============================================================================== = IBM WebSphere Business Integration for Financial Networks for AIX = = 5724D9625 Enhanced Support for SWIFTNet FileAct V2.2.0 = = PTF UK33897 for APAR PK61168 = ============================================================================== Table of contents ----------------- A. How to use this document B. Changes to your current system C. Post-Installation D. Steps on a customization system E. Steps on a run-time system F. APARs addressed by this PTF G. Other issues addressed by this PTF A. How to use this document --------------------------- This PTF requires PTF UK33896 for APAR PK61211 for WebSphere BI for FN Base. Install that PTF before you are installing the current PTF. This PTF supersedes PTF UK31792. You can apply it directly after you have installed the product CD without having to install the superseded PTF. If you are installing this PTF before you are customizing your instance for the first time then you can skip the migration steps D. and E and continue the installation as described in 'Planning, Installation & Customization'. This document assumes the following: 1. The installation directory of WebSphere BI for FN is /opt/IBM 2. The names of users, groups, files, directories, etc. are the same as those used in the "Planning, Installation and Customization" manual. If you use different names, use those names instead of the names shown here. B. Changes to your current system --------------------------------- The following has been changed: /dnf_02_02/admin/win/com.ibm.dnf.EnhFileAct.zip /dnf_02_02/admin/data/DNF_O_FT.msgflow /dnf_02_02/admin/data/DNFEFAS.xml /dnf_02_02/admin/data/dnfo.xml /dnf_02_02/admin/data/dnfo.properties /dnf_02_02/admin/data/dnfcocdo.cli /dnf_02_02/admin/data/dnfcocfo.cli /dnf_02_02/admin/data/dnfcocno.cli /dnf_02_02/admin/data/dnfcocpo.cli /dnf_02_02/admin/data/dnfcocpy.cli /dnf_02_02/admin/data/dnfcocqc.cli /dnf_02_02/admin/data/dnfcocro.cli /dnf_02_02/admin/data/dnfcocsm.cli /dnf_02_02/admin/data/dnfcocso.cli /dnf_02_02/admin/data/dnfcocsq.cli /dnf_02_02/admin/data/dnfcocsy.cli /dnf_02_02/admin/data/dnfcocto.cli /dnf_02_02/admin/data/dnfcorcy.cli /dnf_02_02/admin/data/dnfczocr.cli /dnf_02_02/admin/data/dnfczocs.cli /dnf_02_02/admin/data/dnfczoct.cli /dnf_02_02/admin/data/dnfczoas.cli /dnf_02_02/admin/data/dnfczodb.cli /dnf_02_02/admin/data/dnfczods.cli /dnf_02_02/admin/data/dnfczodt.cli /dnf_02_02/admin/data/dnfczody.cli /dnf_02_02/admin/data/dnfczocb.cli /dnf_02_02/admin/data/dnfczocy.cli /dnf_02_02/admin/data/dnfczoct.ddl /dnf_02_02/admin/data/dnfczo02.ddl /dnf_02_02/admin/data/dnfczo2g.ddl /dnf_02_02/admin/data/dnfczocs.mq /dnf_02_02/admin/data/dnfczoms.mq /dnf_02_02/admin/data/dnfczors.mq /dnf_02_02/admin/data/dnfcnosc.mq /dnf_02_02/admin/data/dnfxzocs.def /dnf_02_02/admin/data/dnfxzoms.def /dnf_02_02/admin/data/dnfxzors.def /dnf_02_02/admin/data/dnfczoch.lst /dnf_02_02/run/bin/dnfczme1.awk /dnf_02_02/run/bin/dnfczme2.awk /dnf_02_02/run/bin/dnfczmec.sh /dnf_02_02/run/bin/dnfxzoro /dnf_02_02/run/data/dnfczoch.lst /dnf_02_02/run/data/dnfczocr.cli /dnf_02_02/run/data/dnfczocs.cli /dnf_02_02/run/data/dnfczoct.cli /dnf_02_02/run/jplugin/dnfco.jar /dnf_02_02/run/lil/dnfcocin.lil /dnf_02_02/run/msg/dnfcomsg.cat /dnf_02_02/run/res/dnfcomsg.xml /dnf_02_02/run/res/dnfcosdf.xml where represents the installation directory C. Post-Installation -------------------- After you have installed this PTF: 1. Share the files with your customization and run-time systems. 2. Ensure that the group ownership of the /dnf_02_02/admin directory and all subdirectories and files therein is set to group DNIADMIN. To do this, enter the following command: chgrp -R DNIADMIN /dnf_02_02/admin 3. Ensure that the group ownership of the /dnf_02_02/run directory and all subdirectories and files therein is set to group DNILPP. To do this, enter the following command: chgrp -R DNILPP /dnf_02_02/run D. Steps on a customization system ----------------------------------- To update your current definition directory and create deployment instructions and vehicles: 1. Log on to the customization system as a customizer (UCUST1). 2. Change to the customization directory by issuing the following command: cd /var/dni_02_02/cus 3. Run your customization profile by issuing the following command: . ./dnicus_ 4. Start the CDP in migration mode by issuing the following command: dnicdpm -i 5. If you are not sure whether your .cdd reflects your current WebSphere BI for FN instance layout, generate a CDD using the CDP export command. How to this is described in "Planning, Installation, and Customization", Appendix "CDP command reference". 6. Import your current CDD by issuing the following command: import cdd/.cdd 7. Update the customized administrative scripts in the directory '//admin' and generate deployment data for the run-time system migration by entering the following command: prepare This command updates the customized administrative scripts, generates deployment vehicles for the resource classes 'MBRK', 'MQ', 'MQAUT', 'DB' and 'DBGNT' and deployment instructions in the file /var/dni_02_02/cus/depdata///instructions.txt. You will need this later in step "E7. Updating the run-time system resources" and "E9. Deploying all affected WebSphere BI for FN message flows". 8. After you have successfully deployed the changes in step E7. and E9., implement this CDD as your current CDD to update your 'current definition directory' by entering the following command: implement 9. Quit the CDP session by entering the following command: quit E. Steps on a run-time system ------------------------------ E1. Transferring the WebSphere BI for FN resources to the WebSphere MB Toolkit workstation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - To prepare the WebSphere BI for FN resources located on the WebSphere MB Toolkit workstation in the following steps, you must have the authority of the WebSphere MB domain administrator (UWBIMBD1). The access rights of this user are described in the "Planning, Installation, and Customization" manual in Chapter 1. Planning, in the section "Roles, users, and user groups". To transfer the WebSphere BI for FN resources to a WebSphere MB Toolkit workstation: 1. Log on to the Toolkit workstation. 2. Create a temporary directory to store the files to be transferred from the installation system. 3. Open a Command Prompt window and change to this directory. 4. Transfer, in binary mode, from the installation system to this temporary directory following files: /dnf_02_02/admin/win/com.ibm.dnf.EnhFileAct.zip /dni_02_02/admin/win/dni* For example, you can use the following File Transfer Program (FTP) commands to transfer the files: ftp bin prompt cd /dnf_02_02/admin/win get com.ibm.dnf.EnhFileAct.zip cd /dni_02_02/admin/win mget dni* bye E2. Setting the Toolkit version and directories - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - To set the correct environment for the tools used in the subsequent steps follow the instructions in the "Planning, Installation, and Customization" manual in "Chapter 3. Preparing to create an instance", "Preparing the WebSphere MB Toolkit workstation", -> "Setting the Toolkit version and directories" E3. Backing up all WebSphere BI for FN resources installed in a WebSphere MB Toolkit workstation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - To save the current level of all WebSphere BI for FN resources installed on a WebSphere MB Toolkit: 1. Open a Command Prompt window and change to the temporary directory you used in step E1. 2. Enter the command: dninibak This command creates backup files with names of the form: _dn.zip where represents a letter or letters that indicate to which product feature or features the backup file applies: i The Base feature f All extending features except Enhanced Support for SWIFTNet FileAct fo The Enhanced Support for SWIFTNet FileAct feature Each backup file contains: Links All files in the directory \eclipse\links that have names of the form "com.ibm.dn.link" WebSphere BI for FN eclipse plugins All subdirectories of with names of the form "com.ibm.dn" WebSphere BI for FN project directories All subdirectories of the directory \eclipse\workspace that have names that begin with "DNI_Dn" Note: The dninibak command issues messages to inform you of directories it was unable to find. For example: - If the Enhanced Support for SWIFTNet FileAct feature is not installed, dninibak issues a message to inform you that it was unable to find directories or projects for the feature "dnfo". - If none of the other extending features are installed, dninibak issues a message to inform you that it was unable to find directories or projects for the feature "dnf". If you do not use the corresponding features, you can safely ignore such messages. E4. Installing the changed WebSphere BI for FN plug-ins - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - To install the changed WebSphere BI for FN plug-ins: In the Command Prompt window and from the temporary directory you used in step E1., enter dnininst If the dnininst program issues an error message, check the log file for more information about the reason for the error. To refresh the meta data in the Message Brokers Toolkit: a. Start the Toolkit with the -clean parameter. b. In the Message Brokers Toolkit, open the 'Broker Application Development Perspective'. c. Select all projects with names like "DNI_*", right-click and select 'Refresh', then right-click and select 'Rebuild Project' E5. Stop all sessions and services you use - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Stop all sessions and services you use. How to do this depends on the features of WebSphere BI for FN that you are using. For instance: - Stop all applications that send requests to WebSphere BI for FN. - Log out SIPN FIN LTs. - Release SWIFTNet SnF queues. - Stop Enhanced FileAct File Transfer service. - Stop Enhanced InterAct service. - Close all dnicli sessions. For further information refer to the System Administration manual, chapter: 'Operating components, sessions, and services'. E6. Stopping all WebSphere BI for FN message brokers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Stop all WebSphere BI for FN message brokers. E7. Updating the run-time system resources - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Follow the deployment instructions created in step D7. for the resource classes 'MQ', 'MQAUT', 'DB' and 'DBGNT' to update the run-time system resources such as database tables and queues. Ignore the instructions for resource class MBRK here, message flows will be deployed in step E9. The deployment will bring the following changes to your system: DB2 related changes: - change tablespace for table DNIvSN.DNFO_FSM_DOWNLOAD from DNFOEFAS to DNFOREAS - 2 new columns added to table DNIvSN.DNFO_FSM_RSPDL - 3 new columns added to table DNIvSN.DNFO_FSM_DOWNLOAD - 1 new column added to table DNIvSN.DNFO_FSM_SUBSCRIBE - 1 new column added to table DNIvSN.DNFO_FSM_SAG - index DNIvSN.DNFX2OFA on table DNIvSN.DNFO_FSM_STATE added - index DNIvSN.DNFX30FA on table DNIvSN.DNFO_FSM_STATE added - index DNIvSN.DNFX0ORE on table DNIvSN.DNFO_REASON added - recreate TABLESPACEs DNFVMWO for all business OUs - recreate TABLEs DNIvSN.DNFMWHOEF_DNIvOU for all business OUs - recreate VIEWs DNIvSN.DNF_MWHEFA_DNIvOU for all business OUs WMQ related changes: - local queues 'DNIvQPFX.DNF_O_FTTMH' and 'DNIvQPFX.DNF_O_FTTML' added - alias queues 'DNIvINST.DNFSYSOU.DNF_O_FTTMH' and 'DNIvINST.DNFSYSOU.DNF_O_FTTML' added WMQ security related changes: - add permission for DNIvSGRP to access the local queues DNIvQPFX.DNF_O_FTTMH and queue DNIvQPFX.DNF_O_FTTML and the alias queues DNIvINST.DNFSYSOU.DNF_O_FTTMH and DNIvINST.DNFSYSOU.DNF_O_FTTML - add permission for DNFvMGRPS to access the alias queue DNIvINST.DNFSYSOU.DNF_O_FTTMH E8. Restarting the WebSphere BI for FN message brokers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Restart all WebSphere BI for FN message brokers. E9. Deploying all affected WebSphere BI for FN message flows - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Follow the deployment instructions created in step D7. for resource class MBRK to prepare and deploy the changed and new message flows. E10. Migrate configuration data - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - To create the files used to update the configuration entities: 1. Ensure that all CTs, COSs and OUs in your current instance are committed, approved, and deployed. 2. On the runtime system on which the message broker runs, log on to AIX as the system configuration administrator, for example, SA1. 3. Run the profile for your runtime environment by entering: . /var/dnf_02_02/run/dnfprofile 4. To verify that all necessary components are operational, open a CLI session and issue the list command: dnicli -ou SYSOU -s DNI_SYSADM -c "list -ou %" The CLI displays a list of all OUs. 5. Switch to the directory into which dnfczmec is to place the files it generates and enter the following command: dnfczmec -i [-dir ] [-dual YES|NO] where: The name of the instance. -dir The directory on the runtime system in which the resource files dnfczoct.cli, dnfczocs.cli and dnfczocr.cli are located. The default is the /run/data subdirectory of the directory specified in your runtime profile (dnfprofile) by the DNF_PATH variable. For example, if the value of DNF_PATH is /dnf_02_02, the default directory is /dnf_02_02/run/data. -dual YES|NO Specifies whether files are to be created for a system that uses dual authorization for SYSOU. The default is -dual YES. Specify -dual NO only if dual authorization will be turned off for both DNI_SYSADM and DNI_SECADM in SYSOU at the time when the created files are executed. Whether dual authorization is switched on or off for other OUs is irrelevant. Note: This is a long-running task, and might take several minutes to complete. For example, if the name of your instance is INST1 and your system does not use dual authorization, enter: dnfczmec -i INST1 -dual NO Depending on which of the superseded PTFs you already have applied the program dnfczmec may create the following CLI command files in the current directory: If dual authorization is not used (-dual NO): - dnfczmec_2_sa_ent_all.cli If dual authorization is on (-dual YES): - dnfczmec_5_sa_cre_ct_com.cli - dnfczmec_5_sa_cre_ct_dep.cli - dnfczmec_6_sa_cre_co_com.cli - dnfczmec_6_sa_cre_co_dep.cli - dnfczmec_7_sa_cre_cos_com.cli - dnfczmec_7_sa_cre_cos_dep.cli Check the file dnfczmec.log to ensure that dnfczmec ran correctly. 6. If you want to employ the file chunking ability of SAG 6.1 you have to adapt the file dnfczmec_6_sa_cre_co_com.cli. Uncomment the line that adds the pseudo attributes 'LftChunking' and the line that sets a value for attribute 'LftChunkSize'. You can also adjust the default value of 4 to your needs. For more information about the two attributes refer to the System Administration manual, Appendix 'Options for the Enhanced FileAct File Transfer service'. 7. Execute the generated CLI command files by entering the following command: dnicli -i -s DNI_SYSADM -ou SYSOU -cft | tee -a PK61168cli.log where: The name of the instance. The CLI command file name, for example dnfczmec_5_sa_cre_ct_com.cli. The generated CLI command files must be executed in the following sequence and using the following user authorization: If dual authorization is not used (-dual NO): 1. dnfczmec_2_sa_ent_all.cli by any system configuration administrator If dual authorization is on (-dual YES): 1. dnfczmec_5_sa_cre_ct_com.cli by the first system configuration administrator (SA1) 2. dnfczmec_5_sa_cre_ct_dep.cli by the second system configuration administrator (SA2) 3. dnfczmec_6_sa_cre_co_com.cli by the first system configuration administrator (SA1) 4. dnfczmec_6_sa_cre_co_dep.cli by the second system configuration administrator (SA2) 5. dnfczmec_7_sa_cre_cos_com.cli by the first system configuration administrator (SA1) 6. dnfczmec_7_sa_cre_cos_dep.cli by the second system configuration administrator (SA2) E11. Changing the SAG configuration - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This PTF replaces the current server request queue DNIvINST.DNFSYSOU.DNF_O_FT by the new queue DNIvINST.DNFSYSOU.DNF_O_FTTMH. Therefore you have to adapt the message partner definition of the SAG to the new value. For more information refer to 'System Administration', chapter 'Managing SAGs', section 'Configuring an SAG'. E12. Prevent database deadlock errors by switching off automatic cleanup - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The AutoCleanup pseudo attribute of the DnfEfaParameters CO causes cleanup processing for the database table DNFO_FSM_STATE to be done automatically every 60 minutes. However, due to a temporary problem, automatic cleanup currently can result in database deadlock errors. Until this problem has been fixed, deactivate automatic cleanup by issuing the following commands: dnicli -i -ou SYSOU -s DNI_SYSADM rem -ou DNFSYSOU -ct DnfEfaParameters -co DnfEfaParameters -attr AutoCleanup app -ou DNFSYSOU dep -ou DNFSYSOU IBM will notify you when this problem has been fixed. In the meantime, clean up table DNFO_FSM_STATE manually as described in the section of "System Administration" that describes how to maintain Enhanced FileAct database tables when no files are processed. E13. Restart all sessions and services you use - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Restart all sessions and services you use. How to do this depends on the features of WebSphere BI for FN that you are using. For instance: - Log in SIPN FIN LTs. - Start Enhanced FileAct File Transfer service. - Start Enhanced InterAct service. - Acquire SWIFTNet SnF queues. - Start the applications that send requests to WebSphere BI for FN. For further information refer to the System Administration manual, chapter: 'Operating components, sessions, and services'. E14. Cleanup - - - - - - After you have verified that the migrated environment works as expected you can remove the alias queue 'DNIvINST.DNFSYSOU.DNF_O_FT'. To do this - ask your WebSphere MQ administrator (e.g. uwmqadm1) to delete the queue 'DNIvINST.DNFSYSOU.DNF_O_FT' *------------------------------------------------------------------------* * End of Migration * *------------------------------------------------------------------------* F. APARs addressed by this PTF ------------------------------ PK61168 EFA EFA ENHANCEMENTS: SUPPORT FOR SAG 6.1 FILE SEGMENTATION, SUPPORT FOR SNL LIMIT OF 30 CONCURRENT FILES, AND MORE ... WebSphere BI for FN Enhanced FileAct will be improved: - Support for SAG 6.1 file segmentation - Support for SWIFT Net 6.1 Header Info - Download response and FileDownloaded notification contain new fields: FileInfo, FileDesc, HeaderInfo - Support for the SNL limit of 30 concurrent files - List command supports date and time filter - Timeout processing for initial events - Cleanup of a single, finished transfer outside the cleanup period - Selection of first TransferOptionSet from a lexicographically sorted list of matching TransferOptionSets - Enhanced possible duplicate detection: Receiver replies with 'Reject' message to sender, if file has a possible duplicate indication and the original file transfer is still in progress by receiver. This APAR is a sysroute of z/OS APAR PK60641. PK61231 EFA STATUS RUNNING, FILE FORWARDING DENIED Formerly, incomming transfers that have timed out on the SAG got stuck in status 'Accepted' and condition 'running' causing recovered transfers to be rejected as duplicate. Administrators needed to cancel them manually. Now, these stucked transfers are detected and completed automatically. This APAR is a sysroute of z/OS APAR PK57520. PK61209 EFA PARSING ERROR IF THE MQ PAYLOAD CONSISTS OF A SEPA FILE Formerly, if the file was delivered as payload of a message and consisted of XML data the request was rejected. Now, XML payload can be processed successfully. This APAR is a sysroute of z/OS APAR PK59626. PK61208 EFA DB2 DEADLOCKS (SQL -913) IN WBI-FN EFA Formerly, DB2 deadlocks did occur occasionally when using multiple instances of the Enhanced FileAct flows. Now, additional indices and row level locking are used to avoid deadlocks. This APAR is a sysroute of z/OS APAR PK60253. PK61261 EFA THE ALLOCATION OF RECEIVEOPTIONSETGROUP IS SOMETIMES INCORRECTLY. Formerly, the receive scenario sometimes used the same ReceiveOptionSetGroup for all received transfers mapped to a TransferOptionSet that specify a ReceiveOptionSetGroup. For instance, if you defined a TransferOptionSet 'TOS1' for ReceiveOptionSetGroup 'ROSGrp1', and another TransferOptionSet 'TOS2' for ReceiveOptionSetGroup 'ROSGrp2', all transfers mapped to either of the TransferOptionSets were matched to a ReceiveOptionSet which is part of group 'ROSGrp2'. Now, EFA makes sure that only ReceiveOptionSets of the designated ReceiveOptionSetGroup do match. This APAR is a sysroute of z/OS APAR PK57515. APARs already fixed in superseded PTFs: PK57372 EFA SUPPORT THE SWIFT CHANGE RELATED TO THE REQUEST TYPE FIELD FOR FILEACT DELIVERY NOTIFICATIONS. This PTF introduces support the SWIFT change (Vendor Letter VL/19007) related to the RequestType field for FileAct delivery notifications. In difference to the "Messaging Operations Guide" not only the fixed value "xsys.xxx.delnotif" is supported, but also any value according to the specified syntax for the request type. PK57512 EFA DNFO9501E INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR IS RECEIVED AND THE QUEUE DNF_O_FT IS NO LONGER PROCESSED Formerly, if the sending side did define a value for the FileInfo and/or TransferInfo fields which did not conform to the Backus-Naur-Form rules of SWIFT, a DOM parser error may have occurred. Now, EFA will catch the DOM parser error and will produce a correct WBI-FN error event (either DNFO1205E or DNFO1206E) if such an erroneous request is received. The file transfer is still rejected as before. PK57428 EFA WBI-FN EFAS SOMETIMES USES WRONG RECEIVEOPTIONGROUPS Formerly, the receive scenario sometimes found matching ReceiveOptionSets from another, undesired ReceiveOptionSetGroup. E.g. if you did define a ReceiveOptionSetGroup 'ROSGrp1' in the TransferOptionSet it may also have been matched to ReceiveOptionSet which is part of another group, e.g. 'ROSGrp2'. Now, EFA makes sure that only ReceiveOptionSets of the designated ReceiveOptionSetGroup do match. G. Other issues addressed by this PTF ------------------------------------- - The default setting of the DoCmdAudit attribute of the CO DnfEfaBouParameters has been changed from Yes to No. Consequently, for a new installation, the default behavior of WebSphere BI for FN will be to not record audit data for commands issued to the Enhanced FileAct operation or administration services (DNF_O_OP or DNF_O_ADM, respectively). Existing installations are not affected by this change. Other issues already addressed by the superseded PTFs: If an attempt to cancel a file transfer request fails, for example, because the response queue does not exist, or because an auxiliary function on the file system or the SAG fails, the cancellation can be forced. Cancellation can be forced by issuing 'cancel -force' command, if either of the following applies: - cancellation without force has been attempted first In this case 'cancel -force' cancels the file transfer request and any adjunct auxiliary function as well. - a file transfer request has finished but an auxiliary function has permanent errors In this case 'cancel -force' cancels the auxiliary functions directly without altering the file transfer request status. +++ End +++ End +++ End +++ End +++ End +++ End +++ End +++