/* * IBM Confidential * (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2019, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025 * * << 5608-WC0/5608-PC4 >> * * All Rights Reserved * Licensed Material - Property of IBM * The source code for this program is not published or otherwise * divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has * been deposited with the U. S. Copyright Office. * * U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights * - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. */ ========================================= SC_5.4.9.0_DC_Performance_Patch_Readme ========================================= --- About this patch --- * Ensure that you have the required privileges. If you are installing the patch on a Windows operating system, you must have Administrator privileges. If you are installing the patch on an AIX or Linux operating system, you must be a root user or non-root user who has sudo privileges. * On Windows operating systems, assign the appropriate security settings for the zip file: a) Right-click the file. b) Examine the General tab and determine whether the Unblock button is displayed. c) If the Unblock button is displayed, click Unblock, then click OK. --- Note --- The patch installation will require stopping the Spectrum Control services to deploy the patched files, and restarting the services when complete. For reference see documentation topic "Starting and stopping the IBM Spectrum Control servers" https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/spectrum-control/5.4.9?topic=administering-starting-stopping-spectrum-control-servers --- Tip --- For Windows, the default is C:\Program Files\IBM\TPC\ For AIX or Linux, the default is /opt/IBM/TPC/ ** The remaining instructions focus on performing the actions on linux. ** ========================================= Installing the patch ========================================= To install the patch, perform these steps: 1) Review and verify the patch zip file contains TPC_Common.jar files. 2) Stop all Spectrum Control services. 3) Open shell to the spectrum control server and navigate to the folder: cd 4) Create a new "patch" folder under folder if not exist: mkdir patch 5) Create a backup of the original jar files: For AIX or Linux: mkdir patch/SC_5.4.9.0_DC_Performance_Patch_backup cp -fp lib/TPC_Common.jar patch/SC_5.4.9.0_DC_Performance_Patch_backup For windows: mkdir patch\SC_5.4.9.0_DC_Performance_Patch_backup Copy lib\TPC_Common.jar patch\SC_5.4.9.0_DC_Performance_Patch_backup\TPC_Common.jar /y 6) Extract the patch zip file to the folder: /patch 7) Copy the patched jar files to the required folders: Navigate to the folder, copy the TPC_Common.jar to these folders: For AIX or Linux: cp -fp patch/SC_5.4.9.0_DC_Performance_Patch/TPC_Common.jar lib/ cp -fp patch/SC_5.4.9.0_DC_Performance_Patch/TPC_Common.jar cli/libs/ cp -fp patch/SC_5.4.9.0_DC_Performance_Patch/TPC_Common.jar data/install/ cp -fp patch/SC_5.4.9.0_DC_Performance_Patch/TPC_Common.jar data/server/lib/ cp -fp patch/SC_5.4.9.0_DC_Performance_Patch/TPC_Common.jar data/server/tools/ cp -fp patch/SC_5.4.9.0_DC_Performance_Patch/TPC_Common.jar datacollector/st-lib/ cp -fp patch/SC_5.4.9.0_DC_Performance_Patch/TPC_Common.jar wlp/usr/servers/webServer/apps/TPC-SMAC.war/WEB-INF/lib/ cp -fp patch/SC_5.4.9.0_DC_Performance_Patch/TPC_Common.jar wlp/usr/servers/webServer/apps/vasa.war/WEB-INF/lib/ For windows: Copy patch\SC_5.4.9.0_DC_Performance_Patch\TPC_Common.jar lib /y Copy patch\SC_5.4.9.0_DC_Performance_Patch\TPC_Common.jar cli\libs /y Copy patch\SC_5.4.9.0_DC_Performance_Patch\TPC_Common.jar data\server\lib /y Copy patch\SC_5.4.9.0_DC_Performance_Patch\TPC_Common.jar data\server\tools /y Copy patch\SC_5.4.9.0_DC_Performance_Patch\TPC_Common.jar datacollector\st-lib /y Copy patch\SC_5.4.9.0_DC_Performance_Patch\TPC_Common.jar wlp\usr\servers\webServer\apps\TPC-SMAC.war\WEB-INF\lib /y Copy patch\SC_5.4.9.0_DC_Performance_Patch\TPC_Common.jar wlp\usr\servers\webServer\apps\vasa.war\WEB-INF\lib /y 8) Start all Spectrum Control services. ========================================= Removing the patch ========================================= --- Note --- This process requires stopping the Spectrum Control services to restore the original files, and then restarting the services when complete. 1) Stop all Spectrum Control services. 2) Navigate to the folder, and restore backup files from patch/SC_5.4.9.0_DC_Performance_Patch_backup folder: For AIX or Linux: cp -fp patch/SC_5.4.9.0_DC_Performance_Patch_backup/TPC_Common.jar lib/ cp -fp patch/SC_5.4.9.0_DC_Performance_Patch_backup/TPC_Common.jar cli/libs/ cp -fp patch/SC_5.4.9.0_DC_Performance_Patch_backup/TPC_Common.jar data/install/ cp -fp patch/SC_5.4.9.0_DC_Performance_Patch_backup/TPC_Common.jar data/server/lib/ cp -fp patch/SC_5.4.9.0_DC_Performance_Patch_backup/TPC_Common.jar data/server/tools/ cp -fp patch/SC_5.4.9.0_DC_Performance_Patch_backup/TPC_Common.jar datacollector/st-lib/ cp -fp patch/SC_5.4.9.0_DC_Performance_Patch_backup/TPC_Common.jar wlp/usr/servers/webServer/apps/TPC-SMAC.war/WEB-INF/lib/ cp -fp patch/SC_5.4.9.0_DC_Performance_Patch_backup/TPC_Common.jar wlp/usr/servers/webServer/apps/vasa.war/WEB-INF/lib/ For windows: Copy patch\SC_5.4.9.0_DC_Performance_Patch_backup\TPC_Common.jar lib /y Copy patch\SC_5.4.9.0_DC_Performance_Patch_backup\TPC_Common.jar cli\libs /y Copy patch\SC_5.4.9.0_DC_Performance_Patch_backup\TPC_Common.jar data\server\lib /y Copy patch\SC_5.4.9.0_DC_Performance_Patch_backup\TPC_Common.jar data\server\tools /y Copy patch\SC_5.4.9.0_DC_Performance_Patch_backup\TPC_Common.jar datacollector\st-lib /y Copy patch\SC_5.4.9.0_DC_Performance_Patch_backup\TPC_Common.jar wlp\usr\servers\webServer\apps\TPC-SMAC.war\WEB-INF\lib /y Copy patch\SC_5.4.9.0_DC_Performance_Patch_backup\TPC_Common.jar wlp\usr\servers\webServer\apps\vasa.war\WEB-INF\lib /y 3) Start all Spectrum Control services.