================================================= == == == IBM(R) WebSphere(R) Remote Server == == version 7.0 == == Software Interim Fix - APAR JR33320 == == README == == == ================================================= CONTENTS -------- 1.0 ABOUT THIS README FILE 2.0 INCLUDED IN THIS INTERIM FIX 3.0 INSTALLATION 4.0 TRADEMARKS 1.0 ABOUT THIS README FILE -------------------------- This readme provides information about the patch available in this interim fix. This fix can be installed on IBM WebSphere Remote Server version 7.0. 2.0 INCLUDED IN THIS INTERIM FIX -------------------------------- The following reported program defects are fixed in this update: o JR33320: If you install WebSphereŽ Remote Server 7.0 on a server with a version of the Solution Assembly Toolkit earlier than already installed, the installation fails. 3.0 INSTALLATION ----------------- 3.1 Installation Procedure 1. Determine if you need to keep the previous version of the Solution Assembly Toolkit. You might want to keep it if you have a workspace from a prior version of WebSphere Remote Server that you are still using. If you do not need the previous version of the Solution Assembly Toolkit, uninstall the Solution Assembly Toolkit before installing the WebSphere Remote Server development environment. If you want to keep the previous version of the Solution Assembly Toolkit, then continue with the following steps. 2. Copy the WebSphere Remote Server DVD to a hard disk. The WebSphere Remote Server DVD containing the systems management accelerators has a file that must be replaced. 3. Download and unpack the zip file for your operating system into the root directory, 7.0-WS-WRS-Windows-JR33320.zip or 7.0-WS-WRS-Linux-JR33320.zip. This will replace the following file in the DVD image: Windows: bin\userPrograms\ sat_3115_win.xx.userPrograms.jar Linux: bin\userPrograms\ sat_3115_lnx.xx.userPrograms.jar 4. On Linux, use the chmod command to set permissions for the file. For example: chmod 755 bin/userPrograms/sat_3115_lnx.xx.userPrograms.jar After the DVD image has been updated you can run the installation from the DVD image. Install the Solution Assembly Toolkit to a different directory than the earlier version of the Solution Assembly Toolkit that you have installed. 4.0 TRADEMARKS ---------------- IBM and WebSphere are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. (C)Copyright IBM Corporation 2004, 2009. All Rights Reserved. Note to U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.