======================================================================================= == == == IBM(R) Data Capture and Delivery Toolkit for WebSphere(R) RFID Premises Server == == Version 6.1 == == Software Interim Fix - APAR IC55550 == == README == == == ======================================================================================= CONTENTS --------- 1.0 ABOUT THIS README FILE 2.0 INCLUDED THIS Interim Fix 3.0 INSTALLATION 4.0 TRADEMARKS 1.0 ABOUT THIS README FILE --------------------------- This README provides information about the patch available in this Interim Fix. This fix can be installed on IBM Data Capture and Delivery Toolkit for WebSphere Premises Server Version 6.1. 2.0 INCLUDED IN THIS Interim Fix --------------------------------- The following reported program defects are fixed in this update: o IC55550: Fixes to IBM Data Capture and Delivery Toolkit Device Kit wizards not completing all of the requested tasks. 3.0 INSTALLATION ----------------- 3.1 Prerequisites o It is assumed the IBM Data Capture and Delivery Toolkit for WebSphere Premises Server Version 6.1 is already installed. 3.2 Installation Procedure 1. Download the fix to a local directory. 2. Unpack the zip file IC55550.zip, which contains this readme and the zip file IC55550_DeviceKit_updatesite.zip, to a local directory. 3. Unpack the zip file IC55550_DeviceKit_updatesite.zip to a local directory. Eclipse will be pointed to this location for installing the update. 4. From within Eclipse, select Help -> Software Updates -> Find and Install ... 5. Select "Search for new feature to install" and press Next. 6. Select "New Local Site ..." 7. Navigate to the directory in which the IC55550_DeviceKit_updatesite.zip file was unzipped. Then press OK. 8. Edit the name of the local site and then press OK. 9. Select Finish. 10. Check the box next to the name of the local update site. Then press Next. 11. Accept the terms in the license agreements and then press Next. 12. Optionally, change the install location of the update and then press Finish. 13. When prompted to install the features, press "Install All." 14. When prompted to restart Eclipse, press Yes. 4.0 TRADEMARKS ---------------- IBM and WebSphere are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. (C)Copyright IBM Corporation 2000, 2008. All Rights Reserved. Note to U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.