How to apply the patch ALM- Extract the .gz file to get the alm-elasticsearch- Load the image to cluster's local docker registry. docker login mycluster.icp:8500 docker image load --input alm-elasticsearch- docker tag mycluster.icp:8500/default/alm-elasticsearch: docker push mycluster.icp:8500/default/alm-elasticsearch: Please Note The docker tag and docker push commands should be accordingly modified as suited to the clusters. Create a sample descriptor and assembly using that. This is to run a test search for this assembly after the upgrade procedure. Get Initial status of pods etc on cluster. kubectl get all Scale down all replicas to 0 (for the following) kubectl scale deployments --replicas=0 apollo kubectl scale deployments --replicas=0 daytona kubectl scale deployments --replicas=0 doki kubectl scale deployments --replicas=0 ishtar kubectl scale deployments --replicas=0 nimrod kubectl scale deployments --replicas=0 relay kubectl scale deployments --replicas=0 talledega kubectl scale deployments --replicas=0 watchtower kubectl scale statefulsets --replicas=0 galileo kubectl scale statefulsets --replicas=0 conductor Patch new image using helm upgrade helm upgrade --set --set elasticsearch.image.tag= --install --reuse-values --tls Wait for Elasticsearch pods to restart one by one and once all ES pods are back. Check they are healthy and running with the new image. Now Scale back to replicas=3 (for the following: once all ES pods are up and running) kubectl scale deployments --replicas=3 apollo kubectl scale deployments --replicas=3 daytona kubectl scale deployments --replicas=3 doki kubectl scale deployments --replicas=3 ishtar kubectl scale deployments --replicas=3 nimrod kubectl scale deployments --replicas=3 relay kubectl scale deployments --replicas=3 talledega kubectl scale deployments --replicas=3 watchtower kubectl scale statefulsets --replicas=3 galileo kubectl scale statefulsets --replicas=3 conductor All running ok again after the process above. Run kubectl get all to see everything is healthy on the cluster. Once all services are back up then search for the assembly created in step 2. Should be shown. This is confirmation that everything is fine. Once this ALM 2.0 for Log4J issues - PATCH 1 is applied on the TIME.COM environment successfully, the effective ES version would be 6.8.22 even though the appVersion is the helm chart says 6.5.3. This is because we cannot ship any new package of helm charts for the patch release and the technical limitations of getting this value updated in existing charts installed on their system. The effective ES version can be checked by logging into the pod ibmalm@5840d7057d5f:/home/ibmuser$ pwd /home/ibmuser ibmalm@5840d7057d5f:/home/ibmuser$ cd /opt/elasticsearch/bin ibmalm@5840d7057d5f:/opt/elasticsearch/bin$ ibmalm@5840d7057d5f:/opt/elasticsearch/bin$ ./elasticsearch -version warning: Falling back to java on path. This behavior is deprecated. Specify JAVA_HOME JVMJ9VM085W Malformed option: '-Xlog:gc*' Version: 6.8.22, Build: default/tar/71fcb50/2021-12-19T01:10:56.497443Z, JVM: 11.0.2