IBM WebSphere Business Modeler Basic,
Version 6.1.2

Interim Fix 4 Readme

© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2008. All rights reserved.


This is an interim fix for IBM® WebSphere Business Modeler® Basic, Version 6.1.2.

This readme document contains the following sections:

Installing the interim fix

There are two ways you can install WebSphere Business Modeler interim fixes:

To install the interim fix from a local repository

1.       Download the file.

2.       Extract the downloaded ZIP file into a temporary directory.

3.       To open Installation Manager, go to Start > All Programs > IBM Installation Manager > IBM Installation Manager.

IBM Installation Manager opens.

4.       On the menu bar, go to File > Preferences.

5.       In the left navigation panel, click Repositories.

6.       In the Repositories panel, click Add Repository.

7.       Click the Browse button and navigate to the directory where you have downloaded and unzipped the files for the interim fix.

8.       Select repository.config.

9.       In the Add Repository dialog box, click Open.

10.   Click OK.

The Add Repository dialog box closes.

11.   In the Preferences window, click OK.

12.   Follow the instructions below to apply the interim fix to your WebSphere Business Modeler package.


To complete the installation of the WebSphere Business Modeler interim fix

1.       Go to Start > All Programs > IBM Installation Manager > IBM Installation Manager.

The IBM Installation Manager opens.

2.       Click Update.

The Update Packages wizard starts.

3.       Select the WebSphere Business Modeler package.

4.       Click Next.

Installation Manager searches for updates in its repositories and the predefined update sites for WebSphere Business Modeler. If you do not have the files for the interim fix in a local repository, Installation Manager will download the required files.

5.       On the Updates page, select Version

6.       Click Next.

The License page opens, displaying the list of licenses for the updates you selected.

7.       Click each item to review the license agreement text.

8.       If you agree to the terms of the license agreements, click I accept the terms of the license agreements.

9.       Click Next.

The summary page opens.

10.   Click Update.

Installation Manager installs the interim fix.

11.   After the installation finishes, click Finish.

The Update Packages wizard closes. You have successfully installed the interim fix.

12.   Close IBM Installation Manager.

Note: Before using WebSphere Business Modeler in a language other than English, you must first install the language you want to use. The interim fixes for WebSphere Business Modeler V6.1.2 include the national language support files that are required for installing additional languages.

If you are already using WebSphere Business Modeler V6.1.2, you can run the Modify Packages wizard to install additional languages either before or after applying any fixes.

Fixes included in this interim fix

This is a cumulative interim fix for WebSphere Business Modeler Basic V6.1.2.

Fixes included in the interim fix 4

The table below describes fixes contained in this interim fix, including the PMR number and APAR identifier for each fix.

PMR Number

Related APAR Identifier




Fixed the program defect that had deactivated some of WebSphere Integration Developer features (for example, the Mediation Development function in the Business Modeling view) when Modeler and WebSphere Integration Developer had been running in a shell-sharing environment.



Fixed the issue of corrupting the workspace when expanding subprocesses in swimlane by classifier.



Fixed the CVS project-sharing issue (the need to rename the project) that had occurred after synchronizing a project and disconnecting from the CVS repository before committing the project.



Fixed the issue of displaying excessively long names of projects, catalogs, and roles in swimlane names on the WebSphere Publishing Server.

Fixes included in the interim fix 3

The table below describes fixes contained in this interim fix, including the PMR number and APAR identifier for each fix.

PMR Number

Related APAR Identifier




Fixed the paste failure that had occurred when copying connector split element pairs.



Eliminated the exception that had been thrown after performing the cut action in the process editor.



Fixed invalid synchronization conflicts that had occurred on elements shared in a Clearcase team repository.



Enabled migrating WebSphere Business Modeler V6.0.1 workspaces into V6.1.2.



Added human task elements associated with a primary owner to the Task by role report.

This interim fix also includes the following fixes associated with APAR JR30809:

·         Eliminated the warning that had occurred after installing the NL2a language update.

·         Eliminated the exception that had been thrown when publishing a process to a Rational Asset Manager repository with a dependency on the inline type.

·         Updated sample XSDs for importing and exporting XML.

·         Prevented WebSphere Business Modeler V6.1.2 users from accessing V6.2 elements created in a Rational Asset Manager repository.

Fixes included in the interim fix 2

The table below describes fixes contained in this interim fix, including the PMR number and APAR identifier for each fix.

PMR Number

Related APAR Identifier




Enabled consistent display of "Yes" and "No" decision labels in process diagrams displayed in WebSphere Publishing Server.



Enabled the error-free display of swimlanes with the same name.



Improved conflict determination after syncronization, when conflicts exist for a shared element.



Enabled error markers on project tree elements that have validation errors.



Fixed the failure when switching a diagram to the swimlane view.

This interim fix also includes the following fixes associated with APAR JR30419:

·         Fixed the display of error markers and validation messages.

·         Fixed the exception thrown during the export of processes that reference elements in business services or business service objects catalogs.

Fixes included in the interim fix 1

The table below describes fixes contained in this interim fix, including the PMR number and APAR identifier for each fix.

PMR Number

Related APAR Identifier




Enabled the display of multiple roles assigned to a single task in reports.

This interim fix also includes the following fixes associated with APAR JR29937:

·         Enabled automatic sorting of repository assets on the Summary page in published projects.

·         Fixed the hover help text for the Show Inputs and Outputs button.

·         Enabled the interconnection of new local processes, as well as the connection of new local processes to existing connections.

·         Decreased response time for changing process styles.

·         Fixed errors with exporting the imported projects.

·         Fixed the display of business rule descriptions in the Change Analysis view.

·         Enabled the connection of output pins on one task to input pins on a different task in Process Editor.

·         Fixed the display of repository names in the repository selection combo box.

·         Enabled renaming the process resource attachments.

·         Enabled editing simple and multiple-choice default decision names in Process Editor.

·         Disabled the connection of start nodes to sub-processes and loop nodes.

·         Fixed errors associated with publishing modified Modeler projects in the BPM repository.

·         Disabled the use of global preference images in imported processes.

·         Enabled the import of MAR files from Desktop.

·         Fixed annotation messages in the Chinese Excel template.

·         Enabled selecting and moving off-page connectors and split nodes in Process Editor.

·         Enabled the creation of bulk resources from imported MS Excel worksheets.

·         Enabled the migration of projects that contain invalid IDs of project resources that no longer exist.

·         Enabled the creation of business item utilization reports.

·         Enabled the generation of default metric maps for business measures created from start or end time and for business measures created from business item input or output templates.

·         Enabled the deletion of sub-processes with annotations.

·         Improved the CVS check-out time.

·         Improved the performance of export operations, where multiple Schemas are referenced through xsd:import or xsd:include elements.

·         Fixed the display of RAM name and description in IBM Installation Manager during the installation of multiple repositories.

·         Enabled the import of WSDL files that contain references to XSD meta Schemas.

·         Improved time for importing external models.

·         Fixed CVS check-out errors.