This file contains additions/changes made to the Global Knowledge database for December 2011. The Global Knowledge Database is a complete replacement of your current copy. You will need to run the following jobs in order to replace your copy: GKB Updates are now available via Fix Central . In order to use Fix Central you have to have a valid IBM Userid and password. Complete the screen prompts: 1. Product Family - Select Tivoli 2. Product - Select IBM Tivoli Asset Discovery for z/OS If not found, try scrolling down and look for "Tivoli Asset Discovery for z/OS". 3. Installed Version - Select 7.2.0 4. Platform - Select z/OS Select all fixes to display. The format of the fix is 7.2.0-Tiv-TADZ-zOS-LV111223. The last six digits signify the fix level and is in YYMMDD format. The name of the file that contains the updates is TADZKB.XMI. Download this file as binary. You then need to upload this file to the mainframe to a pre-allocated file with the attributes FB 80. Once uploaded, you need to receive the file, RECEIVE INDATASET(tadzkb.xmi). When prompted for additional information enter, DA(name of file) The name of the file is important as it is used as input to the KB load jobs. This restores the KB file, making it ready to be used to update the Knowledge bases. Once you have restored the KB, you need to run the KB load jobs. 1. Before you submit any job, ensure that the input file is changed to the name of the file you have received it from. 2. For HSISDB03 in the JCLLIB: Uncomment STEP3. This step drops the Global Knowledge Base tables. Submit HSISDB03. 3. For HSISDB05 in the JCLLIB: Uncomment STEP3. This step drops the Global Knowledge Base for z/OS UNIX tables. Submit HSISDB05. 4. For HSISDB11 in the JCLLIB (optional): Comment STEP1. This prevents creation of table space Uncomment STEP3. This drops the IQ Filter tables. Submit HSISDB11 5. Re-run the Grant job HSISGRNT to restore the DB2 authorities. HSISGRNT restores the DB2 authorities which are lost when the tables are dropped in HSISDB03, HSISDB05, HSISDB11. ***** This step first appeared on the LV110729 KB (July 29, 2011); if you skipped that KB update, the procedure described below might still be applicable when updating to the new KB. ----- In this (July 29, 2011) v7.2 GKB, the products CA PAN/SQL BASE and CA PAN/SQL CICS are renamed to CA Easytrieve Plus for DB2 BASE and CA Easytrieve Plus for DB2 CICS respectively. Once you load the updated GKB you will have to rematch your IQ data for the system where these products are installed. You will need to change the option in the IQIMPORT job from FULLREMATCH=N to FULLREMATCH=Y only for the affected systems. This option will force a complete rematch of the IQ data and the new names will be used for product identification. ***** ***** The following step first appeared on the LV100630 KB (June 30, 2010) and was meant to be a one-off procedure for all customers. It is being repeated here for the benefit of those who may not have applied this change but have since been updating their KB. If you are currently experiencing the specific problem of having the same product associated to 2 different vendors (such as those shown in the SQL below), then run this procedure. ***** 6. Over time many Software Companies change their names or acquire other Software companies. In order to support these name changes, as of level 100630 the names of these Vendors have been changed. Prior to using this level, it is important to ask your DBA to run the following SQL against your Repository to change the names. Some of these Vendors may not exist in your Repository and hence an SQL error may be issued, e.g. 'ROW NOT FOUND FOR FETCH, UPDATE, OR DELETE'. You may ignore this error. If you do not run this SQL prior to using the new GKB then you will end up with the same products associated to 2 different Vendors. **** Change 'SI7' to the Schema you are using for your Repository **** Move 171 modules to GKB - 3/12/2011 8:35:29 PM INSERT : CA Technologies,CA XCOM Data Transport for z/OS,BASE,11.5, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA XCOM Data Transport for z/OS,CICS Support,11.5, 7.5 Version Move 119 modules to GKB - 5/12/2011 8:41:53 AM INSERT : Compuware Corporation,XPEDITER/Xchange,BASE (SLXGAUTH),5.0.0, INSERT : Compuware Corporation,XPEDITER/Xchange,BASE (SLXGLOAD),5.0.0, 7.2 Version Move 119 modules to GKB - 5/12/2011 8:44:28 AM INSERT : Compuware Corporation,XPEDITER/Xchange,BASE,5.0.0, Move 149 modules to GKB - 5/12/2011 9:41:52 AM INSERT : MSI,NADIS: Post,BASE,2012, Move 3214 modules to GKB - 5/12/2011 9:46:42 AM INSERT : Compuware Corporation,XPEDITER/CICS,BASE,9.1.0, Move 180 modules to GKB - 5/12/2011 9:57:03 AM INSERT : Syncsort Incorporated,SyncSort for z/OS,BASE (SYNCAUTH),1.4.0, INSERT : Syncsort Incorporated,SyncSort for z/OS,BASE (SYNCLINK),1.4.0, INSERT : Syncsort Incorporated,SyncSort for z/OS,BASE (SYNCRENT),1.4.0, Move 2775 modules to GKB - 6/12/2011 10:12:59 AM INSERT : IBM,IMS for z/OS,BASE,12.0,5635-A03 INSERT : IBM,IMS for z/OS,Database Manager,12.0,5635-A03 INSERT : IBM,IMS for z/OS,ETO,12.0,5635-A03 INSERT : IBM,IMS for z/OS,JAVA,12.0,5635-A03 INSERT : IBM,IMS for z/OS,RSR-DLT,12.0,5635-A03 INSERT : IBM,IMS for z/OS,RSR-RLT,12.0,5635-A03 INSERT : IBM,IMS for z/OS,Transaction Manager,12.0,5635-A03 Move 2758 modules to GKB - 7/12/2011 10:21:31 AM INSERT : Alebra Technologies Inc.,Parallel Data Mover,BASE,5.0.0, INSERT : Data 21, Inc.,ZIP/390,BASE,5.2, INSERT : DINO-Software Corporation,T-REX,BASE,6.1.0, INSERT : EMC Corporation,InfoMover,BASE,4.3.0, INSERT : Hitachi Data Systems,Business Continuity Manager,BASE,5.0.8, INSERT : Hitachi Data Systems,Business Continuity Manager,BASE,5.1.1, INSERT : Hitachi Data Systems,Business Continuity Manager,BASE,5.6.2, INSERT : IBM,DB2,JDBC/SQLJ,9.1.0 (1007),5635-DB2 INSERT : IBM,DB2,ODBC,9.1.0 (1007),5635-DB2 INSERT : IBM,DB2 Path Checker for z/OS,BASE,3.1.1,5697-N57 INSERT : IBM,Transparent Data Migration Facility,BASE,5.3.0, INSERT : Levi Ray & Shoup, Inc.,VMCF Web Access,BASE,2.1.0, INSERT : Levi Ray & Shoup, Inc.,VPSPrint,BASE,1.6.1A, INSERT : MVS Solutions, Inc.,ThruPut Manager,BASE,6.1.3, INSERT : MVS Solutions, Inc.,ThruPut Manager,BASE,6.2.1, INSERT : NewEra Software, Inc.,Image Focus,BASE,9.1.0, INSERT : NewEra Software, Inc.,Image Focus,BASE,9.1.3, INSERT : Online Ultimate Insights,NetResulta/390,BASE,3.4, INSERT UNKNOWN : Rocket Software, Inc.,Rocket VSAM Quick Index,BASE,4.3.3, INSERT : Rocket Software, Inc.,Rocket VSAM Quick Index,BASE,4.3.3, INSERT : Rocket Software, Inc.,Rocket VSAM Quick Index,BASE,4.4.0, INSERT : Sirius Software, Inc,Fast/Unload,BASE,4.4 (1109), INSERT : Sirius Software, Inc,SirTune,BASE,1.5, INSERT : Software Diversified Services,VitalSigns for IP,BASE,5.0.0, INSERT : Software Diversified Services,VitalSigns for IP,BASE,7.0.2, INSERT UNKNOWN : Software Diversified Services,VitalSigns for VTAM,BASE,5.1.3, INSERT : Software Diversified Services,VitalSigns for VTAM,BASE,5.1.3, INSERT UNKNOWN : William Data Systems,ZEN,BASE,1.1.0, INSERT : William Data Systems,ZEN,BASE,1.1.0, INSERT : William Data Systems,ZEN,BASE,2.0.0, INSERT : William Data Systems,ZEN,BASE,2.1.0, Move 116 modules to GKB - 8/12/2011 8:20:51 AM INSERT : Applied Software,TSO Superset Utilities,BASE,6.2B, INSERT : BMC Software,R+/CHANGE ACCUM,BASE,9.2.00 (1101), INSERT : CA Technologies,CA Repository Exchange for Endevor,BASE,7.1.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA Repository Exchange for Oracle,BASE,7.1.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA Repository for z/OS,BASE,7.1.0, Move 116 modules to GKB - 8/12/2011 8:21:06 AM INSERT UNKNOWN : Applied Software,TSO Superset Utilities,BASE,6.2B, INSERT : Applied Software,TSO Superset Utilities,BASE,6.2B, INSERT : BMC Software,R+/CHANGE ACCUM,BASE,9.2.00 (1101), INSERT : CA Technologies,CA Repository Exchange for Endevor,BASE,7.1.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA Repository Exchange for Oracle,BASE,7.1.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA Repository for z/OS,BASE,7.1.0, Move 2497 modules to GKB - 15/12/2011 7:47:49 PM REPLACE : SAS Institute,SAS,ACCESS-IMS DL/I,9.2.0, REPLACE : SAS Institute,SAS,ACCESS-Teradata,9.2.0, REPLACE : SAS Institute,SAS,AF,9.2.0, REPLACE : SAS Institute,SAS,BASE,9.2.0, REPLACE : SAS Institute,SAS,CGITOOLS,9.2.0, REPLACE : SAS Institute,SAS,CONNECT,9.2.0, INSERT : SAS Institute,SAS,ETS,9.2.0, REPLACE : SAS Institute,SAS,FSP,9.2.0, REPLACE : SAS Institute,SAS,GRAPH,9.2.0, INSERT : SAS Institute,SAS,IML,9.2.0, REPLACE : SAS Institute,SAS,Integration Technologies,9.2.0, REPLACE : SAS Institute,SAS,IntrNet,9.2.0, REPLACE : SAS Institute,SAS,MDDB Server,9.2.0, INSERT : SAS Institute,SAS,OR,9.2.0, REPLACE : SAS Institute,SAS,QLD,9.2.0, REPLACE : SAS Institute,SAS,SecureSSL,9.2.0, REPLACE : SAS Institute,SAS,SQL Library,9.2.0, INSERT : SAS Institute,SAS,STAT,9.2.0, REPLACE : SAS Institute,SAS,Tables,9.2.0, Move 856 modules to GKB - 16/12/2011 9:43:49 AM INSERT : BMC Software,BMC Log Analyzer for IMS,BASE,1.2.02, INSERT : BMC Software,Delta Plus,BASE,2.4.00, INSERT : BMC Software,Delta Plus,BASE,2.5.00, INSERT : BMC Software,Energizer for IMS Connect,BASE,1.5.00, INSERT : BMC Software,Extended Terminal Assist,BASE,3.4.01, INSERT : IBM,PSF,IP PRINTWAY,3.2.0,5655-B17 INSERT : IBM,PSF,NETSPOOL,3.2.0,5655-B17 INSERT UNKNOWN : IBM,z/OS: BookManager Build,BASE,1.3.0,5694-A01 INSERT : IBM,z/OS: BookManager Build,BASE,1.3.0,5694-A01 Move 285 modules to GKB - 19/12/2011 8:11:53 AM INSERT UNKNOWN : Cardinal Software,apXCHANGE-MVS,BASE (AUTH),3.2.1, INSERT : Cardinal Software,apXCHANGE-MVS,BASE (AUTH),3.2.1, INSERT : Cardinal Software,apXCHANGE-MVS,BASE (AUTH),3.3.0, INSERT UNKNOWN : Cardinal Software,apXCHANGE-MVS,BASE (LOAD),3.2.1, INSERT : Cardinal Software,apXCHANGE-MVS,BASE (LOAD),3.2.1, INSERT : Cardinal Software,apXCHANGE-MVS,BASE (LOAD),3.3.0, INSERT UNKNOWN : Cardinal Software,apXPLORE-CICS,BASE,3.3.0, INSERT : Cardinal Software,apXPLORE-CICS,BASE,3.3.0, Move 338 modules to GKB - 21/12/2011 7:44:46 AM INSERT UNKNOWN : VANGUARD Integrity Prof.,Vanguard Configuration Manager,BASE,1.12.1, INSERT : VANGUARD Integrity Prof.,Vanguard Configuration Manager,BASE,1.12.1, Move 485 modules to GKB - 21/12/2011 7:45:02 AM INSERT UNKNOWN : IBM,Business Rules,BASE,1.7,5799-EST INSERT : IBM,Business Rules,BASE,1.7,5799-EST REPLACE : IBM,Check Processing Control System,BASE,1.13,5734-F11 INSERT UNKNOWN : IBM,Communications Adapter,BASE,1.2.0,5799-WRF INSERT : IBM,Communications Adapter,BASE,1.2.0,5799-WRF INSERT UNKNOWN : IBM,CPCS Enhanced Systems Manager,BASE,1.13,5799-ESM INSERT : IBM,CPCS Enhanced Systems Manager,BASE,1.13,5799-ESM INSERT UNKNOWN : IBM,Gateway,BASE,1.7,5799-IMG INSERT : IBM,Gateway,BASE,1.7,5799-IMG INSERT UNKNOWN : IBM,ImageCPCS,BASE,1.7.0,5799-IMA INSERT : IBM,ImageCPCS,BASE,1.7.0,5799-IMA INSERT UNKNOWN : IBM,String Transfer Utility,BASE,1.2.0,5799-RWG INSERT : IBM,String Transfer Utility,BASE,1.2.0,5799-RWG Move 452 modules to GKB - 21/12/2011 9:19:17 AM INSERT UNKNOWN : Data Center Management Systems,Expert JCL Manager - JED,BASE,6.1.3, INSERT : Data Center Management Systems,Expert JCL Manager - JED,BASE,6.1.3, INSERT : Data Center Management Systems,Expert JCL Manager - JED,BASE,6.2.0, Move 4 modules to GKB - 22/12/2011 4:17:33 PM INSERT : IBM,Tivoli Storage Manager,Server,5.5.0,5698-A11