IBM corporation Readme file for WebSphere Partner Gateway 6.2 FixPack 1. Platforms: AIX, HP-UX, Linux, PowerLinux, Solaris, Windows Maintenance Delivery Vehicle type: 6.2.0-WS-WPG-Advanced_FP1.pak 6.2.0-WS-WPG-Enterprise_FP1.pak These installables can be used across all WebSphere Partner Gateway supported platforms. © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2009. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. ================================================== WebSphere Partner Gateway Readme Readme documentation for version 6.2 FixPack 1 IBM® WebSphere Partner Gateway, including installation-related instructions, prerequisites, and known issues. These notes describe the changes made in FixPack of IBM WebSphere Partner Gateway, Enterprise and Advanced Editions. IMPORTANT: 6.2 FixPack 1 can be installed and uninstalled ONLY by using IBM® Update Installer for WebSphere® software. Refer to IBM®WebSphere® Partner Gateway Update Installer available at: ================================================== Prerequisites 1. When using WebSphere Partner Gateway 6.2 FixPack 1 with WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment 6.1 Fixpack 23 and 25 (WAS ND FP23 and 25), following Null Pointer exceptions are seen in WebSphere Partner Gateway (WebSphere Partner Gateway)logs. The Null pointer exception seen is followed by an "DSRA9110E: Connection is closed" exception trace. The following exceptions are seen in the WebSphere Partner Gatewayserver logs: E UOW=null org=IBM prod=WebSphere component=Application Server thread=[java.lang.ThreadGroup[name=ArchiverWorkManager: WM Service Group,maxpri=10]] SCHD0104E: The Scheduler poll daemon ArchiverScheduler (scheduler/ArchiverScheduler) failed to load tasks from the database due to an exception: java.lang.NullPointerException at java.util.Hashtable.getEntry( at java.util.Hashtable.containsKey( at ...... ...... E UOW=null org=IBM prod=WebSphere component=Application Server thread=[java.lang.ThreadGroup[name=ArchiverWorkManager: WM Service Group,maxpri=10]] J2CA0081E: Method cleanup failed while trying to execute method cleanup on ManagedConnection WSRdbManagedConnectionImpl@4e904e90 from resource datasources/bcgArchiverDS. Caught exception: DSRA9110E: Connection is closed. at at at at This problem is identified to occur due to incorrect handling of closed database pooled connections in WebSphere Application Server. The recommended link to download and apply the fix for WAS ND 6.1 FP23 and WAS ND FP 25 - Server&brandid=5 The WebSphere Application Server APAR PK86552 description is available at 2. Make sure that value for -Wupdate.RunSQLFiles is set to "Yes" in the Update Installer response parameter file. 3. For applying 6.2 FixPack 1 when WebSphere Partner Gateway is installed on an existing cell, see the technote You do not have to apply this FixPack on bcgapps location. ================================================== Server and Database support The Enterprise and Advanced Editions of WebSphere Partner Gateway Version FixPack1 extends support for the following Server and Database, other than those available in the base release: • WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment V6.1.0.25 • IBM DB2 UDB V9.1 FixPack7 • IBM DB2 UDB V9.5 FixPack4 • Oracle 11g Enterprise Edition Release 1 - For more details, refer to system requirements: ================================================== Known problems and workarounds The following problems exist in this FixPack: 1. The Partner Migration export on DB2 does not Import on Oracle for EDI maps. This issue is found while importing a map using the console on Oracle and then importing some exported data from a DB2 system that has the same map ID. This corrupts the existing map on oracle and does not allow the same map to get imported in WebSphere Partner Gateway (using Import Utility and console). 2. Errors are observed in bcgmigration logs during the import of Certificate sets, which are associated to an already deleted partner. For the certificate set, deleted partner can be associated either as a “from” or “to” partner. 3. Client Authentication for FTPS mode may not work when an invalid primary and a valid secondary certificates are uploaded. When using client authentication for FTPS mode in case of an expired primary certificate and a properly configured valid secondary certificate, the document processing fails. The transition of secondary to primary certificate happens in WebSphere Partner Gateway configuration. The workaround solution is to perform a restart of WebSphere Partner Gateway Document Manager server. 4. When Secondary to primary transition of a certificate happens, events “BCG240027- Certificate Is Expired” and “BCG108011-Secondary Certificate changed to Primary Certificate” may not get logged. 5. When SSL client authentication is configured for FTP scripting destination with FTPS mode enabled, and a revoked CA certificate is uploaded at the hub operator profile, the events "BCG240024 -CertPath validation failed" and "BCG240033 -No valid SSL client certificate found" may not get logged. 6. When you attempt to install WebSphere Partner Gateway v6.2 GA DBLoader directly on Oracle, then the "ORA-22996: NEXT extent size is smaller than LOB chunksize" error gets generated during the creation of the following WebSphere Partner Gateway tables: - BP_RNSTATEDTL - BP_RNSTATEDTL_HIST - CF_BUSINESSLOGO - CF_CRL - CF_GUIDELINEMAP - CF_TRANSFORMMAP - PR_CERT - EDICSTX Symptom Oracle Error "ORA-22996: NEXT extent size is smaller than LOB chunksize" This error is seen to be occuring during the execution of WebSphere Partner Gateway v6.2 GA DBLoader installation. Resolving the problem This problem has been resolved with WebSphere Partner Gateway 6.2 FixPack 1. Users intending to use Oracle with WebSphere Partner Gateway 6.2 GA installation, would need to ignore the above error message, and apply WebSphere Partner Gateway 6.2 FixPack 1 immediately after installation of WebSphere Partner Gateway 6.2 GA, so as to get these tables created. Only users who intend to have WebSphere Partner Gateway 6.2 GA installed on Oracle are affected by this error. WebSphere Partner Gateway v6.2 GA is supported on Oracle From WebSphere Partner Gateway v6.2 FixPack 1 onwards, support is also provided for Oracle version 7. When you upgrade to 6.2 FixPack 1, “Error 404: Cannot load application resources bundle console” error might occur. This problem is observed intermittently on HP-UX platform. Workaround for this problem: - Run the Update Installer and uninstall the WebSphere Partner Gateway 6.2 FixPack 1. - Do NOT restore the DB. - Run the Update Installer and Install WebSphere Partner Gateway 6.2 FixPack 1 again. ==================================================== Installing WebSphere Partner Gateway 6.2 Fixpack 1 IBM WebSphere Partner Gateway Version 6.2 Fixpack 1 can be installed, ONLY by using IBM® Update Installer for WebSphere Software ( and above). Installing the FixPack is a three step operation: Step A - Setup the IBM Update Installer environment. Step B - Take the backup of WebSphere Partner Gateway application Database. Step C - Install the FixPack. Step A - Setup the IBM Update Installer environment 1. Download the IBM® Update Installer for WebSphere Software from 2. Follow the instructions at:, to download and apply the WebSphere Partner Gateway specific Update Installer changes. Ensure that the necessary updates to the responsefile bcgupdate_.txt present under /responsefiles/, /responsefiles/ are performed. Now, IBM Update Installer is ready to install WebSphere Partner Gateway fixes and FixPacks on your environment. Step B - Taking the backup of existing database Take the backup of the existing WebSphere Partner Gateway Application database. This is a mandatory step, and the database backup taken at this point is to be retained and used, as necessary, during uninstallation of WebSphere Partner Gateway 6.2 FixPack 1. The backup step is required as uninstallation of the FixPack using IBM Update Installer does not restore the database to its previous version of WebSphere Partner Gateway. The database restoration step is to be performed manually, and it is mandatory whenever WebSphere Partner Gateway 6.2 FixPack 1 is uninstalled. For more information on data back up and restore, see "Migrating the database" of WebSphere Partner Gateway Installation Guide. Step C - Applying the FixPack 1. In case of applying the FixPack on WebSphere Partner Gateway distributed mode installations (Simple distributed and Fully Distributed); the 6.2 FixPack 1 pak file needs to be applied using update installer on all machines that host the following WebSphere Partner Gateway components in the specified order: a. WebSphere Partner Gateway Deployment Manager, b. WebSphere Partner Gateway Hub, 2. In case of applying the FixPack on WebSphere Partner Gateway simple mode installation, provide the product location corresponding to the WebSphere Partner Gateway Hub location to apply the 6.2 FixPack 1 file using update installer. 3. Following are the prerequisites for 6.2 FixPack 1 installation. a) While applying the FixPack on simple mode deployment, make sure that the server is up and running. b) Make sure that the Deployment Manager (DMGR) and all node agents are up and running for simple distributed and fully distributed deployments. c) Stop all WebSphere Partner Gateway clusters in case of simple distributed and fully distributed deployment before applying FixPack. 4. Execute the script update.bat for Windows and for non-Windows to launch Update Installer. 5. In the Product Selection window, enter the DMGR installed location as the value for Directory Path. 6. In the Maintenance Operation Selection window, select Install maintenance package. 7. In the Maintenance Package Directory Selection window, provide the location of the 6.2 FixPack 1 pak file. 8. In the Available Maintenance Package to Install window, ensure that the check box for FixPack pak file is selected. Note that when using the IBM Update Installer for WebSphere Partner Gateway, select only one pak file for installation. Else it may give unexpected results. Installation Summary window will list the details about the pak file to be installed on selected location. Installation will start and after it completes, an appropriate message, that is, Success or Failed will be displayed. Verify the logs present under /logs/update/<6.2 FP1 pak name>.install for more information on the FixPack installation. 9. Perform these steps on all machines where Receiver hub, Console hub, and DocMgr hub (WebSphere Partner Gateway components) are installed. Note: For applying 6.2 FixPack 1 when WebSphere Partner Gateway is installed on an existing cell, see the technote You do not have to apply this FixPack on bcgapps location. ===================================================== Uninstalling WebSphere Partner Gateway 6.2 FixPack 1 IBM WebSphere Partner Gateway Version 6.2 FixPack 1 can be uninstalled using IBM® Update Installer for WebSphere Software ( and above). Note: Uninstallation of the FixPack using Update Installer does not restore the database to its previous version of WebSphere Partner Gateway. The database restoration step is to be performed manually, and is mandatory whenever WebSphere Partner Gateway 6.2 FixPack 1 is uninstalled. Uninstalling the FixPack is a two step operation. Step A - Uninstall the FixPack using IBM Update Installer. Step B - Restore the WebSphere Partner Gateway application Database. Step A - Uninstalling the FixPack Note: In case of uninstalling the FixPack on WebSphere Partner Gateway distributed mode installations (Simple distributed and Fully Distributed), the FixPack .pak file needs to be uninstalled using IBM Update Installer on all machines that host the following WebSphere Partner Gateway components in the specified order: a. WebSphere Partner Gateway Hub b. WebSphere Partner Gateway Deployment Manager In case of uninstalling the FixPack on WebSphere Partner Gateway simple mode installation, the FixPack .pak file needs to be uninstalled using IBM Update Installer providing the product location as corresponding to the location of WebSphere Partner Gateway Hub. Following are the prerequisites for 6.2 FixPack 1 uninstallation: 1. Stop the WebSphere Partner Gateway servers. 2. Go to the IBM® Update Installer installed location and launch the same by executing the script update.bat for Windows and for non-Windows. 3. Provide the Directory Path in the Product Selection window as the DMGR installed location. 4.In the Maintenance Operation Selection window select Uninstall maintenance package. 5.Select the maintenance package to uninstall, here the 6.2 FixPack 1 pak file. Note that when using the IBM Update Installer for WebSphere Partner Gateway, only one pak file should be selected for uninstallation. Else it may give unexpected results. 6.Uninstallation Summary window will list the details about the pak file to be uninstalled on which location. 7.After this the uninstallation will start and once it is complete the appropriate message i.e., Success or Failed will be displayed. Please verify the logs <.updateconfig.log> present under /logs/update/<6.2 FixPack 1 pak name>.uninstall for more information on the FixPack uninstallation. Note: These steps should be performed in all machines where WebSphere Partner Gateway components are installed. Step B - Restoring the Application Database Once the uninstallation is successfully complete, restore the database using the backup taken before applying the FixPack. ===================================================== List of Fixes in WebSphere Partner Gateway 6.2 FixPack 1 ===================================================== Component: AS Viewer / AS APAR: JR32128 Description: The "" was getting logged for some of the AS2 messages. This fix avoids the duplicate attempts for logging the same header data. APAR: JR32993 Description: AS Viewer screens showed the AS2 transactions as processed, even though the processing of the properly received MDN (with appropriate disposition text) failed in WebSphere Partner Gateway. For example, the failure can be due to non-repudiation. This behavior is now rectified and a new MDN state of MDN Processing Error is marked for such AS2 transactions. Component: Certificate Management APAR: JR32296 Description: The ‘No valid signing certificate found’ error was seen for 1 of 400 messages in a transaction. This error does not occur frequently and the transaction having this error was processed successfully on resend. The fix was provided in the database processing to avoid any timing issues in getting the certificate from the database. Component: Console APAR: JR31656 Description: Creation of custom receivers and editing of custom destinations using WebSphere Partner Gateway console was failing with NullPointerException in the logs. This is corrected in this FixPack. APAR: JR31958 Description: Earlier, the deletion of Transformation maps from the WebSphere Partner Gateway console was failing. This is corrected in this FixPack. APAR: JR32141 Description: The PIP Code for Rosettanet PIP messages was not displayed in the document details screen of the document viewer. This is corrected in this FixPack. APAR: JR32510 Description: Using the Update icon, when validation or transformation maps were updated from the WebSphere Partner Gateway console, update did not happen and a message was displayed that the file already exists in the system. In this FixPack, using update icon, maps can be updated directly from the console, without having to first delete the map and then upload the updated map. APAR: JR32590 Description: In the Archiver report, click of second page and subsequent pages displayed an error page. APAR: JR32607 Description: The console HTTP requests were trapped and injected with the SQL code, leading potentially to a security hole. This APAR will resolve the SQL injection threat. APAR: JR32981 Description: In this FixPack, FA Overdue report is enhanced to support pagination. APAR: JR32984 Description: On the WebSphere Partner Gateway Console > ebMS CPA list screen, after the CPA was downloaded, the Search link popped up the dialogue for CPA download again. APAR: JR32989 Description: In case of invalid user name and password in the LDAP configuration page of the console, the login page did not display the "Login Failed" error page. You had to close and reopen the browser for the login page. APAR: JR32990 Description: In this FixPack, WebSphere Partner Gateway Viewers are enhanced to support systems with Russian locale. APAR: JR32994 Description: The event description for BCG210013 - 'Connection not fully configured' displayed incorrect values for the event. This is corrected in this FixPack. APAR: JR33002 Description: On Oracle database, downloading a CPA from WebSphere Partner Gateway console after it was updated resulted in a file with 0 KB. APAR: JR33003 Description: RosettaNet viewer did not display the PIP code in the process details screen, but displayed the Operation Mode instead. Also, in the RosettaNetviewer search result screen, Operation Mode was shown twice. APAR: JR33005 Description: In this FixPack, a user can be created with the2 same name as that of a deleted partner's user name. APAR: JR33176 Description: Whenever WebSphere Partner Gateway installation used a cell name other than default cell name, the installation of JR32607 caused erroneous behavior. APAR: JR33706 Description: When a web browser with tab facility was used for accessing WebSphere Partner Gateway console, a wrong sorting key for fetching search results was generated for report viewers such as AS Viewer, Event Viewer, and Document Viewer. Component: Console/Rosettanet Simulator APAR: JR33736 Description: Rosettanet simulator was not able to route a PIP message which was XSD based and which did not carry the DOCTYPE element in it. This is fixed now. Component: Console/FTP Scripting Gateway APAR: JR33914 Description: When the FTP Scripting gateway configuration screen was edited and saved using a Mozilla browser, it was observed that it added some stray bytes to the password field. This led to the corruption of the password field, which in turn led to failures in runtime while using the updated FTP Scripting Gateway configuration to connect to the FTP server. This is corrected. Component: Custom XML / Console APAR: JR32009 Description: In the Create XML page on WebSphere Partner Gateway Console, the values in document type drop down list had sorted and unique values along with the code. Component: Database APAR: JR32001 Description: There was an issue related to the import or update of guideline maps that were greater than 1 MB. APAR: JR32371 Description: The problem of mirroring LOB DB2 data for certificates is now fixed so as to enable DB2 HADR usage. Now, all the LOB columns are logged and can be mirrored. APAR: JR32610 Description: In this FixPack, performance of AS viewer has been considerably improved by improving the performance of DB2 stored procedure. APAR: JR32403 Description: In this FixPack, we can add user exits to the SFTP Receiver and SFTP Destination. Component: Destinations/Console APAR: JR32011 Description: In WebSphere Partner Gateway console, the results of Destinations "Where Used" always displayed all the connections instead of providing the specific participant connections on which the destination was configured. Component: Destination / User Exits APAR: JR32996 Description: While creating a custom gateway post process handler, if there were no transport headers, WebSphere Partner Gateway failed to introduce the response document into the flow. Component: Document Manager APAR: JR31998 Description: The default threshold for message store was increased to 1MB, which means that all documents below the size of 1 MB will be stored in the message store by default. A threshold value of 0 or 1 would override the restriction of message threshold and would store all messages into the message store. APAR: JR32362 Description: The value of backend header x-aux-third-party-bus-id was not getting read from property. It was earlier defined in the System Administration / Console properties of WebSphere Partner Gateway console. From this FixPack onwards, this property is available in the System Administration / Common properties of WebSphere Partner Gateway console. APAR: JR32389 Description: If any error was encountered during delivery of a document, then SFTP Destination did not display that exception. From this FixPack onwards, exceptions are displayed properly. APAR: JR32808 Description: Execution of XSLT based maps failed in WebSphere Partner Gateway 6.2. This is corrected in this FixPack. APAR: JR33013 Description: For a signed document, the payload content type did not contain any information about the payload encoding. This caused the UTF-8 data to be saved as ASCII, which resulted in corruption of data for partners who were using non WebSphere Partner Gateway software to receive AS Message. In this FixPack, a channel attribute is provided, which can be used to set the encoding on the channel that in turn sets it on the payload. APAR: JR33018 Description: The reprocessDbLogging script was not successful whenever the ws_runtime.jar was not found in “\deploytool\itp\plugins\ " directory. However, while applying WebSphere Application Server FixPacks, the part changed. This caused the batch file to fail. As part of this fix, if the script fails, a warning will be displayed, so that you can change the ws_runtime.jar location. Component: Document Manager/AS APAR: JR33000 Description: In case of backend integration with AS Channel, if a blank value was specified for x-aux-process- instance-id, the outbound AS2 message had a blank MessageID. From this FixPack onwards, WebSphere Partner Gateway will generate a MessageID during such instances. Component: Document Manager/BPE APAR: JR31399 Description: When a document is routed and is packaged or unpackaged as AS, some temporary intermediate files are created. Some of these files were not getting deleted after the document flow. In this FixPack, all the temporary files will be deleted. APAR: JR32649 Description: Earlier only XML content-Types were excluded from canonicalization. Now, EDI-Consent, EDI-EDIFact, EDI-X12, and compressed-data are also excluded from canonicalization. Component: Document manager/EBMS protocol APAR: JR34149 Description: WebSphere Partner Gateway was not placing the RefMessageID element in the packaged ebxml document whenever the backend provided the document with a backend header "X_AUX_REQUEST_ID". APAR: JR32982 Description: WebSphere Partner Gateway was not putting the RefMessageID element in the packaged ebXML document when the backend header “X-AUX-REQUEST-ID" was present in the document from the backend. This is corrected in this FixPack. APAR: JR33009 Description: If the document failed at the gateway, ebMS retries did not work at the ebMS protocol level. This is corrected in this FixPack. Component: Document Manager/EDI APAR: JR32988 Description: During a XML to ROD transformation, the ROD serializer used to fail whenever the definition of the output ROD document did not have the record ID. APAR: JR32999 Description: Map functions ROUND and TRUNCATE did not provide correct output when used in transformation maps. APAR: JR33012 Description: Enveloper used to pick up only one completed batch in a single run. In this FixPack the enveloper is changed to pick all completed batches in a single run. APAR: JR33019 Description: Under moderate load, the enveloper used to stop the generation of envelopes. APAR: JR33022 Description: The enveloper throughput was very slow that it processed only two documents per second. In this FixPack, the enveloper throughput was increased to process around thirteen documents per second. APAR: JR33024 Description: On AIX, the throughput steadily dropped in a 30-minute performance run from nearly 30 documents per second to less than 15 documents per second. This FixPack rectified the throughput drop on AIX for longer run. APAR: JR33025 Description: Unhandled exceptions caused FTP error events to be lost and not displayed. APAR: JR33026 Description: In an outbound scenario, the FA process consumed more than the normal processing power of DB2 CPU (almost 90%). Henceforth, the FA process will consume normal DB2 processing power (20%-30%). Component: Document Manager/FTP Scripting APAR: JR33684 Description: If the FTP Scripting Gateway is disabled and the thread for polling FTP Gateway folder is running at the same time, then the scheduler will stop. During such instances, even after the FTP Scripting was enabled, the FTP gateway did not poll for document delivery. Component: Document Manager/RNIF APAR: JR32445 Description: The content encoding MIME header was missing in the case of outgoing RNIF documents with attachment(s). In this FixPack, the encoding header is present in the outgoing documents. APAR: JR32550 Description: Generation of Receipt Acknowledgments for Rosettanet messages were failing with NullPointerExceptions in the logs. This is corrected in this FixPack. APAR: JR33001 Description: Routing a 4B2 PIP document using Rosetta net Participant Simulator failed with error "B2B Capability not found”. This was due to incorrect PIP version mentioned in the contents of the PIP package. Component: Document Manager/Security/SFTP/Console APAR: JR31639 Description: This provides the following fixes: 1. Support for SSL Authentication at Internal Partner level. 2. Support for AutoQueue functionality for SFTP Destination. 3. Support for Server Authentication with SFTP Destination. Component: EDI APAR: JR32158 Description: EDI De-enveloping failed with event error BCGEDIEV0018: Envelope Segment Not Found "The X enveloper or de-enveloper detected an error: The GS segment was not found". This problem occurred whenever "new line" characters were used as delimiters. APAR: JR32978 Description: When there was a double quote within the fields of ROD data, WebSphere Partner Gateway used to throw a BCGEDIUP0038 error, Missing Record Delimiter. APAR: JR33007 Description: Whenever a batch of acknowledgments were processed, WebSphere Partner Gateway returned an error - An unexpected exception occurred in component: EDIAckProcessor.Exception text: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unmatched braces in the pattern. This was because the character "{" present in EDI document was treated as a special character. APAR: JR33014 Description: During transformation, the ALC Loop in Table3 of EDI99b dictionary was not getting detected. Component: Event Engine APAR: JR32977 Description: From this fix pack onwards, the BCG250004 event alert works for both Inbound document and outbound documents. Component: Infrastructure APAR: JR32998 Description: In this FixPack, the classes that deal with Native Library are moved to server level class loader. Henceforth, when an application is restarted, it will not display UnsatisfiedLinkError error. Component: MASDB / Infrastructure APAR: JR33683 Description: High volumes of document transaction caused document processing to stop abruptly in case of the following conditions: • WebSphere Partner Gateway was installed in either Simple Distributed or Fully Distributed • WebSphere Application Server ND(WAS ND) and above was used The following errors were seen in the logs: 00000052 JMSQueueSende E sendMessage JMS Exception occurred for queue : jms/bcg/queue/main_InboundQ javax.jms.JMSException: CWSIA0067E: An exception was received during the call to the method JmsMsgProducerImpl.sendMessage (#4): CWSIC8007E: An exception was caught from the remote server with Probe Id 3-008-0007. Exception: CWSIP0002E: An internal messaging error occurred in, 1:692:1.282, CWSIS1002E: An unexpected exception was caught during transaction completion. Exception: CWSIS1500E: The dispatcher cannot accept work... Component: Partner Migration APAR: JR32980 Description: In this FixPack, while importing WebSphere Partner Gateway configuration using partner migration, partner not found errors will not be seen for a particular connection. APAR: JR32997 Description: Imported enveloper profile name was not looked up properly while using the migration utility of WebSphere Partner Gateway. APAR: JR33017 Description: While exporting routing objects, the partner migration utility used to fail with the exception, "Exception in getRoutingObjectListXML()". Component: Receiver APAR: JR32992 Description: The DB connections were left open during receiver startup. This happened when there were a number of Receivers of different transport types. Also, most of these receivers had custom handlers defined for them. Component: Receivers / Console APAR: JR32012 Description: The "Operation Mode" for receivers was not working if the file receiver existed. There was an error generated stating that a directory cannot be created. Component: Receiver/Document Manager APAR: JR32312 Description: In this FixPack, the original file name of a document, posted using SFTP Receiver, will be retained. APAR: JR33015 Description: The FTP Scripting Receiver that used the Lock User functionality stopped polling after a prolonged run, and it needed a server restart to get it to poll again. This occurred due to failure in the thread wait and the notify mechanism that was used to implement the locking of FTP Scripting Receiver. Component: Receiver/JMS APAR: JR33021 Description: JMS receiver failed to receive a document if the "topic://" attribute was specified in the header tags. Component: Security APAR: JR34096 Description: In case of EBMS flows, whenever the primary certificate got expired, it was not automatically replaced by the secondary certificate. Component: SFTP destination APAR: JR32944 Description: Earlier, the existing SFTP Destination could not be updated due to the unavailability of custom attributes. In this FixPack, these attributes are added to all the existing SFTP Destinations. Component: SFTP receiver APAR: JR33016 Description: While creating SFTP receiver, if MDB module creation failed, then activation specification, local event, and archive directories were created. This is rectified in this FixPack. APAR: JR33020 Description: When SFTP receiver is deleted, the activation specification, local event, and archive directories are also deleted. If the local event and archive directories contain files, then these folders are not to be deleted and an event has to generated, which can be viewed in the event viewer. ===================================================== Notices and trademarks: Terms of use: