Product:  WebSphere Business Services Fabric




  1. IBM WebSphere Business Services Fabric Foundation Pack
  2. IBM WebSphere Business Services Fabric Tool Pack


Product Versions: 6.1, 6.1.2, 6.2,


Description: If a WAS fixpack/ifix is applied on an existing Fabric instance, The Derby version gets back-leveled and is no longer compatible with Fabric.


Problem Abstract:


Derby gets back-leveled to an incompatible version when any Websphere Application Server FixPack/iFIX is applied.


This fix needs to be applied only if a WAS fixpack/ifix was applied on an existing Fabric instance and if the Derby version is less than 10.2.x.x.


Symptom: If the server startup logs show exceptions related to an incompatible derby version for example:
org.springframework.jdbc.UncategorizedSQLException” or “DSRA0010E: SQL State = XJ040, Error Code = 40,000


  1. Stop Server, Go to the WPS_HOME/derby/bin/embedded.
  2. Run the sysinfo.bat command.
  3. In the Derby Information section verify if Derby version is less than 10.2.x.x.


If Derby version is less than 10.2 .x.x, see Resolution.


Resolution: The above error can be resolved by following the steps mentioned below.


  1. Extract the Derby lib folder to any location.
  2. Stop the Server if it is running.
  3. Go to WPS_HOME/derby folder.
  4. Take a back-up of the lib folder.
  1. Copy the extracted Derby lib folder to WPS_HOME/derby location. This will replace the previous Derby lib folder.

