Known issues for Tivoli® Asset Discovery for Distributed 7.2.2 interim fix 6 are addressed in this document.
This readme file provides important information about the 7.2.2-TIV-TAD4D-IF0006 interim fix for Tivoli Asset Discovery for Distributed version 7.2.2. It contains the most current information for the interim fix and takes precedence over all other documentation.
Review this readme file thoroughly before installing or using the interim fix!
APAR | Abstract | Description |
IV19879 | LINUX AGENT FAILS WHEN ON READ-ONLY FILE SYSTEM | In this scenario /efs/dist/ibm/tad/722fp1/exec/ is a read-only file system and the agent requires at least one file in the agent_base_dir location to be writable. For more details, go to: |
IV15800 | LICENSETYPE VALUE DOES NOT GET POPULATED DURING CATALOG IMPORT. | A new way of importing the software catalog was introduced in the 7.2.2 release. The License Type parameter is not longer considered in the new design. For more details, go to: |
IV17932 | TIVOLI ASSET DISCOVERY FOR DISTRIBUTED 7.2.2 AGGREGATION FAILS | Software aggregation fails in the 7.2.2 release. The problem is caused by the adm.vm records missing from the agents that are in the incomplete status. For more details, go to: |
IV20907 | ONE MONTH SCHEDULE SETTING DOES NOT WORK CORRECTLY | The monthly scheduler for the Tivoli Asset Discovery for Distributed agent does not work correctly. For more details, go to: |
IV23342 | PERFORMANCE FOR UI SOFTWARE PRODUCTS PANEL | The Component UI Panel works slowly in the Tivoli Asset Discovery for Distributed. For more details, go to: |
IV20309 | PROCESSOR IS NOT CORRECTLY MATCHED BY X86 MATCHER | Some processors are not correctly matched by the x86 matcher. The problem is probably due to the processor name that contains the space sign, hyphen, or a national language character. For more details, go to: |
IV17935 | UPGRADE COMMON INVENTORY TECHNOLOGY SCANNER ON TIVOLI ASSET DISCOVERY FOR DISTRIBUTED AGENT TO THE LATEST AVAILABLE VERSION | The installed version of the Common Inventory Technology scanner is not up-to-date. For more details, go to: |
IV15700 | DATA IS TOO LONG TO FIT INTO THE FIELD OF A TLMA DATABASE TABLE | Some software scans return product names that are longer then the current length of the PACKAGE_NAME column of the ADM.NATIVE_SW table (64 characters). It causes that exceptions are generated during the upload of the software scan and results in the inability of the agent to upload the results of the software scan. To solve the problem, you must increase the size of the column to 255 characters. |
IV24201 | TIVOLI ASSET DISCOVERY FOR DISTRIBUTED HAS PROBLEMS WITH MATCHING THE LOCAL ZONE WITH THE GLOBAL ZONE | The problem occurs when the serial number that is reported by eeprom/SMBIOS on a global zone differs from the hardware serial number that is reported by sysinfo(SI_HW_SERIAL). For more details, go to: |
IV20850 | INCORRECT OS_SUB_VERS VALUES AFTER THE UPDATE TO TIVOLI ASSET DISCOVERY FOR DISTRIBUTED | After upgrading to Tivoli Asset Discovery for Distributed, incorrect values are stored in the OS_SUB_VERS column of the table. For more details, go to: |
IV20797 | AGENT SELF-UPDATE PROCESS FAILS ON WINDOWS | The upgrade of the Common Inventory Technology scanner is not verified during the self-upgrade of Tivoli Asset Discovery for Distributed agents from version 7.2.1 to 7.2.2. For more details, go to: |
IV22742 | INCORRECT OUTPUT ON THE UI WHEN A PRODUCT IS DISCOVERED ONLY ON SHARED DISCS WITHOUT USAGE BEING REPORTED | When a product is detected only on shared file systems and the usage is not reported, the capacity and subcapacity values are empty. For more details, go to: |
IV22830 | TIVOLI ASSET DISCOVERY FOR DISTRIBUTED DOES NOT CORRECTLY DETECT OR CHARE FOR SOFTWARE THAT IS INSTALLED ON NETWORK FILE SYSTEMS | Software that is installed on Network File Systems (NFS) is incorrectly detected when non-file signatures are used. Additionally, the software is incorrectly counted due to the lack of use signatures. For more details, go to: |
IV24800 | PROBLEM WITH THE CLEANUNMOUNTEDSHAREDDISKSTASK CLASS | The problem occurs because two forward slashes (//) are expected in the path and instances of only one forward slash in the path were encountered. For more details, go to: |
IV24985 | BLANK DUPLICATES ARE DISAPLYED ON THE 'INFRASTRUCTURE > AGENTS' PANEL OF TIVOLI ASSET DISCOVERY FOR DISTRIBUTED | While browsing the | panel and filtering the information by the host name of a single agent, numerous duplicate blank rows are returned. Attempts of deleting any of these blank rows result in all blank rows, including the valid entry, being deleted. The problem does not occur in the TLMA database on which a single entry is returned for each agent. Both these agents are virtual machines. For more details, go to:
IV24950 | AGGREGATION HANGS WITH THE TIME OUT ERROR | Software aggregation hangs with a timeout error due to some locks on te database. For more details, go to: |
IV24741 | AIX® TIVOLI ASSET DISCOVERY FOR DISTRIBUTED AGENT IS SLOW TO RESPOND TO COMMAND-LINE INTERFACE COMMANDS | Agents respond slowly to the command-line interface commands. After installing the Tivoli Asset Discovery for Distributed agent for AIX PPC v7.5 on an AIX server (both AIX 6.1 and AIX 7.1), the command-line interface commands take about 40 seconds to respond. |
IV25637 | SURPLUS LOGGING | The following exception was handled properly
and should no longer appear in the Tivoli Asset
Discovery for Distributed logs.
more details, go to: |
IV26311 | THE MESSAGE 'COULD NOT PARSE SERVICE CONTROL DATA' ON THE AGENT SIDE SHOULD BE REPLACED WITH A MORE MEANINGFUL MESSAGE | When an upload is rejected on the server, the server does not fill the http response according to the right standard. For more details, go to: |
IV24091 | THOUSANDS OF AGENTS ARE IN THE CLOSE_WAIT STATE | The problem occurs when the server is overloaded
with scan uploads. It originally occurred in an environment with 26000
agents. When the server is overloaded, the number of connections to
the agent port on the side of the server skyrockets:
IV26374 | LMTCLI.SG PROCESS ENDS | The script fails to start and the process ends. For more details, go to: |
IV26884 | AGTDEL COMMAND DELETES ALL AGENTS WHEN AN EMPTY FILE IS PASSED | When an empty file is passed to the agtdel command, it is treated as if no file was passed and all agents with the referenced status are deleted. For more details, go to: |
ID | Abstract | Description |
36671 | Signature reported along with component in instances table | While working with Tivoli Asset Discovery for Distributed users are unable to easily determine why a certain software detection occurred as no information about the location of the software signature was returned. For more details, go to: |
36677 | Recovery from overload - Semaphore on uploads | This change introduces a semaphore into the communication between agents and the server. The semaphore limits the concurrency of software and hardware uploads and thus reduces the risk of running into lock timeouts on the database. For more details, go to: |
36707 | Cache values for Download-Parameters and collect summarical time spend on handling various requests | This feature introduces cache values for the Download Parameters process and collection of the total time that is spent on handling various requests. For more details, go to: |
36707.2 | Performance boost for vm manager connector task (UUIDs cached and 'update topology' logic changed) | This feature introduces performance boost for the VM manager connector task. The UUIDs are cached and changes are introduced in the logic of the Update Topology process. For more details, go to: |
15717 | Switching off Software Use data in the PVU calculation | You can use this feature to have all calculations (PVU and STG) performed for all products that are discovered on the shared file systems regardless of whether the software usage of such product instances was detected. For more details, got to: |
36707.3 | Events framework - new table to store events reported by the server and a number of events | This feature introduces the Events Framework that stores events reported by the server and the number of the events. For more details, go to: |
16840 | IP Address column added in the Agent Report | The IP Address column was added on the panel. It contains the IP address of a computer on which the agent is installed. The column was also introduced in the PDF and CSV reports. |
Tivoli Asset Discovery for Distributed agent contains Common Inventory Technology version
Before you install the interim fix, make sure that fix pack 7.2.2-TIV-TAD4D-FP0002 is installed with Tivoli Asset Discovery for Distributed.