataCartridges command to handle a bulk of cartridges in a single command. Fixes: GHI704 Fixed CLI modifyVolserReporting command where it fails due to regex validation for logical library name. GHI622 Fixed CLI viewNodeCards output for MDA cards to be consistent with GUI. GHI733 Fixed problem with CLI not working with SSL enabled when using IBM JVM version. GHI811 Fixed output from viewAccessorZones command when an accessor serves all frames in a dual accessor library. GHI239 Fixed setAccessorZones command to match correct behavior setting accessor zones. GHI824 Fixed CLI setBaseWW error message typo. GHI1035 Fixed error message when CLI command testMoveSlot failed.