================================================= == == == IBM(R) WebSphere(R) Premises Server == == version == == Software Interim Fix - APAR IC60272 == == README == == == ================================================= CONTENTS -------- 1.0 ABOUT THIS README FILE 2.0 INCLUDED IN THIS INTERIM FIX 3.0 INSTALLATION 4.0 UNINSTALLATION 5.0 TRADEMARKS 1.0 ABOUT THIS README FILE -------------------------- This README provides information about the patch available in this interim fix. This fix can be installed on IBM WebSphere Premises Server version 2.0 INCLUDED IN THIS INTERIM FIX -------------------------------- The following reported program defects are fixed in this update: o IC60272: Premises Server TDS JARs incorrectly validates the length of 96 bit SGTIN encoded RFID tags 3.0 INSTALLATION ----------------- 3.1 Prerequisites o It is assumed that WebSphere Premises Server is already installed. o (Optional) The WebSphere Premises Server Feature Pack for Sensor Event Services is already installed. o (Optional) The WebSphere Premises toolkit plug-in is intalled in a Rational Application Developer workspace. 3.2 Installation Procedure 1. Unpack the IC60272.zip file. The zip file contains the following files: o com.ibm.rfid.epcg.core.jar o com.ibm.rfid.epcg.tds.jar 2. Stop WebSphere Application Server. 3. Update WebSphere Premises Server and WebSphere Premises Server Feature Pack for Sensor Event Services applications. a. On the WebSphere Premises Server computer, open a command prompt and go to: \installedApps\ These instructions assume WebSphere Premises Server is installed on Windows Server 2003. Make the appropriate substitutions for Linux. For example: On Windows - C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv01\installedApps\PremisesNodeCell On Linux - /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/installedApps/PremisesNodeCell b. Search for all locations of file com.ibm.rfid.epcg.core.jar. On Windows - i. Enter: dir /s /b com.ibm.rfid.epcg.core.jar > core.txt ii. Open core.txt in a text editor. iii. Go to each directory listed in core.txt, copy the com.ibm.rfid.epcg.core.jar to com.ibm.rfid.epcg.core.jar.bak. iv. Copy the new com.ibm.rfid.epcg.core.jar file from IC60272.zip to each directory. On Linux - i. Enter: find -name com.ibm.rfid.epcg.core.jar > core.txt ii. Open core.txt in a text editor. iii. Go to each directory listed in core.txt, copy the com.ibm.rfid.epcg.core.jar to com.ibm.rfid.epcg.core.jar.bak. iv. Copy the new com.ibm.rfid.epcg.core.jar file from IC60272.zip to each directory. c. Search for all locations of file com.ibm.rfid.epcg.tds.jar. On Windows - i. Enter: dir /s /b com.ibm.rfid.epcg.tds.jar > tds.txt ii. Open tds.txt in a text editor. iii. Go to each directory listed in tds.txt, copy the com.ibm.rfid.epcg.tds.jar to com.ibm.rfid.epcg.tds.jar.bak. iv. Copy the new com.ibm.rfid.epcg.tds.jar file from IC60272.zip to each directory. On Linux - i. Enter: find -name com.ibm.rfid.epcg.tds.jar > tds.txt ii. Open tds.txt in a text editor. iii. Go to each directory listed in tds.txt, copy the com.ibm.rfid.epcg.tds.jar to com.ibm.rfid.epcg.tds.jar.bak. iv. Copy the new com.ibm.rfid.epcg.tds.jar file from IC60272.zip to each directory. 4. Update the WebSphere shared library. a. Go to the \premises\api\lib directory. For example: On Windows - C:\Program Files\IBM\RFID\premises\api\lib On Linux - /opt/IBM/RFID/premises/api/lib b. Copy the com.ibm.rfid.epcg.core.jar file to a com.ibm.rfid.epcg.core.jar file. c. Copy the new com.ibm.rfid.epcg.core.jar file from IC60272.zip to this directory. d. Copy the com.ibm.rfid.epcg.tds.jar file to a com.ibm.rfid.epcg.tds.jar.bak file. e. Copy the new com.ibm.rfid.epcg.tds.jar file from IC60272.zip to this directory. 5. (Optional) Update WebSphere Premises Server toolkit shared library. This step is required only if using the WebSphere Premises Server toolkit. a. Go to the \IBM\RFID\premises\api\lib directory. For example: On Windows - C:\pstk\workspace\IBM\RFID\premises\api\lib On Linux - /pstk/workspace/IBM/RFID/premises/api/lib b. Copy the com.ibm.rfid.epcg.core.jar file to a com.ibm.rfid.epcg.core.jar file. c. Copy the new com.ibm.rfid.epcg.core.jar file from IC60272.zip to this directory. d. Copy the com.ibm.rfid.epcg.tds.jar file to a com.ibm.rfid.epcg.tds.jar.bak file. e. Copy the new com.ibm.rfid.epcg.tds.jar file from IC60272.zip to this directory. 6. Restart WebSphere Application Server. 4.0 UNINSTALLATION ------------------- 1. Stop WebSphere Application Server. 2. Restore all .bak files created during installation. 3. Start WebSphere Application Server. 5.0 TRADEMARKS ---------------- IBM and WebSphere are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. (C)Copyright IBM Corporation 2009. All Rights Reserved. Note to U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.