================================================= == == == IBM(R) WebSphere(R) Premises Server == == Version 6.1 == == Software Interim Fix - APAR IC56295 == == README == == == ================================================= CONTENTS --------- 1.0 ABOUT THIS README FILE 2.0 INCLUDED IN THIS INTERIM FIX 3.0 INSTALLATION 4.0 UNINSTALLATION 5.0 TRADEMARKS 1.0 ABOUT THIS README FILE -------------------------- This README provides information about the patch available in this interim fix. This fix can be installed on IBM WebSphere Premises Server version 6.1. 2.0 INCLUDED IN THIS INTERIM FIX -------------------------------- This fix provides the following new functionality. o IC56295: Location Awareness Services for WebSphere Premises Server support for adapters 3.0 INSTALLATION ---------------- 3.1 Prerequisites o You must have Administrator access to update WebSphere Premises Server. o It is assumed that WebSphere Premises Server is already installed. o You must have an existing Location Awareness Services for WebSphere Premises Server installation directory, such as C:\LAS. 3.2 Installation Procedure 1. The fix is packaged as a .zip file and contains one folder named IC56295. Extract the contents of this folder into an existing Location Awareness Services for WebSphere Premises Server installation directory, such as C:\LAS, overwriting all the target files. For example, IC56295.zip\IC56295\DB2\AdapterRelated\Las_adapterImport.bat would extract to C:\LAS\DB2\AdapterRelated\Las_adapterImport.bat. 2. Change directory to the Location Awareness Services for WebSphere Premises Server installation directory, such as C:\LAS, and run the ATLAS_UPDATE.bat script from the command line. This script installs all the required updates. 4.0 UNINSTALLATION ------------------ This fix cannot be uninstalled. 5.0 TRADEMARKS --------------- IBM and WebSphere are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. (C)Copyright IBM Corporation 2004, 2008. All Rights Reserved. Note to U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.